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As long as there are no health issues, I think they'll be back within 3 months. They know this is their only popular IP.


I think it depends on whether the author has any sort of contract with Webtoon. I don't know the specifics exactly but I believe paying users are around 9-10 chapters behind, so the hiatus might last around that long in that case. At least that's what I hope will happen.


I am pretty sure it's gonna be a few months, bc they where realeasing chapters EVERY week. They are in the Zone right now, now way they gonna make a hiatus like last time (8+ years). Then why come back in the first place? People were saying bc of health? I don't know abojt that, please correct me if I am wrong. But yeah they will definitly comeback in months, it will not be longer then 1 YEAR that's for sure!


Well, webtoons tend to take breaks by around this many chapters, so it's not a huge stretch. We got a year and a half out of them, after all.


When breaker season 2 finished and author said that he's taking a break from the series and coming back to it later. I finished my university, and both license exams and got a job, so I am thinking I may close to retirement 🤣🤣 when the series comes back.


Same here nevertheless at least he explained that part 3 was expected to be twice as large as part 2 which was twice the original length. The illustrator wanted to see other work done before starting for a project which would go over years of work.


Not even a time frame or anything. They rly dont give a fuck about their audience


Either three years or it will never release. lol


i think the venture failed and they might axe the series and move on, the same touch is gone and author really doesn't care for story line so I think this is it for breaker