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I do think it’s the most brutal thing that he’s done that was the easiest to watch as a result of how he was treated by these people.


He was totally justified here and I cheered him on here even tho we aren’t supposed to.  What angered me so much was how Barbara, Frank and all the other scientists didn’t even apologised nor admitted their wrong doings. They justified the torture they done to him and were so cold. Vogelbaum was instrumental but at least he apologised.  Furthermore Homelander had did justice for himself as Vought is a rouge elephant we don’t know who is truly behind the scenes. Homelander could have exposed it and maybe there is a shadow organisation in Vought who could quickly cover it up and prove false evidence of the scientists innocence.  Homelander also did a good act he just prevented the cycle of abuse right there. Let’s say Homelander does die or they want to make a hero just as powerful. They could torture said hero and give them trauma too. Homelander was justified.


In their minds, they were so afraid of him back then that it was morally just to exert the little power they had over him and his actions now, justify that fear/abuse. They think his mental instability is merely a condition of him being a supe and is justification for their fear and not a product of how they raised him. No point in bringing in the best psychologists in the world if you don’t understand every creature on earth needs basic love and affection


Now you’re just making excuses.  These guys could have raised him with love and care but instead they made him a monster  They got their just desserts right here and there. The fact that you’re defending these people who are worse than Homelander speaks volumes. 


You misunderstand me explaining their mentality as excusing. I think it’s pretty obvious to say they’re dead wrong, it’s a no brainer that child abuse is inexcusable. I’m just saying that it’s pretty easy to gauge their thought process, not that it’s correct. I also wouldn’t say they’re worse than him but rather on par, specifically Frank


Oh my bad


100% agree. Its absolutely awful how they treated him in that lab. Also, I'd like to add: Antony Starr was absolutely brilliant in this episode.


What angered me so much was how cold they were to him not even admitting their wrongs. Furthermore what touched me is how Homelander in a weird way saw them as family and forgave them. It shows that even the worst have humanity. 


We must've interpreted that scene differently.... I know he said it a couple times, but something tells me he never actually really forgave them


yeah it was a strange forgiveness


They didn't even remember that they'd done these things, and homelander's been traumatised and having nightmares over them.


When they did apologise they weren’t sorry they were sorry because they were gonna die.  Now Stan Edgar is next as Barbara said that Stan authorised the experiments done to him.


Yeah, thats why Homelander asked them "But why?" My heart just break


Shit makes you feel bad for him but he needs to face justice 


We can feel bad for evildoers while wanting them to face justice. No need to shutdown our humanity.


I hope Stan is next he shouldn’t get away with the things he’s done


I mean he’s only justified for the people that were around when he was there. The poor new hires just got absolutely brutalized for nothing. Unless they’re still doing that to others.


We're talking about homelander killing that particular guy in the picture. He was definitely around back then 🤷🏻‍♀️


i know i just wanted to bring that up somewhere lol. If he only did it to the ones he knew then it would have been a totally sympathetic scene. but i felt really bad for the new hires when i saw the aftermath. he must have played some sick games in there.


What do you think they work on in the top secret lab for the evil mega corporation that tortures and manipulates people? They haven’t joined Disney and then found out about the terrible costume policy behind the scenes. If someone joins an organisation that is known to be corrupt, and then works in one of the ageist bits, then they are as guilty (complicit) as anyone else. They chose a job over morality. Not that excuses Homelanders latest sadistic murder fest. If he was what he pretends to be, he’d take the whole thing public so people face justice even though it would destroy him personally.


That's the only murder done by him that's somehow "justifiable" (or at least makes sense, in a human way). But he did that for his personal revenge, that's it. Nothing 'noble' about it. And certainly he didn't do it to prevent those scientists from creating/torturing another supe. Please. Homelander doesn't care about others, because he doesn't know what empathy is. Everything else he did/does is inexcusable. Homelander kills people and enjoys seeing them suffer, for no reason other than his own (brief) pleasure. He killed children. He constantly murders those who did nothing to him. He's a sadist who knows perfectly well what he's doing. His dark past and trauma don't excuse shit and now he's on his way to make Ryan just as bad as him (he's actually abusing him, just not physically), even though he thinks otherwise. Homelander deserves to die just as painfully as those people he was killing his entire pathetic life, including those scientists above. And I hope that's how his character arc ends (and I say this as someone who think HL is a great character).


Hot take but burning someone alive isn’t morally correct


Hot take, burning a kid alive (who can't die) isn't morally correct.


Did I ever say that it was? Of course torturing a child is bad


Then iss allgud\~ Homelander was completely justified here


And then his whole family becomes little Billy Butures and continue the cycle, revenge doesn’t fix anything


I mean, he could've given them normal justice too. Grab them. Fly them anywhere with media publicly. State what they did to him. The world would probably call for them to be imprisoned for life. Even his haters. But extrajudicial justice where the judicial variety is available is apparently just as well.


Killing the people that tortured him I get it. Tho he is still a psychopath.


IMO he’s not really one and here’s why  He was distraught when he killed black noir  He didn’t reveal when he made the blind guy deaf


He’s not bc he’s capable of deep emotion which I think scientifically speaking makes him a sociopath. He may not have reveled in blind spot suffering but he was still cruel enough to laugh in face knowing he was about to disable him further. He also mocked butcher over SA’ing Becca and that’s just one example of how he prevels in cruelty


Eh at best he’s a sociopath 


Todd, stop sucking homelanders dick


I loved the way homelander missed his shot and then just shrugged all like " oh, he woulda won" 😂😂😂


Kinda puts him in perspective. No sympathy for the guy but it's easy to see why he turned into a bigger murder clown than John Wayne Gacy.


One only has to look at OP's comments in this thread to see how unhinged their worldview is. Homelander [simp]-athizer confirmed.


Comments don’t justify a persons whole world view you don’t even know bro hush yourself 


Hey OP how do you feel about what Starlight did?


Ok let me give you my honest take on here. Tbh I don’t really like Starlight she acts like a goody two shoes but is a bad person. She killed an innocent man back in season two, and I was further disgusted to learn that she sabotaged Firecrackers chance.  She’s an awful individual but she was right to beat up Firecracker and Firecracker is a pedo.


Flair checksout.


something tells me if starlight was a guy you’d be cheering for her


2 wrongs don’t make a right


Can’t really use this mentality when people fight against abuse


Don’t give me that crap Homelander literally ended the cycle of supe abuse by vought right there. Also who are to dictate said victim who has been wronged that he can’t kill these people.


But he didn't though? Their abuse lives through him now, more specifically, through the horrors he's going to keep inflicting on everybody. The only thing killing them accomplished was push Homelander closer to his breaking point and shed even more of his humanity. That's why we had a contrast on the way he handled the source of his trauma vs the way Hughie handled it. They both said they forgived their victimizers, but only Hughie's rang true. Homelander has all the power in the world and he could have had the scientists face justice in a different way, but he doesn't care about justice, only retribution. He doesn't care that the scientist were torturing a child, only that HE was the one being tortured.


are you 14?


Are you 9


yeah you're a teenager lmao


What I want to know is just what all those people are doing there? Are they growing more Supes? Why are they still there some 20 years after John left?


I think what a lot of people are struggling with is “at what point is murder okay?” When that’s not the right question. Murder is never “okay” or “justified.” But at a certain point, there is a “reasonable” reason for it. In that, yes, if we view humanity in a vacuum the “reason” for homelanders murder of the scientist, and their treatment of his little baby murder self are “reasonable.” It’s why war is so complicated. We try to say it’s “justified” when the word that would be more appropriate due to its lack of moral assignment is “reasonable.” (Also see the reasonable person standard for most American law tbh)


This episode changed how I view Homelander. Kid was tortured, humiliated and burned alive for years and we are surprised he comes out a little messed in the head? He could have come out a lot more sadistic and evil considering all. I hope he gets a redemption arc now.


>a little messed in the head That's an understatement lol


To make it even better Dude is actually trying to be a good dad for Ryan and is trying to break the cycle of abuse unlike his father before him, Ryan could be the key for Homelander gaining redemption, attempting to be a good man for his son.


I’m begging you to have some media literacy. Homelander doesn’t care about Ryan as Ryan.


As much as OP is wrong, please stop that “media literacy” shit.


Eh, you’re probably right, I should, but it sums things here so well.


Yes he does he is literally trying his best 


Ryan: *clearly utterly distraught at accidentally killing a man* Homelander: you shouldn’t feel bad about murder Ryan: but I do Homelander: well you’re a weak piece of shit


Like I said he fumbled but he genuinely tries ultimately however tho I think Homelander will fail in the end  Also insulting a your child doesn’t equate to you being a bad parent as a whole 


Except that’s all he does, and he’s shown no desire to change. He doesn’t try to connect with him and he doesn’t try to parent him; maybe not because he doesn’t want to, but because fundamentally he’s incapable of doing so. He doesn’t have a model of what that actually looks like.