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And in the final scene when butcher was talking to the scientist he kidnapped he made mentions of Joe, the scientist looked confused like he didn’t know who butcher was talking about


Yeah that’s confirms OP is wrong. That would have been neat plot twist though, but then again it would be weird to have a completely new character just be a lore thing and not be real in the story itself at all.




So Joe was obviously someone butcher knew in the past, so he would be real in the story, but he wouldn’t be real in any of the events in the present like OP is implying.


He mentioned Butcher dragging him out of a combat zone, he could’ve died there in reality.


Could be possible, but the drugs he gave to butcher to knock Ryan out had to come from somewhere


The drugs are also the main thing for me. Some later line from Frenchie about someone having stolen something from his drawer would be nice, if Kessler turns out to be imaginary. Because that's the easiest explanation since Frenchie is the drug/poison-guy.


Thats a good point. Unless if it IS revealed he was fake, then we just assume Butcher made it/handed it to himself? Bit of a stretch but its the only scene where he does something that would be hard to explain if he isnt real


If he's having visions of people that aren't there then I think him having visions of a drug that can knock out a supe should also be treated the same unless the drugs have been mentioned by someone else?




totally agree yes. in the last scene with Zoe's Dad I was just waiting for him to acknowledge his existence of be like "who are you talk to/looking at" butcher is definitely having his Tyler Durden Moment with Joe.


Watch the last scene of episode 5 when Butcher says "we" and looks out the door. Sameer follows his gaze and looks confused at the spot where Kessler is.


I’m still waiting for the other Winchester brother to show up!!! Where are you Sammy??? lol


He just got cast as Mister Marathon for season 5 actually lol


I saw he got cast, but did it say somewhere this is who he’ll be playing?


There’s wardrobe pictures out already, I’ll try to find them if you want but he looks like the flash


Oh dude sick. Ima look myself but if you find em send em my way please!


Sending the 2 over now 👍


I think the confused look from the scientist after butcher said "we" and looked towards him pretty much confirmed it


if he wasnt there then how is joe giving butcher anything, like the godolkin stuff and the fent


that's what I'm saying, he leaked that folder and pictures from godolkin to butcher.


I think your right bro wow 😅


Dude he’s literally on screen what do you mean




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While I don't disagree. It is certainly a possibility with everything that is going on with Butcher. But, C.I.A. agents in media aren't exactly known for carrying out their operations or having meetings in big groups out in the open for everyone to see. The whole clandestine covert privacy thing is usually key in securing intelligence assets.


Joe would have had to be the one who got the poison for the cookies though (unless butcher is just completely fucking mental and basically sleep walked that entire task somehow). Also he’s had physical interactions with objects, something Becca never did l.


He probably isn't real but then butcher gets his hands on some drugs and some files which are physical things that gets handed over to him, unless he hallucinated those files too. I'm sure it'll get cleared up soon. Whatever the case, I'm enjoying every second of his screen time, he's like negan but instead of being in a zombie infested world he's in a supe infested world.