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He can be even arguably stronger than current 9AD. His enemy - Murim in general. Same as 9AD, so they can form an alliance. MC Shiwoon also might seek his help, also Murim Alliance leader want to have some connections with IDS school through MC, possibly against Kaiser. So there are various parties wanting him on their side.


Wass he and his gang locked up even before 9arts was trained by unwol? They've been in there for like 50 years I think kind of crazy.


Propably a unpopular opinion but I think he's on par with 9ads or even stronger than him. I mean he learned the most feared techniques in the murim. He was decades inside the prison to absorb the ki and to master his form. And all the clan members followed him inside the prison and stayed with him. And we saw how much they respect him. So he definitely is strong. In the fight against shiwoon he never really went full out and was more curious about him. And there he showed us some interesting and strong techniques. 9ads on the other hand got propably hold of some of their techniques with the book but he isn't such a monster at understanding material arts as shiwoon. So I'm assuming that he only learned some basics or it could even be that he couldn't learn anything at all. But that's only a guess we just saw to less and have not enough information about the clan to come to a final conclusion


more unpopular I'm kinda tired of randos popping up that are arguably on par with 9AD or serve as just chapter bloat until author decides on another Shiwoon/9AD confrontation


Not unpopular since it just makes 9AD a jobber if they keep doing that


I generally agree but "centuries inside the prison" sounds a bit much for a guy who was born not even 90 years ago


I corrected it.


This reminds me, did Shiwon use any BH&E moves when they met at the prison? We all assumed the familiarity feeling they both had was only due to the IDS ki but now we know for sure they're directly related to the BH&E school, or at least Unwol. I don't think he'll consider 9AD an enemy at all if finds out who his master was and what 9AD did since he died.




Yeah, there does seem to be some overlap with the styles, especially since they both have that ranged multi-target paralysis technique(see the rooftop fight in New Waves) It is possible the IDS style was made by a guy who could have been a successor the DH&E but for whatever reason(possibly politics) wasn't. It would explain some of the overlap and why the IDS would even consider helping a random student of that sect., as well as why that student would think he could help him


I think MYS should've come back for Shioon after he cleared his head. He was baffled that the heart-binding technique did not work, nor did his light flash punches, and then while Shioon's movement wasn't like that of master's, he did the phantom steps. It also likely prevented him from going full-on war against the Murim at that point since he was not even able to overpower a young security guard.


He is got to be on the level of one of the 10 great grand masters. I think him finding out that 9AD is learning his sects arts would not go over well either.


Tomorrow's chapter shioons bully comes back which turns out he was experimented on now he's a monster 😂


I could see Shioon saving 9AD from this guy helping them reconnect and discovering Shiho is still alive


Looking forward to his usage of different ki types which IDS was said to be able to do. Ghost Hands mentioned Earth ki in this chap. and I think it wasn't merely because it was from the earth. https://i.imgur.com/EYkF4qd.png https://i.imgur.com/Kx1W3fU.png Water counters Fire and Earth counters Water. There are three more ki types that are in Wuxing and they also have enhancing properties, like Fire enhances Earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuxing_(Chinese_philosophy) Assuming that different MA sects/schools use different types of ki, 9AD should also know how to use them. Shioon can combine them as well. Also could be a major plot point, in that the different sects were kept in alliance since others sects have the counters for their ki-type. And that it became forbidden to use ki of other sects after IDS (mis)used it.


I can guess him being stronger than a normal grandmaster seeing how he is pretty young looking still. Not at 9AD level though, more like Mikhail and the blond dude put together in their vampire/warewolf form who are still weaker than 9AD.


Remember that his prison ID said he was born in 1945? He isnt young, he just looks young or rather he didnt age thanks to the immortal Ki


> Remember that his prison ID said he was born in 1945? He isnt young That's exactly my point, he looks younger than he should.