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i’m thinking he’s teased at the end of this season then plays a big role in season 5


What would he even do now? Who’s side would he be on


kills homelander or/ is used as a plot to depower all of the supes using his new powers, the CIA are obviously trying to contain / control him in the Novachock chamber you see him put in at the end of s3


Why would he kill homelander


Was pretty gung-ho about it at the end of S3 and saw him as a "fucking disappoinment" after all. I don't think he was just following through on what he promised the boys out of pure honor.


He wants to solidify himself as strongest. I think it was partially honor tho, he seems the type to be “WE MADE A DEAL!” Old school style


I'd assume he'd be on his own as a threat to the boys and homelander maybe? Seeing as they all collectively fucked him over.


Because Jared padalecki is confirm to be a role in season 5 it would be kinda funny if him and soldier boy would team up


i’d love for him to go down his own route not being on butchers or homelanders side so this is a pretty good idea


No he's not confirmed at all. There's no role for him yet. Stop spreading rumors.


Like a new side kick like he had in the war but more capable or maybe not dude


Wait is it actually confirmed?


No. His stans have started the rumor.


If he does return he'd go after the boys first and idk how will they stop him


The tumor?


I'd be fun if he just fries the tumor with his beam and thus completely saves Butcher from consequences of using temp V.


butcher now has comp V.


I hadn’t thought of this, but VN can actually pull the tumor out of him. I really hope we get to see Butcher’s tumor out in the world just fucking up cunts like the boss that it can only be, being born in butcher’s brain and all.


I mean that's what I've been thinking. Either that or the virus. I actually would prefer if the virus just eliminated the abilities instead of outright killing because narratively that forces the supes, especially homelander, to now live as regular people and we get to keep Antony who basically IS the show. I also think it's what will push Hughie to finally turn against Butcher. He releases the virus which kills/depowers supes, cures him of the cancer, but now means Hughies dad dies. I feel like they're going to finish the Homelander arc before the finale of season 5 and have Butcher be the antagonist. He has nothing to live for without Homelander


Is butcher the 2nd strongest supe now with his venom tumor thing? 


We don't know yet


Soldier boy strongest!! GO GO SOLDIER BOY!!


The tumour probably goes into SB's insides and kills him


Soldier made last season almost incredible every time he was on screen it made for a memorable moment his shit talk is A-1 I would love to see him and black noir go at it one more time and we get to settle their score


A-1 Okey Doke by me


They kept him alive for a reason. He'll be back.


Cate telling him what to do could help get him under control.


"Diddle my skittle"


Mallory now is old enough for him lol


In b4 that reason is "potential The Boys spinoff"


I'm not opposed to that tbh. Soldier Boys WW2 story and the creation of Compound V.


A prequel makes more sense than continuing his story


A prequel would also have some actually interesting stories they could tell. I’d definitely be more interested in that than a Mexico spinoff


literally has to, he's confirmed alive


I hope so, he was my top two favorite in season 3


Me too! Honestly, probably my #1


He was the best character in season 3, I think he will definitely be back season 5 


Yes but not until s5 when all hell really breaks loose. the CIA will have a bad time bc of all their anti-vought work, meaning they won’t be able to keep soldier boy under anymore. Not sure what he’ll do once he wakes up but he’ll be one part of a much larger bloodbath


I hope so 🥰🥰🥰


Diddle that skittle.


Homelander hasn’t actually directly killed either the people who he sees as resembling his family and those who he actually respects. I think the moment that this actually happens is the point at which nobody can use his emotions against him. So I would see Soldier Boy returning to be murdered by Homelander as the easiest way to accomplish this. Homelander can’t kill Ryan because the show needs Butcher to go out on a high having redeemed him and kept him safe. If the Boys also find out a way of depowering Homelander from Soldier Boy and using that then that would also be cool.


I want to believe but I doubt it because Kripke fucking HATES the character and was reportedly quite displeased with how popular he became and that he was seen as somewhat sympathetic when Butcher, Maeve etc. turned on him after he kept his word to help kill Homelander despite finding out he was his son because he hurt Ryan.


When did Kripke ever say he hated Soldier Boy and didn't like how popular Jensen made him? Are you okay?


Uhm no, Kripke specifically said even before season 3 aired that we'd love it and what Jensen has done, he even said SB will be back before the series ends. For Gen V he wanted SB in it in some way or form that doesn't interfere with The Boys storyline.


Yeah I mean Kripke clearly hated Soldier Boy so much he was the first person he called when Taylor Lautner couldn't be in Gen V as Cate's fantasy man. Even though Soldier Boy couldn't be more different than Lautner's character would have been. And Jensen was in the middle of filming a tv series at the time. Shows that a) Kripke really wanted another chance to bring Soldier Boy in because really they could have brought in anyone but he wanted Soldier Boy, and b) he knew Jensen would be willing to rearrange his schedule, tire himself out flying between film sets cross country, to help out a friend.


SB is the rogue element. I think he'll outlast HL. Hell, I think he's the perfect overarching antagonist for all the spin-offs. Just as powerful as HL, much cooler, but also better tempered & ultimately more likely to be persuaded into wanting to achieve a goal beyond himself.


He will return.


I think he'll show up towards the end of this season or as an end credit scene.


Hope we get a prequel of Soldier Boy and his crew




i think he will be like the "its enough, son." dad thing, where he finally steps up to stop his son because dad has all the values right that his son betrays.


I really want to see more of him.


I think it would be lame to have a side character be the one to ultimately kill the series antagonist.


I don't think so. Every season seems to have a new gimmick character, and the way the ending of Season 3 was shot is how shows wrap up alot of characters.


Someone shared a photo of the very last scene of Season 4. >!It's Homelander finding Soldier Boy's cryogenic chamber.!< I'm unsure of the veracity of the claim, but the showrunners didn't avoid killing Soldier Boy just to not reuse him when the time comes.


I pray for that to happen


I hope he does and kills not just HL but the Boys as well bc they became annoying.


Haven’t you seen the leak?


He will. But what about Queen Maeve?


If she comes back, then she’s gonna be unpowered.


That would be amazing for the show. Hot take, he's the best villain other than Homelander.


He’s an anti-villain. Not necessarily evil but not necessarily good.


Well then, I think he's the best anti-villain in the show.




Doubt it


>!yep read it in the leaks!<


You should specify before the spoiler tag that it's a leak. People see it and assume the spoiler is gonna be something from the recent episodes.


Soldier Boy has to return for Kripke to completely his Supernatural reunion. I bet one episode of the last season will start with some character watching an old Soldier Boy film that is a parody of the Supernatural finale. That way they can shoehorn Jared Padalecki into the show for one scene, probably as Soldier Boy’s movie only sidekick.


Jared’s an awful actor. I hope Eric passes on him. It’s so embarrassing of Jared to push his way into the show. Jensen had to try out for Soldier Boy many times before getting the part. Jared, with his gigantic ignorant ego, thinks he’s just going to be part of the show. He needs to go away.


That’s why they’ll do a parody of the original supernatural finale. Jared’s character was not supposed to survive.


What Gen V is signaling is that the Boys can be a universe of characters/shows. Maybe we get a standalone Soldier Boy series.


Tbh I don't think I want to. I love him, but, it's like... too predictable


I want him to come back because I want more Soldier Boy but I agree that it is pretty predictable. I wouldn’t mind a short spin off series with him though


Woukd live HL deposited, just standing there, wide eyed, gasping, a hand lands on his shoulder. He's spun around. "Hello you fucking C'nt", as Butcher plants a knife deep in his chest. HL falls to his knees smiling, his last words, "I'm free" as he looks up at Butcher and then falls forward, lifeless, as Butcher collapses by him, the Boys rushing over to him, their screams fading...


Bloody hell you wank to your own voice don't ya?


I think hes gone. He served his purpose, his story was about revenge and he achieved that


He’s alive. The end of last season showed him being carried off by mm I think.


Thats bad writing. Somehow soldier boy has returned tier. They would have to do it proper and dedicated several episodes into how he got out


It was shown that at least SB survived


But also contained. He didnt manage to escape on his own even for decades.


If they had something cool in store for him they wouldn’t have written him out. He was a distraction.


He wasn't written out. He's literally on ice and they showed it so...


Writing a character out means that there is a story reason why the character is no longer part of the show. You said it yourself, he’s on ice. That’s the way the writers chose to write him out.