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That would have also potentially worked as a plan, but I don't think it's that the plan as is doesn't work. The specifics, granted, are never entirely explained but it seems that Hope's existence drew Dahlia to her like a magical beacon. That being the case, you have to imagine that Hope being dead before Dahlia finds out about her would be indistinguishable to Dahlia from Hope having never existed. If Hope does not exist, Dahlia has no reason to come to New Orleans and find them there. Which means that Finn doesn't have to deal with Dahlia in any way. Whether Dahlia would have actually harmed Finn at all since he had no interest in protecting Hope is questionable. But his belief that she might is probably just a product of the lifelong fear. Also, she is quite petty so killing one of Esther's children just because is not out of the realm of possibility. It's also worth mentioning that the bargaining plan does also have somewhat of a hole in that Finn has very little to bargain with. Yes, he could have Hope, but Dahlia could have just taken Hope from him. Vincent's body is powerful, especially when fueled by Mikael and Esther, but I doubt it's anywhere near Dahlia's power. So he would've had to have gotten very crafty about how exactly to keep Hope from Dahlia. The only reason why Dahlia didn't just destroy the originals is because he wanted to keep Klaus as a parent to Hope. With Finn she would have no reason to hold back. Now, whether it makes sense for Finn as a character is an entirely different thing, of course. I do think that "The Originals" is somewhat of a character assassination of Finn. In season 3 of TVD he isn't explored much but what we do know about him is: 1. He is loyal to his mother. 2. He is deeply ashamed of being a vampire. 3. He thinks vampires are a plague because they hurt humans. 4. He thinks his siblings are a plague because they hurt humans. 5. He thinks Sage turning someone is questionable on moral grounds. In other words, everything we learn about him on TVD suggests that his single most defining characteristics is that he is deeply moral and objects to harming innocents. Him wanting to harm his family is fine in that regard. Him being quite willing to kill and hurt vampires is fine in that regard. I can even buy him being willing to hurt someone like Camille who cooperates with vampires. But him being willing to harm random New Orleans citizens (as he shows in Brotherhood of the Damned) and him being willing to murder Hope I think are at the very least quite questionable, and arguably outright inconsistent with how he was characterized on TVD. Finn, I think, suffered from the same problem that Esther and Mikael did. Mikael on TVD was portrayed as quite a dangerous man and an abusive father to Klaus, but also as caring about his other children and caring about protecting humans so much that he was willing to feed exclusively on vampires to protect them and dedicated his life to making up for his creation of vampires by hunting them. It's very clear that Mikael is dangerous, but really only to lesser vampires and Klaus. The rest of his family he loves, humans he tries to protect. Mikael on TO is portrayed as an abusive father who is willing to murder Elijah just as much as Klaus, who seemingly cares about nothing and no one, who is willing to use humans as fodder to throw at Klaus, etc. Only his love for Freya is really a redeeming characteristic on TO. All the other good parts are left to the side, all the bad parts are doubled down on. Esther has a similar treatment, though less extreme. She is portrayed on TVD as loving her children but also thinking what they've become is an abomination. She's an extremist who wants to destroy all vampires, but she wants to do it specifically because she has watched on the other side as vampires caused immeasurable suffering to humanity. She was willing to trick Elena and Bonnie into helping murder their friends, so she was hardly a beacon of morality even on TVD, but generally speaking her motives are portrayed as at least understandable. Esther on TO is mostly portrayed as an insane vampire hater who ends up literally GIVING KLAUS UP TO MIKAEL as part of her plans. The morality of her motives is barely examined at all. Mikael, Esther and Finn were all portrayed in a much more villainous light on TO clearly because the writers were very scared that portraying them more in line with how they were on TVD would make them too likeable and potentially cause the audience to side with them over Klaus and Elijah. Personally, I think that fear was unwarranted. Most people, especially casual watchers, have way too much emotional investment in Elijah and Klaus to ever fully side against them with characters like Mikael, Esther and Finn. There might be some, but I doubt it would've broken the show at all in the way that the writers seemed to fear.


>Dahlia has no reason to come to New Orleans and find them there Isn't she being drawn by Freya as well? I also think that Finn would be somewhat safe from Dahlia just straight up killing him on the spot out of pettiness. He could either just cast a protection spell on himself or he'd be fine by virtue of channeling Mikael and attaining the same pseudo-immortality Papa Tunde did when channeling Rebekah.


Whoa. Amazing response, I feel like that was such a deep dive into Finn that I’ve learned more about him here than the handful of episodes he was in or mentioned in. 🤣


Because Finn was genuinely scared of Dahlia. He finally got what he wanted after 1000 years—to live as a mortal witch just like he was before being turned into a vampire. The thought of Dahlia coming back to take it all away scared the shit out of him.


Finn wasn’t even a witch before he turned into a vampire. And just giving Hope to Dahlia fixes the problem of her taking “everything” (what does he even really have? He’s put down both his parents, his siblings bar Freya despise him, and he doesn’t even have his own life- he has the shattered remains of Vincent’s).


All of Esther’s children were young witches by blood before turning into vampires, although only Kol and Finn are confirmed to have actually practiced witchcraft (albeit only briefly) before being turned. This was confirmed by dialogue in season 2 of The Originals.


Kol says he was the only one.




"None of my siblings tapped into their power" his exact words. season 2 episode 7. This was backed up by producers who said Finn only got his after possessing Vincent. "Finn in Vincent’s body and Rebekah in Eva’s body both used magic in S2 and they didn’t find it hard meaning they must have used it pre-vamp. Elijah and Klaus also have several witch knowledge, potions which means they might have all practiced it before." Literally a thousand years had passed. Finn and Rebekah were oly using Vincent and Eva's power, Finn was very close to his mother and watched her practice. Rebekah did struggle at first and was called a newbie. Klaus and Elijah have met witches over the milenium. Try actually watching the show.


>Try actually watching the show. You can engage in debate about interpretations of a work of fiction with others without being an asshole, you know.


No. Only Kol. Finn didn't get it till 1000 years later and only as a spirit. Also producers said you do not become a witch til you tap into your power. They said that was the reason Henrik didnt go to the other side because he died as a non supernatural human since he never tapped into his power.


He wasn't a witch. as said in show and off multiple times.


I’m pretty sure he thought Freya was dead (as in thought Dahlia killed her shortly after she took her). I don’t remember exactly though. I think for a majority of his life he felt like an outcast of his siblings. It was always Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. Even Kol kinda wanted in on their group. On top of that they said that after Freya “died” their father became kinda abusive. So probably the last time he felt a close family relationship was when Freya was there, before the other siblings. He knew that his mother sacrificed Freya (and in his eyes, his loving family). He probably saw it as him Freya and his parents could have all lived happily but then his other siblings came along and ruined it. Even though Esther made that deal way prior, he was just a child and that is probably how he felt. So he probably felt like his mother sacrificed everything for a family that wasn’t bonded the way it was when Freya was with them. Then she tried her best to make them all unable to be taken from another by death (something he believed Freya was taken by) and accidentally made them monsters. He believed his mother had the best intentions the whole time. He was daggered the longest too. At least what I think is that he didn’t have as much time as his other siblings to get to the point of accepting himself as a vampire. At first they all thought they were monsters and it took them a while to actually accept who they were. My theory is that Finn was daggered and never got the chance to experience the good of his siblings or his vampirism so he had a chip on his shoulder. He just constantly was clinging onto the memory of his family before Freya’s “death”. All this further pushed the narrative that his siblings were murderous monsters. He thought that his mom sacrificed everything and that she wanted to correct her wrongs. He sided with her and did everything she said. She wanted the baby killed, so he supported her. When he discovered that Esther completed transition he immediately was angry and called her hypocritical. I think if he knew Freya was still alive sooner he would have done different things.


He goes off to try and kill Hope after Freya shows up.


Good side of his siblings. Good side of Rebekah there isn’t much good of Kol and Klaus. Same with Elijah.


He didn't know Freya was still alive at the time. I'm sure he assumed she was dead, and that's why their reunion was so emotional


The reason he is able to find Hope is because Freya literally helped him do it.


Okay, it seems my memory was a little foggy. But why the downvote?


Why no upvote? In truth I downvoted your comment because I thought it was really stupid. I thought everyone knew at least roughly what the timeline of events were. Hell Freya helping Finn go after Hope is a source of tension between her and Klaus in the later third of this season.


Sorry we’re not all perfect fans of a spinoff teen drama about sexy vampires like you apparently are! No need to be a dick about it though!


Not sure why *you’re* being downvoted now. 🤣 This post has been more controversial than it should’ve been.