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Spelled “participated in treasonous insurrection” wrong.


It’s technically not treason because treason is defined as working for the opposing country during a time of official war declaration Insurrection is insurrection


If she gets arrested for this it'll be hilarious.


> As of this writing, federal prosecutors have not charged anyone merely for being on restricted grounds outside the Capitol on January 6th, unless those individuals also engaged in other overt criminal acts like attacking police or entering the Capitol building itself. >I have not seen any evidence suggesting that the woman who I believe to be Chaya Raichik engaged in any violent or destructive acts that day, besides being present on restricted Capitol grounds. Doubtful.


Ah, unfortunate.


Funnier still if she suffers grievous bodily harm during or post-arrest.


“mind your head getting in the cruiser. oooh. so sorry about that.”


I saw a clip of her Tucker Carlson interview on TYT last night. She seems incredibly unintelligent, like he was interviewing a child


Hard agree. I honestly think she’s learning disabled. Otherwise, she’s stricken with a serious anti social personality disorder. She’s not all there and appears to be easily influenced to do anti social things. Chaya Raichik gets personal jollies and validation from spreading hate but she’s not at all cognizant that what she is doing is abjectly anti social with extremely dangerous and negative consequences for the people she’s targeting via Libs of tik tok.


Shocking. A stochastic terrorist turns out to be… a terrorist.


Hmmm. Wonder who planted the bomb the night before… 🤔


Definitely not her. That person used good trade craft to avoid getting caught. Her, not so much.. The open source intel people I've heard speak about it haven't been able to get anywhere identifying them, nor have the police. The last working theory I've heard is someone one with intelligence or under cover work background. They wore clothes that fit in and didn't let the cameras get a good look at them. I bet they were two states away and those clothes burned before the device was even found. Edit: added word for clarity.


She speaks like she has the brain of a 10 year old


It was painful to watch her mumble words on that Tucker Carlson interview. She’s a demented simpleton.


I'm not surprised.




Who cares? All those institutions at the Capitol have bent over backwards for people like Raichak, while attacking people like Seder or especially Michael Brooks. She deserves horrible things happening to her, but not because of trespassing onto the capitol.


That's one of the reason's she should be in prison, just not the biggest.


Worshipping institutions is a Hallmark of liberalism, I'm sceptical of any so called leftist or leftist movement that sees US gov institutions as sacrosanct. These same institutions have crushed leftist movements globally and domestically, and will do so again. This lady deserves the wall, but the same kind of institution worship will be used against the left with far more zeal.


This has nothing to do with worshipping institutions.