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I feel like I’m on some sort of watch list after clicking onto that sub 🥴




Let’s all jack off together! Like what


I don’t really want to read the comments, but the fact that there is a community, a group of men socializing over jacking off to playboy models has me DYING 😂


Was not expecting those comments. So gross.


That was a sobering experience. I read no further than the first comment where they were talking about how she loves to make them horny and ... good day.


Right ?! Men are so effing weird.


Wow that is such a disturbing mentality.


I clicked on it at my work computer so there's that...




Same she looks so young it grosses me out.


When B talks about the mansion being a “family” and GND has this wholesome vibe … but then you see the Teddy bear and make the unfortunate decision to read the comments under the photos (I don’t have my glasses on I didn’t know which sub I was in I swear!). Such a juxtaposition. Then of course the allegations of SA etc. I don’t know exactly what I’m saying but yuck.




Omg the comments 🤢


I mean if you look that the name of the group lol. Yikes. Also the “little girl” theme is a choice. I am not sure I care for those


The little girl theme is so inappropriate!!


Right, I know that Sara Underwood was an adult, but the implication is disturbing to say the least


And she said the other model she was competing with was much curvier (I.e. more womanly).


Oh, that makes so much damn sense that they chose her. Sara looked younger. This was not that long after Rolling Stone did that creepy photo shoot with Britney Spears


That creepy theme aside, I always thought it was weird that playboy included pics of the playmates when they were younger (at least that’s what Holly said, I haven’t seen any). Just why


Yes, that’s usually on the “About Me” page


So it’s “here’s me naked and also when I was 8.” Cool


https://preview.redd.it/9stlkkomjitc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0438eaafe2785ec26e4a7f7bcaa3e0bb31e0db4b I attached an example of what it would look like.


I was thinking the same! So creepy!


I HATE the little girl theme 🤮🤮🤮


This made me realize how I am so sheltered in our more female-focused subs!! I went to check the comments expecting the same and then BAM.


I mistakenly went searching for her pictorial and found a sub that specifically photoshops away any nips in photos. Didn't realize until I looked at a few photos and was like hmm. Something is missing 😂


I was thinking the same thing. 🤢


lol the comments were something 😂


there's not even anything that bad in the comments lol y'all are surprised men are jacking off to a magazine literally made to jack off to in a sub of former sex workers


Nobody’s surprised. It’s the gross way they all jerk off together and dehumanize nude models. Just because someone is sexual doesn’t mean you get to treat them like they’re not people.


Yeah I think sometimes since most of us GND fans are women and like talking how glamorous they made the playmates look and what they picked for the theme of their pictorials, it makes it easy to forget that is NOT what the men looking at it were doing 😂 it's why I always get so confused when Bridget or the other playmates act like it's Vogue or Miss America, when it was literally just a jack off magazine for men before porn was easily accessible.


The thing that’s creepy is they have pictures of Sara as a child. I think they’re just trying to show you what she was into or the stuff she used to do but …. She’s a child in those photos meanwhile the rest are of her naked. It feels so personal idk




I came back here to comment this.. why are they in there at all tbh 😭


Hefner liked little girls. Holly has alluded to this many, many times.


He wasn't the only one involved.


I think you’re giving them too much credit. They knew exactly what they were doing. 🤢


They did. Even Carmella said that in her pictorial she wanted to look like sex kitten like Carmen Electra, but instead they wanted to make her look as young as they could. I was just talking about the Britney Spears spread in Rolling Stone when she was 16 or 17 where they had her in a bra and underwear with a bunch of children's toys. It was so disturbing and this is even fucking weirder because it's in Playboy.


Even worse. That was Britney’s actual childhood bedroom in her parent’s house. Her actual dolls that she was recently fighting over with her mom. Her dance trophies and her gymnastics medals. Her childhood toys. They shot this in a very personal, real place.


Are these the tiny boobs she was talking about on the podcast? They are literally perfect.


Came here to say this! Her body is perfection 👌🏻Though I do remember the obsession with double-Ds back in the early 2000s.


Omg the the stuffed animal pictures!!! Why 😫 She is gorgeous in everything of course, but sorry that’s just sick. Why would they infantilize a grown woman and play on a pedophilia fetish?! She mentioned being embarrassed about her small boobs?? She’s perfect, what is she talking about lol


Same, I was waiting for mosquito bites like mine lolllll


And they still do it. Sabrina Carpenter’s new photoshoot for Skims has this vibe. Like she’s in her childhood bedroom and she’s a teenager wearing lingerie. I know she’s an adult but it’s this vibe of evoking childhood and innocence that creeps me out. It’s like they’re encouraging men’s sexual attraction to little girls. I think we’re deep in denial about this but it’s way more common than we think. Many guys are pedos.


They do this to all the Disney girls at some point!


Ewh. The comments. I know you said not to read them but 🤢


I thought men read Playboy for the articles?


And the creepy photoshoots where they make adult women look as underaged as possible!


God I hate the teddy bear pictures. I really love her other photos, I think the one with the horse are my favorite. They had such a great outdoorsy and natural vibe but the little girl bedroom photos feel so grimy


She is just so pretty


Agreed. I wonder what shes up to now.


She and her partner Jacob built their own rustic retreat in the PNW called Cabinland, and they're currently building something similar in the desert.


Her TikTok is amazing. She builds cabins with her boyfriend. She lives in the forest with him and their dogs. It’s such a peaceful life.


The actual dream lol


That's wonderful to hear. Super happy to hear that.


They do onlyfans together too


Yep the comments are pretty bad.


"I’m with you. I am jerking off to her right now! I am hard as a brick looking at her." Is that really something straight men do? Communicate with other straight guys while they're jerking off?


Please. They jerk off in the same room when they watch porn together. Men are very homoerotic in nature. That’s why they need to talk dirty about women and call these models and porn stars sluts. It gives them a false sense of masculinity.


I CACKLED reading those comments. So many exclamation points too. I think [deleted] had some post nut clarity on his digital foot print lol


Why are men


I was really proud one of the guys said that little girl shit was gross and then noticed it was from 3 hours ago so was def one of us 😂😂😂😂


ok, i know insecurities make people think the worst of themselves but im just gonna say it - her boobs were not small at all!!


Thank you for the warning but I did not heed it in time. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Those comments 😭 😭 dear god


Those little girl photos are vile. 🤢


It’s absolutely disgusting they put photos of her as a little girl right next to her nudes fully knowing that men would be looking at that page as they, you know. And then the teddy bear… disturbing.


There are more recent pics of her on that gross site unfortunately and in those she has massive implants with incision scars. Imo she’s had several rounds of breast surgeries. These girls become dysmorphic.


Can you share the link to the recent pictures?


Idk how tbh but if you go on that gross jack off site (cant believe I just typed that ugh), they are there. You can also just google her name and you will find some images where the pics are quite depressing (not playboy level) IMO


Oh wow. Found some. I guess she has an OF and where a lot of pictures are from.They make me so sad. She was so cute and perfect naturally.


Those are the "tiny titties"? Bigger than mine!


omg men are so gross 😭


Sara, are the itty bitty titties in the room with us??


The addition of the very young photos gives me the ick. And so does that subreddit


Is the first link pre boob job? Bc if so she had the most perfect boobs!!


She is a GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS girl! But if I caught my husband in possession of those photos? I'd be seriously concerned about him 😬 I guess times were just different then, but BOY, am I glad we progressed.


The teddy bear photos remind me of the Skims photoshoot that Sabrina Carpenter did recently. They have this teenager bedroom vibe and poses 🤢🤮 I know they’re grown adults, but they’re purposely trying to look much younger and play into this child attraction that way too many men have. It’s disturbing that the media caters to this. Just because they are adults doesn’t mean they’re not evoking childhood in their photos. Like that creepy Rolling Stone cover with Britney Spears and the entire photoshoot with the dolls and her childhood bedroom. It’s so gross.


>Warning: do not read the captions or comments of those photos... Too late. 🤢 🤮


The captions and the comments made me cackle. Men are funny creatures


I should’ve read this entire post instead of skimming it. I wanted to see the kittens she found and now Ive been traumatized by the comments 🫣