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Yeah, he's one of those who uses Paganism to excuse his very modern, racist worldview.


I'm sorry how and what?


[Typical fascist nonsense.](https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/responses/the-alt-right-and-medieval-religions) It's cosplay.


Yeah story of my life trying to make make friends with other pagans. It's always "Oh sweet a friend." to "Oh shit a racist"


Oh, is this why, when I asked someone about this jackass with a comically lifted truck and SS patches on his vest at a bar the other night, they go “yeah he’s a pagan”???




There is also an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang known as The Pagans which would also explain the SS patch. May not be a heathen.


How do you know if your pagan friends are the fun kind of the secretly masking racism kind?


Bring up Idris Elba playing the part of Heimdall & see if they get pissy.


This... this is an amazing test. Thank you


You get a feel for it but most aren't shy about vocalizing their opinion


The fun kind is LARP btw. They’re literally just atheists who like the aesthetic. They don’t believe in the gods, the value of sacrifice (especially human / animal sacrifice), or the ethics associated. They definitely aren’t reading the poetry. It’s just 21st century liberalism with Viking / Greco-Roman paint.


That's a profoundly ignorant statement. There are plenty of sincere Wiccans, Asatru practitioners, and members of the OTO. Not to mention practicioners of more traditional practices such as Santeria, Voodoo, and Palo.


I was interested in Paganism when I was younger and searching for an identity. At some point I realized most of modern paganism was actually just made up in the 19-20thC by what were essentially DnD nerds


I mean it's kinda like every other religion right? People made up stuff and added to it


Yeah, but it presents itself as the religion protected before Christianity. In reality it's not very historically accurate at all


Why do you assume being racists means they’re not genuine? Plenty of pagans were historically racist, we have at least one primary account of a Roman pagans literally killing a black person for their skin color because it was a bad omen. You’re the one applying Christian assumptions of universalism to religions that aren’t necessarily universal.


It's not a matter of genuine or not. I just done want to hang out with them. In 2023 where we have the tools and world experience to interpret things under a different light, being racist is not okay. Same goes for other religions who pick and choose parts to justify their own world beliefs


The pagan community has a fascist infestation.


Specifically Norse paganism, and it fucking sucks. I’m pagan myself, me and all the other non-racist ones want those assholes out of our space as much as the next person.


I know a POC Norse Pagan on TikTok and THE COMMENTS HOLY FUCK


I can only imagine. These pseudo-pagan chuckleheads don’t even read the myths or their history books either, half the gods in the Norse pantheon are mixed (including Thor himself) and the Norse had trade relations with Arabs and Africans. There were even black Vikings. It’s so damn frustrating to see them twist the narrative like this, it must be 100x worse for your friend.


You think Survive the Jive doesn’t read the myths? He may be racist but he’s clearly very well educated and cites a diversity of sources. You’re the one arguing that these people from pre-medieval societies had post-enlightenment views on race. The burden of proof is on you, even if we pretend that he doesn’t do a pretty decent job of demonstrating his points regardless of their problematic nature. You don’t want to engage with prejudice so you reject the reality of how your religion was often practiced. We have good evidence of ethnic prejudice in many forms of pagan religion, especially the most popular ones like Greek, Norse, Roman, and other reconstructed paganisms.


White Supremacy IS a post-enlightenment view on race. It was created to rationalize the slave trade and slavery in the US in particular. Reconstructed paganism is also post-enlightenment and has to rely on very scant information. To say nothing of the absolute barrier to understanding created by Christian interpretation in the source material and modern attitudes.


I follow this Norse Pagan body builder and real life superhero on TikTok. He talks about the fascists and their infiltration efforts all the time. I forget his username.


Some friends of mine are in the SCA community and had to deal with people showing up festooned with swastikas. They tried to justify it by saying it was historically correct and part of their "heritage". Which is a load of shit.


Norse pagans tend to either be hard left "bash the fash" types or the fascists themselves. It's a shame that when I see there's hammer on someone I have to be so cautious.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paganism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_modern_paganism Hope that helps


It’s so funny because these sources never critically examine their own perspective with nearly the scrutiny they apply to racialist views. Racialist / ethnicist rhetoric can be unethical and also very historically popular.


Have you tried having an opinion of your own for once in your life?


Projecting much? I posted sources.


Wikipedia is not a source. It's a blog.


It's an aggregate. They list sources for the information on Wikipedia. Yes sometimes there can be errors, but we're talking about the definition of words here. It's a starting point that allows you to dive in further. I gave them resources to form their own opinion.


Yup. I’ve had to explain to multiple people that nope, sorry, paganism is *not* safe from fascism.


Turns out the whole "return to an idealized past" is literally one of the foundations of fascism.


Does kinda track if you think about it, yeah. Glorified past & tradition, with modernity & intellectuals being the truest enemies, and all that junk. Like the Viking obsession that basically has nothing to do with actually understanding the past, and is just cherry picked cool imagery and war glorification.


Even the ones who think they're better than that regularly practice teachings that trace back to the German Volkisch movement in the late 1800s -- the same Volkisch movement that Goebbels said could've been the Nazi party if they'd realized what they had.


lol paganism and fascism are so deeply connected you’re never going to root out one without the other. They’re more intimate than your realize. Fascism was conceptualized largely as a kind of pagan modernism. It relies on the assumptions of the spheres and whatnot. They’re both fundamentally rooted in essentialism. Trying to kill fascism without killing paganism, or vice versa is impossible. They’re based on the same premises. They both believe the universe is hierarchical and ordered according to nature. Sallust elaborated very well as to how the gods represent elements of divinity in the natural word, and this entails a world where some people are advantaged over others for good reasons. Some are more virtuous, more favored by the gods, more beautiful, and more powerful than others. This natural distinction is what makes Achilles greater than Hector or Beowulf greater than King Hrothgar. Fundamentally the hero of the pagan world is an egotist who “deserves” to be seen as better than other people.


Like Varg Vikerns?


In that case he’s using Norse myths to justify his racism despite the fact that Odin would rather eat with someone honorable instead of literally any racist.


Yup, that's it.


Do any of Odin’s spheres or behaviors ever imply that he cares about fairness? He constantly punishes Loki for shit that isn’t his fault, he accepts human sacrifice, he kills Ymir for perfectly practical reasons. I just don’t think he really cares. Hospitality, sure. Warrior spirit, definitely a check. Fairness? Not really a ton of evidence for that one.


Lol, source? I’m pretty sure that Odin doesn’t give a fuck about racism. He’s a fan of actual human sacrifice and bloodsport. His ethics aren’t going to align with some 21st century college student lol


Never tell a leftist that a several thousand year old god of divine madness, human sacrifice, and dark magic doesn’t enforce a 21st century liberal view of racism. Worst mistake of my life!


Varg is much more vehemently racist. This guy is smarter about it and keeps his youtube videos "cleaner". Though he signals a LOT when talking about current times like this video.


Even the Vikings were more progressive than chuds. The Vikings traded with Arabs and treated them as equals. There were even Black Vikings with full Viking privileges. https://scandinaviafacts.com/were-the-vikings-black/ Some of the Black Vikings voluntarily moved to Scandinavia to seek a better life and some came as slaves who would later gain full Viking privileges.


It wasn't common but it did happen. The Norse certainly didn't practice anything within shouting distance of modern, color coded racism.


Do you have a better source than that? I can't find anything that says that there definitely were black vikings. We don't know very much from the dark ages. The only "black" viking I could find anything about is Geirmund Heljarskinn, and he wasn't really black as his ancestry is Siberian. https://booksfromnorway.com/books/610-the-black-viking


Cite a primary source.


Yeah this was recommended to me for some reason even though I don’t watch any right wing content.


I subscribe to a few schizoid posters like Matt Alford, Jamie Kennedy and Afrikan Exodus. But I don't watch their shit, I only look at the thumbnaild and topics. Makes me feel more comfortable about my rapidly declining mental health.


I just find it strange that despite never subscribing or watching any right wing content I still get recommendations for shit like “survive the jive” and transphobic jordan peterson clips


The Shorts algo in particular is wild about this. My subs and general watching habits skew pretty wide left, and I still randomly get "podcast dudes insult IG models" clips, Tate garbage, and even the occasional Daily Wire bit.


The shorts algo just made me stop using shorts cause i’d be getting andrew tate clips, joe rogan, peterson and other random right wing shit just mashed in at the strangest times. Which is good cause shorts are mostly a waste of time.


I rarely ever look at them and don't pay attention to TikTok, but I'll give them credit for introducing me to Miniminuteman and FredoOnTV.


yeah wasn't trying to write them off completely, it's more of a personal issue. I saw plenty of entertaining ones but often it would just result in me mindlessly scrolling for hours while getting minimal entertainment value. From everything I've watched that's similar to how tiktok operates, it's very numbing and I found it to be too addictive in the long run.


Hello fellow Miniminuteman enjoyer


Oh it's the YouTube alt-right pipeline. That hasn't left at all.


It's crazy, I was searching up Starfield ship building guides which then recommended Gamer™ Asmongold clips of him shitting on the game, which then turned into thinly veiled right wing content disguised as centrist and now I get recommended shit like this Jive guy.


asmongold is a right winger? damn I used to watch his wow content way back in the day. like 2016 ish. not much of it but just on occasion when playing the game I'd have him in the background talking about upcoming expansion stuff


He's more like Center-Right but his chat is just completely filled with 4chan right wing neckbeards, and doesn't seem to have a problem with it at all.


damn, just saw he supported trump. fuck him. final fantasy 14 is the superior MMO anyway


Me too! I get random RW shit recommended to me all the time, as well as a lot of RW ads I have to keep blocking. But they’re totally being censored, right??? 🙄


Yeah the YouTube algorithm is pretty bad...


youtube knows youre secretly bigoted 💀


We’re all just one video away from becoming a fascist!


oh, i must be negative infinity videos away /s /s


I watched a few soccer highlights and some videogame content and now I am getting tons of RW nonsense in my YT recs. I hate it man.


It was suggested to me under a video from F.D. Signifier, of all people. Initially I thought that Horrible Histories might have done something off, but checking his channel prior to clicking waved all sorts of red flags.


"Survive the Jive" is also another racist dog whistle


I caught that, too. Honestly, pretty obvious imo and not even a dogwhistle.


i believe you but how so?


“Jive” is an older term for how black people speak. There’s a joke in the movie Airplane where a pair of black men speak in jive and are treated like they’re talking another language, an old lady has to step in and translate for the flight crew.


oof he’s not even hiding it at this point


That's not just some old lady. That's Barbara Billingsley a.k.a. June cleaver.


https://youtu.be/g0j2dVuhr6s?si=31hN_tbPqSbwfkIh Scene starts a minute in


Ohhh. You got any idea what the symbol in their profile picture means?


It looks like a runic version of "STJ". This man is just a full on dog whistle.


I'm Spanish: in the Spanish version they went for satyrizing extremely closed urban slangs (which are kind of hard to understand).


Man! Fuck me. I just looked up “Shuckin’ and Jivin’”. I’ve been saying that for years to mean a certain style of dance. I’m dumb.


"Surf the Kali Yuga"


I know Jive as a brand of cheap, fruity sparkling wine. So the name sounds like surviving a hangover. What does it intend to dogwhilste about?


That's actually false, he named his channel "survive the jive" before producing historical content when his channel was concerned with technology and the overarching reach of the state which is what the jive bit refers to. Just saying.


Survive the jive?


Who would have imagined that someone with that channel name in the 2000s is **at least** unwittingly racist.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_people_in_ancient_Roman_history Even asides from the fact the Roman Empire expanded across North Africa, can these people not conceptualise how black people could have possibly made their way to the Mediterranean via, like, geography? Do they know where the Mediterranean *is*?


I honestly don't think most Americans realize how close northern African countries are to Spain and Italy. Pretty sure it's like a day boat ride.


I think it's kind of a failing of education (or intentional ignorance) that more people don't realize how Northern Africa's history is intertwined with what we think of as Mediterranean History. At least from an American perspective.


They are basically the same thing. Even making the distinction assumes a fairly racist dichotomy that simply didn't exist. They're all bordering the same easily-navigable sea. OF COURSE they all interacted.


That's why I said "what we *think* of as Mediterranean History." Like you say, they are obviously connected. But not everyone thinks it.


Oh yes! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to imply that you were making those distinctions!


I wonder if part of the problem is due to the fact that most History classes largely ignore Africa until it's brought up in the American slave trade. Outside of like a chapter in high school world history which lightly touched on ancient Egypt I don't think I learned anything about African history until I specifically took an African studies history class in college.


The name Mansa Musa was not mentioned to me until Black American History class during my freshman year of college.


Apparently, chuds don't know anything about any of the three Punic Wars, not even the Second Punic War, which featured the great Carthaginian general Hannibal famously crossing the Alps with elephants and Hannibal decisively defeating a much more superior Roman force through a pincer attack during the Battle of Cannae.


He's British, I'm pretty sure. Which makes it worse.


I saw a documentary once where a guy explained how inter-related Sicilians and Africans were. I believe it was called True Romance.




In the case of Spain it's literally climbing a fence with barbed wire, given that there are two Spanish towns in North Africa (taken in a 15th century war because of Berber pirates and so).


You can see Spain from Morocco on a clear day


I've been to the south coast of Spain and on a clear day you can see North Africa. If my geography is correct I think it's the coast of Morocco you can see.


Because, like with hoteps, they want an idealised version of history where both miscegenation and geographical and ethnic diversity are myths. It's funny that a guy who wants to present a false image of history is trying to debunk something that may be historically innacurate. It's like Heaven's Gate attempting to debunk Scientology. For this kind of stuff, I go to The Cynical Historian and Intelexual Media because they are both better than any bullshit aryan pagan or black israelite.


I mean it would have been infinitely more surprising if there *weren't* black people in Rome. They're basically neighbors.


Watch the video lol.


the thumbnail is representative of the video. if your video thumbnail includes a racist meme that is uncritical of it, that delegitimises the video fully. the thumbnail is made for a specific audience for their specific beliefs for a specific reason. if you fail at THAT hurdle then you fail overall.


For the longest time this guy just did extremely sus lessons about the proto-indo-Europeans/Yamnaya culture and I couldn't get a read whether he was really into history and just hyperfocused on this one specific subject or if he was interested in that one culture for their connection to "Aryanism" or Nazi shit and was just putting a gloss of history over that. So I'm kinda glad he just put it all out there so I can just write him off as another loon.


Don’t watch the content of people who make you uncomfortable. It’s very healthy not to challenge your worldview or perception of history. Don’t ever consider arguments made by people you know are “bad” already!


Racism is ahistorical, unscientific, and toxic to any culture it infects. That academic conversation has had centuries to evolve towards that conclusion. It's settled now. We do not need to re-expose ourselves to these nonsensical ideas in perpetuity in order to gain a well-rounded social worldview, any more than we need to endlessly reexamine bloodletting and the four humours in order to gain a complete understanding of how the human body works.


People don’t want to waste time with racist bullshit, get over it.


When I see this shit I just reply "wez was Nazis and jerks" and block them.


Yeah I felt kinda ick about that one too, does survive the jive have a reputation for this stuff?


His name IS survive the jive. It's not like he's subtle.


Well he's friends with The Golden One and has spoken in front of National Action. So yeah.


The channel itself "Survive the Jive" is a racist dogwhistle.


It's a racist dog howl.


There were african roman centurions on the brittish iles before the angelsaxons made land. Rome generally didn't want the local conscripts to fight their brethern, because that is bad for morale. That is why african recruits were sent to brittain.


we wuz dogwhistling n shiet 🤮


No wonder why Google dropped its Don't be evil motto.


I mean, I'm not particularly surprised, Survive the Jive is pretty explicitly a White Power fascist.


YouTube really wants to compete with the likes of BitChute and Rumble. Good thing there are comparatively progressive alternatives such as Vimeo, Patreon, and Nebula, the latter two of which are behind a paywall.


Everyone that's on Nebula's also on YouTube, with a few exceptions.


Vimeo is also behind a paywall for most of the content I have tried to access. Literally all that's left is Tumblr.


How unfortunate. Almost every single progressive alternative to YouTube is behind a paywall, while chud alternatives to YouTube are filled with shady ads. No wonder why easily debunked chud videos filled with controversial material are so easy to access and are promoted all the time.


Ugh, fuck StJ.


This obsession is so fucking stupid. The Romans were notorious for allowing the citizens of conquered regions to become romans and join the army, it's arguably the main reason why they were so successful in their empire building. They also definitely did go to North Africa, and there's some evidence that they went further south too. So put two and two together and you've got black roman soldiers.




Jive is usually a warning sign btw


extremist discovering that white men weren’t the only ones traveling the globe😮🫢🫢


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FD Signifier said it best. The algorithm is fucking racist. Right leaning content will always get more plays.


It's sad really to misunderstand history so much. The idea of race didn't really exist to the Romans. Sure, they may note down one's skin color, but it wouldn't really be a topic of discussion. Slavery, for example, was in Rome based on conquest, so there could be light-skinned British and Gaulic slaves, as well as darker-skinned slaves from Africa, Arabia, and Egypt (the Roman provinces). Iirc, there were a number of Emperors of Rome who were brown at the very least, for example, Septimius Severus and Phillip the Arab. For Rome, what mattered was whether one was from Italy as opposed to the provinces. Italian Romans were considered superior to provincial Romans generally. This became less prevalent later on, such as when Caracalla made all freed men in the empire citizens. This included many black and brown people living within the empire as well. This person also fails to account for Berber traders and other black people who migrated into the empire without conquest of the territory. One does not have to be conquered to be Roman.


Oh shit I watched that guy without even knowing he’s one of “those” pagans until now >w>


Me too dude. I hate how fkn poisoned every source on paganism is.


Evil InternetCommentEtiquette


Bruh ancient greeks thought black men were the most handsome men around. There are some ethiopian characters in greek mythology such as Memnon and Andromeda (she's half black). Not to mention armies really appreciated nubian archers. Black people definitely got the rizz back then. There's a possibility that a black legionary or auxillary can be stationed in Britain. I can't really recall where it was but there was a tombstone of 2 cataphract brothers in Rhine border. Like roman empire took these guys from Syria/Iraq and sent them to Germany/France. So why not send some nubian auxillaries to Britain? They loved sending auxillaries to all across the empire so they would not revolt.


You know the right cant meme cause Ive never heard of this trash meme before


I saw on an Administrative Results video recently the guest he had on was a “grand master” pistol shooter and when the host shot an 8.8 second interval on some exercise the man did NOT hesitate to make an “88” comment. It occurs right around 16:20 in. https://youtu.be/1ca7dcZX3UU?si=VOiS9pt0mui6lY-V


I haven't seen the video, but I would be curious if they even mention the very solid archeological evidence that we have found the remains legionaries, their families, and of people that lived in and around their fortresses with african descent? In [Roman Britain](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leicestershire-38172433), even.


i can't watch the video because of the thumbnail just being outwardly stupid but my guess with these types is that to seem "unbiased" they briefly mention it, undermine/gloss over it and then immediatley return to bashing uneducated people that fit their stereotype.


Can someone send me the link to that bigot's channel so I can report them, please?


his channel name is in the screenshot




You realise that that doesn't in anyway make his racism any less real/bad, right? He'd still be fucking racist regardless of the intentions of ragebait.


lol like you people give a fuck, ive heard just as much racist garbage come out of your mouths as I have the right. Please get off your high horses.


He can happily debunk false representations of history based on evidence (such as Septimius Severus being black) but what he can't do as a "historian" is falsely represent a sterilised version of history and promote that with racist dogwhistles. How does him being racist mean less than others being racist? Also, what did I personally say that was racist since you have accused me of being racist? Please respond with evidence or your allegation will be evidentally false and therefore make you a no good cancel culture weirdo.




It's not really twisting it when it's just straight up racist as well. It's not clever nor smart.


Isn't this dude friends with the Golden One (a white nationalist)?


I’m uhhh pretty bummed out about that dude being a blatant racist lol. Based on what I had seen, I thought he had an interesting little channel about human migration, genetics, and pre-Christian religions in Europe. On that note, he does kind of look like the kind of guy who might be a slimy off-brand neo-nazi… I just hate it when I judge a book by it’s over and I end up being right.


unless the channel is explicitly, obviously and violently as woke as one could dare to imagine, its best to steer clear of these fucks because esoteric hitlerism is black mold to the lungs of innocent pagans


Did any of you watch it?


It's funny to me that your sourced article claims numerous times that the meme is based on reality. It accurately claims that afrocentrism has no basis in history, and that the term was created to make fun of anti-science, and anti-fact individuals that push their blatantly incorrect history. This is no different from calling flat earth believers flatoids, or any other meme phrase.


the meme is paired with racist memes and ideology and evidentally, sub-saharan africans did exist not only in the roman empire but in the uk.


> and evidentally, sub-saharan africans did exist not only in the roman empire but in the uk. Yes, and a black man named Yasuke became a strong and respected samurai under Oda Nobunaga. This doesn't mean "black people were present and played a significant role in Japanese history." People travelled, as far back as humans have existed, and there were the odd incredibly small minorities here and there in many of the more closed-off countries of history. You people often will take a 1 in a million minority in ancient times and then defend "historical" media which egregiously inflates the proportions to suit modern American and European demographics. Were there some africans in europe? Of fucking course. Was it 50/50 like tons of revisionist media implies? Of fucking course not.