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VPN ... Go for UK adress they have zero censorship


Recommend a vpn that works for prime, cuz I tried some vpn and it didn't work.


VPN-Super Unlimited Proxy


did you turn on vpn then clear data for amazon prime am also in india, tryna rewatch everything with uk vpn idk if itll work, what phone u have samsung?


I did not clear data... I just switched on the VPN and refreshed Amazon prime... It worked... I have RealMe phone


im in the uk so idk abt us censorship but wouldnt it be the same there?


This vpn thing worked for me


Ik it works morsel asking why the uk in specific


You cant VPN amazon prime imo. It checks where the account was created and where the payment method is from.


I just did... I am able to watch uncensored butthole and Splinter eating ass .. I am from India... Maybe your country is more advanced or something but in India it works just fine...


In India, the Amazon Prime app (at least on Android) blocks access if it detects a VPN being used. I haven't checked if this doesn't happen on the desktop version of Prime. Is it possible that you are using the desktop version?


No I am using phone or ipad... No idea about desktop.


Don't let an American with a hard on for the first amendment hear you say that, or they'll point out that we don't allow you to scream bigoted shit in public in order to incite hate in the UK


Lol what does that have to do with anything? America just lives rent free in your head huh


Because it's a consistently reoccurring point that is raised on reddit whenever someone makes a point that the UK is a country with less censorship/greater freedim of speech than other places.


Bro you raised the point. Nobody else did, you brought it up just whine like a little bitch.


If you've never seen this point come up, you've probably spent less time on reddit than me and for that, I congratulate you friend on a life better spent šŸ‘


Rent free, alls Iā€™m sayin


My friend, I think you'll probably be quite proud to know your country lives rent free in the heads of most people on planet earth, at least politically, in the same way a screaming kid on a plane lives rent free in the heads of the other passengers.


Imma be honest bro: America is definitely rent free in your head dawg


It means nothing to me. Petty childish insults clearly mean a lot to you though.


I am American but this comment got a chuckle out of me. There are a few things I like about my country but it has some major flaws and the myth of American exceptionalism is one of them.


You are arguing with ghostsā€¦ get off Reddit for a bit manĀ 


You do realize Free Speech in America doesnā€™t protect calls to violence. Right? Alex Jones just stood trial for the defamation and harassment of the Sandy Hook families on his show. In fact, heā€™s now having to liquidate his assets to pay for the damages.


I do, but the definition of inciting hatred and calling for violence are different things. Our bar for saying what is inciting hatred extends beyond just violence.


Iā€™m just saying while there are similarities, like the Alex Jones case, the standards are much different. Free Speech in America is far more laissez-faire. Itā€™s more so felt as an individual and communal responsibility to push back against speech that is hateful and harmful.


Tangential point, of course, but Iā€™d rather live in a system where youā€™re free to ā€œscream bigoted ship in publicā€ than a system where the government can suppress any speech it doesnā€™t like just by labeling it as ā€œbigoted shit.ā€


Except the UK government can't do that, because our freedom of speech laws stem from, and are ultimately decided by, an external body in the form of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as protected at more local levels by a judiciary which is entirely independent from the legislature and executive.


Bruh we donā€™t care.


Then I don't think you're an "American with a hard on for the first amendment"! But you can't deny those people exist in a very vocal minority on reddit (who seem to pop up whenever the topic is mentioned, which is what I was referencing).




If you're watching the boys and you're not a 'liberal,' how does it feel to know you're literally what the show is warning against?


I don't care lol. It's satire and doesn't affect me. If I watch right-leaning media with satire of liberals it's funny as this. I think it's hilarious they are making fun of Bible-thumping conservatives. It's just a joke at the end of the day so I don't care.


Oh my man, the fact you think this is just "haha funny joke" satire as opposed to satire containing a genuine warning that your way of thinking and operating is not just dangerous to the vulnerable, but to the fabric of society as a whole is a bit sad. I wish you the best of luck with understanding this stuff, hope it comes before it's too late for you šŸ‘


If you genuinely think a show of people's dicks being destroyed every other episode is where I change my political beliefs you are highly mistaken lol.


Common UK L


Did you actually saw the show with VPN? cuz i cant. atleast it gave me uncensored gen v


Yeah... Just connect your VPN and start watching the show... It almost instantly uncensored the show... It it didn't then try closing the app and opening it again


tried uk and us and it tells me it's un availableĀ 


Maybe change your VPN some VPN are really bad...


Iā€™m in the Middle East and they completely cut the bootyhole pic scene, was wondering what Butcher sent to Vicky till I saw this post. And the same ass eating scene was a jerking off scene for me too.


Iā€™d be very happy not to see the ass eating scene. It wasnā€™t something Iā€™d get a VPN to see anytime soon


Yeah that was honestly one of the grossest things in the entire show


In Turkey it's same as India i believe you can see him jerking off but no centipede also blurred pic.


i swear if Homelander says ā€œwhat the flip!!ā€ from the next episodes, Iā€™m revoking my subscription.


Wow. This is literally 1984. Btw Thanks for this post. I didn't even know I was watching the censored version.Ā 


Same here, I'm not Indian but it was also censored for me...


Which country do you live in?




That's what you get for accepting a secular dictatorship.


TBH, I'm surprised it was allowed even on American TV. I don't think I've ever seen a TV show/movie of this kind of production that ever showed anything that explicit. This is the kind of stuff you see in French movies filmed in basements with like $2000 budgets. I mean I'm not clutching my pearls over here but I was pretty surprised they showed a full on butthole on TV with like a 3 second still frame of it. Most TV shows would have set up the scene so that... Hughie has dirt on Neumann. Neumann arranges an exchange with Butcher for him to destroy the material. Butcher contemplates whether or not to send it to her. Butcher runs into Hughie at the office while he's stealing the blackmail material. Butcher has a change of heart. Butcher then unzips his pants, turns his bare ass away from the camera, snaps a photo, and types into his phone with a devilish grin on his face. Cut to Neumann receiving a text message on her phone. She appears visibly disgusted and quickly puts her phone away. Fin.


Well, it's not a TV show. That's the major difference. You can do a whole lot more on a subscription-based streaming service than cable TV. If PG-13 can show tits and R-rated movies can show sexual nudity then The Boys can show an asshole.


Care to say which parts were censored. I am curious if it's the same as the Indian ones I have heard or different ones. Also hope the censors aren't ruining the show for you


It's fine, I still enjoy the show but censor is unnecessary :/ the ones I'm aware are the asshole photo that Neuman receives and the human centipede scene. It makes me wonder if this was a thing in the previous seasons as well. I know the leaks for this season (won't spoil, don't worry) and I hope some of the scenes I'm curious about won't be censored...


Yes in season 3 when HL didnā€™t like a muslim supe in the 7 he called them ā€œCaptain Al-Qaedaā€. It was censored but it appeared in the subtitles


Oh lol


Amazon divided the world in two; MENA+India vs Rest of the world. We, Turkey, are in which group you may guess. Amazon doesn't care if a nation in MENA might allow sex scenes. They just lump them all together to avoid trouble. For example Euphoria isn't censored on other platforms but it is censored on Prime. Which shows it's not government related.


You know what's funny, if you sail the high seas you get a higher bitrate and a better quality version than on prime. There's no fucking incentive now that they have censored it.


They added commercials and I cancelled prime, and now pirate it. Only thing that kept me was the 2 day shipping and ad-free shows they had. If I could pirate my Internet, I'd be paying nothing for everything.


> They added commercials and I cancelled prime In the U.S., the "commercials" for The Boys consist of exactly one 30-second T-Mobile ad at the beginning of each episode. The most annoying part is that it's the same ad. It's not as invasive as ads on Hulu, for example. While I agree that adding ads is annoying, I'd be more annoyed if I was paying $3 a month to skip this just to find out that it's only 30 seconds at the beginning of the episode.


I won't pay for ads period. I don't care if it's a 5 second ad in between episodes. Instead, I pay $70 a month for internet, and $25 a year for a premium scraper so I can watch any and everything I want **without** ads. I don't see ads for anything. I didn't even know a new season of SWAT aired until 3 days ago, that's how insulated from ads I am. I pay less per ad to not see them, than you do to see them.


It would be 1984 if there was a screen with a camera and mic in the room with you. Thank god we're not living in that world


Big Brother is always watching, as John says


I'm not criticizing or anything I'm just saying if you're in a country that's regularly censoring media wouldn't this be the exact sort of thing that they would censor?


Get a VPN dude, youā€™re missing out on some messed up shit haha


Any recommendations on vpn?


Not Norton. I use it and half the websites wonā€™t let me in if itā€™s on. šŸ˜¤ whatā€™s the point of the vpn then?


Norton products are borderline malware, almost as bad as McAfee.


And thatā€™s what I had before Norton šŸ˜­


Express VPN works on my fire stick. Iā€™m in Qatar though.


Mullvad, no better VPN exists. period.


Express VPN's great for it


Proton is good so far


Proton VPN is pretty good


I try to connect my phone to a vpn but then the Amazon app sees it and asks to disable it


You should cancel Prime video and use strem.io


Man, that booty hole pic made me laugh so hard.


I legit thought that was censored by default. Didn't know my country was pulling a 1984 on it


I remember the cow milking scene was cut from Season 3 too, I was like wtf


Wait there is a cow milking scene![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


canā€™t sexualise the most sacred animal in India.


uh, what's so sexual about milking a cow?


have you even seen homelanderā€™s expression during that scene? šŸ˜’


Holy cow fucking shit, I thought it wasn't there by default.... Imma have to pirate this shit now


Which episode, need to watch that shit.


Wait it basically the same here, same edit happen (Middle- east)


Shit bro, I didn't even notice this season. I did notice it last season when they removed the entire herogasm scene. But the funny thing is that they censored the scene where the homelander milked that cow, that's how I knew they have been doing this for a long time. Also they first didn't censor the termite scene but they later did anyway


What herogasm scene? There is a scene where Homelander milked a cow wtf? Fuck me, which episode is that?


Herogasm was cut to a great extent, a lot of s*x scenes were cut short. When the homelander did that cheek blow meme he milked a cow after that. One more thing please don't ask me to f*** you


Herogasm is cut by a good 7-8 minutes and the scene where homelander milks a cow and drinks it is also cut


Can you describe in brief what they censored in Herogasm? I thought showing MM being drenched in a bucket of cum was an indication of no censorship but I was wrong


I compared them and they are mostly gay scenes and censored dicks. for some reason they also cut women getting pleasured by mindpower, you can only see the guy. you also can't see Ambrosius on the Deep's dick. I don't think it's actually 7-8 minutes though. should be less than 1 minute. but I didn't compare the whole episode so I don't know.


At this point I'd seriously reconsider paying for Prime. Who knows what else they censored.


To be clear, the problem isn't amazon, the problem is these countries. Amazons only alternative to censoring the content is to just not make it available at all in these countries. You don't want them to censor it? Well that means you don't want to watch it at all, even the censored version. You can always just pirate it or use a vpn or something, but Amazon can't show the uncensored version in these backwards ass countries, so they censor it.


Thing is, many of us get it for free with our internet provider. And while I do sail the high seas regularly, Prime does provide faster streaming and better subtitles. So it's a hard choice


I get many major streaming services (except for hbo), along with internet and cable networks, with my jio subscription. The delivery on prime is really useful and. Amazon has many very high quality Indian shows (Farzi, The family man, panchayat, mirzapur), not to mention the Hollywood media. I might have to pirate the boys in the future though


Is it Amazon making the decision themselves? Or is it a function of local regulations?




i have all the subscriptions available, my family members make use of it, my inner pirate never allows me to stream


Honestly, what did you expect? It's India. A lot of countries have major hangups about sexual content.


Yeah but they allowed a lot of stuff, we can see bare penises, we can see tities as well... then why would you get rid of a human centipede?


Some things were probably too much for them, the people in charge of regulating content like this probably had never watched the boys fully within context before and were likely just incredibly grossed out by the centipede scene, which honestly i can't say i blame them at that point, it was just a single really gross sex scene.


Same shit in Turkey as well. They even put on a shirt on the guy from The Idea of You advertisements. If I'm paying for it, I want to actually see it. It's pure bullshit.


KaƧak sitelerimizde bile sansĆ¼rlĆ¼ amk. 4. bƶlĆ¼mde sansĆ¼rlĆ¼ sahne var mıydı acaba?


Take it up with your government dude


This. People blaming Prime for censoring. Nah bruh, Prime is just staying legal within the media laws of your country cause if not, you get no Prime at all. Also this has been happening since S1, why only notice it now?


Well, human centipedes are something people are very interested in....


You have no idea how hated Department of Telecommunications is in India


Youā€™ve just unlocked a memory I had from being younger and watching Fight Club on Star Movies while on Holiday in India. I suddenly realised scenes were missing and it explained all the times Iā€™d been watching films and there being really abrupt cuts that seemed to come out of nowhere.


Star movies censorship is nostalgia for me lmao. They removed almost 1/4th part of The Conjuring and god knows how many scenes from different movies. Miss those days


Some how I got all the scene uncensored scen in India despite not using any vpn


you saw the episode within meres of it getting released, youā€™d mostnlikely get the uncensored version of it. Like the tick scene in season 3 was completely uncensored when it was released. But if you go back to watch it now, itā€™s so edited and cut. Although hindi dub from season 3 is pretty good since they ditched arjun kapoor as butcher,


This. I also remember watching it as it is - but now itā€™s edited


Apparently the censorship was not enough to make us suffer so they had to hire Arjun Kapoor to voice the most pivotal role in the series. I was hoping to try the dub since they did it well with Invincible, but I guess it won't be that pretty


season 3 se accha hai. Butcherā€™s good a good voice actor who actually abuses lol


Chalo ye achha kia. I guess they have to play it safe so that Indian audience is not repulsed by swearing but in context, iss show ke liye gali galoch zaruri hai


My fear / worry is that until i come by to read the comments - sometimes i donā€™t even know what is being censored or what am i missing out on.


It was only after reading on this sub that I understood why Vicky reacted like that when Billy sent her that attachment šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² I had no fucking clue lol


Now I'm thinking if I should re-watch the show or not. Also if other streaming platforms have censored shows or not, like right now, House of the Dragon is airing, and if anything is cut in that or not. This is why we should just start watching everything while sailing the high seas.


You remember in season 3 opening where a guy crawls into another's dick? A lot of stuff there is zoomed, cut and blurred. The Herogasm episode is also butchered. Anything sexual gets censored.


I remember being very underwhelmed and disappointed with the herogasm, following all the hullabaloo and hype surrounding it. It was only on a re-watch outside Prime that I saw the actual thing. Fuck Prime India.


I have been pirating ever since the Herogasm episode, whatā€™s the point of having a paid subscription if itā€™s going to be censored - man fuck the CBFC


If youā€™ve already paid for Amazon Prime then youā€™ve already paid for the right to watch The Boys, so watching a pirated version in order to avoid censorship doesnā€™t strike me wrong from a moral point of view. Of course this isnā€™t a legal opinion.


You are surprised that a country that has a past with censoring media censored more media?


I got immediately suspicious at that blurred butthole scene. I couldnt accept that a show as demented as this would censor anything. Aware of Prime India's history of censorship, I Torrented the episode...and the glorious bootyhole was right before me! Been torrenting all episodes since then. Fuck Prime India.


That is why I thought why Kimiko and Frenchie were so shocked to see a guy jerking off. I thought that was pretty normal as per the standard of the show and in fact I was expecting more before door opened. Now I understood after your post.


That sucks RIP, his butthole is so hot too..




Not just this. In the recap, they don't show the Deep getting blown by the octopus, they zoomed in during that scene. Fuck the IB ministry. I am not watching it on Prime, and I'd ask my fellow Indians not to either.


lol totally expected this after last season, so even with having prime sub, decided to sail the high seas, No regrets.


As an Indian-American, a lot of the Indian media censorship laws can be kind of frivolous tbh. Sometimes they hesitate even to show a kissing scene on screen. That being said in some of the newer shows they have shown more nudity (in Sacred Games they had a topless sex scene).


That's weird. I'm in Bangladesh and we see the Indian Amazon as well. I saw all the scenes you mentioned. Are you sure you haven't blocked them or something?


How do you see the "Indian" Amazon? Are you using a VPN?


Bangladesh falls under the same region. They do not have separate shows or licensing for Bangladesh


No, the censorship in India has been documented. Itā€™s an actual thing and has hit the newest series the hardest.


In assure you, amazon does not need your support. The show is big enough that it will run for as long as the creators want. Pirate all you want, pirate all you can.


There is cut content in Gen V, the scene where the female termite (forgot her name) is hanging on that guy's dick.


Hi which piracy site, am Indian facing same issues here.




Discussion about pirating episodes is not allowed on /r/TheBoys *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheBoys) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any BiratePay will do


You guys shouldn't see the original scenes, like for real


What did we miss?


try a vpn?


You should change your server to the UK, I guess....I am Indian and have Prime Subscription, but since I live in the UK, the stuff is not censored whereas my friend who has the same screen he sees censored stuff


Bro vicky never even gotten a text pic from butcher in my country. So shit that i pay for a service and at the end i pirate to watch my fav show anyways


Yeah same in Turkey. Unfortunately, piracy is the superior service in my country šŸ™ƒ


Vpn bro. Vpn


Iā€™m sure certain countries would also censor herogasm


the office also has this done in the Indian release. its a fucking disappointment


You guys missed out on all those butthole scenes in The Office? What a pity!


They put the hand in the anus!


U like watching this shit in the first place


I just was thinking about the same


[See rule 2 on the sidebar...](https://i.imgur.com/x3Tw5A4.png)


Season 3 and gen v are also censored in india


OMG WHAT ASS EATING HUMAN CENTIPEDE?Āæ???Āæ I thought it was odd that Frenchie and kimiko were shook by a guy bring naked and jacking off, it felt like I missed smth. That sounds wild!!! What else have we miserdddddd!!!!!


Complain to your dictator Modi about it.


i wish i could watch a versions which doesnt contain those creepy scenes,(both nudity and violently))


Fly the pirate flag


I mean they aren't exactly great to look at but I can totally understand where you come from about Censoring.


Just pirate it bro


On a related note while youā€™re pirating streams, check out the Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode where he covers Modi and the censorship that youā€™re experiencing


Without reading the spoilers, I can relate to your frustrations about Indian censorship. When I lived in the Middle East, my HBO channel used to be the India one so nearly every damn thing we got was censored in a way. I knew Dexter was censored because the audio would cut out every time Jennifer Carpenter would talk and her character swore at least every second sentence. It's only when I moved to Australia I found out how censored India tv was. Spartacus: Blood and Sand was ridiculously censored in terms of the sex and gore, and makes me wonder how tf did Game of Thrones air all those years later. I'm very surprised that in a day and age where people can choose what they want to watch on streaming services, and have parental locks and what not, that there's still a ton of censorship.


Use torrents until the censors don't fix their shit.


Just pirate it, amazon doesn't need the money anyway


This is in which season? Im watching season 2 on prime


This is an outrage.


Nord vpn or similar.


Interesting. Iā€™ve often thought more people (like woman and sensitive males) could get into the show if there was a censored or pixelated version hiding the violent scenes. Eg the facesitting scene in s1 put off a lot of people from the show completely. Can I use vpn and get a censored version I wonder ?


I didnā€™t enjoyed todays episode


Personally I could do with both scenes being censored/blurredĀ 


Pirate, who cares, jeff bezos and amazon have enough money.