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By preemptively judging it, Andrew also missed out on seeing the actor that fucking Kojimbo himself said he could only see him as Solid Snake. As a massive metal gear fan, I can only imagine how awesome that would have been for him


Andrew 🤝 having bold opinions on things he knows little about


Preatorian Jack was awesome.


Also funny to think that they dismissed it while Kojima watched it like 3 times or something lol


I wouldn't be surprised if his opinion did a 180 after finding that out since he's such a kojima fanboy.


Wish Charlie was there to tell them how wrong they are




Man that made me so annoyed too. Like how can you whine about a movie for ten minutes when none of you even saw it? I was also quite skeptical about Hemsworth in a Mad Max movie. But I saw the movie and left it being pleasantly surprised that he was by far my favorite performance. It’s so silly to pass judgement on specific aspects of a film you didn’t even see. I’m so surprised Kaya didn’t see the film after loving Fury Road so much 


Have you seen the moist meter for Furiosa? Charlie liked his portrayal


He wasnt in the episode, hence why I said “3 of them”


Haven't watched the episode yet but Chris Hemsworth is so fucking good as Dementus, you can tell he had a lot of fun with it. As for Anya Taylor Joy I vote we use her for every single female in Hollywood for the sole reason that she's cute.


Its mostly just “thor bad, chris hemsworth bad, anya bad” blanket statements with no real merit, really disappointing honestly


I only saw ATJ in Peaky blinders and her acting wasn't exactly memorable ngl


You should watch more movies if you're going to comment on casting. Split, The Witch, The Northman are all great ATJ performances, as well as Furiosa. And also not totally edit your comments to be something totally different to what you initially said.


Bruh, I don't have infinite time, plenty of fish in the sea, so if I don't like your first perf and have soo many other actors that I can check out, then obv I'm gonna skip on ya. Also, nothing wrong with editing your own comments if you're capable of reevaluation


she was one of the best villains in the final seasons


Official Podcast hosts judging stuff without experiencing them first? There's no way! That's never happened before ever! Clearly you aren't a Sonic fan lmao


Yeah it can definitely be annoying hearing them go off on Sonic. Imo while he’s had some stinkers, his recent games have been pretty good. And then I realize they have this attitude for 50% of the topics they bring up. I swear every other statement is just “this sucks, it’s always sucked, you’re an idiot for liking it. Next.”


Most Sonic games are good. There are pretty bad ones. It's funny that Jackson will only cherrypick the bad instances, and ignore the actual good Sonic games. One of them being Sonic Generations, which is getting a remaster this year. Of course, you won't hear him talk about that.


When did I say it’s never happened before?


Oh I'm not saying you did, I'm just saying that it happens a lot yeah.




Chris Hemsworth is definitely able to fit in more gritty stuff. Take a look at Extraction and even Extraction 2 for example. Both gritty movies that he fit in well.


Remember when Kaya said that Ryan Gosling was a stupid choice for Blade Runner based off the trailers?


The trailers for 2049 were GOD AWFUL. So I'll give them a pass on that.




B-but Chris bad becuz Thor bad


Would've loved Charlie there poking holes in what they said. I'm not a big mad max fan but I kinda figured Kaya would be soyjacking over it, but it has a female lead so he isn't interested lol.


They chat shit like they ain't ever had they asses kicked 🤣


I’m pretty sure Andrew didn’t say it was bad or make any claims about the quality of the movie. He was explaining why he felt uninterested in seeing it, and Chris Hemsworth’s casting was a reason. Being uninterested in seeing a movie isn’t necessarily a statement to its quality


It's hypocritical for Andrew in particular to be put off by Chris Hemsworth when he championed Bad Times at the El Royale (and was the reason I even watched that movie and loved it) when that came out. A movie where Chris Hemsworth plays a very non-Thor villainous role.


It feels like a stupid reason though. Especially when he’s judging it purely by its casting


It really isn't that pressing bro, they're just chatting about it.


Kaya was just assuming Chris Hemsworth would be making Marvel quips the entire time. Why? Its dumb. Actors like him aren’t forever chained by Marvel roles and to act like an Australian actor can’t play a role like that is stupid as hell.


I still remember when they shit on blade runner 2049 before even seeing it, just because ryan gosling was the lead. Same presumptions, saying ryan's silly/goofy face wont fit the bladerunner world


Oh my god I hated that too when I heard them write it off because of him. Just watch it ffs and then make your value judgements for the internet but it makes them look goofy as hell when they do otherwise


K guess people aren't allowed to say a single word on a podcast. You can be angry about it but I just don't think any of their opinions are spoken to be said like law but just to talk with your friends and say what's on your mind. If every opinion was tailored and perfect it wouldn't be a fun podcast.


Im allowed to think its annoying lmao


I love it when they do this because it gets people upset over nothing. And watching that is always a trip.


"pissed off" lol neeeeerrrd

