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He is stronger because he is a more experience warrior and he keeps training to maintain his edge. He is not supernaturally stronger per say, he is naturally stronger through training and exercise basically. We have seen that when Klaus catches Mikael off guard they are of similar raw strength. They fear Mikael because he is quite literally a superior fighter to them, the times we see Mikael physically over power Klaus or Elijah are in situations where he has the advantage of leverage or surprise.


I don’t think he is stronger he’s just an actual trained warrior


Mikael was starved and bitten by 20 werewolves (one werewolf bite turned Elijah into a make a wish kid btw) and was equal to klaus. he’s far stronger than the originals


Im actually dying at “make a wish kid” 💀


The way he manhandled Elijah like a newbie vamp is ridiculous and it wasn’t just pure skills


I guess there could also be the diet factor. We know vamps who eat animals are weaker than vamps who drink human blood. Maybe Mikeal’s vampire only diet makes him even stronger than that.


Nah vampirism heights a characters traits and qualities that already existed beforehand. Even though Elijah and klaus practiced fighting while human they still weren’t half the fighter Mikael was now throw in vampirism to magnify that then he’s in a class of his own. The only reason the gap closed is due to the werewolf gene and klaus constant fighting people getting better while mikael was either searching or locked away


I got to call bull on that one Klaus was handling Mikael when they were fighting in the forest the only reason Klaus didn't kill his father was because of the magical amulet siphoning he's energy or life force or whatever you want to call it. Also it wasn't just werewolf strength that let him beat his father either cuz at this point his father was like a werewolf Hunter a veteran at that this was already after Henrik died and he went on like a weak journey to murder all the wolves when he still failed but he still tried and survived these were active werewolves by the way unlike Klaus whose curse was not activated yet giving them a massive strength boost a strength boost so massive that Mason a activated werewolf was able to overpower a blood starved Stephen


No it was not after Henrik died. They became vampires only a week or two after Henrik died. That scene was before. Mikael didn't go after the wolves til after he and the kids became vampires.


Also he did go after the wolves before his transformation he just did it during the daytime it was part of the reason why Klaus wasn't allowed in the woods no matter the time and why they knew where the wolves stayed do you think the two of them just randomly happened upon all of the werewolves transforming in the middle of the woods no they knew where they were and they knew they were a problem


No he did not. If you had watched the show, which you clearly didn't, you would know he went after them AFTER he learned Esther had an affair and Klaus wasn't his. Which happened when Klaus triggered his curse after he made his first vampire kill. Everyone in the damn village knew where the wolves would be, it was a safety issue so they could avoid them. Good grief.


If you had watched the show, you would have known that the werewolves were an ongoing problem and that they were already fighting the Vikings, who were just losing. It’s the entire reason why they were banned from going into the forest; people had gone missing. Not to mention, what are the logistics of having your village near a clan of werewolves, especially with Mikael as the leader? He would not let that slide, and he didn’t. So, everyone knew about this—they were actively hunting for the werewolves. It turned personal after Henrik, and it became even more personal after everyone found out about Klaus's paternity. It’s honestly like you lack any sort of reading comprehension. Unless they actively show it in front of your eyes, it doesn't happen? I mean, obviously, they never needed to eat as humans either because we never saw them eating. Use some of that reading comprehension you learned in 6th grade to realize they still needed to eat.


Once again, if you had watched the show you'd remember Rebekah saying her family lived in peace with the wolves for 20 years til one killed Henrik and they became vampires (less than a month later, in fact it was in the same month) and Mikael found out about the affair and killed Ansel's family in revenge. No one had gone missing, not a single person. Henrik was the first tragedy. Did you miss the thousands of times they deliberately moved next door to the werewolves for a reason? No they never hunted the wolves, they were allies, Mikael only started hunting them til after he became a vampire, less than a month after Henrik died. We did see them eat as humans. Season 2 episode 3. So as everything else, you're wrong. And here I thought Kakapos were supposed to be the dumbest creatures on earth.


I don't know about that one because we literally never see him in any of the flashbacks during that time. Not a single time until after his death, and he was like 10-13 at the time. We saw the years follow up their time from Rebecca being 16 up until her 18th birthday in various flashbacks, but not once did we see their youngest brother. It's doubtful that Esther could pull off that huge spell a few weeks later when she hadn't practiced magic in years, at least not really powerful magic. I do believe the werewolf problem would have had to have gotten a good deal worse before she was able to convince her best friend, who was a Bennett witch and is all about keeping her family safe, to forsake nature to make the abominations that are her children. So between logical to assume that at least like a year passed between his death and their vampiric transformation


"We saw the years follow up their time from Rebecca being 16 up until her 18th birthday in various flashbacks" No the hell we didn't! You need to learn the difference between canon and fanfiction. It was stated on show only a week or two passed between Henrik's death and them turning because Esther wanted to get it done before the next full moon. Rebekah was turned at 16/17. Did you even watch the show?


Wrong, this is correct. She became a vampire at 18, and you can fact check that. We also saw her when she was 16 or 17 years old. More evidence is Klaus was once wounded in a fight with his father, and without today's medicine, it would have taken him a long time to recover. But in a later flashback, which was at least a year after, he was completely healed, and they had moved on to another issue. If you've seen Vampire Diaries, you'll know that there are many flashbacks showing Klaus and Rebekah's history. Rebekah tries to protect Klaus, and Klaus makes her small gifts. These scenes aren't made up by fans; and based on hints from the show. Clearly, these flashbacks didn't all occur within six months, indicating they spanned a wide range of time. Like these flashbacks come up when Rebecca is talking about her childhood as if she was a similar age to f****** Jeremy who is 16-17 at the time use your reading comprehension an extrapolate what that means. Also it said it would take her a few weeks to get the materials ready and don't even have any contacts for when she was saying that


1. No she didn't. Learn the difference between fanfiction and canon. None of their ages were ever stated. 2. He did not heal overnight, he did not use werewolf perks to heal, his mother is a powerful witch and a year is a long time to heal, and that was before Henrik died because once again as said on screen in show they turned a week or two after Henrik's death. 3. All of which were before Henrik's death with the exception of Rebekah over hearing Esther Mikael and Ayana, and them becoming vampires, and none of them had Rebekah's birthday. 4. No she did not say it'll take a few weeks to get ready. My 4 year old nephews are smarted than you, like dang, if you were as determined at watching the show as you are making sht up you'd be a TVDU mega fan. But clearly that's not the case.


I like this this is interesting


If I'm right, he was the *first* original made. He then killed all of his children for them to transition. I assume a spell similar to the one with Alaric took place beforehand, so it was probably agreed that he'd be superior in some ways. He then only went on to feed on vampire blood alone, that might have changed something also, maybe. Haha. Regardless, the Alaric version was superior, but tied to Elena's life, so not as invincible. Not really 100% sure, but I think knowing his personality, that he wouldn't knowingly allow to have any of his children to be his better.


It’s also entirely possible human age factors into vampire strength. It explains why Damon is usually stronger than Stefan despite Stefan being a vampire slightly longer.


Oh definitely! I mean, it does with everything else, and he was a trained warrior/hunter beforehand also! I bet there's a lot of factors. But I do think him being the first true original played a part also. I love how many things are open to interpretation and how many different views etc people can have on them! 🙈


Training. He is not too strong than his children he just got that Viking training. Also his children start fearing whenever they come face to face.


But he is far more durable than his children




He *was* far stronger when he was turned. And he spent his lifetime feeding almost exclusively on vampires.


We know why he is, one of the writers has confirmed it. In their words: vampirism "enhances what you are." And because Mikael was already very strong as a human and an experienced warrior, his vampirism further enhanced that. So the gap between him and his children got even wider than it was when he was human. The writer specifically cites hybrids as another example of this principle at work.


Even so, shouldn’t this gap diminish with age? They all get stronger at the same rate so they should be much closer in strength a thousand years on, no? Say Mikael’s kids all started out as vampires with a numerical strength score of 1.0 while Mikael started with 2.0*, and a thousand years worth of growth equals +10.0. So what was once a 100% strength gap between Mikael and one of his kids is now less than 10%. *edit: such a huge gap seems a bit absurd when it comes to Finn and Elijah, given they were fully grown men who would’ve been ferociously trained by Mikael as well.


To me the fact that all 5 of them kept running from Mikael “like little bitches” as Marcel would say always lowered their badassery in my eyes. There is literally just ONE of him. Stop being soft. For real tho lol


A few things. 1. Michael, as said elsewhere by u/Jessica-Beth, was the *first* original. He didn't turn his kids, they were made by the same magic, but he killer himself and then all of them to activate the vampire stuff. 2. He was more powerful than them when alive. While they were by no means slouches, the fact remains that they were all likely early to late twenties and early thirties. Michael was in his 50s, yes, but also spent his entire life fighting as a warrior- the guy was seriously strong. So when he turned, his body already had all that extra muscle and stuff on top of the super strength. 3. He trained relentlessly and spent his life killing other vampires(and likely werewolves). His kids were the ones turning them, and kind of tended to avoid outright killing them or fighting them. and while it was easy for them to do, it's not like t he had to do it a lot-the mere threat was enough, and they're quite unkillable.


This pretty much tracks. 👌🦋🪻


He's more skilled and experienced compared to his kids and especially with how much older he was as a human probably played a factor.


magically mikael is of the same strength as his kids, but he’s a better fighter and also trained the boys so i assume he probably knows most of their moves which gives him an advantage. i also always assumed feeding strictly on vampires might’ve given him a bit of a power boost. when it comes to klaus i think he’s innately stronger since he’s a hybrid, but a weaker fighter. someone stronger than you can be taken down if they’re taken by surprise or if you have a better fighting technique. and you also have to consider the mental aspect of klaus fighting his abuser who he is terrified of—he won’t be on his A-game like he is fighting someone else.


. He was stronger when he was human . He was a better fighter . He sometimes drank vampire blood, not saying it did, but as we see from augustine (which i know was scientifically made, but it COULD have made him slightly stronger


You guys forgetting the fact that Esther told when she turned ALARIC she said she used the same spell which she used on Mikeal which was slightly more powerful than originals one's ,she made Mikeal powerful more than her children's and Alaric was enhanced version of Mikeal


No that's not at all what she said. Nor is that even possible because was the first to turn, and he turned using the exact same spell as his kids.


For some reason I also remember this but idk


You also remember my plot right? This was told somewhere in series but can't exactly point it now


He’s a warrior


Yeah, it does. This is going to get kind of yappy, but anyway, vampires get stronger based on how much blood they have and how many people they've killed. We know this because, multiple times throughout the series, they all make references to Klaus being the strongest original, not only because of his hybrid nature but also because of the number of people he's killed. Specifically, when Kol is in a human witch body, Klaus recommends that he drain the magic from him to pull off an almost impossible spell, saying, "I have a thousand years of blood on my hands; I can fund the magic necessary," and it does not weaken him at all. Then, there's the fact of the heretics. They are siphon witches who can siphon their vampiric magic to do normal witchy magic, and they can only do this when they're well-fed or have a history of slaughtering people. At first, when they were all initially made, Mikael was not only the most skilled fighter but also had the only weapon that could permanently kill them. So, of course, they ran off scared. As the years dragged on, the only person who could physically contest him was Klaus because he was the only one physically getting stronger from blood as he aged, while he kept most of his other siblings daggered for at least a third of their lives. We know for a fact that the one person who was out the longest is Elijah. Next is Rebekah, who spent 300 years in a coffin. This shows how long they were in there. For even more proof, even though this might be more plot than actual evidence, Stefan Salvatore and his unnatural strength are notable. He has beaten hybrids, vampires three times his age, and an original, which makes sense because he was a ripper for like 150 years, killing everyone in his path. So, all in all, Mikael is the strongest because of the number of people he's killed, his fighting experience, and his ability to kill an original.


Adding on to the fact that they make references of Klaus being the strongest this is pre-hybrid Klaus, so he's just a normal original vampire. But he still considered the strongest out of all of them enough to give people who have dealt with Elijah the heebie-jeebies. This also brings into question how did Klaus keep all of his siblings in line. cuz unlike Mikael Klaus wouldn't hunt down his siblings to the ends of the Earth, so this brings into question did he have to beat every one of his siblings who tried to question him with enough certainty to dagger them. Cuz please remember that he needed Stefan's help to dagger a fully conscious Rebecca without it turning into a brawl so how would he stab Three Brothers at once and we do know he has done it at least twice. Meaning Klaus is considerably stronger than all of them just like Mikael and this also makes sense she made me see them fight in the show. And close always comes out on top unless attacked from behind.


No Pre-Hybrid Klaus was not the strongest.


Yes he was it literally is stated in vampire diaries pre-hybrid Klaus is the strongest original hell adding on to that he daggered all of his siblings at various times without any struggle and they knew it was coming and they couldn't do anything to stop it


Again. No it's not. and the fact Elijah can almost go toe-to-toe with Hybrid Klaus, Mikael can beat him if no distractions, is further proof he wasn't. Klaus was just a normal ov, no werewolf perks back then. He wasn't able to be daggered, he needed Elijah to hold Kol down to dagger him, he used sneak attacks to dagger Rebekah and Elijah, and he didn't dagger Finn. Try again. Better yet, stick to fanfiction.


And you keep bringing up fanfiction maybe you should start reading some give you some better creativity some out of the box thinking obviously lack all of that


There we go! That's all I needed, proof you're a tool. There are a lot of great fanfiction out there though. But unlike you, I'm smart enough to know the difference between canon and fanfiction.


No, Elijah can't go almost toe-to-toe with hybrid Klaus. He loses every time. For the record, Klaus doesn't really use his hybrid side; he just uses the base strength buff, not the actual werewolf abilities. The one time he actually used any werewolf abilities was when he bit Elijah in the first season of *The Originals*. The only time he's ever transformed into a wolf, which is when a werewolf is strongest, was in *The Vampire Diaries*, right after he broke his curse. We know this is true because we have proof of it. Hayley, as a hybrid—a newborn hybrid—was able to turn into her werewolf form and kill four or five vampires centuries older than her. Tyler Lockwood and Mason Lockwood, in their werewolf forms, terrorized Damon, Stefan, Katherine, Caroline, Elena, and other century-old vampires. --- And Mikael he can beat him without distractions because, guess what, Klaus has killed Mikael three times. Two of those times, there were no distractions, just Klaus pinning Mikael against the wall, and Mikael could do nothing. Mikael is a better fighter, but he is not stronger. --- First off, Klaus did not need Elijah to hold Kol down. He used Elijah's help because it was easier, but he still did it without Elijah's help as well. Elijah has been daggered four times, and only one of those was a sneak attack. And yes, Klaus did dagger Finn. What do you mean that's because we didn't see it doesn't mean he didn't do it? He was still daggered after Klaus undaggered him the first time. Again, you lack reading comprehension. We literally see Klaus fight Elijah in the cemetery in *The Originals* and dagger him, granted not with an actual sleeping dagger but with that witch pain dagger, but still. ---


1. Yes he can. And has multiple times. Klaus uses Hybrid strength multiple times throughout the show. 2. 1st time, Katherine and Stefan helped. 2nd time, Mikael wanted to die because it was the only way to save Freya. Mikael only died twice. 3. Literally every single time Klaus has daggered Kol, Elijah had to hold him down. As shown on screen. He never did it without Elijah's help, not once. End of TVD season 2 daggering Elijah = sneak attack. TO season 1 daggering Elijah = sneak attack. Those were the only times Klaus daggered Elijah. No Klaus did not dagger Finn, that was the brotherhood of the five in 1114. Finn was only ever daggered once, they never woke him up after the five attacked, he stayed that way til 2010. Papa Tunde's blade is not a dagger.


First of all, Klaus used his hybrid strength but not his fully transformed werewolf side, which is much stronger, as proven by Haley and Tyler. Secondly, Katherine and Stefan only helped partially. They barely even helped; their main contribution was not killing Klaus. Michael did want to die, but he still had him pinned against a wall, unable to do anything. He did die a third time, but it didn't stick. On screen, Klaus did use his other siblings to help him, but there were times when none of his siblings were active to help. Finn was not daggered by the Brotherhood, or at least didn't stay daggered by them. We know this because Ayana, Esther's mentor who taught her everything she knows about magic (excluding what she learned from Dahlia), was the witch who empowered the Brotherhood with the daggers to correct her mistake in creating the Originals. This means Finn was daggered within a normal human lifespan, so let's estimate around 70 years. Ayana looked like an old grandma, and we know the Originals are at least 1,100 years old because Lucien is 1,052 years old and they are older and more powerful than him. All of them can easily overpower him when he's not in his beast form, giving us at least 50 years of wiggle room, if not more. If Ayana was still alive and relatively looking the same, only about 30-40 years would have passed. This makes sense because the Originals knew very little about vampires except that they burn in the sun. Finn says he's been daggered for 900 years. If he had been kept daggered by the Brotherhood, it would be closer to a thousand years. Additionally, Klaus was incapacitated for 52 years, 4 months, and 9 days because of the hunter's curse. All of his siblings would have freed him during that time. So, it's important to work on your media literacy; not everything has to be shown on screen to be interpreted as fact.


An abusive little punk who beat children