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So that's why its called the breaker, it all makes sense now.


I liked the part where he said it's breaking time and breaked all over the place


I hope the author doesn't magically brush aside this plot of saving Ryuji, MKS and Shiwoon like he did with the Shiho cliffhanger. Won't be surprised we get an out of nowhere SW clan arc with Haje first lol.


He's got the dude so might as well use him. It would be sad if he died over a highly comedic misunderstanding... also hilarious, but still, would be problematic for the overall narrative.


Despite the author lowering his importance due to the backlash, I don't think he'll completely get rid of him. There's enough with Haje currently to build something for main or subplots - he can perhaps be a foil to Shiwoon or something in the grand scheme of things. I just hope the author focuses on the cliffhanger right away when the series comes back. It's a bit frustrating every chapter he writes in a manner where there's always one at the end, it restricts the narrative a bit and when they aren't touched upon deeply like Shiho one at the end of NW, it's seems pointless.


Haje is gonna turn evil/join 9Ad and Black Defense trust on my words guys!!!


I actually wanted to ask this, what happened to shiho? All I know is that the last time I saw her she was getting revived by leader of that clan who invented those golden balls... Sriously, man, the breaker world have so many unfinished stories from new waves like who were the one who treated shiwoon at the end of S1 through sunao clan(the girl with the lolipop and other).


They should have made shioon look badass but made him look like this, he would look better bald and ryuji outfit, my man can't catch a break, that's why it's called breaker


I agree, MC should get rid of his "good kid" appearance, I am not sure about making him bald though.


At the very least let him keep the longer hair


He would look a lot like 9arts, they want to show him a different person


They seem to go back and forth with how similar he becomes with 9AD.


I think they stopped showing his similarities in s3, in s2 they wanted him to become more like 9arts but in s3 he has more substance and reasoning and wants to get better and not live in a shadow of sorrow and despair, he gets a master and they show him similar to unwol, I mean 9arts kills everything, but he is following unwols personality.


Why do you say disgusting ? Is that not for food? It is here in Japan


It's just a figure of speech (a way to talk). I come from Germany myself, so English is not my native language.


I'm Canadian and anything can be called disgusting in a complimentary or derogatory way, Like if we're playing a sport and I do a trick around you you might say that was disgusting in a complementary way but if I miss a shot it might be disgusting in a sad and ugly way


A word with two meanings and not food related !


....I dont remember him saying that at all....


All I know is took someone's. Jacket and under EENDI it says Rona.


When does he have time to go to the store for new clothes and to the hairdresser? Honestly, I preferred him with longer hair, because while changing out of pajamas makes some sense (he could steal the drying laundry), there was no panel showing him visiting the hairdresser and saying "please only trim the ends".


He did have to find the guy, which takes some time, so getting a haircut in the meantime isn't a huge stretch I'm kinda curious as to how he found the dude, but I guess he is out there trying to make a name for himself


I think they will Show in the next chapter what happend between Shiwon speaking with the Elder on the phone and him and the end if the chapter. This could be days later. So they probally thought ending the Final chapter if this Season at that point would be good so they made him have a little timeskip of a few days, and we will see what he did in that time in the next chapters, bc I don't think he did find the Immortal Sect by himself


shioon magically showing up at the sect leaders location is wild. dude doesnt even live there and was there for a meeting, yet shioon shows up out of nowhere as if the dudes there all the time. what is this magicccc, imma cry not to know the secret lol i bet he will be like "i can feel your ki from 100 miles away, because your ki, is my ki."


Bro who is the MC ?