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Donie O'Sullivan of CNN interviewed police earlier in relation to the claims made by Musk of his child X being targeted using private flight tracker data and the police have said no police reports were filed. he's been banned.


Gee. Almost like Elon wants to control the narrative. Also like, holy hell: What doesn’t he want us to find out with regards to where his jet has been? This is serious Streisand effect because I didn’t used to care but now I’m like “So…did he really go to Epstein’s island or what?”


100% - I knew he knew Ghislane but I never knew how many times he’d been to Epstein’s Island, and his temper tantrum got that information to me.


Elon went to a party at his house in NY. Don't think he's been to the island. But if we want to talk Kimball...


Kimball? Background please.


Kimball Musk, Elon Musk's brother, had Epstein set him up on a date with at least 1 \*young\* girl


Ahhhh. Thank you. Proud to say I'm not ashamed to have no idea of this sordid story


Yeah he’s definitely flying to the new pedo island


> Gee. Almost like Elon wants to control the narrative. Banning people for sharing real-time location tracking sites is controling the narrative lol


Isn’t that info already public?


yes, it's perfectly legal to share public flight records, but so does sharing private home addresses, emails or even phone numbers. twitter has to draw the line somewhere and I believe in this case it's the right call.


Is sharing the location of a plane the same as sharing home address etc? In another tweet he calls it assassination coordinates, which is patently wrong. As if the “assassins” can’t look it up.


I'd argue that that sharing real-time location of a private plane that musk and his family use is even more dangerous than sharing one of his home addressees. either way most people don't want that kind of private info to be shared so easily on social media.


Well all this saga did is drawing attention to his plane. There are now many sites tracking it. I’d argue it made the “doxxing” worse.


How exactly is the real time location of his plane more dangerous than his home address? That makes no sense to me.


he has multiple homes where he control every security aspect so it's hard to intercept and ambush him. you can't do that in a public airport where your location and time of arrival is broadcasted to the whole world every time you travel.


How would it be easier to attack a plane inside an airport than a heavily secured home? Seems like the planes location and the location of his homes being known publicly pose no real danger for Musky.


King of the first amendment: Elon Musk.


I don’t have Twitter but if you ban Matt Binder you’ve crossed a line




??? With what was going on with GTX I can't believe you'd try to lie like that about Binder's Twitter. If all you saw was musk, that's also your fault Twitter's algorithm thought that's what you'd engage with the most


And if we are being honest, covering Musk and Twitter is going to proportionately generate content based on what happens and Musk is constantly in the news. Besides that I agree that if you only saw him covering Musk you have tunnel vision yourself.


The political commentator commenting on the current politics... the audacity of the man!


I see your point but that’s not really justification


it was tiresome so he should be banned 🧐




[Lighters up.](https://i.gifer.com/7ClQ.gif)


He's cutting leftists almost as fast as he's losing staff


He’s now officially the most divorced man in history.


The number of Elon's divorce's have been exaggerated - Dennis Prager probably.


I think Artie Shaw is still ahead in that dept.


Jesus. Just saw him tweeting about people getting suspended and idly wondered if he'd be next. This sucks so much.


I had a feeling binder was in the crosshairs. I looked up his acct when news broke of the other journalists getting banned and binder was still up. Next time i opened twitter he'd been clapped.


"Free speech" in the mouth of right wingers means "right wing speech only"


Free speech for me, but not for thee.


The same often applies on the worst of leftist communities to be honest. Many subs on Reddit will auto ban you for being in /r/conservative.


Many of them will ban you for having posted in vaush's sub lmao But also lefties don't bang on about free speech constantly; at least not in the same way


R Politics mods are on a hair trigger. I got banned making a joke at repub expense. Oh well.


Yeah, because they don't believe in it nowadays. Conservatives aren't responsible for one person's behaviour.


Mods on a sub versus a billionaire controlling journalists….


The suspending of the elonjet account and changing the TOS retroactively to justify it seemed a turning point. Basically Musk isn't even going to do any pretence of free speech principles and his grievances will govern the site.


He's hyper paranoid because he got boo'd the other night & realize that people really don't like him. He's gonna go full Howard Hughes.


Yeah, I did wonder whether that Chappelle disaster played a part as he clearly was unprepared for it.


Yeah except the Scorcese movie about him would suck


Just thinking about it, the banning of journalists from NY Times, CNN and the like could be the beginning of the end for Twitter. If these outlets decide to stop using Twitter as a response either Musk will have to cave in or his site will just become a bigger version of Gab.


Mastodon is honestly a much nicer place than Twitter. If high follower count Twitter users start migrating over to Mastodon, it would be just as useful as Twitter is now. I'm not sure why Elon thinks this is an impossibility. Social media sites do not have an unlimited lifespan. MySpace was once more popular than Facebook. Facebook's users now skew heavily older, and in perhaps a decade not many people will use it. Etc., etc. Twitter is not immune to those same dynamics.


I bet Libtard01 is having a blast right now.


[This free speech warrior?](https://imgur.com/gallery/6piEPp5) Meanwhile, this is happening on Twitter now unabated: https://i.imgur.com/iiz6X2M.png


Libtard01 is probably the user that reported Matt. LOL


I was thinking the same thing. Jimmy probably hate follows Matt Binder, so that is all to believable.


Is Elon protecting cult child molesters and the racists who simp for them?


A lot of people are saying this


The best people.


TrueAnon is still up, I suspect they will be the next target. Being the ONLY anti pedophile podcast, that is.


Not to be serious, but I suspect that Matt is paying the price for his Crypto podcast. But it could also be the spread eagle photo meme.


New York times just reported on it too. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/15/technology/twitter-suspends-journalist-accounts-elon-musk.html > The accounts suspended included Ryan Mac of The New York Times; Drew Harwell of The Washington Post; Aaron Rupar, an independent journalist; Donie O’Sullivan of CNN; Matt Binder of Mashable; Tony Webster, an independent journalist; and the political journalist Keith Olbermann. It was unclear what the suspensions had in common; each user’s Twitter page included a message that said it was suspended for “violating the Twitter rules.”


This tells you everything about Elon Musk's so called freedom of speech. Suspending legitimate journalists is something you'd see in a fascist regime. Twitter is now a rabbit hole.


Keith Olbermann???


I got locked out before even tweeting Elon musk in the tweet. Im just a nobody. This guy is like a dictator


Elon Doing a great job of spending $44B on a $11B company and turning it into a $100M company. It's the new parler.


Hopefully he keeps fucking up Tesla’s stock price enough where they vote him out as CEO there


>Elon Doing a great job of spending $44B on a $11B company and turning it into a $100M company. It's the new parler. $100M company? That's optimistic, it'll likely be a single digit millionaire company when Musk is done with it, possibly even a 5 digit company


Yeah it was a wild guess. I have no idea


Damn, he always had some banger tweets. Twitter will soon be a conservative safespace. Musk could've saved himself a lot of money and just bought one of the platforms that was already full of chuds to begin with.


It already is conservative safespace. He's just hastening it's eventual demise as a site like Twitter can run off of ads for my pillow and Alex Jones style health supplements alone.


Hopefully this is good in the long run as twitter goes down hard and the far right grifters loose their best platform to spread their hate.


The natural way of the internet is that the user base splinters to other platforms until a new winner arises.


Free speech for me not for thee


This is what it's always been about. Elon never bought Twitter as a vanity project or as an investment, it was always so he (and the people behind him) could shut down a platform for reports and reporters. There's sooo much sketchy shit him and his lot need to keep buried.


You’re giving Elon too much credit.


Wait, you mean like bankrolling a lawsuit against a news outlet and driving them to bankruptcy because they said you were gay? Who would even think to do something like that?


On what grounds?


Mediaite wrote something up about it. https://www.mediaite.com/tech/twitter-suspends-several-reporters-accounts-in-thursday-night-massacre-i-havent-been-given-a-reason/


Awesome, thanks for the info.


Because he can lol


Did he link to the ElonJet guy at any point? That seems to be Musk's half-assed reasoning for this journalist ban wave.


They posted links to ElonJet tracker without time delay which puts him and his family in danger. it's justified.




I don't think it's "publicly available information". Part of it may be in a way, but that doesn't mean it isn't doxing.




Does the public information directly link it to Elon Musk? Or is that people trying to work out which plane it is?




Does the public information say something like, "plane owned by Elon"?




Right, so it's *not supposed* to be public, but people can work out which plane is his using certain clues. And that's not doxing?


Musk is speed-running Twitter’s transformation into a Parler clone.


Honestly I was skeptical that anything much would change on twitter but I feel like this has the capacity to thoroughly destroy it. Richest man in the world having a crying fit because people are tracking his private jet is such a disgusting headline maybe it will have a huge effect on the markets.


Now is the time to make a Majority Report Mastodon server...?


Wow damn... That's fucked. I was suspended for making fun of a Kyle Rittenhouse supporter. I was told I was engaging in abuse and harassment l


\#FreeBinder You can also join Matt's patreon! https://www.patreon.com/mattbinder


I don’t use Twitter and never have, but this kind of shit is spooky.


LOL All the “free speechers” like Taibbi, Greenwald, Bari Weiss, etc could NOT look like bigger asses thanks to Elon


You think Taibbi has responsibility for Elon's actions?


He's using his reputation to filter Elon's little non-story which in turn gives legitimacy to Elon. So yes he does bear responsibility.


Lol non-story


It is a non story, dingus.


You're the dingus, dingus


Based on your profile, you’re the biggest dingus in this sub.


That's what a dingus would say.


What's the best social media site to keep informed with Matt's goings on now?


This is what success looks like and I say that as a daily MR consumer. Good freaking job dude!


Gonna be a good episode tomorrow!


All this right-left unity over free speech is something to behold. Where do I sign up for the people’s party?


How much of a loss is this for Binder? Is this like taking telephones from Woodward and Bernstein?


i'd say Twitter was probably his largest following where his work was seen by the most eyes, but i'd imagine he could still post under either DOOMED or Scam Economy with his same content still that's not ban evasion i dont think


Is Binder on Mastodon?


https://mastodon.social/@MattBinder There were a few of them and this one was created 4 hours ago, has one fairly generic post and has 2.6K followers. So uhhh 🤷‍♂️


It’s almost nice that we’re getting a trial run of what a dictatorship would look like, on the safety of the internet.


"Basically, assassination coordinates" is the reason Elon says.


Tempting to make an account because I want to get banned like all the cool ppl


\[Recommendation\] 'DOOMED with Matt Binder', as well as 'Scam Economy', are excellent podcasts by Matt that are well worth subbing to.


Maybe we should rethink that whole Twitter is a private company and should be allowed to do whatever they want bull shit


Well yes, Twitter shouldn't be in the private sector anymore, it's too big. It should be nationalized


I’d be down for that


I'm not sure how many people on the left were saying they should, just that they are. Pointing out the rights hypocrisy/not understanding the Constitutional right to free soeach.


There were a lot on the left who only seem to care now that Elon took over, when they were censoring NY Post stories I don’t think many on the left actually cared.


it's not our fault that you're unable to differentiate between *Twitter, a private company* removing accounts for promoting and selling speculative cures during a global health pandemic to *Twitter, a private company* removing accounts for doing investigative journalism on the owner of the private company, his actions, and statements he's made. but it is our problem


Yeah bro you’re definitely a genius thinking at such a high level. Have fun not being able to interact with Matt on Twitter


buddy this is like 6th grade civics you don't need to talk so badly about yourself


Right, it’s sixth grade civics to say I don’t think Elon Musk should be able decided what we talk about online. Keep fellating yourself


that's a nice back pedal you're doing there.


There’s nothing wrong with a private company having a terms of service and removing harmful content as long as it has good governance and rules in place that are fair and sensible. What you have now is a one man show starring a narcissistic manbaby who makes the terms of service whatever he wants at a particular moment


Would fair and sensible mean to allow for non violent political speech?


Matt Lech and Emma defending twitter on Thursday was awful. Then this happens. I really am disillusioned with Matt Lech.


Yeah, I didn't love that take. The end goal here needs to be moving towards building a left communication network that can't be completely subverted by a single capitalist as a deluded vanity project. I do think Lech is generally correct more often than not, although all of them make points I disagree with from time to time.


Kinda why I respect Sam so much. Dude is always reading my mind. Not saying that I am correct 100% but dam does Sam have the knack of virtually never missing.


Unless we're talking about different clips, "defending Twitter" is an uncharitable way of saying "giving reasons for the left to stay on". Some people rely on Twitter for their livelihoods, a mass exodus of left voices leaving a shinier Parler isn't going to happen.


https://youtu.be/Mm0cyXya6Aw Emma makes sense regarding media business. He rambles and wants to kill moralizing twitter but hey social media is bad for you “personally”.


Rather than just leave, piss off Elon so he kicks you out, he's got skin thinner than Jimmy Dore. Ask him to make twitter more transparent, he's close to being see through himself. 😂


The left outrage over twitter bans is so hypocritical. It’s a private company. The advice given to conservatives after Trump got banned was go build your own platform. Hopefully Musk burns the whole thing down with him.


do you want to explain what about it is hypocritical or are you just in your feelings right now?


Musk can ban these accounts for violation of twitters terms and conditions the same way Dorsey was able to ban Trump for violation of twitters terms and conditions. No one here was crying about Trumps ban.


and do you believe that incitement of violence, as Trump was removed from Twitter for, is exactly the same as a journalist doing basic editorial practices to confirm statements made by a CEO about the reasons given for why a change to the ToS was occurring? or just, anything that violates a completely made up and arbitrary ToS is equal in violation?


Does matter Twitter is a private company that can enforce their policy as they see fit. Liberals supported twitters power to enforce policy against Trump. Now they are against twitters power to enforce policy


ok so you do equate calls for violence from a political party leader to a journalist asking questions and finding answers to those questions.


Does matter twitter has the power to enforce their policy as they see fit. I thought that liberals would be in favor of Musk cracking down on doxing.


words don't hold definitions to you this is a pointless discussion


Lmao no words do hold definition I just at no point heard Trump calling for violence.you just want to make new meanings to words that justify your own ends… Literally anything that people on the left disagree with is violence


you can't even maintain a definition of what doxxing is my guy.


What are the odds that musk is orchestrating a massive troll on our society to demonstrate how cancerous social media can be? Or has he really become unhinged?




Ironic that folks who never opposed censorship are now on the other side of it. Everyone's a hypocrite when it comes to their "teams".




"your side". Binary thinking


*The accounts of Ryan Mac of The New York Times, Donie O'Sullivan of CNN, Drew Harwell of The Washington Post, Matt Binder of Mashable, Micah Lee of The Intercept, Steve Herman of Voice of America and independent journalists Aaron Rupar, Keith Olbermann and Tony Webster had all been suspended as of Thursday evening.* https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/twitter-suspends-journalists-covering-elon-musk-company-rcna62032 The article includes some quotes from Matt on his suspension.