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To show how not racist white supremacists are, I made this racist meme


No no, they're supposed to be "supremacists", y'know, air quotes to point out that these people who draw black people like subhumans are not promoting supremacy in anyway. Can they at least stop being cowards and just make a comic about how they wanna kill us


"People love my ideas, they just dont like the word nazi" Its branding for them, they know it, this ones too far gone to do it directly.


Legitimately was thinking of this line from the boys that show made me rethink a lot of shit in a weird way.


Hopefully for the better.


But then how can they be the victim?


[This is literally this meme, except unironically.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/578/682/575.jpg)


This comic is Jinjerzilla. [Literally](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56146231-jinjerzilla) a neo-nazi. [Here's](https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2022/01/28/jinjerzilla/) an interesting read about them.


Why am I *soooooo* suprised that he originally called himself a "libertarian".


You mean the ideology based around "privileged people should be able to stay privileged?"


>early days as a cartoonist with Libertarian proclivities, to his arrival into dissident politics as a passionate and ardent National Socialist Jesus fucking christ, these stories write themselves with this quantity of idiocy and sheer, bottom of the barrel, scraped up, fermented, and concentrated scummery.


This artist is openly a neo-Nazi. He's made comics explicitly advocating for Hitler and demonizing Jewish people


Hello there!


This isn't a dogwhistle this is an airhorn


ikr.. the white guy is even rocking a hitler youth hairstyle....


Blonde Hair ✓ Blue Eyes ✓ Tucker Carlson Expression ✓


No lips ☑️


No ass ✅


And probably no butthole since this guy feeds on radiation✅😫


He has one but he never cleans it cause that's gay


that’s what the mouth is for✅👍


He's gonna become a feral ghoul any second now... Any second now...


This is actually a misnomer. Their ass is just puckered so tightly that it is not visible to the naked eye.


No bitches ✅


No lips is a sign of fetal alcohol syndrome


I mean, he also has a flat philtrum, and epicanthal folds, you may have nailed it.


Not everyone with fetal alcohol syndrome is a white supremacist, but all white supremacists have some degree of fetal alcohol syndrome




Also that background color. Top is even, smoothed out, practically evenly spread, comforting. Bottom is a much more noticeable color, condensed, unevenly spread, added black coloring to make for a harsher and more noticeable look.


Yes that's true too! I thought of that after I posted. It seems like the white man is standing in front of a sky on a clear day, and the bottom background the black man is in front of... well it looks a lot like a dried blood stain. Probably symbolism in the white and black shirts too.


I love turning this despicable intent into an art critique.


This is just like Nazi propaganda, to make non aryan people seem less human. This is scary stuff right here.


Shit, even Nazi propaganda was more subtle than this.


[Not really](https://images.app.goo.gl/2Bvy2Pwugpg2FXMG7)




I feel that the shirt choice is intentional as well


Damn I saw Erwin Smith


Bruh don’t let the Nazis take the side part. Them taking the Charlie Chaplin is unforgivable already


I think it’s the side part with extremely short sides


And outfit


[here we are living through the death of political euphemism](https://youtu.be/0dBJIkp7qIg)




*This ain't a dogwhistle it's a god damn air horn!*


I find it especially interesting that the artist not only signed his work, but put a url on it. That’s some boldness thinking that this kind of work will help him get more work


There’s no meme. It’s just racism.


Or in their eyes “racism”


In their eyes racism did exist at one time but all of that’s behind us. Therefore there must be some other explanation for why Black folks seem to have so much trouble getting ahead. It’s at this point they’ll allude to the myth of the pathological black family while ignoring the more recent history of the war on drugs and over policing removing black family members and in a way repeating the violence of chattel slavery in which families were forced apart to be sold as commodities. Then they turn to resentment because now black folks complaining are just looking for a free ticket on their dime. Essentially our response to the flattening of the playing field or the activism to do so as opportunistically taking advantage of the good will of people who bear no responsibility for their plight. In the end you eventually stop using the pathological black family and recede back to the genetic theory of race that basically holds that it is doubly wasteful to even try to help because they just do not have the potential to make it successfully. Sure there will be exceptions but by and large this is a zero sum game and they are stealing from them. At this point people aren’t saying “black people are generally bad and we should avoid them” or anything as explicit as that, but the arguments that policy decisions are actively working against them are no longer viable. Finally, the vote racist group that was a minority is now fully supported by the general public who will not get their hands dirty but won’t bother to notice it either. They are insulated further by still yet another group that aren’t sure that this is really happening or that it’s being blown out of proportion (this group has a much wider valence as I’m sure you’ve run into the type: “nothing is going to happen to abortion, you’re making mountains out of mole hills” etc). Now the inactive group that supported the hardcore minority now feels ready to openly or tacitly support them (blue lives matter signs on lawns, and bumpers except now it’s “red, white, and blue lives matter”. The only place at which this cascade can be effectively countermanded is by contextualizing how history is a continuum and it is carried by the living (this is already employed in history regarding the founding and the constitution, the same people who say redlining is the ancient past will, at the same time, grow livid if you suggest that the constitution wasn’t a flawless document). And additionally, exposure and interaction with the wider world. It is VERY difficult to convince the recipient of privilege that they need to give it up if they cannot even acknowledge that it exists in the first place.


Spot on. Privilege and complacency have become the new enforcer of segregation. I have a hunch social media has accelerated this process as it is propaganda-driven.


No no. Haven’t you heard? The democrats are the real racists because 150 years ago…


They consciously decided not to be so fucking racist, so all the racists crossed the aisle.


"Democrats were the ones who owned slaves!" says the republican waving the pro slavery flag protesting the removal of statues of slave owners.


Does the "stop killing white people" refer to something particular ? I heard some racist conservative takes on the race issues, but I don't really see what "killing" they're referring to here


They already call white woman dating black men "white genocide". Because obviously once you have a black ancestor you are tainted forever and can never be considered white again


*looks at where people came from* oh no


Isn't that kind of always a mind blowing thought? We're all the same species, lucky enough to exist as we do at all, and all evolved from the same small group of us and now some of us look different so we fear and hate them. God we're a simultaneously incredibly intelligent yet moronic species.


Well said! We're so dumb.


A person is smart. People are dumb




That is a neat thought though, we all look so different based on the regions our ancestors ended up living. Like what would people look like if they lived on mars for a thousand years I wonder.


Taller probably, weaker gravity usually does that. Though also weaker bones too I believe


I've seen multiple cases in the past month of right-wingers REEE-ing at the African origin of humanity, saying it's "just a theory". This seems to be a bad-faith twisting of the conflicting theories on a single migration out of Africa of fully evolved Homo Sapiens, vs mixture of a recent migration wave with local archaic humans who had left earier. But like, in every version, our ancestors start in Africa. The only scientific disagreement is what % from what migration wave.


Ya gotta remember they don't think that's where people came from. People suddenly existed 6000 years ago and not a day longer. Popped into existence out of nothing.




I don’t know how hard and fast that was in reality. My dad is a direct descendant of an African slave from Mississippi, but even his grandma was considered white. I would never in a million years claim to be black. I’m a blue eyed blonde who can’t go in the sun even with sunscreen on.


My great grandfather was Creole. I'm like you, blonde and blue eyed. Same ordeal with the sun, burn something fierce. Genetic legacy is so vast, this notion of "purity" becomes so absurd. Hell, my family fled from Germany in 1940 something, yet my DNA test has my German at 3%. Shows most of my ancestry is scottish / irish / Norse, and my mother was adamant that we where "very" German.




Yeah everybody in my family knows about it but they don’t really care. But they are surprisingly racist. Also big Trump supporters. It’s kinda weird. I wonder if the family heading north had something to do with it. I never talk about it in real life though lol! I don’t even know how I would bring it up.




I mean you can still witness it today. Obama was considered a black president, even if only one of his parent was black.


It’s funny to me because “white” is such an arbitrary term. A few hundred years ago the Irish were seen as part of the “unclean”.


other way around actually https://i.imgur.com/oeIGAh7.jpg


Jesus fucking Christ these are the white racists that would REALLY benifit the WORLD by being mowed t F down . This foulness only happened in their bigoted beat off fantasies. Fffff these idiots


It's very disturbing to realize how ready and willing white conservative men are ready to murder black people en mass.


It is almost like they all were keeping their hatred barely held back, and the chaos agent , tRUMP made it "okay to b racist again" which has now opened the Pandora's box of fascism. Now it is ok to hate ALL people who do not fit their little white Straight Christian fake " Patriot" oligarchy. Not just HATE but to make violence flow through the entire Country , bc even when others like them racially do die, it is acceptable as to their "cause" of fascism


I forgot how schizophrenic racists love 4chan.


It's always okay to make fun of racists but why are you making fun of schizophrenia


Being afraid of something that you think is out to get you that doesn't actually exist is a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.


I mean it's a symptom of *Paranoia* which exists in schizophrenics... but it also exists in thousands of other things. Just weird one to pick I guess.


Being stupid ≠ being schizophrenic


It's not just stupid people, schizophrenia can manifest itself like this. It can come from poor nutrition or disease in their youth, which a good number of generational racists grow up with. It's folly to think racism like that is purely to do with a lack of education when behavior like that is ingrained by environmental factors as well, outside of learning.


The guy who created TempleOS was a paranoid schizophrenic and it made him very racist.


I don't think schizophrenia made him racist so much as the illness made it harder to hide underlying racism. He was responding to criticism with racial slurs because he perceived himself being called the n word. Not as a hallucination, but because he felt any insult was at heart just an indirect racial slur. Just as mental illness didn't raise him Christian or teach him programming, schizophrenia didn't put racial slurs at the forefront of his mind. Paranoia makes you feel threatened, but it doesn't target a threat at random. Disorganized thinking and impulsively impair the filter that prevents sane people from verbalizing this kind of thing, but they still think it.


I don’t think that one dude understands that Warren Zevon song


Everybody in that thread should be locked up and definitely stripped of their right to vote or hold a firearm. Crazy how one of them says we’re all purposely being divided……by the Jews


You know: all those white-targeting hate crimes. All like one of two of them ever.


They will probably bring up something along the lines of "The holocaust killed almost only white people!" or something as if it had anything to do with anything


the side that sides with Nazis saying that is too ironic tho, I only wish they had the mental capacity to understand irony.


Keep in mind that these people claim that NationalSOCIALISTS are left wingers, so it was a white genozide commited by leftists Serious mental acrobatics


It would be a true statement if I thought you actually think of Jewish people as white...and the killing wasn't literally performed by white people who definitely didn't consider Jewish people white.


Nazis think of Jews as whatever they need at the moment to win their argument


Great replacement theory maybe?


Years back there was a graphic passed around on social media that "proved" that black people murdered people more than anyone, that a white person was like ten times more likely to be killed by a black person than a white person, that white people killed ten times fewer black people and that black on black murder was just through the fucking roof. Issue being they took actual data on murder rates from the FBI and fudged how the graph was presented to get those results and in fact black people were five times as likely to get murdered and ten times as likely to get murdered by a white person than a black person.


Yeah, it refers to white supremacists' victim complex and the fact that asking to not be killed is literally what people of color, especially black people, are actually fighting for as actual frequent victims of racist violence. They just get combined and twisted into the white people being the victims because of racist mental gymnastics that white supremacists have to use to justify their hate and violence and still think of themselves as halfway decent human beings.


A cop slowly kills a black man and they think it’s no big deal. A black man shoots a white person and is immediately arrested, and they talk about reverse racism


Several republicans unironically want to leave interracial marriage "to the states". They're just racist as fuck, claim black people are murders etc. to feel victimized. Political Christians, who usually have read as much of the bible as they have any law, just feel like they always need to be victimized, so they literally make it up.


Who is killing white people?


Other White people mostly. And covid and fentanyl I guess


Don’t forget sugar, trans fats, predatory advertising, and a complete lack of self-preservation (worth noting this also kills black people).


Cars, their diet, guns from other white people, and pollution mostly released by corporations owned by old white men. These killed more white people than any other causes. True that white people are saying "stop killing white people" long before, but what did the state do? Unleash more policies that kills even more white people. Wait til climate crisis go into full swing and more white people will die because of the decisions of mostly old white men.


>trans fats See, trans fats *are* killing people. Checkmate liberals. /s


The mental image of conservatives misinterpreting dieting pop sci articles into hating fat trans people has me howling. Sounds like a Dave Chappell skit.


A lot of white racists blame minorities for the opioid crisis Source: been to prison


Ahh yes. All those powerful minorities who are running America and oppressing the white man


You gotta have an enemy that is both weak and simultaneously strong. Thats fascism 101. This comic is a good example of that component of fascist propaganda.


Appropriately enough, in reality, the actual cause is rich (mostly white) people. Who, you know, deliberately advertise and distribute it in poor or racially diverse areas.


We need to start talking white on white violence.






Or general proximity. *cough* we’re more racially segregated than the 60s *cough*


Gluten or something idk


I hate people from Gluten! Glutonians can get FUCKED


As someone with celiac I have to say you’re more right than you know


The hacker 4chan


Cops and heart disease I think


Holy shit, how in the hell do these people think that this is acceptable?? This is the same racist rhetoric and caricature that was used in political comics back in the Civil Rights days. Absolutely foul. Thank you OP for leaving this losers watermark in the pic! 😁


Because that’s the Great America they want to go back to.


I thought the 1860s were more well known for… *those* political comics than the 1960s.


This is true. I think these horrible comics have been around as long as the US has been around, it was part of how they dehumanized slaves. There's sadly been anti-POC propaganda in the US since the beginning, and we still see it to this day! One would have hoped that this disgusting display would have been phased out by now. I really hate to see that there are still people that think like this.


Well, you realize that America is heading to a civil war so right-wing radicals here are getting bolder convinced they will win one😃


I mean, this dude is actually a straight up openly avowed nazi. He proudly claims it


Then why is he putting "supremacist" in quotes?? Dude should just own it.


It's also why he thinks white people are being specifically targeted; the projection runs thick.


My guess would be gently luring 14 year olds into the alt right pipeline without scaring them off


That’s a bingo


There's nothing more classically neo-Nazi than not owning up to your beliefs. White supremacists don't exist, but I'm a white supremacist. The right isn't fascist, but I'm a fascist. The Holocaust didn't happen, but I support it. (Personally, I think part of that denial is for their own sake. How many people can really, truly accept that the Holocaust happened and still support it?)


Probably because he thinks the term is stupid because whites obviously are a supreme master race so being what we call a supremacist is just the natural state.


Damn. That’s really blatantly obvious Jim Crow level racism. It’s so phucking disgusting and despicable.


Jim Crow? This would give hitler a hard on


Man I’m gonna need to unsub soon this got a fucking visceral reaction out of me. Really this sub is great but I don’t think I’m in the right headspace anymore.


Take care of you, friend. But don’t forget what you saw.


it's like if they had anime back in 1855


What’s crazy is that the racist anti black propaganda from back then are the same talking points as today


None of their propaganda has changed. Look at propaganda against women's sufferage. It's all preaching the same cancel culture BS with slightly different wording, and how there's only support for suffrage because women have secretly taken over and will ruin any man's life if they don't agree to suffrage.


Sherman didn't go far enough, the roots were left intact


He should’ve given them the Native American treatment while giving Native Americans the actual treatment we ended up giving Confederates (complete impunity).


Out of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most


The most messed up and sad thing about crap like this and the people that make it is no one is born at this level of racist and stupid. It takes Years of brainwashing, Living in a bubble, and being force fed hateful rhetoric from people that are supposed to care about you and teach you how to live and thrive in the modern world. Instead they get taught white people endangered! Brown people scary! Minorities hunt us down in The street! Hurdee hur hurdee hur.


Aaah I see, the *”no u”* theory.


conservative try-not-to-be-racist challenge (0% OF PEOPLE WIN)




did hitler make this meme? holy fuck


Close. Just looked up the artist and all of his illustrations are just as disgusting as this. He's a pretty proud neo-nazi. Shit's insane.


not even a neo nazi. he literally calls himself a straight up regular nazi


I know I’m stating the obvious, but it’s literally the inverse of this irl


They all are. All they have in life is convincing themselves that they look like Homelander when they really look like Kuato.


Literally the only message of BLM is stop killing black people.


And the only message of ALM is calling them racist for it


DARVO is extremely effective, sadly


In case anyone is curious who this piece of dogshit is, here you go. He looks exactly like you already know he looks. https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2022/01/28/jinjerzilla/


Holy shit this is the same dude who made the “hitler stopping suicide” comic


That’s was a whole different level of fucked up - and that’s saying something given his portfolio is almost entirely deranged


If I hadn't seen that I'd have been pretty sure this was just bait/meme territory. Good lord.


It’s funny because it’s the exact opposite


If you're racist, accuse the other side of racism so that the word loses all meaning. They've been doing this with everything for a long time.


I never seen something soo detached from reality in my life


From now on I shall refer to my race as "wypipo"


It sounds native lmao


The great Native American tribes. Cherokee, Navajo, and Wypipo


I think that's a Mormon doctrine.


This is foul on a number of levels.


The people who subscribe to these rightwing memes wanna look like the guy at the top......but most of em ugly as hell and have no business even pulling rank on others.


Exactly - that guy on the top looks like he comes round to your doorstep to tell you about the local mormon church. Where's the bald headed sociopath with the swastika tattoo across his temples, and his knuckles tattooed up with german text from old SS paraphinalia...


Even people who espouse white genocide don’t argue that white people are being killed, just “being genocided” by people choosing to have children with people they don’t like and low birth rates (through no coercion and personal choice).


I just looked up the artist and he is [an unapologetic racist](https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2022/01/28/jinjerzilla/)


We should have burned the South during the Civil War and hanged all the slave owners


I downvoted out of habit and had to realize what sub I was on.


I've seen some awful racist caricatures, but I never understood why they keep giving black people yellow scleras. Is "black people have jaundice" just a stereotype so esoteric only they know about it?


It’s artistic shorthand for saying some one is unhealthy.


Sure, Brad. It is always " tHe bLaCkS " , NOT the WHITE SUPREMIST ASSHATS AND MURDER COPS MURDERING BLACK PEOPLE FOR EXISTING., Op here is an odious lying crybaby piece of utter crap Nazi.


jingerzilla is like a notorious nazi lol




yeah I found his posts one night and went thru them it was a fucking ride


Damn, How could I forget that infamous Black on White hate crime crisis? /S


So… what you’re saying is “it’s ok to kill black people, they deserve it”?


I’m not American, does this even mean anything? Or is it just made up in order to be racist


Just racist


It's both racist and backwards


The artist is a guy called jingerzilla, he's a straight up white nationalist


Oh yeah, they're not even trying anymore.


This looks like one of those racist drawings from the 30s. I hate it here


Persecution fetish much?


Watch TLCM try to defend this meme. Disgusting.


This isn't even a meme just blatant racism


Imagine having any kind of artistic talent and using it to create this vile fucking filth


It's literally the opposite of this.


OP, it’s weird how your entire post history is posting right-wing memes to this sub, but your comment history has a lot of complaining about “ghetto people” and has some references to your “liberal wife.” It’s almost like the point of all this is to use this subreddit to get your shitty right-wing memes to a larger audience. This has been a known problem for subs like this one and Top Minds for quite some time.


This is the same dude, Jinjerzilla, who made the comic where Hitler stops a white blonde boy from killing himself like it's a sweet moment or some shit. Dude is not not even a little bit pretending not to be an open nazi.


This dude's Nazi tripe is unconscionable https://web.archive.org/web/20171011044136/http://jinjerzilla.com/


iTs JuSt A jOkE!


"All black people are evil" A white supremacist


You can't make a racist caricature and still think you're the good guy


This is the most downright racist one I’ve seen so far


Did they *seriously* not notice how they immediately shot their message in the foot?


Holy shit thats so racist.


It's.... literally the other way around????


Pretty sure it’s closer to “kill Jews, kill gays, kill blacks, kill anyone else who isn’t a white Christian.”


"I'm not racist for being a white supremacist, I just think all black people are uglier, lesser people and more dangerous than white people!"