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I liked it, I totally feel like screaming like this sometimes and if I was her?? Me 24/7 for sure


Those of us with narcisistic mums actually did this (minus the mansion and pool boy) as a teenager and do not see this as bad acting.


I think what throws me off about this scene is the primal yell. I was expecting a more high pitched whiny scream. I love the outburst and the chair thrown in the pool. I feel like it is quintessential teenage girl rage.


At the time, (I was her age), I was like this is so lame and bad acting. Looking back 20 years ago it's pretty on point for someone that has Marisa's temperament/internal struggles.


I think it’s one of the best, and most realistic scenes for someone her character’s age.


Completely agree


Unpopular opinon. I hated marissa. I didn't get the hype around her I found her incredibly entitled and hypocritical and annoying and whiny and self loathing. I get she was playing an Ansty teen But my god she was dumb. So this screaming fit infront of hee mother when the reality is she didn't have anything to scream about I just think poor spoilt little rich girl I loved ryan with Taylor in season 4


We share the same unpopular opinion 😄




Thanks for taking the downvote hit for me 🤣


I feel like it's quite the opposite


Love this scene!!


That’s how I would like to actually react to a lot things if I could. And I’m 37. I liked it a lot.


How did I know it was this scene before the GIF loaded? 😂 Super unpopular opinion, but I actually think this moment was well done and that this was one of Mischa's best acting moments on the show. Why? Because I actually did this shit when I was an angsty teenager. I was recently diagnosed with autism, so I'm sure that's related. But this scene doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.


Hard agree.


I felt like it was honestly a pretty accurate representation of teenage angst. Maybe it was "overdramatic," but I remember being that way when I was emotional as a teen myself. Honestly, I thought it was really relatable & reading that a lot of the scene was improvised & also considering that Mischa was about 17-18 during the filming of the scene, I'm sure she was able to channel her own *real* teenage angst at the time. Just finished another full rewatch of the show & Marissa's acting always felt like a real teen's to me & since she actually was one, it makes a lot of sense.


I thought the horribly acted scene was of summer going through the stages of grief after Marissa died. Seemed so forced 😅


Oh my god yes! But IMO a lot of season 4 was cringe& forced anyway(Ryan & Taylor for example) and Taylor was annoyingly obsessive I could never stand her. But Ben & Mindy’s acting in the beginning of that season was pretty good!


Oh yeah that was also bad writing!!


Marissa death


It was one of the most relatable parts of the show (so far, I’m only at season 3 so far).


some of the scene was improvised. she was just directed to scream and fight. but she wanted to give depth and didn’t want her to seem like a teen fighting w her mom on a surface level. so she threw the chair to show just how powerful and angry marrissa felt.


What I liked most about the scene is her mom saying that this is the most honest “conversation” they had in a long time..


this scene was like… fundamental to me. all that bottled up rage was so resonant as a teen after my dad died unexpectedly and later when I was SA’d in college tbh - like i was trying my best but couldn’t manage my emotions and they’d be bottled up until i had to rage or freak out. but for the show itself, ultimately the combo of her character needing help and getting pushed into help in a toxic way seems like it would have been super frustrating so i don’t mind the scene


Okay I see my opinion isn’t the majority which i respect! I can see how it is a powerful scene. I think the expression of rage just felt a little calculated to me


I just watched this for the first time and I’m 32. I’m with you that it felt like it was bad acting. I don’t know, maybe bc I didn’t grow up with it therefore don’t have the nostalgia for it makes me feel that way. But when I watched this scene I was like “literally wtf is this fake ass yelling and embarrassing tantrum” like I wish it felt more realistic 😅


I definitely thought the same think when I first watched it. I don’t know if you’ve seen one tree Hill, but it gives me the same vibes as when Peyton’s car breaks down and Lucas is with her and she scream something like “ahgggggg why are boys such jerks” I totally get the point they were trying to make with those scenes but they just felt so awkward and weird


Bad writing?! Whatt?! As someone who has suffered from depression and anxiety throughout my life, I totally felt that. So often that is such a representation of how I’m feeling inside


Haha, I always sort of liked this scene. It was more emotion than Mischa had displayed in the entire first season put together so it was kind of nice to see some genuine anger out of her. The highlight of this scene was Julie's devastated expression, though.


Bad acting. Terrible.


in her defense how was she meant to throw garden furniture in the pool and scream without looking cringey


Adelaide Kane in *Reign* screaming in the throne room>! after Francis is killed!< is a pretty good example. She didn't throw furniture but she ripped down banners.


Pretty sure that was improvised though...


I would imagine it would look pretty cringey if you were watching someone do this in real life.


When I watched it as a 19 year old I thought it was silly, but when I rewatched it as a mother of a daughter a couple of years ago, I was bawling. The idea of my daughter feeling so much pain and anguish actually made me shed tears and I'm a cold dead bitch who cries at very little, haha.


And no one ever listens to Julie when she tries to tell them how sick Marissa really is. She’s far from perfect but she really did want to get Marissa help, and every single person around her just told her she was being dramatic or made her the bad guy for it


Rewatching the whole Tijuana fallout as an adult with a kid, it’s honestly laughable how poorly Marissa’s mental health is handled. She ODs in an alley in a foreign country, and everyone is treating Julie like “You want her treated in a hospital and you expect her to go to therapy? How absurd!” It’s also fitting for how mental health, particularly with girls and women, was viewed at the time. “Stop being dramatic for attention!”


I’m sure it woulda been viewed a little better if her mom wasn’t an absolute annoying bitchy bad person😂


Yeah, Julie made it pretty obvious that her reasoning was more about avoiding scandal and keeping Marissa and Ryan apart then actually getting Marissa the help she needed.


“You want to just SEND HER AWAY” yeah DUH she does because none of you are equipped to help her, especially herself! She’s a kid who thinks all her issues will magically disappear if she’s allowed to live with her irresponsible mess of a dad and date the cute guy she just met a month ago. Good quality inpatient treatment away from it all was exactly what she needed, Julie was 100% right


Julie was right for the wrong reasons. IMO Julie was more concerned with avoiding scandal and keeping Ryan and Marissa apart than Marissa's mental health.


I guess part of the zeitgeist at that time was the insinuation that inpatient care meant a “troubled teen” places like where Paris Hilton and Drew Barrymore went. There were enough rumblings that those places were terrible (bc people knew kids who had been sent) that a teen/young adult audience wouldn’t have assumed that she would receive good care. While parents that sent their kids to those places were like Julie in having a reasonable fear for their kids if they didn’t send them, there was some generalized anger/hostility toward parents using these programs to “get rid of the problem” of an unruly teen and that helped make Julie the villain.


It was cringey af




it was not convincing to me :D


Ive been doing a rewatch lately and in my opinion? It's completely fine. Kinda normal for someone like Marissa to break down and snap like that. She has no one to really talk to and feels trapped. Kinda normal teenage reaction if you keep pushing them. Damn the internet boards were ruthless with Micha, acting like she's the worst actress on the planet. She did pretty damn good. Compared to loads of kids on TV nowdays


Crazy how a big part of this subreddit still views Mischa's acting (at least during her OC days) like THE absolute worst thing . I agree with you . I think she did fine. It's a combination of good and a bit awkward (but in a good way) acting . But that's like realistic . Many teenagers go through this kind of emotional turmoil at some point .


In my opinion, neither. To me it embodies the absolute rage and anguish of being a teenager that no one understands, or wants to understand. In fact, Marissa’s anger is one of the things I love about her the most. It’s just so relatable, more relatable than Summer’s rage blackouts, at least for me. It is a shame that Marissa (and Mischa) is often reduced to just a punchline on this subreddit. As if teenagers never do cringy things. Just because this scene makes people uncomfortable doesn’t mean it’s bad. Isn’t that literally the point?


Neither.  This scene is iconic.  




Right. I loved this scene & still do. Marissa had so much rage inside her


two scenes that could have been incredible but failed miserably. This scene and the scene where Marissa dies and Ryan looked 10% sad and gave us a terribly sad performance


It was neither, but thanks for your opinion on it.


Hahaha I agree


??? 😂


So cringy… every time I see it


I always hated how this scene got so much ridicule. Was it uncomfortable? Sure, but there was a reason for it. Her character had so much pent up anger from everything around her. It makes sense for Marissa to have a mental breakdown, but it could have been written better. Maybe something where she builds up anger as she snaps at Julie, breaks a vase and drives away. Something more dramatic. I don't discredit that to Mischa's acting, I don't think anyone can take screaming and tossing a pool chair into the water into something other than awkward.


Bad acting


Careful, Marissa stans think she's perfect and is the best written and acted character on the show. They might come for you.


Haha that’s ok. I do like her character but I don’t think the actress had the acting chops for scenes like this.


You’re right and proof is she didn’t make anything else after this show


she didn’t make anything after the oc because she struggled with addictions


Thought it was pretty realistic




I'm actually having a flashback to school when me and my friends were watching and we were laughing at how crap this was...


Which scene is this


When she’s at the pool and Julie asks her something like how are you feeling or let me in or something and she says wanna know how I’m feeling?? And she grabs the chair and throws it in the pool and starts screaming. Season 2 I think


Bad??? It was awesome!


tbh i think it was a pretty good reaction to how a teen girl would feel after being forced to live with her very selfish gold digging mother that slept with her first bf and then abandoned by her new bf because he’s having a child with another girl, plus i’m sure those newport beach ice teas don’t help with rage either 😂


Huh???? Literally, what??


Neither ?????? This is the best scene


Neither. It’s a decent scene




Bad bitch energy


Bad acting bad directing


I never got the negging on this. It was a good scene. 🤷‍♂️




What season and episode is this?


Def season 2. Ryan had gone back to Chino because of his ex that he got pregs…or at least thought he did. And Marissa was being forced to live with her Mom and Caleb.


Season 2, Episode 1 I think?


I think it's just not followed up like it deserves. Marissa is definitely in that place, but the story then goes elsewhere. Eventually the scene serves more to Julie's arc than Marissa's - who's supposed to be a main character


Mischa talked about this scene on the OC podcast. Sounded like it was written vaguely. So not bad writing, but more a lack of writing. And Mischa made a choice. It was a culmination of all the frustration she was feeling in trying to figure out how to play that character. And I fucking love that she went for it and made it memorable. It's over the top, but I think the scene and her character development required it.


Melinda Clarke had said her reaction was genuine too. No one knew Mischa was going to do that


I think she is a GREAT actress. I know she was young asked to play a mom but she really stole some of the scenes she was in. They both are great actresses, very underrate imo


Neither. I love this scene




What? This scene is iconic!


lol it was okay just a lil lower octave 😂 Marissa is an alto or something


Lol this must be it!


Ah! Unpopular opinion, I felt this in my soul at the time. Was lucky to grow up in Newport Beach, but I felt the “what am I yelling at, why am I yelling at it, I just want to yell” 17 year old nothing makes sense. I loved this scene.


I must say this post has me confused and perturbed. This scene is absolutely sensational.


I thought she did great in this scene.


There was the brilliance of S1 and then this at the start of S2. So awkward 👁️👄👁️


I was 20 and so related to Marissa in this scene. It made me tear up cuz I got it.


Yeah I actually liked it! I was 17 at the time.


Mischa did the best she could with some horrifically bad writing, imo - this scene being the prime example of that!


Mischa isn't a great actress but she tries bless her...


Whether it was bad writing or acting….it’s possible that this is what Mischa was feeling on the inside so she had to let it out. Edit: I always loved this scene don’t really get the hate for it….this is also how I feel about not getting my Ryan & Marissa endgame!


I believe Mischa did say that’s how the show made her feel at the time and it was cathartic to get to do that scene because of it


I think it was both. I hate this scene