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Wall Street Propaganda: be poor while we steal from you.


It really is an obnoxious suggestion.


Not at all what the article is about but nice job reading the headline and upsetting yourself 👍


What is it about? That breakfast food is super expensive?


It's literally nothing more than reporting inflation numbers with an emphasis on some breakfast goods. Click bait headline sending people into a frenzy.


Yes, the article is wrong for having a misleading title. We're right for not reading disinformation.


Being proud of not reading an article and arguing over a headline is some braindead, bot behavior lmao Makes you stupider. Also, what are you talking about "disinformation?" Do you know what that word means? What was the disinformation?


Kinda weird that you think people would be proud of not reading an article. Or proud of reading an article, for that matter. Where'd that come from?


Saying you're "right" to not read it is so weird. What in the article is disinformation?


Your article is shit, get over it.


TBF it could have gone either way in this new guild age 😆


Headline writers have no responsibility to anyone? Interesting take


Do you think I'd support click bait headlines like this?????


That’d be unfair. For years WSJ was paywalled, maybe that’s not true anymore?


It's not my article, and you never read it.


Are you saying the headline is false?


Something can be click bait even if it's behind a paywall. This is a great example of that. The headline is tongue in cheek. There's nothing to be offended by. Well, unless you are constantly looking to be offended by something.


Let’s stipulate that you’re 100 percent correct. Maybe it still isn’t cool for a publication focused on wealth to be tongue and cheek about non-wealthy people skipping meals?


It has nothing to do with "non wealthy people." It's directed at their readers who love breakfast. But I'd agree that click bait headlines suck.


It's amazing how these idiots think. "We want to get rich but don't buy our products." Brain dead. Of course a lot of companies aren't actually selling anything anymore and just rely on stock buybacks or other financial manipulation schemes, but without a solid economic foundation the economy could burst. Eugene Debs was right, if capital tries to hurt labour or labour tries to hurt capital they'll both suffer. Of course Debs didn't limit himself to capitalism, but he understood the nature of the relationship.


To be fair, capital is not a monolith, and usually in cases like this it's one sector of capitalism trying to preserve itself by throwing another sector under the bus. It's all shitty and awful, but it's not like the big agriculture corporations are the ones telling us to skip breakfast.


He was talking about the relation between workers and their employers. His point was that workers wouldn't want to cause the place where they work harm because they rely on it for their jobs. On the flip side the employers need workers to be healthy so they can produce at maximum capacity. That was basically what the New Deal program was. A social contract between workers and employers.


>To be fair, capital is not a monolith, and usually in cases like this it's one sector of capitalism trying to preserve itself by throwing another sector under the bus. Not that this doesn't happen, but they have a built-in aversion to this kind of thinking because of the way the system is set up. There's a lot of interdependency built into corporate sectors. Billionaires invest in other companies across different sectors for financial diversification, different sectors rely on one another for supply chains, etc.


As if I don’t already do that


Have you tried skipping lunch as well?


Why dinner isn't good for you, lose weight with this one simple trick - buzzfeed


I swear to god some of these people just want to write the headline that starts a violent, class-based revolution. We’ve moved well beyond trolling with a sick sense of humor and general disdain for the working class at this point.


To save money, consider going unhoused


Do poor people read the Wall Street Journal?


Not likely, but they are going to see this headline clipped and shared across social media.




Can’t read all the articles unless you pay them


Next Wall Street headline: "Being Poor is a Choice! You Don't Need Two Kidneys!"


One of the states introduced a bill to encourage inmates in prison to donate organs in exchange for time off of their sentence.


"just learn to code" energy.


Let them shut up about cake.


Hey Millennials, stop spending so much money on avocado toast!


to save money, steal things


Or we could eat rich people for breakfast and most of our problems will probably go away. Also don't limit yourself to a breakfast. We can have a nice dinner or a very enthusiastic brunch with mimosas.


**People subsisting on one pack of ramen per day:** wtf is breakfast?


I’m sure it literally is saying skip a meal, but are we sure that it’s not just a stupid article offering alternatives to eat bc of high egg prices


I wonder if the WSJ realizes how many people already don't eat breakfast.


Ffs all you need is rice cakes & peanut butter.


You need a certain number of calories. It doesn’t really make any difference to the cost if you eat that over two or three or more meals.


In Cuba Fidel used to tell the public, "the people aren't hungry, they're just thirsty. They need to drink more water." How long before we're told this.


Skipping my own breakfast to save food and money became a necessity after I had a kid. I was working full time too.


Accept the chocolate currency that your boss is handing you instead of a working wage. It worked in South Africa and Apartheid was awesome if your family had the right skin tone, name, and proper social standing. I wouldn't be surprised if congress proposed this now that Elon and the crypto cucks are running the scene.


Low key based


Honestly, it’s the cheapest type of meal. Skip dinner meals. Eat breakfast for dinner. Or the rich. Always eat the rich first. The egg farmers aren’t making money off the price hike, the brokers are.




The irony is I can’t check if this is a tongue in cheek headline because WSJ articles are paywalled so I can’t check without p a y i n g this asshole


Not that WSJ running this would surprise me, but I cannot find it anywhere on their site or elsewhere. Anyone find it?


I found it it’s paywalled though. It doesn’t suggest skipping breakfast technically. It just makes the observation that breakfast foods have faced the highest levels of inflation.


Maybe they should eat a giant bag of dicks for breakfast


Lmfao. Have you all thought of eating cake?


Why don’t you post a copy of the text? I read it. It’s not actually saying people should skip breakfast. It’s mostly pointing out that breakfast foods have risen the most due to inflation recently. Purely an objective article with a headline that’s meant as a joke.


So being poor is just like a diet, for free.


At some point we're going to have to confront the unsustainability of dairy and eggs, not to mention the unethical nature of cultivation. There's kind of a problem here for me, because I sincerely want egg and dairy subsidies to end, and I understand that for many people the effect of that is their favorite breakfast foods would be more expensive insofar as they're still accessible at all for them. It's hard for me to sympathize with people complaining about the price of eggs. You can make a nutritious plant-based breakfast, you don't *have* to have the conventional classic American breakfast. Let's make it a thing of the past.


Why don't they have headlines like "For better health: skip breakfast cereal, have an apple instead" ? Then again, given the pandemic of obesity wouldn't hurt for us to skip a meal or two every now and then


so just, don’t put money into businesses?


I eat one meal a day I'm still poor


I don’t understand what’s wrong with the article.