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I kept seeing MoringMarks comics getting shared on Imgur, learned what the show was through that, and eventually found a way to watch it.


I actually heard about it all the way back when it was still in production. And Disney cartoons were kind of on a roll at the time so I was legitimately curious about it. I watched the first episode not long after it premiered, and I stuck with the show ever since then.


I remember watching a ‘review’ of the first episode claiming it was awful so I didn’t watch it. Came back towards the middle of S1 after a video about Amity blew up so I binged the series and sat waiting for more I also remember the promo pic for Amphibia and thought it looked weird 😅


I had just recently realized I was trans. I wanted to get into shows that people in the LGBTQ+ community were always talking about, so I decided to watch TOH. I eventually got really into the show. Watching the show also served as a pipeline for watching more story-driven cartoons.


I heard about it before but never got into it Then I saw nostalgia critic say some stuff about it and it sounded sort of all right But honestly what got me to watch it was Death Battle talking about Luz vs Anne as a possible episode so I binged both series around December 2023. I honestly prefer Owl House more.


If I remember correctly, I heard about it and Amphibia being talked about in the Steven Universe reddit before the shows had aired. I then saw the teaser trailer for it and thought that looked like a fun show \^\_\^


Had a classmate in a sociology class to a report on something with cartoons and they included the owl house, thought it seemed fun so I took a look at it, then I quickly got hooked


watched a compilation of lumity and heard the news of it getting cancelled. Had to find out what it was all about and I dont regret a single minute I spent watching TOH


I heard about it when it was an upcoming show. And I watched the first episode on the day it came out.


For me, it was kinda the same. Wasn't feeling anime and just scrolled through Disney+ and The Owl House caught my interest. I watched the first episode, and in the moment, Eda asked Luz for the favor of getting back King's crown. My animated fantasy series senses were tingling, and I instantly thought "Hmm interesting, so that's probably what the main meta plot will be." The rest of the episode, and especially the end with them already getting the crown, intrigued me, and after that, I got hooked on this beautiful series so fast. At that time, only S1 was available, but that was already enough to make me fall in love. TOH has become my absolute favorite show/ general piece of media of all time, and I doubt anything will dethrone it. TOH actually reignited my love for cartoon and unlocked my appreciation for the communities behind it.


I had just finished watching She-Ra and people on the SPOP pages were talking about this new show on Disney that had a similar vibe so I decided to check it out. There were only 10 episodes out at the time but it only took 1 to hook me.


Alex Hisch goodwill from Gravity Falls. I knew he was attached, and trusted he would be part of something great. I was correct.


I got into it the same way8 got into Amphibia - through Gravity Falls! I heard both shows take place in the same universe as it and I’m glad I checked out both of them…they’re great in their own respective right!


I haven't had cable or a streaming service since 2015 (I enlisted in the military right out of high school, separated during COVID), so I didn't even know that the show existed until Christmastime last year. I found out about it when I saw that a YouTube channel I follow had reacted to it. I watched the first couple of episodes and then my ADHD kicked in, so I immediately ran to my favorite site (puts on tricorn) and binged the whole series in three days. I then proceeded to read some of the bigger "Eda is a good parent" and "Luz is actually Eda's daughter" fics on AO3.


I watched cartoonshi's first video about TOH.


I saw the shipping art of Luz and Amity when Enchanting Grom Fright was released and instantly binge watched the show to catch up.


My oldest was in college at the time. During a telephone call, she said there was this cute show she wanted us to watch (this was during the 2A/2B hiatus). But she wanted to be home when we started watching it, so she didn't even give me the name over the phone. A couple of weeks later, I drove her home for a visit, and she gave me the deets. This was September 2021.


Instagram feed was showing images of king. Caught my interest. Saw it was a Disney channel animated show. Gave it a shot since I just finished svtfoe at the time and fell in love with the show and King


I had seen on social media the clip of Luz complaining about the Rusty Smidge in Grudgby that's similar to the golden snitch and it caught my attention. It brought up a memory of me seeing on twitter maybe a few months prior that people were upset about the show being cancelled. I try not to engage in much Harry Potter stuff because of she who shall not be named so I was happy to jump into a different magical world that I knew people loved and I'm glad I did


I saw the first commercials for it on Disney channel. But this is a incredible coincidence as I saw it while I was on vacation in Florida visiting Disney World in January 2020


My cousin likes the show. She has drawings of the glyphs on her door. I asked what they were, and she showed it to me. I loved it immediately.


I heard about Lumity because that broke ground, didn’t have the energy to watch it at first. One night I was having a really bad time, mental health was all time low, looked for anything, and decided to binge the show. Long story short, it found me and pretty much saved my life lmao. It will always be, like, the most important media ever to me. Love it!


I was looking for Mulan on Disney+ and thought King looked cute, and the rest, as they say, is history.


i saw the promos on disney and thought ahhh something new to check out. i made a note of the premier date so i didn't miss it and was hooked before the first episode was over.


Was watching Rebecca Parham and it came up in one of her videos. Went and checked it out and it seemed interesting. It wouldn't be until sometime much later (debut of Thanks To Them) that I would pull the trigger on it.


I just randomly saw Eclipse Lake on TV while I was at the beach resort, thought lumity was cute, looked into the actual show a few weeks later and boom


I had seen a few promos for it when it was first coming out, but at the time I was in a very very short phase where I felt like I was too good for the newer Disney shows, so I mostly ignored it for a long while. Fast forward to August 2022, months after King’s Tide, my YouTube recommendations came in to change my life yet again and presented me with an out of context video of season 1. Was interested immediately, watched the first episode a week later, and fell in love instantly. Haven’t dared to look back since.


kept seeing S1 at my dads house on the TV and started watching it every weekend (Amphibia aswell)


It was recommended by Cellspex, a youtuber who reviews animated stuff.


I think I heard about it from the SheRa fandom. Same way i found out about Kipo.


My girlfriend introduced it to me. Wasn't overly impressed at first, but wanted to watch it with her, eventually decided that it was a top tier cartoon.


Well, I first saw promos for the first season on YouTube, but I kind of didn’t care at first. But, then I got curious, especially since my dorm hall had a TV in the “lounge area” (I don’t know if that’s what it was called, I can’t remember), and they’d often leave it on Disney Channel, so I started to see it more often. I soon started looking up clips online, and I got hooked.


Got into the show right as TTT came out, the vibe of that episode reminded a lot of Over the Garden Wall, so I checked it out. Got really interested then proceeded to watch the entire series and read fanfics.


Caught episode 5 new on cable one night and Lilith and Eda's battle blew my mind. The part where she makes a giant Hooty tube to hide behind then makes a couple more come out of its side looked so cool and made me crave more dynamic battles like that. Still wish we had more action cartoons like that here in the west.


Well, I tried watching the first few episodes and being completely honest, I didn't see the appeal then Grom happened and I decided to give it another go and then... the rest is history


Saw pics online, saw Lumity, watched reactions, it all gets a bit blurry from there but I started watching it from YouTube from unofficial channels cause Disney plus was slow with uploading the rest


I was scrolling around Disney+ and thought it looked interesting. I didn't start it then because I was watching another show at the time, and then didn't know if all the episodes were on D+ so ended up watching another show. I'd been hearing that it was really good for some time




I kept seeing it come up in the same online circles that discussed other fictional LGBTQ couples like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. And I wanted to use my Disney+ account for something other than watching classic Simpsons.


I heard about this show for a while, and when my streaming platform added it (it was somewhere in April this year) I thought "why not?" and now I'm here.


I watched She-Ra and this was the top recommendation to check out next.


I was hanging out at a younger cousin’s house during the hiatus between S1 and S2, Disney was broadcasting every episode that day so I was immediately caught up, and that’s when I got into the show.


Actually, I watched it as episodes of S1 aired on TV. Then I watched the rest on Disney+


A YouTube channel named HalfBreadChaos made a video explaining how this show might be relate to Gravity Falls, specifically talking about Bill Cipher. The video highly recommended the show and compared it in greatness to Gravity Falls, and since at the time Gravity Falls was still one of my favorite shows I decided to listen to the advice, close the video and avoid spoilers. After a long period of time (I later learned it was almost a year after the last episodes was released) I finally got to trying to find a way to watch it, which didn't take long.


I kept seeing it in my recommended on Disney+, had nothing else to watch then it became my hyperfixation and still is one of them


A now-defunct Twitter account I was following for another fandom I’m in wrote out a year-end list of media hyperfixations they had for the year 2023, and listed TOH as their hyperfixation from January to August of last year. At the time, I had not even heard of TOH, and I was a bit confused as to how anyone could hyperfixate that long on a media property I had never heard of. (I should clarify that in my day job, I am actually a teacher, so I kind of figured I would have heard kids talking about TOH). Long story short, I immediately Googled Owl House, found the concept to be kind of interesting, watched a few clips from the show, and then ultimately got hooked.


Clips were featured and talked about in some of overlysarcasticproductions trope talks videos and I thought "hey that looks cool"


Some youtubers I like reacted to it. It took a while, but eventually I was bored and looking for something new to watch, so I gave it a shot and loved it.


Getting into Steven Universe in late 2019 thanks to the movie + SU fans moving over to TOH + COVID = Me getting into The Owl House


I don't exactly remember but I think it was after watching gravity falls and I wanted to watch something else so i found the owl house


I watched the first few, but dropped it. I got back into when I saw the preview for Season 3, and then I got really into MoringMark’s Comics.


A youtube video that mentioned that Alex Hirsch moved on to work on The Owl House (This was around when only the first few episodes were on disney plus) Immediately fell in love with the series.


My husband’s cousin recommended it


Schafrillas. I started watching his video and he said the words “Spiritual successor to Gravity Falls” and immediately closed the video and binged through all of season one since that’s all that was out at the time.


Was on a depressive state in January 2023 and was waiting fro my friendo to pay D+ So I could binge amphibia and Owl House and I got to love more the Owl House world more


My fav YouTuber said it made them ugly cry so yeah I need a good cry from watching a show. Also the YouTuber is Morgan Terri


A close friend kept telling me to watch it. I hesitated at first cause I just rarely watch shows these days. After the first 3 episodes though I got hooked. It brought me back to the Gravity Falls days, and it helped when I found out Alex Hirsch was involved too.


Decided to start watching cartoons on Disney plus because I had watched all the marvel movies. Watched it after amphibia. It was a month or two before the first part of the finale was on yt. My only regret is binging all of season one in one night. I could’ve made the show last so much longer.


I saw [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4REpziTFs4). At the time, I was binging any tv show that had queer characters, and this seemed like a good show on top of that. I started watching, and really enjoyed it




Discovered the show on TVTropes, watched the clips featured on the show’s page, specifically “Is there a ghost in the photo lab?” and “Me, on a team with you?” and became intrigued by the heretofore unheard of amounts of LGBT content in a Disney product.


I saw a lumity edit and I spent hours trying to find the name and a place to watch it on and I finally found it on D+ and I've been shipping like crazy ever since.💀💀💀


I kept seeing a person I knew send screenshots from it or talk about it in servers we were in and it kinda just looked cool and I decided to try it out


Everyone kept mentioning it on YouTube and said it was good, so I watched it, and it was amazing.


Watched s1 ep 1 - 8 or something like that when it released didn't think it was that bad, then came back at one point, finished s1, after a chunk of time forgot what episode I was on so somehow got to s2e14 then I just rewatched the whole thing


I found out about the show in late November in one of those yt shorts called "kids then Vs now🥺 #nostalgia" where obviously the owl house was in the part "kids now" showing the lumity kiss from season 2. The short was supposed to send hate to this "gay kid show" but it actually made me interested. I looked up lesbian kiss cartoon and I found the name of the show. I had Disney+ at home so I decided to watch it.


It was frequently mentioned on the Hazbin Hotel subs. (Definitely *not* the kid friendly PG-13 fantasy world Luz always dreamed of! 😈)