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Pick-mes hoping white privilege will shield them from culls by their homophobe allies. Lol you collaborators will be the first they Night of Long Knife.


Same with the gays who are transphobic. Like buddy, you aren’t the people they like.




Sounds like your brain has nothing to do with anything.


Policy that adversely affects part of the population by directly targeting them has nothing to do with anything?




Maybe. If you pay attention to literally nothing.


Hey now, they didn’t join a hate group to receive the hate.


Leopards meet face.


Where's a hateless hate group when you need one?


Hella bonus points (if I could) for using Night of the Long Knife as a verb.


Well the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed


The most beautiful sentence I’ve read all night


“I love the hollow rhetoric that Republicans preach but don’t practice, but now that they’re acknowledging how hard they’ve always worked to strip my rights away, I suddenly think they’re bad.”


"I thought all the anti-gay legislation was just a joke. He doesn't really mean what he says."


Christopher Rufo, DeSantis’ hand picked Goebels, literally said his goal was to make Pride toxic. It’s clear it’s not about kids or “groomers”, they’re going after LGBT people writ large.


I'd sympathize with them, except I also realize there's a very strong chance that they will ultimately still vote for Trump instead. I guess that's to be expected from the least self-aware group of them all.


I mean to be fair, the author is a black woman. But your point still stands. She will get culled too.


Looks like Desantis has lost what might have been the only black lesbian woman in country who was considering voting for him.


What does race have to do with this? You realize there are a hell of a lot of anti gay poc right? Also the woman who wrote the article is black.




Thank you for this, I'd never heard of it :)


Yeah, you get to see some hilarious posts


It’s always funny when a MAGAhadeen or really anyone in the conservative media bubble posts something in there. They almost always get their heads ripped off because they’re misunderstand who is the leopard and who’s face is being eaten. It’s my favorite part of the sub.


“MAGAhadeen.” Holy shit, that’s fantastic!


Thanks! I made it up when everyone was going on about Y’all queda or Meal Team 6. It’s all yours now. Spread it far and wide!


I will try to hunt one of those down, it sounds like it'd be a laugh :)


I found [this post](/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/14olsda/gay_woman_was_all_in_for_ron_until_ron_came_after/) in r/leopardsatemyface with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Good bot That'll do bot, that'll do


Imagine risking death for some tax breaks.


“I could buy jet ski with the money I save if I am not executed first!”


"They'll save me. I helped them!" "Before we seal the train car, get in."


Well, there's always some Camp Kapo positions opening up. I hear they've always had a historically high turnover rate.


that's personal responsibility, which is a conservative value


“Personal responsibility” is a hardcore dog whistle for folks who believe in the (actual) Nazi concept of “Useless Eaters”


"Personal responsibility" = I think I'm economically superior because my dad was rich


It's usually not their personal tax breaks these people are fighting for tho, that's the funny thing.


Oh brother... the author's only other article on the Daily Beast is titled "I’m a Young Queer Conservative. The GOP Lied to Me." with the sub header "WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN" posted in *July 2022.* Well, looks like you got fooled again.


The with that, I *genuinely* believe this person is fake. The article talks in a loops and spends 10 paragraphs saying the same two points- I’m a conservative but you’re alienating the gays! Whoever’s writing this must be working with either a campaign, or the Democratic Party. In either case, it’s a very poor tactic considering just how blatant the far right is now. There is no “swing voter”- the Republican Party has its base and you other vote for them or you don’t.


Yeah. This has big "I was a Democrat for life, but..." vibes. Desantis's entire shtick is culture war homophobia and etc.. Sure, response to the pandemic was horrible, but people barely even talk about that now. It's hard to imagine anyone who knew about his pandemic response not also knowing about ie, the Don't Say Gay law.


And how would they even get in contact with the Daily Beast ? Or be willing to have their article published there?


I was thinking the same thing. These articles send up red flags for me.


There isn’t a single conservative candidate that’s for gay rights. This writer is dumber than Cory and Trevor and they’re fuckin duuuuuuumb


The closest I've seen is a "I'm not a fan myself, but I don't feel it's the government's right to create second-class citizens."


They just found out what makes them the most $$


So they a masochist apparently


I feel bad for some reactionary minded folks, like with politics of the U.S. get them trapped in these camps of people that hate them.


"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...won't get fooled again." -George W. Bush


I read that article back in 2022 I knew it sounded similar its like she is in a abusive relationship with the gop.


You’re gay AND a woman? Baby you should’ve realized he’s disgusting before his anti gay ad


And this person *just* realized that DeSantis was anti-LGBTQ? Unless they pay absolutely no attention to politics, I genuinely find that hard to believe.


What I got from it is that they were in agreement with his hatefulness to Black ppl, immigrants and the bodily autonomy of women but him coming after gays is the problem🤯 Btw, he’s the guy who passed a law against ppl saying gay …is this person even real?


You forgot hatefulness to trans people. Also though, you’d be surprised, back when they were passing that law, how many conservatives homosexuals were coming out to say that the law wasn’t a big deal


It’s the Star Wars meme, “you’re not going to do that right? Right?!?” They thought it was all in good “fun”. Just a game to get the poors to agree. But now…they realize it’s not. And they still will vote for DeSantis if he is the nominee.


Most people do not pay much attention at all to politics.


Maybe I’m wrong but people who write these opinion pieces probably aren’t “most people” in terms of paying attention to politics.


That’s probably true in a lot of cases. I looked this lady up and she’s actually a former congresswoman (R).


I guess you’re right. I’m still surprised, though, because it seems like DeSantis has been unavoidable in the media.


DeSantis has mainly trashed on trans people, so this is probably an LGB drop the T type of person


That’s what I was thinking. Like, maybe this person is a trans exclusionary LGBTQ person. However, she seems to now be realizing that trans people are the community being used as the scapegoat to go after the whole LGBTQ community. It’s hard for me to have any sympathy for her, though.


No need for sympathy. Everything else this person described about themselves is fucking horrible. LGBTQ people are people ultimately and therefore capable of horrendous shit themselves.


Maybe he needs to remind everyone how anti-"woke" he is. He doesn't say it nearly enough


And this person *just* realized conservatives hate gays but she desperately wants to be conservative?


"I liked fascism before it targeted me"


First they came for the...


>"I liked fascism before it targeted me" "I liked fascism before it made an ad being proud of all the targeting it had already done and would continue doing"


Dave Rubin is that you?


He would never admit it.


“I was okay with them screwing over other minorities but they’ve gone to far screwing over the minority I belong to.”


literally yes


The only moral minority is me.


Martin Niemöller is rolling so hard in his grave he could power the entire East coast of the United States


How in gods name can anyone be gay and Republican? If you hold some conservative views, being a conservative Democrat is literally a thing


For a lot of LGBT people, it’s a tribal thing. Their families are Republicans, their social circles since childhood were Republicans, and their role models growing up were Republicans. Then whoops! Gay. A lot of gay and even trans Republicans try to avoid burning too many bridges by being one of the “good ones.” It’s honestly sad. Then again some are just fucking evil like Peter Thiel.


Tarnish the conservative movement?!? Since when have conservatives ever not been anti lgbt?!?!


It's tarnish all the way down.


It is a disgusting ad, but it is also the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life. I would be embarrassed to be associated with it or vote for a campaign that created/shared it


Right? Trump literally used tokens of “gays for Trump” throwaways as an occasional scant evidence that he wasn’t anti-LGBT, and apparently because he didn’t actually roll out the box cars for us, he’s been attacked by the DeSantis campaign. Beyond ridiculous, sure. But absolutely tells you to what ends Republicans will go to to attack LGBT people to gain power, absofuckinglutely.


I read this as “I LOVED when he was a bogoted monster by shipping migrants across the country and dumping them off at random democrats houses but now that his hate has turned against MEEEEE now I see him for the monster he is”… Sorry hate monster gay lady. Enjoy the bozo world you’ve put yourself into. Conservatives hate gay people but hey. You sound like a real peach so you deserve it


The lesson here is that, tokens always get spent.


I’m pretty sure we are going full speed to christofascism and the tokens will be slaughtered first. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


And they'll be wondering why and when their own hateful people turned on them when they were ALWAYS against them.


And they'll be wondering why and when their own hateful people turned on them when they were ALWAYS against them.


What a terrible person.


If it’s not for personal gain, being uneducated or mental illness I’ll never understand why any minority, sexual or racial, would vote Republican. This party hates your existence unless they can use you to enrich themselves. Sure democrats have faults and can be cringe at times but at least they don’t want to literally ship you off to another country, lock you away forever or kill you if they could…. It just dumbfounds me


Fucking hell I almost thought this was parody…


“Being a lesbian woman I was shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU, that I didn’t feel welcome in the GOP”


Because which part, the woman part, the gay part, or having the self awareness of a dog licking his own asshole part?


“I mean, I’ll still vote for him because I love his hard stance and immigration and CRT….”


Sadly, he probably ran this ad to get more votes. He probably did his homework and wouldn't have run the ad if he didn't believe that he would get more votes. I am glad you changed your mind about supporting him and I hope there are others out there like you.


The funny thing is that by openly appealing to the base, the inevitable SuperPAC ads against him are going to scare away moderates that aren't aware of dogwhistles but aren't openly racist/homophobic/transphobic.


I legitimately cannot think of anything snarky that hadn't already been said before. Like, what do they want from the rest of us? Sympathy? You want us to feel bad because the sign said, "live electric fence", we told you please don't do it and you grabbed it anyway. You can't possibly be trying to appeal to Conservatives humanity because they unabashedly hate you. They've hated you long before I was born between southern posies (posys?) actively hunting you down and beating/castration you to death and trying to deny you basic human rights like marriage, and adoption or even the right to raise your own genetic blood. what's it going to take for you to understand being a Log Cabin Republican is suicide?


It took an anti-gay ad from this idiot before the author realized he was not on her team? Feels like there are two idiots in this equation, based on the overwhelming evidence from the candidate and his party.


The dude who wrote this article thinks Florida’s economy is ‘booming’. lol


It's a woman from New Hampshire


" I vehemently oppose any and all COVID restrictions...." What is their fucking problem? The scientists are trying to save lives. DeSantis' Surgeon General was caught removing key data from studies to support their fraud. That's the only way they can do it, they have to fudge the data. How can someone be so proud of their ignorance?


tbf that ad was so bad it would put almost anyone off, even grifters


Wtf was that ad, though? Are we really doing meme-based political ads from here on? Besides, they're equating Rhonda Sandtits to: - Patrick Bateman: Psychopath (it's in the name of the movie/book (in which, ironically, he's constantly comparing himself to Donald Trump)) - Tommy Shelby: Narcissistic drug-addled psychopath - Jordan Belfort: Lying thief - Achilles: Probable homosexual


Some real contenders for an Ernst Röhm Award


DeSantis was SUPER Anti-LGBTQ+ before... that anti-gay ad. Were people not paying attention? LOL (I mean, yeah, obviously.)


I like all the conservative gays on twitter who are acting like they’re surprised that the republicans are homophobic. We told them that they didn’t just hate trans people!


You have to be on some wild level of delusion to be gay and a Republican


I think it’s by far his most extreme position. If he’s going to alienate any moderate conservatives this is the issue most likely to do it, right?


Now, imagine how the majority that barely pays attention to politics is going to perceive it when it's used against him.


This reads like a bad f\*cking article from The Onion. "Sure, I'm an absolute piece of invidious shit, but this one thing was a corn kernel too far."


> There’s one problem for DeSantis, though: I am a gay woman. And I can’t stand behind his attacks against the LGBTQ+ community. Typical republican. Until it affects me it doesn’t matter or doesn’t exist. Fuck this writer.


What a dumbfuck and shitty article.


The anti woke stuff is a losing issue. There plenty “fuck you got mine” potential gop voters from all walks of life.


Its makes "Give Us Your Cash, B\*tch" look like "Willie Horton"


Haha, that ad was like an old school powerthirst comedy video. Plus, the pudgy dweep looking desantis looks even goofier juxtaposed next to all the "alpha" images


Reading this article killed my brain cells


So all she/they care about are gay rights? What about pushing their conservative religion (only), book banning and supporting Nazis? What about setting womens’ rights back 50 years? So this is freedom, huh?


Anyone who didn't figure out a long time ago that "anti-woke" means "anti-gay" has been engaging in willful ignorance.


I'm sure they'll find a staffer job for a campaign that channels its bigotry in more respectable language. Do they still make those anymore? Probably not so this person will find a job doing the same shit


They probably saw the polls. Dude is tanking.


You dug your grave. Now sit in it.


That ad is wild though, like someone got paid to make that? This guy is beyond parody.


"I'm so dissapointed that the Leopards Eating Faces Party is engaged in promoting eating people's faces"


Really didn't know that DeSantis was anti-gay before that? Really? Newsflash: that ad changed nothing. He hated you before, and he hates you now.


She’s clearly slow on the uptake - it took that ad to tell you he was anti-gay?


Quislings, all of them.


Does he have ANY policies NOT rooted in hate?


"There’s one problem for DeSantis, though: I am a gay woman. ... I was undeniably on Team DeSantis before his campaign shared what could be considered the most anti-LGBTQ+ ad in recent history, boasting about all the measures he’s supported cracking down on the LGBTQ+ community. " THIS ... THIS was the item that made you not want to support him. So you were okay with the book banning, corporate revenge government laws, kidnapping immigrants, defunding universities with liberal studies, criminal sentences for bathroom use based on birth certificates (which is already leading to violence against full transitions folks), etc. etc. If you were on board with all of that and this was the issue that made you change your mind ... take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why you only opposed the movement when they came for you and not your neighbor because are why people like DeSantis exists.


Why is this not a wake up call to these people? You and your conservative buddies hate every other group then are flabbergasted when your group is targeted. If you’re gay in this country conservatives do not like you and think you are an abomination. The GOP fought tooth and nail to prevent gay marriage…. And yet you are surprised when they come after LGBTQ+ now? If you aren’t any old white dude or a woman who believes a man should tell her what to do then the GOP doesn’t like you.


“I know they like me, I know they do. Hell, they even offered me free showers. What could go wrong?”


I got about half way through the article, before I said to myself “I can’t read a story told by someone who enjoys shooting themselves in the foot. Conservatives hating gay people and using them as a scapegoat for their stupid economic policies isn’t new.” And people who ever thought otherwise don’t deserve my attention.


This author is a fucking idiot, l mean like mainlining lead paint chips for the last 20 years, JFC. "Fascism was fucking cool until I was the target!"


So she’s anti-reproductive freedom and opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment? Fuck her and others like her


Gosh. Who's more foolish ? The guy who's hoping people are bigoted enough to vote for him with nothing else to run on or the queer people who somehow didn't get he was gunning for them specifically?


This ad makes Trump look good.


Wait til someone tells her…


Well, maybe the NEXT conservative you vote for will be the good one!


She’s just now noticing he’s a bigot.


People who come to this kind of realization are ok, but I wish they'd take it a few steps farther and recognize that they are probably not insightful enough to participate in the national conversation. Shut up and listen.


This article was painful to read. It feels like he was written by artificial unintelligence.


The viewpoint of this article starts out as garbage. Says they like Desantis because he is a conservative. Desantis is not a conservative. He is a fascist.


Is he secretly gay like Lindsey? I bet he enjoys a good chin ball bounce.


Dude, not all homophobes are gay.


I hope he serves as president but only after Trump gets a second term


It’s the classic “I knew he was going after them, but I never thought he’d come after me!” Fascists hate everything and will destroy it all. Tiny is a fascist.


As a white cishet dude I know they’ll eventually come for me. How does someone directly in their crosshairs not get it?


Only how many years AFTER Tim Miller bailed?


Boo fucking hoo. It was ok to attack everyone but now he's attacking me....


That was the dumbest opening paragraph to anything I’ve ever read. What a moron


Ron’s rhetoric is completely abhorrent. Truly sickening that this Mussolini want to be is pushing for the eradication of LGBT+ people from having rights. Is Trump actually pro gay rights though? I always figured he was anti gay rights.


I just saw one of his ads today, this is not how you run a campaign. I'm pretty think skinned but it'd call it tasteless a best.


This article has a lot of “first they came for trans kids and I did nothing” energy


Mickey Mouse for governor 2024!


ohhh yeah..looking better and better for RFK Jr.


Fuck me I read this on Google news. The worst


“Then you are a stupid tool.”


Asking as a lifelong Floridian: is DeSantis’ anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry actually some shocking revelation to the rest of the country? Dude’s been preaching this bullshit for years! I mean, where has the author of this article been?


Just another naive apologist for republicans, just like her Log Cabin pals. Self-loathing runs deep in this crowd. So does turning a blind eye and sticking your head in the sand. After reading her empty self-serving face-saving article, my true feeling is that she and all her enabler friends can just fuck off.


"You mean... he meant ALL gays are bad?! Even me?!"


People shouldn’t be ruffled by him. He won’t be president or governor.


The fact that Desantis made an antigay ad that has Tyler the creator and Achilles in it is so funny.


“I couldn’t believe this” Really? Boy his policies prior to this as seemed so friendly to the LGBTQ+ community. How would you ever know?


He's going to vote for him if he's the nominee and everyone knows it, nobody cares that he's going to have a big frowny face while doing it


why would you ever be on that team? or even admit it? another loser




I found [this post](/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/14olsda/gay_woman_was_all_in_for_ron_until_ron_came_after/) in r/leopardsatemyface with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


“Are we the baddies” moment


Trump won the GOP nomination twice without having to be ardently anti-gay. Being anti-lgbt is not a requisite to winning the GOP nomination, and the fact that DeSantis is acting like it is shows complete and total desperation from his end. What a failure


Well he is a lot worse than just that ad so bad on you.


So she seems to be perfectly ok with DeSantis taking away OTHER people rights, but just not hers. Too bad!




So it was the anti-gay ad? Not the anti-gay legislation, the racism, the improper use of his office to punish his political enemies, the corruption, or the inhumane treatment of immigrants?


A true "until it happens to me" conservative.


“I was fine with him being anti-black but anti-me is upsetting…”


What did he say this time?


These people… too many ex-nazis lately claiming that the latest horrible thing changed their minds. They were fine with any amount of hatred, discrimination, disenfranchisement of other people, but once it gets close to them, suddenly they’re good people. Eff that, head to New Nuremberg with the rest.


Longtime Republican gay, but Ronny Desantis is too much for you? Not every single republicans national leader before them since forever?


100% chance nobody changes their minds anymore because of commercials.


Unbelievable! But not. DeSatan is bad people


Stupid, stupid woman. I didn’t know there were dumb lesbians. This breaks my heart. I’ve known plenty of dumb gay men. This is my first encounter with a dumb lesbian.


About a year ago this same person wrote an article about how they'll never be fooled the GOP again: https://www.thedailybeast.com/im-a-young-queer-conservative-the-gop-lied-to-me What is this person's purpose?


I say this as Democrat who thinks De Santis is either a coward or sociopath (both?) That anti-gay ad is really impressive for its targeted audience of young white men (the edit, the music). He is taking risks, and appears to be remarkably savvy and far ahead of his competitors in trying to get the votes of younger Republicans.


Was it just me or was the pro-desantis part of the ad really, really gay? Like reminded me of the gay steel mill in the Simpsons.


All I read was black gay women and I stopped right there. This one is no better than the Log Cabin republicans (quislings). I have NO TIME for their bs


That video is unwatchable. I’m not even talking about the message. Whoever was in charge of that monstrosity should be fired. I get that they basically have to polish a turd in regard to his character but it was just a coked up incoherent mess of memes and headlines.


Im sick of these folks finally seeing the light when the torch shows up at their door. You get what you get, lady.


So...she knew she wanted him to be president but hadn't looked into him enough to know he's openly bigoted and has been passing anti-lgbtq legislation throughout his entire governorship. Conservatives really are mindless.


How was anyone pro-DeSATAN in the first place?


these guys know how much gayety is in the bible right? why aren't they banning that book. lots of incest, killing women and babies with rocks.. instructions on how to keep slave — oh.


Lol he's been telling people who he is since his firt election.


There are zero people interested in DeSantis. Those claiming to be, they are fickle to the new voice of hate in America. They should not be considered people of equal value, but the constitution was written by cis bigots.


lmao jfc "i was fine w all the policies, but that ad..."


She was okay with all the anti-LGBTQ+ policies that directly impact her, until he put a political ad out that summarized all those policies in one 30 second bite -smh


When you're a Republican lesbian, you done fucked up.


We all know that Republicans have no imagination and everything they accuse others of is just basically self-confession. That being said, Rhonda Santis must be the gayest man on the planet. He probably spends his private time packing away more wieners than Takeru Kobayashi, and once he is full of sperm and self-loathing he goes back to his job and pretends to hate the gays. I'm willing to bet someone has video evidence of this.


"i was team david duke before the disgusting charlottesville riot"


Why? If you were before, why after? How could you miss it? WTF!


Seems like she is discounting the anti trans stuff and the war against "wokeness."