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I also think she can't pop heads off of fast moving things. I guess she has to focus the targets in order to pop em off.


She popped the head of a chicken when it was attacking Edgar.


The chicken was still moving at normal chicken speeds, while the sheep were flying around like missiles


There really was no reason she shouldn’t have been able to at least try to use her powers on the sheep. Really weird writing… I hope there’s an explanation for it that we’re just not seeing yet… Like maybe whatever was affecting starlight’s powers was also affecting her, and she just didn’t want to show weakness in front of the boys? But I’m leaning towards just messy writing


Starlight’s powers were malfunctioning bc she was in emotional turmoil and fear bc of the trauma around the whole world shaming her abortion. Atleast that’s what they were implying.


The sheep were infected and the virus is transmitted by bodily fluids aka blood


That’s fair. She didn’t wanna get hit. But she can control blood right? Her power isn’t head popping, it’s blood control. Just control the blood away


Yeah, after they put the virus in a corpse and fed it to them. But why couldn't she kill the sheep beforehand, while they were trapped in the barn debating what to do? They didn't have the virus at that point.


She popped the head of the speedster during the court scene. He was standing still when his head was popped, but there were moments when the sheep weren't moving around either. They were also hiding in the barn until night time, so plenty of time to charge her ability (if she even needs a charge time)


Yah there absolutely were moments where sheep stood still. So that’s why I’m leaning towards some sort of cost every time she uses ability


I don't think she has a cooldown, remember when she just killed like 30 people during a trial




I rly hope this isn’t the answer. It was a gigantic plot point that they lost the virus because they could not fight the sheep.


I think the only weakness is that they can’t be moving fast. Since she has to focus on the body parts. The sheep were flying extremly fast and there were multiple so focusing on one would mean another could have attacked her. But she can also use her blood like Marie does she just doesn’t do it to hide some of her abilities.


I would believe that if she didn’t pop the chicken


It was quite odd they all seemed so defenseless. Kimiko and neuman should have been easily able to obliterate the sheep. In regards to homelander, I think she's just terrified of trying. He could be far away in no time if he felt anything wrong and kill her before she even knew he had returned.


I guess she just forgot she had powers.


Same reason Homelander didn't just super speed fly through the vent and kill Hughie earlier in the season. Bad writing. Plot armor. Ways to get plot points to happen. She totally could've popped their heads. Unless V'd up people/animals take more "power" to head pop, but she annihilated that chicken earlier and was fine🤷‍♂️. But there also were like 5 of them and once they were in the barn there's no way she'd kill them fast enough before getting overwhelmed. She doesn't want anyone to know she can full-on blood bend for some reason--there's that. But I feel like she still could've popped their heads.


1: The too fast theory doesn't make sense because in the court scene, she's popping the heads off of people who are fleeing and ducking (some are standing still yes, but there are people who are exploding as they are running). So if they were moving too fast and she can still pop their heads it's not the case. Plus some of the sheep were just hovering in mid air 2. With the rate she popped the heads at the court massacre, in the ensuing chaos she was popping heads just fine so I don't think focus is the matter. Hell sometimes she doesn't even need too stare to hard at someone to burst their head, sometimes just looking for a second is enough 3. I doubt that if she lost years off her life every time she popped someones head, she would start using it on random people in the court room. It just doesn't make sense to waste your lifespan over random people My theory is that... the writing this season has been sucking lately to be honest. I have a feeling in my stomach that they're starting to repeat the same mistake Garth Ennis made oh so many years ago, where they had a great premise at the start only to slowly nose dive to "being edgy for the sake of being edgy"... But I'll humor you. I think she does have the ability to pop anyone's head, without much effort thanks to the V in her system BUUUUUUUUT the potency of said V is waning and it's effecting how frequent and how easy it is to do so. At first it was just \*pop\* \*pop\* \*pop\*, but nowadays she needs to stare at a piece of someone for a good few seconds before she can even begin to explode their body. The waning V in her system could be the reason why she isn't as strong as she's used to. Now that begs the question "why not just take more V", well she very well could but now that she's running for presidency, ALL EYES ARE ON HER 24/7. Plus with Homelander being the opposition, if she asked for some V I'm sure vaught could probably use that as leverage to stop her from continuing in the race giving Homelander the free win. So that's my theory, but judging with some of the other writing patterns lately... I'm giving them too much credit. But if I'm right? Well that would be really fucking funny wouldn't it be?