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He kills because he can, he fucks because he can. He just does whatever the fuck he wants because he can. No reason to try to link any of his actions to one another because afterall he's here to protect us and he does an awesome job of it.


He is not a god. He is a human on steroids. He has reasons for his actions. He has wants, he has needs, and yes he has fetishes. No one does soemthing just because they CAN. There is always a reason.


His greatest want is to be universally loved and worshipped by everyone, so no he is not a god but he wants to be one.


No, he’s absolutely turned on by the feeling of power he gets from killing people, one hundred percent. And as far as goes killing while sad or getting sad after killing, there are days where I’m playing my video games out of habit more than anything else. It doesn’t really give me pleasure but it’s what I know and I can’t think of anything else to do, so I play for a while and then I probably shut it off sooner than normal and get a bit sad. Apply the same idea to Homelander and murder.


Wtf did I just read


There is also when he kills all the terrorists in S1, he seems to really enjoy crushing the last one’s head and then walks out of the building and gasps a sigh of relief like he just had a satisfying experience. 


He’s turned on by power, like the power to slowly crush someone’s head as foreplay