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Wasn't Elizabeth Warren her professor and a mentor. I figured she would be the first to endorse her. Once the race is clear and if there isn't anyone to her left with a chance to win I am sure many of the squad and maybe Bernie will also endorse her. No way they won't help if it becomes a Porter vs Schiff.


What about Schiff is bad other than being a centrist dem? I prefer Porter.


I mean, I guess it depends on your politics, but isn't that bad enough? If not, he's been known for a while as a war hawk, and coming from Los Angeles, he takes a fair bit of defense contractor money.


I didn't know. Thats why I asked. He seemed to make compelling and sober arguments during the 1st trump impeachment. He just seems to be way too status quo for me.


That was all theater.


Of course it was. When all those Rs pumped their heads in the sand cause doing their jobs might cost them an election. Thats the shit that pisses me off.


Really seems broken beyond repair.


For me, you don't vote for a centrist unless it's been them and a republican


That's fine for a state like Delaware or something, but we can do better in California.


Agreed, I'd like to see her win in CA


Nothing. I just figure the progressives would actively campaign for the person who is the most to the left in the race and if it is Schiff vs Porter I imagine she will get vocal support from the high profile progressives in the party like the squad.


As she should.


> What about Schiff is bad other than being a centrist dem? What else do you need?


I think he has a serious lack of charisma, too. He's boring. Katie porter is never boring.




Schiff is a neoliberal warhawk, he is far from fine. The biggest problem with the so-called "left" in the US, of which Schiff is a major pillar of, is that they are not left at all. He's a libertarian in wolf's clothing.


Is he even centrist? I was under the impression he was okay as far as establishment Dems go.


I’m so glad Porter announced her run. It’s past time for Progressives to stop asking permission from these dried up old centrists.


As much as I hate MAGA you have to admit they figured out how to push their agenda onto their party. They went from a fringe outlier to the core of the party in like 2 years. Their policies are entirely unpalatable to the general population, so it’s ultimately harming republicans, but they made it a choice between MAGA or democrats and I kind of have to respect that


Having billionaires backing their candidates helps.


Not so much initially. Big donors preferred the more traditional conservative candidates over the MAGA candidates. When the MAGA take over was completed, no anti-MAGA candidate could plausibly win, so donors had to accept MAGA, but MAGA was originally under funded. Look at 2016. Hilary was able to massively out raise Trump. (Which isn’t to say that Hillary is a progressive… she’s not).


Nah, Maga existed well before Trump. It was just the tea party, or freedom caucus or young Republicans, which had Koch and Adelson funding it decades ago.


oh absolutely


With Barbara Lee also likely running, and Bernie likely to endorse Lee, it'll be an interesting showdown. May the best progressive win. Hopefully Schiff can be defeated


I doubt Schiff will run. He will be giving up a lot of power to start over in the senate.


I hope no one tells Diane (but if they do, they will have to tell her again five minutes later)


If they have a debate NBC will accuse Katie Porter of elder abuse.


And sexism


I think Dems will start to see the writing on the wall when it comes to Feinstein. She’s 89 now and will be almost 92 if she’s elected in 2024 for another 6 year term. Do people really expect a 98 year old to govern effectively, even if her faculties are intact?


wow turns out she can endorse progressive candidates in a timely manner, shes still trying to come to terms with endorsing Bernie in the 2020 race tho.


I don't care what Elizabeth warren does at this point. After what she did to Bernie during the 2020 election , she's dead to me. Sorry, not sorry


After Warren's behavior towards Bernie in the Democratic primaries, her reputation with Progressives has diminished and so has the value of her endorsement. One good thing about Porter is that she is not beholden to the DCCC for campaign funds - she can raise her own money.








I love Katie porter and I cannot imagine anyone else taking that seat.




Ro khana will probably run too.


Very unusual for a sitting senator, especially someone like Warren, to endorse against an incumbent — a pretty sure sign Feinstein is not running