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I'll agree, though I don't know if I'd call anything Eda did "evil" (Well, anything that we saw her do.) Though I'm sure she's done some "Legally questionable" things in the past. πŸ€”πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜„


Nothing evil per say but out of the main trio, she fs seems the most eager to use lethal force and such. Not "evil" but the closest of the 3 to an "anti-hero" I guess you could say.


What about when she ate somebody alive?


"Oh, sorry, did you want some, too?"


It was self defense… I think


Wait when did that happen?


In the second episode when she ate that octopus like demon.


Technically Luz killed belos so…


I've seen some argue the Titan summoned the storm. Personally, I think Luz did it but all of them played a part in killing him too. Though tbf, we can let that slide cuz it's Belos


It just happened to rain.


She didn't technically kill him because she didn't do anything. She was going to let him die, but everyone else killed him. She also clearly didn't cause the rain, seeing as no glyphs were activated.


Yep, basically this! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜„


Look, sure you can do a stealth mission the *proper* way with the sneaking and walking on your tippy toes. ***Or,*** you can smash and grab with a fire spell that breaks more rules in the Geneva Convention than the flamethrowers they used in Vietnam. Which one sounds more fun *and* a better use of our time?


She does eat a person alive in the second episode.


That was such a horrible thing Eda did. She never offered Luz or King a bite.


Poor guy, everyone forgot about him


Only because he tried to eat Luz alive first!........... Or something πŸ€”....what was he trying to do to Luz again?πŸ˜… πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜†πŸ˜„


I don’t remember, but it did involve killing her, so it’s not like Eda murdered an innocent bystander


She's a scoundrel, a classic lovable rogue.


I thought maybe they were referring to the owl beast. I can accept calling the owl beast evil, though I think that may be a stretch


I don't think Collector is in any way evil. I don't think Collector even **understands** the concept of evil.


He's chaotic neutral, only reason I put him in the middle. Technically, he isn't evil but he performed some of the more heinous acts in the show (assisting in the Draining Spell, turning everyone into puppets, the mind games the main trio). However, he completely redeems himself by saving the heroes from Belos upon being freed, personally stopping the spell and later saving everyone in the Archives before turning them back to normal (as well as TRYING to redeem Belos).


The intent is what matters the most. >Technically, he isn't evil but he performed some of the more heinous acts in the show. 1.1 He was being manipulated by Belos. 1.2 He thought that when someone dies you can just fix them. 2.1 He thought he was just playing pretend. 3.1 He thought they were all planning to 'break' him.


Yeah tbh, maybe Alador, Lillith or Hunter fits better but Dana called Enzo Gabriel the "morally grey, chaotic neutral motherf--er" so I thought he just fits it best


>The intent is that matters the most. strong disagree, if you commit genocide by accident, people still die collector being in the middle is exactly where they should be


He's a child with a phenomenon cosmic power


Yeah. The Collector is ignorant of the realities. No one's taught him. But ignorance can be cured, and his was. I think he understood at the end. Belos, however, is pure evil, and knows exactly what he's doing.


Willow says "We'll be back. We just gotta get some revenge first!" as she leaves the human realm. She also has a slight mean streak, and enjoys power. I'd classify her much more as "in kindness there's evil" than Eda. By that same metric, I'd put Eda in the middle. We see her being much more kind than cruel over the course of the series, and she does stand in opposition to Belos and all the evil he stands for. However, one cannot forget all the offscreen cruelty - she makes her living being a swindler and a thief, after all, and (though it was arguably justified as he did try to kill her first), she did eat a person alive on-screen, and her mannerisms made it obvious it was not her first time doing so. She's a good person, but she's also head of the "Bad Girl Coven" for very good reason. I'd replace Boscha with Amity, actually - but *season 1* Amity specifically. Her whole arc, after all, is about that speck of light shining through from the layers of gunk that have swallowed up her soul, and her transformation from a bully to a good person. Good literally coming from within evil. Still, if "Bullying" doesn't seem like enough to classify somebody as "Evil", then Hunter might serve the same purpose equally well. Perhaps better! Willow should be replaced by Luz. The worst things we can accuse Luz of are 1) lying to her friends and family and 2) *being tricked into* helping Belos. Being tricked makes her a victim, not an accessory, and number one, while not *great*, was motivated as much by selflessness as selfishness; she didn't want people to hate her and didn't want them to *worry about her* in turns. Then there's Belos. ...yeah, he's a bitch.


"Yeah he's a b--ch" made me cackle.


True the collector isn't evil or good he just wants to play


And there is the O woman who shall not be named


She goes below Belos.


Based user flare


Nah, Basha is all evil. I just really don't like her.


What evil did eda do?


She's somewhat of a jerk earlier on and does eat Adegast alive after he's defeated by Luz


I find it fascinating that the single most evil character, the monster who has spent the last few centuries tearing the once-peaceful Boiling Isles and its inhabitants apart to fulfill his sick fantasy is a human. Just like how in our world the only real monsters are the human monsters.


And then’s this bitch : Belos and Odalia


White means evil black means good


What kindness in Bosha?


Absolutely agree πŸ‘


**Enzo gabriel**


u/artkid2 Eda wasn't evil - just morally questionable




I'd replace eda with lilith but aside from that it's great. ENZO GABRIEL!!!


Personally, I would replace Willow with Vee.


100% agree !!! Specialy the last one...




Eda is one of the most morally upstanding characters in the show. She's got a curse, sure, but even the Owl Beast isn't malevolent. And I don't think Boscha is the greatest example of there being kindness in evil, since we don't get a whole lot of insight into her morality and her hypothetical better nature. She helps in the end when her back is to the wall. Willow works just fine, doing her best to a fault at all times. I'm never gonna argue with Belos being *that B\*\*ch.*


Bro forgot about hunter


I'm a proud fillip belos defender he's not a bitch


I honestly think the Collector and Willow should be switched πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


Nuh uh the all black is tabby and the all white is wholesome sablin