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Poorly... RIP Black Noir (original) Edit: When his head was smashed in, he did not fare well, his brain never recovered. He was returned to a prepubescent stage of development. His healing only did some of the work. His healing did not heal his face, nor did it protect him from the very obvious brain damage. His limbic system stayed intact but not his vocal ability. Getting his guts ripped out and the amount of blood loss involved (buckets of it) probably was faster than his shitty heal factor.


Why are you assuming the cartoon is 100% factually accurate? Noir isn't a reliable narrator. He's so brain damaged he thinks cartoons are coming to life and talking to him. Yet you think those visions are completely accurate? He has the mental capacity of a kid. The actual event didn't go down like that. His vision is based on a cartoon, and cartoons often exaggerate violence. It's not uncommon for cartoon characters to survive severe trauma that would kill a real life person. Like losing half your brain. The cartoon scene stuck with its theme and used exaggerated violence. We already know he doesn't have a healing factor anyway. Remember Noir's face is horribly disfigured? That's one of the reasons he wears the full face mask. We saw when that accident happened because it was shown in the flashback. If he wasn't able to heal from what amounts to a cosmetic injury, he sure as hell isn't going to heal from losing his brain or a punch through his abdomen. The answer to your question is that Noir didn't actually lose half his brain.


thanks for your explanation That makes a lot more sense. He definitely does have some degree of a healing factor of some sort though. Maybe not cosmetically, but he’d be dead if he didn’t lmao


Where you also confused that in the cartoon Black Noir was a sheep?


Healing factors can be overtaxed, and blow from people as strong as Homelander and SB to vital areas would be enough to permanently injure/ kill him


Imagine if Black Noir never died and it's actually just Black Noir who has been gaslit/mindfucked into thinking he's an actor playing Black Noir


Peak fiction