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did the ultimate sesh on the rizz dispenser leave you highkey shook?




Description on the bag in picture 4 makes it hard for me to think they're not marketing to children


Who says "high key shook" 


It’s *cringe*.


jar alive one soup direction onerous market longing distinct bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What’s cringe is bringing ageism into the convo. I was with you until that. And I’m young lol, but that don’t make any sense (the gate keeping).


MEEEEE I just got this vape today and i absolutely love it, completely shookith 🤪


homeless pathetic cheerful recognise tan cats grey market boat dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why the fuck would this be marketed towards children. Please that that ball and go home. People like you are the reason it took weed to get legalized..


Same way fucking juul was lol. Grow up Peter Pan.


Now zyn nicotine pouches are everywhere.


Not children, but young teens for sure. Read the product descriptions Rizzlers be like: ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


ugly deliver truck recognise marble zephyr quickest boat soup thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




>Why the fuck would this be marketed towards children. Because giant weed companies are just as soul-less as giant tobacco companies. They know that kids like flavoured vapes.


It's literally called Rizzler


The cannabis industry isn’t all sunshine and rainbows mate


This makes me uncomfortable.


More garbage distallte with fake candy flavors. sure it's for the adults but isnt it really marketed to kids. Like rizzlers automatically becomes twizzlers in my autocorrect


even worse, rizzler is a slang term used mainly among kids/teens. honestly never heard anyone use it online or irl over the age of 15


Distillate doesn't matter if it's indica or sativa. It's all the same. The terpenes determine that. And there aren't any in distillate. Only added and those are garbage and don't mimic the profiles enough to make a difference


I still don't understand this. how are botanical terpenes and cannabis derived terpenes different? Aren't they chemically the same? I hear this sentiment often on reddit and haven't really understood what the difference is here.


a lot of people are misinformed unfortunately so information varies a lot from person to person. i’ll try to speak in terms of only what is absolutely known and clarify what isn’t; terpenes have not been shown to have any provable repeatable effects combined with thc, although some trials have shown therapeutic/medicinal benefits in high concentrations. the theory goes that each individual terpene works together symbiotically with the other compounds present to create a more rounded “full spectrum” effects. most people who dislike bot terps don’t actually dislike bot terps, if they were mixed in the proper ratios it should be indistinguishable from a real live extract, but the main issue/why people don’t like it is distillate. you’re missing on all the other minor cannabinoids (which have proven therapeutic and medicinal benefits) which in my opinion/experience is what influences the high most. certain terpenes tend to be present in strains with specific cannabinoid profile, but ultimately the concentration of cbg will give it more of a sativa profile, cbd a hybrid profile, and cbn an indica profile. obviously this is extremely over simplified, but that’s the general idea. this is the same reason people tend to disregard indica/hybrid/sativa as each individual plant (even with identical genetics) can contain widely different cannabinoid contents based mainly on when you harvest. meaning if you grew two identical clones, harvested one at 7 weeks and one at 9, you’d likely see more uplifting sativa effects from the shorter grow and heavier indica effects from the longer. terpenes in the context of the entourage effect are massively underresearched, and definitely require much more testing before we can say how they influence a high. for now, stick with being worried about cannabinoids first.


Thank you! I've asked this question numerous times and have not had a solid answer. Appreciate your informed response as it makes sense with how I understood terpenes and explains the perspective many seem to have on it here. Someone create a pinned post on this topic so we can all actually understand what is or is not "good" cannabis!


ofc man! im definitely far from an expert but im always happy to share what i know. happy i was able to help a bit!


Just type terps or botanical terps in the search bar and it'll bring up all the posts here that weve talked about it. We've gone ove this dozens of times now..... we're sick of it


Thank you for reading the review ✌️ While I definitely don't get a strong "in the couch" effect from "Indica" distillate, I've also never had an "Indica" distillate that was just so extremely energizing. I am usually still able to settle down and go to bed afterwards, but not so with this distillate. I felt that it was worth a mention for those that use Indicas to help with sleep.


Last I checked the blinkers weren’t doing that hot sales wise, pretty surprised to see a different company doubling down on this. Especially a shit company like this, come on now.


I have been curious how this will do. Pax pods didn't do well at my store, but I assumed it was because of the price. I've only had one customer ask for Blinker pods, which we don't carry because Pax did so poorly. While I love the idea and design of this product, I was also surprised to see another closed loop battery on the market.


Issue with pax pod was the just didn’t preform as well as you wanted them to for the price. Then when you added limited selection, hard to find etc to the list it just became too much hassle. They have the right idea with a device that preforms better then a 510 with this and the blinker but with even more limited flavours and probably being even harder to find then pax means this is a dead idea. The more unique devices we get the less any of them are gonna succeed. Nothing more than a money grab to try and lock in customers who don’t understand the market. Honestly a pathetic attempt at a product line and business strategy. Should’ve opened up to pods to everyone and made the money on device sales and ‘premium’ hardware pods under their own brand.


I think that is an excellent idea. I am disappointed every time that I find out a closed loop battery can ONLY take pods from the company that made the battery. I get that it means the pods and distillate can be tailored specifically to the battery, and that in itself may make the pod work more efficiently, it does really limit the customers willingness to lock themselves into your brand.


I think brands are underestimating how disruptive they have to be in this category to upset 510s. Disposables are easy in that it’s grab and go, only limited by their environmental impact. Pods will always be an awkward in between. The transition they want is happening right now on the nicotine vape side. A brand called flavour beast released a ‘level x’ pod system with one of the other top disposable producers. Lasts longer then disposables, hits harder, same price, and less waste. In less than a month I’ve seen dozens of people switch to them. But for that to happen it needs to do everything better at the same price and have the multi brand selection of offerings (I think there’s 50+ between 3 lines). These half ass attempts on the weed side aren’t gonna cut it


There's also the problem with the max THC carts can have. You can't do a level x system maxed at 1000mg. HC is ruining the environment by creating such limiting rules IMO.


This is Motif Labs. Definitely not a shit company. It's a different idea for a brand, sure, but the company behind it makes good stuff.


This company is stealing their marketing ideas from Santa Cruz skateboards lol




Looks cheap


Not good


More junk.


Rizzlers lacked the rizz. Sad to hear.


Thanks for reading :)


This is the same company that makes BoxHot, Floresense, Debunk. This is just a new brand they started. They make good stuff. I remember seeing the job posting for the Rizzlers brand manager and it was very heavy on being able to use this type of language, so I didn't apply. I thought these were disposables, so it's interesting to learn that it's actually another type of battery. I feel like that should have been made clearer by the brand management. Hope they put some non-distillate carts out. I will probably still grab one of these and try it because I'm boycotting 510 technology and I like Motif Labs.


Received a few samples at my store. Absolutely hated them. Found every single one of the pods clogged and while I enjoy the look of the device (very 90's), it feels cheap as hell.


Disty from Motif, the Slumlords of stealing their white-label partner brands and ideas! Sativa? Indica? How do they decide? Look at the sky and count the stars; if they land on even number, Indica? Too much goofy from these crooks. Edit: yikes, most of us are sharing similar sentiments!!


You mean it’s not cool to run your business like a frat house?


I wonder what the input nugs for the distillate look like… or even smoke like…


For me, distillate is distillate - everything that once defined the plant’s original expression and identity has been removed. I tried a puff of a friend’s device this week. Nothing special.


Is it Type-C or Micro USB?


Micro-USB and it comes with the charger


Posting this a second time?


Yeah. My original post was taken down. Turns out you're not allowed to post products before they're available to the public market ✌️


Still not available for the public to purchase yet, as it only went up on OCS wholesale today. Maybe that’s what they mean.


Also, your post had an Alberta tax label on it. This is for products bought on OCS 🤷. When did this sub turn into Canada’s budtender promo house


if it’s available on ocs idk what you’re yapping about


Ah, yes. Something that I didn't really pay attention to because I received it in Ontario and didn't read the tax label. The mod that I spoke to said, "some people just like to be petty and report everything" 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm guessing they were talking about you.


The pod looks phallic.


I definitely thought it had some phallic qualities as well xD


Lol, it's dripping!


How long till blinker?


How long did the pod last for would you say it lasted long or shorter than usual or would it be average


Remember people: A companies main goal is to make money. This is actually half-decent marketing if you think about it. Motif does a pretty good job at marketing in general across all lines. Yeah if you have half a brain you can see through their marketing scheme, but most people won’t. Their 4 Lines Include: BOXHOT, RIZZLERS, DEBUNK, and BOONDOCKS BOXHOT: This is the only line where it’s a little unclear to fully see their marketing intent. But still it looks like they are going for a retro, electronic, 80’s sorta style. It kind of appeals to everyone, and it being apparently the “#1 selling vape in Canada” it appears to be working. RIZZLERS: Most adults will see this as a gimic line (which it is), and not buy it due to not wanting to use a product with such a stupid Gen Z originated name. But it perfectly appeals to the 18-21 year old who are excited to start smoking weed legally. Most of these kids use nicotine vapes, so buying a vape but for weed would be seen as “cool”. The design of the vape also adds to that, and the different flavours of the vape all sound like candy, so of course any young kid would want a weed vape that tastes like candy. YES it teeters very closely on appealing to minors, but unfortunately it’s difficult to avoid that when trying to capture the 18-21 year old market segment (which is one of the biggest buying demographics out there). DEBUNK: This line targets people who don’t know much about cannabis products and want to buy something that uses big fancy words and seems super high quality. It also targets cannabis users who want people to think they know everything there is to know about cannabis, and to make them believe they only use the best of the best, when in reality they know jack-shit about cannabis products. Using words like “Innovative products”, “advanced extraction techniques”, “rigorously tested hardware”, and “custom formulations”. This line present as very scientific and high quality, which will trick most people. BOONDOCKS: This one is for the people who drive around in their Subaru outback’s and are dressed head to toe in Patagonia…actually I’m pretty sure they use the same font for their website that Patagonia does😂. This line is all about targeting the outdoorsy, earthy type of people. Their website includes majestical photos of mountains and lakes, making the line seem very outdoorsy, their products also look that way too, and have names and flavour profiles to match. They also have earth logos blotted on the website, and really hammer home that their products are a “stellar combo of plant-based plastics and post-consumer recycled materials”, that “helps reduce our footprint with less waste, fewer emissions, and lower energy usage in production.” Making them seem earthy friendly, and a environmentally conscious brand. Overall, I have only tried two of their lines, DEBUNK, and RIZZLERS. In my experience, yes their products aren’t great quality, but they are decent for the price point and target a large range of consumers.


Can anyone in canada ship me a rizz battery?? I have the pod but not the battery


I wanted to mention that yes, this is a re-post. My original post was taken down because I reviewed this product before it was available on the OCS market. I am new to writing reviews on here, so that is definitely something that I will keep in mind when writing reviews in the future.


Did he give you pricing info? These are apparently going to be pretty cheap. I want to try it because I’m a sucker for shit like this, but I’ve honestly been disappointed by the lack of flavour in the last few BoxHot cart releases (all 3 retro carts were near tasteless) - also Motif.


He did give me pricing info, but I forgot most of the details. I believe there is a battery and pod combo for $35, but I don't remember the price of the battery and pods on their own. He stopped by in the middle of my shift and after work I had to take my son to the hospital, so all of those details were forgotten by the end of the day.


so did you get it for free as incentive to write this review?


Yea his original post said the Motif rep dropped it off. This place is turning into shillville.


Damn Motif rep gonna send him back to Shillville, population half of r/ocs




I was not told or asked to write a review, but yes, I did get this for free from the Motif ref. He was driving around in the area and giving out free samples to budtenders.


I'll second this if it's the same rep Brandon whom I went to high school with and works as a rep for motif. He came into my shop as well and gave this to me as well AMD did not ask for any write up or anything like that at all.


It absolutely was Brandon. I also went to high school with him! He used to hangout with my brother.




Just report the comment and let mods decide.




I wouldn't call that a positive review. Read it.


Did you even read the review?


Did you read the review? lol.


Other reviews by u/TendingTheBuds: * [review - Rizzlers Closed Loop Battery and Mango Slap 0.95g Indica Pod](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/comments/1abpo38/) ^(Bot made with ❤️ by u/xenilko, approved by TheOCS mod team.)