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"I'm tired, Katara. I'm *so tired.*" That line always gets to me. šŸ˜¢


That whole conversation I keep in my mind. I love Katara's advice about finding meaning in hardship. I watch the scene a few times a year because it resonates with me so much.. I have a disability that limits my arm movements so my entire life I've struggled to do day to day things. I've adjusted, compensated, and learned how to live, but it isn't always easy. However I do feel it has shaped the type of man I am today. I try to be compassionate and kind to others because you don't know what anyone is going through.


I get it šŸ˜”


I remember I chuckled. Like can we remember that Aang was a 12 year old boy and the last survivor of the Air Nomads, other than his bison and lemur, but he never just sat there and cried?


Dude, when he found Gyatso's body he did just that. Several times Katara had to comfort him and calm him down. Like another commenter said, it happened with the Sandbenders in the desert. So, boo.




He also woke up from a two week coma after being dead and decided that the best course of option was to abandon his chosen family to try and deal with everything himself while *still* critically injured and nearly killed himself in the process.




Bro, if you think people in the late teens/very early twenties are grown and mature, you're out of your damn mind. And your cat sucks.


He cried and had a tantrum in the desert when the sandbenders took Appa, what are you talking about? He was willing to derail their entire mission to warn the earth king about the war when they got one miniscule detail about where he might be. Let's not act like Aang never had emotionally immature moments.


Appa was his best friend, Spirit Guide and lifelong companion and the only other survivor of the Air Nation so that's completely understandable. And he didn't just sit there and feel sorry for himself. He went out, flying on his glider, searching, calling for Appa and blowing the flute. And him abandoning their plans to talk to the Earth King to locate his lifelong companion is more than understandable, its actually expected. Sorry you can't understand the deep emotional connection between a boy and his animal companion.


And sorry you can't understand PTSD like what lol


I miss back when everything was so black and white like this and I had no deeper knowledge of things like 'nuance' and 'mental trauma'. I don't miss being naive and saying stupid things on the internet, but definitely miss the feeling of being right all the time, even when I wasn't. Don't worry, you'll grow out of it and realize that measuring two horrifically traumatic events in peoples' lives is impossible and actually makes you look foolish. I'm excited to see that growth happen in you someday!


I mean, Korra was always the Avatar. Or almost always. She was a child with raw talent and probably surrounded by people who praised and stroked her ego. She was the gifted kid who up til she started air bending training had never struggled. Yet season 1 she is struggling and also being humbled and also politically manipulated. She's the avatar, meant to have the answers and be a guide, yet she doesn't. Also, Aang had his moments. He'd sulk or feel down. He had friends to.uplift him. Aang's team Avatar is arguably closer and more support than Korra's as well. But also, Aang was never poisoned. Even when Azula hit him with lightning, he never had to worry about losing his ability to walk or fight. Never had to go through the physical therapy of it all. Not saying Aang didn't deserve to stop and cry but it doesn't invalidate the fact that Korra is allowed to do just that either.


Hence Korra's character is more realistic




Do you *always* expect people to operate perfectly when they undergo severe trauma in real life? If anything, Aangā€™s ability to move past the loss of his people with such little struggle is unrealistic (but something Iā€™m willing to accept for the show).




You understand that the brain is an organ, and as such can become sick, correct? Your personal philosophy is *not* how life works for everybody. While there is always an element of personal responsibility, people struggling with PTSD or intensive depression canā€™t generally just ā€œpick up and move onā€ and suddenly be fine. For the vast majority of people who are raped, tortured or have a violent near-death experience you canā€™t simply just ā€œmove onā€. That isnā€™t how it works. And Korra didnā€™t just ā€œsit and cry about itā€. She was trying *very* hard to improve, for the vast majority of the timeskip between books 3 and 4.


When was the last time you actually watched the show?




Stop the cap


You mentally okay?


Ugh. Isn't there someone else you can annoy? Friends? Family? Poisonous reptiles?


Having PTSD, yeah Korra resonated with me BIG for this arc




Donā€™t tell u/TwoWorldsOneFamily- that


These people arenā€™t worth your time trust me. So many people already disagree with them


Cheers for the publicity! ![gif](giphy|jaQuaJ8clDC1i)


Her PTSD arc resonated deeply with my medical trauma. I've had times where I've been disabled from extremely severe rheumatoid arthritis in every single joint. I still have nightmares at times where I can't get up and walk, and everyone around me is getting frustrated and angry telling me to just get up but I can't. Her frustration at emotional turmoil at being physically disabled and the time it takes to get back to normal was very relatable.


Wow, I love this


This was my favourite scene in Lok, I simply love the deepness of this scene and the action in it too


Man, life was rough for Korra...


An aspect of her trauma I liked was that even after she got the final metal out of her it didn't solve her ptsd. Moving past ptsd isn't a single action.


My favorite comment tbh


I like her arc even more bc it truly shows in the real world we cannot resilient instantly. Healing takes time, not everyone can be resilient and thats okay.


honestly i loved the korea deppression arc




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I hope you can ban more people like them bc their attitude doesnā€™t resonate with the show itself.


I would've felt bad for Korra at this scene, but after 3 seasons of her being an arrogant hothead to the majority of the cast, I couldn't care less.


Agreed šŸ’Æ