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Such an interesting character, I hope she will not get killed off


Agreed. Shes a very fun addition and interacts well with the other characters


Exactly! She’s not a representation of partisanship the way Homelander is, she’s a representation with unchecked intellect with no attached morality. She’s literally the embodiment of Dr. Malcolm’s cautionary line in Jurassic Park: “They were so busy trying to see if they *could*, they didn’t bother to think about whether or not they **should**.” Sage is bored as fuck, and wants to use her intelligence to do something, *anything*, to separate her from the mundanity of regular life. Even if that means setting the world on fire and watching it burn, just to see if she’s smart enough to have her plan work.


She’s the perfect storm of boredom and misanthropy. I don’t even really think she has a long-term plan of her own. If she’s as smart as the show wants us to believe, then she already knows working with Homelander could very well mean global annihilation. I think she’s beyond even wanting recognition. She’ll accept it, but I think in her mind it’s a case of too little too late. The hatred for humanity has already been rooted. She just wants to do as much damage on her way out when Homelander inevitably comes for her. I also believe her last act will be her telling Butcher or Kessler the final piece of the puzzle necessary to make that supe virus effective against Homelander.


Exactly. She doesn’t even have a goal I don’t think, she just wants to not be so fuckin bored all the time.


Nah, I think she’s cooking. I think parts of Homelander’s personality keep her in check (maybe unwittingly) more than she likes though. Not just with threats of violence, but he puts her in the spotlight to keep her close and somewhat accountable when she’d rather be pulling strings behind the scenes. But whether it’s a plan to make him her puppet, make him do the dirty work and then sweep him off the board so she can be in charge, or something else entirely I think she’s plotting circles around everyone.


Oh I don’t doubt she’s plotting circles around everyone. That much is evident. She’s even got Homelander around her thumb right now. She just needs to learn how to navigate his pettiness. My point is that given what we know about her character at this point in time, I’m not sure there’s a grand scheme or plan she’s working towards. She seems to be more or less working out her contempt against everybody, supe and regular folk alike. How would YOU feel if everyone was basically the intellectual equivalent of a sheep and would STILL not listen to you because of the color of your skin?


“If she’s as smart as the show wants us to believe” yall be telling on yourselves and you don’t even realize it😂


How so? She’s only as smart as the writers can make her, so there’s bound to be pitfalls. All in the execution. Consider Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor. He was supposed to be a next level intellect but he was dumb as shit in the context of his own universe.


This is how I know you’ve never been around really smart people because really smart people don’t behave the way you think. Sage is actually the most realistic portrayal of someone with intelligence I’ve ever seen. What do you want her to do? Build a Time Machine from scratch? 😂


I actually don’t disagree with you and it’s refreshing to see. I’m just holding final judgement on her character until we see more of what she has going on come to fruition. When you make a character who is supposed to be the smartest person in the world in a fantastical setting, obviously expectations are going to be a tad higher for what they can do. What has a lot of people so jarred is that she’s NOT the tech-head that we associate with many comic book geniuses. She’s something MUCH scarier. She’s a master of social engineering; she understands people to their core. She had Homelander pegged the moment she saw him, and it didn’t take more than a scene for her to screw with Ashley or get in The Deep’s head. She’s absolutely amazing and horrifying. I’m just hoping the writers can stick the landing.


I don’t buy this. From what we’ve seen, she seems entirely content sitting around reading books and watching cheesy action movies while eating junk food. She doesn’t even seem to be actually enjoying her time and new position as a visible member of the seven at all.


In case you didn't notice it, she needs to lobotomize herself to 'enjoy' normal things is what they implied in the final scene.


I honestly have no idea what you’re even talking about lol. I’ll have to rewatch or something.


After she invited the deep for kiss, the camera pans to an object with blood. That object is used for lobotomies. So, the reason she was watching that shitty reality show, reading magazines, talking about tranformers 2, eating junk food and finally kissing deep because she lobotomized herself so she can enjoy 'stupid things', that's her 'high'.


I'm betting they're stringing us alone to underestimate her, but let's not pretend we wouldn't have expected more from the smartest person on the planet, and that's not even an achievement her actual superpower is intelligence. The closest thing to having intelligence as a superpower was iron man in marvel, she doesn't strike me as iron man yet.


Yeah, she's currently suffering the consequences of agreeing to Homelander's recruitment and is now faced with his petty harassment, but she clearly should've seen it coming.


I saw in another post she was based on Lex from Superman and Ozymandius from Watchmen. More “smart as a supervillain” than hero, or perhaps as a grey hero. I love her so far and am excited to see what they do with her.


I remember during the conspiracy con scene, I was like... come on, she would be able to know someone is following her. And lo and behold, she did indeed.


She’s smarter than iron man. Naturally she is. Iron man is wiser. There is a difference. Being smart is just how fast you can absorb information and retain it Being wise is more about how you apply that knowledge. Wisdom is more intelligence plus experience.


Different kinds of smart. Tony is a tech genius, he can come up with plans but not always great. She’s Machiavellian mixed in with some Sherlock levels of deduction, so she runs circles around everyone else, and we’ve seen no inclination towards tech.


In her bio when the Ashley was presenting her to home lander, it literally says advanced engineering as one of her skills. And she’s not even an engineer by trade. Which means she can do stuff Iron man does if she wanted to. Tony Stark is an engineer and a business man. So it makes sense why he’s always building things. She’s smarter than Tony because that’s her literal super power. Tony is a genius but his intellect can only do so much. It doesn’t allow him process information the way Sage does. people think she’s isn’t as bright as the show is portraying. But thats mostly because she hasn’t accomplished anything. but the majority of really smart people don’t go on to do anything significant with their lives. And the ones that do, rarely get credit.


So far, all comments and reviews I have read, are praising Susan Hayward and her portrayal. She has earned the crown of favorite character by the audience for what I see. Also, Valorie Curry's Firecracker is also being praised by reviewers. We still have seen little of her, but the next 5 episodes, she will make us fear her as well.


im having a hard time understanding what 'smartest person in the world' even means in the shows context. like since when does 'smart' mean you can basically diagnose someones intentions (like with homelander). if shes supposed to be really smart at EVERYTHING, why would she be setting up these clandestine meetings in the open (when she met those 3 'sacrifices' outside the building) where she was literally seen by the boys? and if anyone tries to argue that the whole point was to 'set a trap'.... then what kind of 'smart' person does the one thing every really stupid villain does? (catches the good guys and leaves her complete moron lackeys to finish them off, only to inevitably have this fail). its literally villain 101 trope. if this is the type of thing that passes for 'smartest person in the world' then lol.


It was a test for Firecracker... Ofcoarse Firecracker failed but she showed Sage she was willing to do it... Which was more important for her than killing The Boys members...


Ok but if she were so smart, why would she need to test her at all. Things just don’t add up.


Firecracker was not able to impress Sister Sage... Her only monologue about Purpose was able to get her a test... She needs to know if Firecracker is willing to get her hands dirty because all her life she has never done anything apart from YouTube and conspiracy con...


In my head, unless they take the show in a direction I'm not expecting even more, she's no one's fool. She obviously showed signs of expecting The Boys. First of all, while you could write off that The Boys just did an ass job of tailing her, I'd like to believe she knew she was spotted at the meetup, and furthermore, they actually knew she would be at the hotel via her credit card records. I genuinely believe she's playing an even longer game we're not seeing yet, because while the few things she's done so far may seem cartoonish, she's also pulled uno reverse cards. She obviously likes to play with her food, and she may honestly be setting Homelander up by leaving breadcrumbs on purpose.


The boys is pretty much exclusively tropes though?


Smart doesn’t mean clairvoyant. She had no reason to suspect The Boys would see her meet those “sacrifices” because she didn’t know them yet. After the footage that cleared the Starlighters came to light, she likely wisened up to who she was dealing with, which is how she then learned about MM and the team to set a trap for them when she recruited Firecracker. 


But what trap? They literally all got away due to villain 101 dumbness like I mentioned. You see there’s just too much nonsense in the logic of her smartness that makes no sense. She was the main vocal aggressor at the front line of the pro-starlighter crowd acting as a plant who incited the riot. That riot was literally on camera and was all over the news. Even a regular protestor TODAY knows you should wear a mask to avoid being identified. Yet she wore nothing at all. If there’s magical footage of the starlighter ppl being innocent, there’s obviously gonna be myriads of footage of the brand new member of the seven who will now have been seen as, at best a pro-starlighter protester or at worst, a fake plant responsible for planning and killing 3 pro-homelanders to try and frame innocent ppl (since there are now photos of her meeting the exact 3 ppl who died). How would she explain that? Her whole shtick was to try and stay in the shadows to avoid detection and yet everything she does she’s been at the forefront completely exposed. Not very smart.


She could become representative of the ivy league intellectual class’s amorality, but right now she seems like the actually kinda smart stoner type


I love her sm. I pray her lobotomy was recreational (*what a show*)


I love the addition of her character. But so far we haven’t seen anything particularly interesting. If anything we have just seen her bluntness and confidence, as opposed to her intelligence. I hope they show off how intelligent she really is. Like if she’s going to be a social engineer this whole time, I want to see her think 30 moves ahead. How did she not predict that the video of the victims killed by bats was gonna be released? Did she even check for cameras?


Have you watched the show? She has done a bunch of things. Being intelligent doesn’t automatically you’re gonna to know every possible outcome. That’s not realistic. Even for a super hero show. I love her portrayal because she behaves how an actual smart person would behave in real life. She’s not super nerdy with glasses building time machines from scratch lol.


She isn’t just “intelligent” lol. She’s superhuman. She has intelligence beyond what a human can achieve. She should do stuff that actually is superhuman. Pointing out that Homelander is too egotistical to take criticism, or framing starlighters for the deaths of Homelander fans (which failed) isn’t impressive. I want to see her do something that is actually big brain


She didn’t just do that. She pointed out a bunch of physical things about him, only just meeting the guy in person for the first time. She recruited star lighters arch nemesis to control the narrative. She’s working an angle with Nueman. It’s just 3 episodes. The star lighters death situation didn’t fail because they still believe someone from that camp did it. The guys who were framed just got off. This goes back to my original point. You can plan for anything but you will never be able to calculate every possible variable. A-train giving them the tape to get them guys off is something of a happenstance. It’s not like A-Train planned to do that. It was a last minute decision based on them not intervening with his family. It’s funny how this narrative surrounding her “intelligence” is now a topic for discussion. If she was a white guy, I can promise you, there wouldn’t be this much debate around her intelligence. I’m not saying you’re doing it but in general, these conversations feel disingenuous.


Atrain could grab her and drop her in the middle of the Atlantic on her next trip to Taco Bell.  Problem solved. Hell, Butcher and MM could’ve grabbed her during the conspiracy con and she’d be off the table for good. Only a couple episodes in but it feels like she has crazy plot armour.




She's way, way beyond the likes of Alexsandr Dugin. I'm guessing she's either setting Homelander up or is an accelerationist, but even that doesn't make sense for someone who is the smartest person on the planet


I love the fact that she steered Homelander to a Caesar trajectory, and when he realizes it she says “Like Caesar” in such a way where’s she’s mocking him for getting it but still wants to go down that path.


I get the feeling since she is the Smartest person in the world, part of her sup powers is that her brain heals faster than the rest of her body. So, when she wants to check out and just enjoy trash TV and good food, she lobotomies herself for awhile. Shuts off her brain but doesn't kill her since her brain heals at a faster rate. Giving her more neurons for better processing power later as it heals. So, bit of a win/win if you think about it. Probably gives her a bit of a high too..


The issue for me is that she just seems like a stan Edgar replacement. Not because of her race, but she's come in, been appointed as basically the CEO, she's smarter than homelander and doesn't seem to fear him, homelander doesn't like her but still has to listen to what she says because he respects her to an extent, it's essentially the same dynamic he had with Edgar. Which isn't a bad dynamic, but why get rid of Edgar if you're just going to bring someone in to completely replicate the dynamic he has with homelander, unless there was a scheduling issue with giancarlo. She's a good character, but it just feels like they could have kept Edgar around, who was probably a better character, and he would fill basically the same role


I mean, from that perspective, like, sure. At the same time though, she is acting not at all like a supergenius would. She's acting like any decently attentive PhD level would. For the smartest person on earth with an infinitely growing and regenerating brain, I would have expected much, much more intricate plans. Like, if she ever dies, it proves the writers didn't know how to handle her supposed intelligence.


I do love how with all the evil the US does you go to Putin instead of like the president. It's really fun that Americans can see something critical of America and be like damn were just like the Russian, Chinese, Arabs.  But that aside your analysis of Sage is pretty on point. I'm hoping for a secret altruistic Genius like Dr.Doom / Red Son Luthor .


Alright to comment on this given you're the 2nd comment I've seen like this, I would have used American figures if not for the fact this is Reddit, and saying the names "Trump, Biden, Soros, Musk, RAND Institution, Brookings, Kissinger, CATO Institution" (and the list goes on) is equally as villainous. The fact people instantly knee jerk whataboutism about the US governments being evil is incredible on this site to me. No I don't think we're perfect, nor am I ignorant of the fact the US government and its leaders are frequently patronizing characters like Sage and take their advice from them. For that matter, Sage represents again I say: "The embodiment of the apathetic thinkers/doctors/engineers who willingly participate because they can fulfill their hypothesis'." They exist in every regime, but more notorious in those which their freedoms and rights have been repressed. If it will make you feel better about yourself, Sage is imo, is a combination of the roles every Campaign and PR manager had during the DJT campaign during 2020 specifically. A house shaken and in total shambles, being trucked alone by people who barely know their names, and certainty wouldn't recognize their face, to spin effective and creative webs for the public to ensnare themselves in, whilst maintaining the ear of the president. There's a lot of people who supported DJT very publicly, and influenced his public reputation as well, but those who did were far too much of a pundit/true believe of their own to be comparable to Sage, which is why I haven't named any familiar names like Limbaugh or Carlson (who tbh I think is more apathetic than he lets on). And to be completely honest, the real first comparison that came to my mind when she had the three Homelanders killed, was the 1933 Reichstag Fire. First rule of business of taking power legally, is piss the people off at the enemy. The Reichstag Fire allowed for the Enabling Act of 1933 to pass, which allowed the Nazis to power-creep Germany into a one party state by 34/35.


IS funny how for you, americana, you r always the héroes and in this case, Russia IS evil. Atleast from Europe, USA seems like one of the mos evils countries in the earth.


¿Porqué no los dos?




> She represents Amazon bowing to todays woke narrative. This season is way off the comic. The Frenchmen was never gay. Is this a bit? edit: >Libertarian Guess not.


Frenchie is canonically Bi in the show. They have been way off the comic for a while now, which is for the better. Also, define woke.


What’s woke about a fucked up super intelligent villain?  Is the joker woke?


The joker isn’t an off script made character.


Why’s the character woke?