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I have a feeling that they will wait until after Gen Con before releasing.


I think on a past FOD Joe mentioned that they were recording eps of the new season. But that is all they said about it if I remember correctly


Think he said on the fod this week, "First ep(s) in the can!"


Characters need to start dying. Bobby should be dead 100 percent.


While I completely agree, I think it’s too late, this being the last season of impossible landscapes, I would be happily shocked if anyone died before the last episode and if this were a movie/tv show, I’d put my money on cumstone sacrificing himself, Bobby involuntarily dying, Neil Breen embracing the insanity and Vicki being a coin toss on making it out. I was fully exporting Bobby to be turned into a red mist by the clown last finale. I’m interested in how they treat this last season because from where they are at now until the end of the book, I wasn’t really a fan when I read it. Regardless, I’m 100% gonna be watching it all on release whenever it comes out (assuming late summer).


I agree, but I think up until now I think Joe’s been right in how he’s pulled punches. Because of it being a streamed show, and the nature of how Impossible Landscapes is built, having the continuity of characters helps the presentation. Honestly, a character dying in part 2 would be awful because of the nature of part 3. You can (and most games do) shoe horn in new PCs, which is fine at the table, but I think the show (due to the tone of DG) would lose something if that’d happened. Honestly, I love how GiTT works because while it’s not your typical bloodbath lethal DG game, it’s turned out to be something better: a character study of each of these oddballs.


I've been rewatching GiTT to prepare for season 6 and damn... All of them made such wonderfully twisted characters. I just passed the episode in season 4 where they were talking about how Cumstone is such a strange choice for this kind of show (I think Skid or Joe actually compared him to a Street Fighter character), but that's oddly appropriate because the dark surreal humor he brings counterbalances the mind-fuckery horror of the whole thing in a really satisfying way.


What teaser?


It's run during the Gatewalkers videos for the last three weeks. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8gcH9XXe\_k&t=3072s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8gcH9XXe_k&t=3072s)


I saw that and was like "What the hell is this? Is it a sponsor ad? Weird" and never connected the dots. I'm a dumbass.


They have been teasing Season 6 via their YT videos, so if you’re an audio only listener you wouldn’t have seen it


Man I hope they stick the landing on the last 2 seasons. Joe needs to stop pulling his punches and really let the game play out. I'm not really sure if the players are going to have a load of fun though. The last 2 books are really on the rails.


I talked to Joe at the Vancouver live show and he said they are only doing one more season of Impossible Landscapes.


Likely due to the “on rails” nature of the last two books I think I remember Joe saying he planned on this being the last season of IL. While I’m pumped for it to start streaming, I’m a bit worried that the players are going to feel a lack of agency, that’s the vibe I felt when reading the text.


Yeah, I've read the books and listened to a different podcast about it and the last book was just a expositionfest till the end. The lore is AWESOME but the players just kind of sit there twiddling their thumbs.


They started recording a few weeks ago. Nothing solid, but most likely some time after Gen Con


They said on the Fod a few months back that they were hoping for a few weeks break after TFC ends, but not too much. Early/mid July might have been mentioned.