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I think it was more of the style or aesthetic. Rebekah and Cami wore somewhat flowy tops and fitted bottoms. Hayley was more tomboyish and wore jeans, hoodies, mostly dark colors, etc., with her fitted outer jacket style, form fitting but complimentary, not skin tight. Freya was gothic in the beginning, but her style evolved as she became more comfortable in her new life, free of Dahlia. Dahlia was very old country in style, but contemporary in the way she put herself together in S2. Still foreboding and authoritative, but long fabrics and layers. Esther was similar, but she seemed to like greens and deep reds. Davina wore more dresses than the rest of the characters, but they were younger in style as well. Even Aurora was more like royalty in her clothing choices, deep burgundy or purple, often the colors of royalty, and pantsuits or fully coordinated ensembles. Hope in her later years had a combo of Hayley and Freya’s styles, given both of their influence on her. Just one opinion.


This is an amazing analysis I agree on all


Woh, thats hell of an observation dude.


So it wouldn't be the focus of her The character's inner beauty and intelligence are more central to who they are than what they look like But they had to work over time to make that the emphasis of the character since Leah Pipes is just as CW-face and beautiful as all the other women


what's your point im really confused


Basically just wish she had more clothes that suit her figure because most of her wardrobe are random patterns and baggy. nothing wrong with baggy if it’s done right.. but most of her wardrobe’s are random imo


Maybe she wasn't comfortable in tight clothing on screen?


It doesn’t have to be tight im just saying clothes that suits her body in general


She probably liked baggie clothing because she didn't want to show off her body! Who knows...


Black on black with a dark background in low light really makes your point difficult to understand in the first pic. And the second pic…those jeans are baggy? Really? They look well fitted, but again, it’s black on black in front of black so maybe I’m missing the point.




You can’t see anything in the photos you posted because everything is black on black in front of black and low lighting. If you want to make a point about how a shape looks, you want high contrast photos, not dark on dark on dark. All I see in these pics is her wearing dark clothing in a dark room (colour wise and lighting wise). I couldn’t tell you if any of it is flattering or frumpy because not a single shape of her clothing can be seen.


My bad you right tho


Breaking news: Woman Has a Regular Body and Wears Regular Clothes!!




She was pregnant?


….that’s her ass not her stomach


Ok? I was just asking. Usually on tv shows, when they say they try to hide their body with baggy clothes, it means they were trying to hide that they were pregnant. I wasn’t even paying attention to her butt in the second picture.


Yeah Ik I’m just confirming to make sure it’s no confusion.


Took me a solid 3 seconds to realize the focus was on her ass and had nothing to do with that weird little skull 💀😭


Yeah I was like is the skull part of clothes?


Lmao, right?


i never saw a problem with kamis clothes.


Good to know not everyone notice the same things


It also looks like she could be pregnant and she has gained weight bc if you look from the beginning to this pic she was thinner before but I found be wrong


Bro no way people are making a big deal out of this post that’s so f*cking annoying


Thank you. Very much appreciate this comment because it wasn’t supposed to be this deep


This is a super weird, ick post.


It be like that sometimes but you don’t to look that deep into a post