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The sad part is, we're probably going to still see more of these reactions to Season 5.


No one actually believes homelander is the good guy…


I have seen many that say he is the only character they like tho


There is no way anyone actually thinks this


God these strawman posts are so fucking exhausting. If you truly believe anyone thinks homelander is a hero then you’d 100% be manipulated by vought if they were real.


That's the thing, nobody actually thought he was the good guy. You have to be a literal sociopath to think he's the good guy. Its more that the right is realizing the show is directly making fun of them and now some of them are butthurt. Most of it is indeed just fabricated rage because I haven't actually seen many people making these criticisms.


Seriously. Is this really happening?


It’s not. It’s just a headcanon some weirdos on here have for whatever reason. You see people here bitching constantly about “media literacy” 24/7, yet they can’t tell the difference between someone enjoying a character’s role in a tv show vs. Actively rooting for that character


Girls when they realize that they're actually lesbian.


It's crazy because no matter where you stand politically, Homelander is clearly established as the villain. You'd have to be brain dead not to see that. I can understand conservatives being disingenuous and trying to claim he's not right-leaning, but to say he's not the villain means you're watching the show with your brain turned off.


It’s more cause the boys use to make fun of everyone


It made fun of right-wing lunatics and it made fun of rich corporate fart-sniffers. That's it. And it's still doing that. You just didn't relate to the rich corporate fart-sniffers, so you called them "the left" and now that they're mostly gone you're getting mad.


Yeah, this exactly. Ah yes, exploiting minorities for profit, Rainbow capitalism, truly an example of the show mocking the left, because everyone knows the left loves big corporations using minorities for profit. I still have yet to see someone genuinely give an example of the show mocking the left that isn't about rainbow capitalism or the shitty centre right democrats. Because neither of those are the left


Doesn't matter, the right-wing has fully insulated itself, anyone who isn't them is "the left"


Yeah. Ive heard conservatives say the most mind bogglingly hard left wing takes economically and they proceed to still be right wing because theyve convinced themselves its a right wing belief. Most people naturally have pretty left wing beliefs on things like economics, but the right wing have convinced them that voting for THEM will help with that. Its almost like this is intentional in order for the right to get votes because people actually like having rights and money.


Well for one I’m not American so the whole left and right thing don’t really matter to me. Both have good points and both have stupid points from what I can see. The boys use to get that and point it out but now they are pretty much one sided on that


They still make fun of everyone.


Seems like this season they are really targeting one group


Still love the show tho the conscept and I like to see the Details of supe Abbility's.