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Could not care less, it is by far the worst and most inconsequential plot point in the series thus far. Would rather the authors to focus on what is now probably dropped plots, like the "New Waves/young masters of the murim" or the tournament.


Tournament ain't happening until Shin changes his mind/killed or steps down. Don't think it'll make much sense to hold one right now anyway.


Yeah but it will happen, the tournament is practically the penultimate part of the entire Breaker works if it does happen honestly. But I agree it won't happen soon. Probably not until the last arc imo


I just don't see how the MC and Yaoi-bait will be able to participate without just dominating the whole thing. It'd be like watching Goku and Piccolo at their respective showdown tournament. Speaking of Yaoi-bait, I'd love to see him be more useful/show up more, since he's really fallen behind on the practical experience side of things. Those 2 aside, I'm not sure if Newbie will live to see the tournament at this rate.


I agree.


The tournament will happen because it has been talked about since S1 and this season it was basically considered very close to happening


I never said it won't ever happen, Shin is the obstacle currently to whether it happens or not and with the way the story is going, narratively as someone else has stated won't happen soon either way.


Not really anymore, especially since he try to make sure of shioon, a tournament would make him more comparable to 9AD and lessen his influence in the ma


Shitpost Monday


Who is Haje?


some kind of distraction


The author not subtle jab at the character who lucks his was into power without effort trope


Couldnt care less about him tbh. So many interesting plotpoints to cover, why add a new one?


I wouldn't say it would be unnecessary. With Haje still taking a decent chunk of EF, regardless of what we think of him and his involvement in the series, narrative wise he still needs to do something or be important in his own way to not make everything so far pointless. We can see his struggles, desires and contrast to Shiwoon after the Prison arc despite how similar they intentionally were at the beginning, author clearly has a plan for him despite refining his role due to backlash. This series is suspose to be long, every plot point can be covered and some even simultaneously like Haje getting focus and looking for Shiho etc. Of course the image is a meme haha.


Honestly wouldn't mind if haje got lost and we never saw him again.


I know my opinion is unpopular but you guys are brutal with him lmao.


True, but tbf from following the breaker then through new waves to waiting so long for eternal force, to get slapped in the face with a new protagonist who aint the one we were waiting for. Its kinda justified. Like i personally dont think i would hate haje like that if it weren't for those circumstances


Like when i see haje it reminds me of how i got "robbed" of my experience with eternal force in the beginning, hence why i dont like him.


I'd say that no one


A small minority disagrees.


Pass he's not interesting at all hopefully author writes him out of the story


We didn't suffer through the worst of Newbie for the author to just discard him. No, I demand payoff for the setup.


Same sentiments here


He’s potentially a character that people will love to hate, generating some heat by having screen time and hindering the plot by associating with 9AD etc. To be fair it’d be interesting to see, just to counterbalance the amount of sheer hate he’s receiving from the community, as long as the plot keeps moving forward and is not slowed down 😂. We are past the phase of needing an exposition character to introduce the world, lore and setting to new readers, so he could have an actual role in the story.


Hindering? I think you meant "exacerbating"


Hope he doesn't shows up anymore


I hope the author brings in another new character 😂🤣


Jeha, a completely unique character who is bullied in high school.


It'd be funny if it was a new character who was a school bully and got into martial arts to try to keep up and realized, "oh, maybe I am the asshole and should change" Oh wait, I think that was a subplot in Hajime No Ippo...


There’s better stuff to focus on and he isn’t important to the story is just a waste of a character


Haje was searching for shiho or is it my mind producing streisand effect? Might be a good thing to reread the whole 100 chapters.


Him and Sera were searching for Shiho after Elder Yang requested it.


I'd like to see that moron actually achieve that goal, if for no other reason than Shiho was cool


I was indiferent to him for the most part, the writer could have done something decent with him had he really followed up with thd 9AD/Shiwoon; Shiwoon/Haje parallel but now i don't see anything good coming out of it. Shiwoon hasn't talked or mentioned him since i dont know 30+ chapters probably more ? He literally doesn't give a shit about this random kid he just brought into the Murim on whim, and we as the reader are expected to care about him ? Then there was the forced situation where he somehow managed to find 9AD and again on a whim 9AD decide to train him because why not right ? It just felt like shallow attempt one after the other to make him relevant and it just doesn't stick, so i dont really have any expectation from him in the next season but who knows.


I agree with what you said about how convenient it was with his meeting 9ad and being trained by him lol. I think Shwioon not thinking much about Haje is being done intentional by the author along with the fact he's been too occupied, like his actions will have consequences, he started the journey for Haje by giving him the pill and as his 'disciple' in a way we seen how Haje started having issues and isn't just a Shwioon copy of part 1.


On a whim? 9AD was **bribed** into it.


Not me.


I am. Like many, I really wasn’t a fan of him at the start but I like the direction the author is starting to take him in


He's grown on me considerably as well. At the start he was Shioon redux. Now he's his own character with his own circumstances and motivations.


Not excited, but I hope something worthwhile is done with him


Haje becoming rogue or a bad guy from having bad or NO guidance on what to do with this power would be a nice plot to add, Shioon hasn't done a quarter of the training that Goomoonryong did with him with Haje, so him taking the wrong path on things and becoming a bad bully or demented in some way would be a good way to deal with his character for good.....Make him like Shioons bully from the breaker. But i'd like for the tournament to be held and Shioon having learned from the Immortal Sect......I said I wanted this to happen specifically, and Im getting my wish. this is amazing. Shioon should take one of the seats to become one of the Arts Dragons. I have a feeling he'll get the 2 arts dragon seat as he hasn't mastered any styles other than maybe the BHE at this point and his Previous stint as clan head style. or maybe 3 arts depending on how far he gets in the Immortal sects style. /headcanon


Honestly, our glorious MC is so far above a tournament that having him participate in it would be like letting Angel Summoner fight a gym in a Pokemon game. They're not even the Elite 4, so it's not like they're going to even have a chance against him


He doesn’t have the real experience, a tournament with real master levels would probably beat him all over the place his first time competing in a real high level tournament for him to take training to a new level of seriousness.


I was talking about what the tournament between peers that was supposed to happen, not a tournament against grand masters. Even now the MC is too overwhelming for most people in his age group. By the time a tournment would happen, he would overwhelm all because he will have the needed skills to beat grandmasters then.


Did you not read the breaker and the breaker new waves? He’s got plenty of experience under his belt a tournament arc would make little to zero sense


Welp, I'm excited!! 😆 Wishing after the break that they can do something with his rash growth.


I remember when the breaker used to be good.. then they took a big break and introduced eternal sht..i mean eternal force


nobody give a shit abot this guy


I'm pretty sure the author is just making the story up as he goes, seeing the fast rewrite of earlier chapters really shows he's just winging it imo. You could not ask for a better artist but to drop the ball this hard is just disappointing. The new kid is annoying and if the creators stuck to traditional comic release I bet he wouldn't exist since I highly doubt he was a part of the story back in 2015. The Breaker has always been intimately Shioons story from his bullying to becoming the head of a mafia syndicate, I could give a fuck less about a random high schooler no matter how much the author tries to inject him into the story.


im interested, most of the people who dont like him dont care about storytelling and good writing at all, paralels are good for character debelopment, people here intent to not give proper personal stakes to siwon and thats shitty.






Bro he is gonna turn out sooooo evil watch him join the Black Defense Force trust me!!!!


I honestly couldn’t care less


He's obviously going to end up majorly involved with the sunwoo princess buuuut he's a worthless character. Watching him beat up normal people is fun tho.


Haje Excited Damn


Im excited to see if he just dies off screen


Haje and Shiwoon is basically Gohan and Goku everyone wants the og protagonist


I like him more than shiwoon


I genuinely don't like the people who hate on haje for litrelly no reason, I admit I never read part 1 and 2 and I fucking tried 5 times got to chapter 40 of part 1 but dropped it, yet I don't even need to read the other 2 parts to understand wtf is going on. Haje is an interesting character, you fucks are just blinded by nostalgia, and are idiots im not even gonna lie im super excited to see haje finally grow back to his mc role and make u whiny fucks cry even more lmao


Yes bro, finally someone said it; these guys look like a group of old people who say things like "in my time shiwoo..." Tbh i tried reading the first season but i didnt find it interesting enough! Probaly everyone here only think the two seasons are PERFECT!!! because they first read it years ago and their mind was different; its like watching a cartoon or playing a videogame when you are a kid; when you watch or play it again as an adult or teenager, its like "wtf is this" but it keeps being good in your mind. Sorry for the poor english btw


I don't like it. It's disgusting. I hope the writer takes it out. We don't have time to care about such garbage 


I’m excited :D, maybe it’s because i really love the story but Haje is interesting and he really does help the plot move a little and he has a really eccentric personality. Haje is so interesting because of the fact that’s we see early days Haje within him. Haje might be a pivoting point for Siwoon and 9ADs relationship with each other as well. Hopefully the author doesn’t abandon the plot point due to some flack because things could get really interesting if any of the three of them die or get gravely injured (impossible for Siwoon btw so there’s that)


Fuck it I just read 100 and the whole thing is a mess. You'd think that the fucking bastard would act differently after training with a new master that told him that the most important part is keeping his composure and all that shit... But duh ILLKILLYOUUUUUUU. Seriously, I don't care if it's realistic/not realistic after what he's been through, as a writer you're supposed to have a main character that's not just fucking annoying to this point. In fucking 100 chapters he DID. NOT. LEARN. A. THING. All of the characters that were close to him have been relegated to appearing once every ten chapters. The motherfucker is even taunting us with artworks from the characters we DO want to see but hear nothing about. Is there really a writer in their duo ? I don't understand how it could go to shit like that and stay as shitty until the very end. Ah fuck it's as shitty as Halloween ends. Third part of a trilogy that just ignore the 2 first parts and changes the whole plot when it should be the most satisfying part.


I agree. Hopefully author fixes up to with the hiatus like he stated.


as i said somewhere else i could see the Mc having to have to kill this guy off as he promised when he let him join the clan.


I hate him so much, but sadly he’s actually important to the story. He represents the curse of being an influential person. You can inspire people to strive for greatness, but you can also lead them down a path of destruction. I’m sure that’s what the story is about, since so many characters have that arc. The MC will probably save him with some inspirational speech after the final fight.


So sad to come here and see so much hate for him. Didn't read any of the previous series except 3. I thought Haje was the main character and was disappointed(still am) with Shi-Woon. lol


my only issue with Haje was how he was introduced genuinely so dissapointed, felt like the author had no respect for the source material at all :/


If by excited you mean just make him a footnote, and give him nothing more than a page. Sure.


My goat will return 🙏


I have enjoyed Haje Charcter more than Orginale Mc (Sorry to the old reader, barely remember his name) since I started reading at Eternal Force and before reading the other Manga/books at a later date but could never really enjoy it but with Eternal Force Haje for me represented the new readers who don't have the time to re read the entire Breaker series and don't have a clue on what's going on. But in saying that, I would rather see Haje go down a darker route than what the OG mc did since he would be the opposite of Shi Woo (finally remembered his name) did since Shi wood had a teacher and someone to guide him for the beginning while Haje has no one so far.


You’re a fucking idiot straight up. You’re either lying or too dumb to realize what you’re saying.


I'm going to be honest with you, kid, and just say it, the story is slow and boring with no interesting build-up, and the MC follows a generic tragic harem character with no compelling traits as just being a boring charcter. Not to mention, the side characters are more interesting, the power system wack as fuck since there are hundreds of other Manhwa with the same Martial Arts power systems and have a more interesting plot. But it's does have the potential to be better, but the way the author writes he makes it more boring.


I’m talking about you saying Haje was a better character. He’s just a copy of the mc. Everything he’s doing the mc has already done. That’s what makes you an idiot. Haje isn’t doing anything that the mc hasn’t already done. If you too stupid to follow basic story arcs just say that then.