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"Trainers, this month we will test doubling the number of Raid Battles per Gym during all five January Raid Hours in select locations globally."


Pretty clear to me. We currently get 1 raid per gym. Double that is 2, right? So two 30 minute raids, since it doesn't say anything about extending the time.


I'm pretty sure that you'll just be able to battle the same raid twice in the one hour that the raid is available I don't think it's going to change the cycle the raids spawn in.


And this is exactly why they need better communication. Multiple interpretations is only acceptable for intentionally open-ended stories, jokes, and when you don't want to get caught with a lie and only acceptable to the speaker.


I get what youre saying but I wasnt really confused by this at all I'm having a hard time understanding why so many are.


That's an entirely new mechanic that they likely won't be coding. I agree that their communication is bad, but it says "doubling the amount of raids" not "testing the ability to fight raid hour raids twice"


Zero percent chance is works that way. It will be 2x30 or maybe, just maybe, 2 times some other number. Like 2x45 or 2x60. We get 3x60 for raid day. Not 3 raids untimed at the same gym. It just doesn't work that way.


This is talking about the raid hours that happen every Wednesday for only 1 hour not the raid days where the same pokemon cycles gyms for 3 hours. They're trying to allow players with less access to gyms more opportunities to get raid pokemon during raid hour.


Yes, I know. But what you are talking about would be a completely new mechanic. Dividing 180/3 or 60/2 is the same thing from a coding perspective, just with different numbers. They already have the code to do that. They are not going to come up with something new.


Yes I agree with this. They won't come up with someth8ng new where you can raid the same gym back to back lol


This will probably never be the case. They wouldn't let you raid at the same place like a 2 for 1 deal.


I dunno if it’s the fact I’m tired, but this doesn’t make sense to me? Do they mean having 2 30 minute raids per gym? 2 60 minute raids making it raid 2 hours? Can someone clarify please? 😂


It sounds like 2 30 min timers but guess we will have to see.


if so that would be cool


I'm more upset by the phrase "in select locations globally."


Coming soon to San Francisco, NYC, and LA.


It will also include New Zealand, but only spawn Squirtle raids due to a bug.




They did say globally, so big cities in Japan also.


Anywhere where Niantic has a presence and Nintendo of Japan.


ah, that's nothing new. i'm sure if it goes well they will push it worldwide!!


I read this as "I'm sure if nothing goes well they will push it worldwide!!" and I was like yeah that makes sense. Then had to reread your post lmfao.


lmfao true i guess it's getting pushed worldwide regardless xD


This made me laugh because yeah good or bad... we get it


Nobody knows. Maybe you can do the same Raid twice.


I'd lean towards 2x 30-minute raids during Raid Hours, similar to how 3-hour Raid Days lately have been getting 3x 1-hour raids.


Raids during raid days are handled terribly. I saw people not being able to catch the pokemon after a raid because the raid time was elapsed and a new timer started.


Normally there is a grace period where the raid still exists in order to allow relobbying and generating the encounter. Unfortunately, when they do these back-to-back raids, there is no grace period. The raid ceases to exist when the timer expires.


I hope that's the case and I can do both Raids back-to-back immediately.


Trust me, you are not alone. I've read that thing 10 times and still can't figure out what they're trying to say. This definitely could've been written better.


I can't wait to see how they're gonna mess this up wednesday night for NZ.


Hopefully with accidental Nihilego


Aren’t they the ones who get Xurkitree




Yeah luckily, shame I’m overseas rn I’d love a couple




Very solid idea on paper. For the most part, I love the idea of this. I have a gym within walking distance from my apartment. Would be nice to be able to get two raids out of a raid hour when I don't decide to go do a full raid hour at my local campus/park. The slight potential downside though is that assuming they do two 30-minute raids instead of a single 1-hour raid, that would then seemingly shorten the raid period outside of raid hour. As an example, Yeah, you're doing raids during raid hour itself, but what if you want to do some outside of raid hour? Well while not always guaranteed, you can find some raid hour eggs that pop later due to previous eggs blocking the gym, so you could get a 1-hour raid that hatches at 6:45, meaning you could do that raid as late as 7:45. With the 30-min raids, it would just be til 7:15 in that instance, shortening the window for extra T5s from raid hour. A small potential issue overall though. I just know sometimes I catch a late raid or two if I'm out to dinner with a friend or something during the raid hour itself. This could decrease the amount of T5 raids occurring after raid hour (obviously there can still be post-raid hour raids though)


Seems like this update is meant for stationary players who don’t get a chance to travel or don’t have more than one gym near them. They’ll get 2 and if they’re lucky a third one when the hour ends... If people are on the move and can’t find 5-6 raids during raid hour then that’s a player issue.


I hope you're right, but the idea of Niantic adjusting the game to benefit stationary players is giving me whiplash.


If only there was some remote system that worked well for that years ago.


Play however you want to play doesn’t mean things can’t get better for everyone else.


I’m confused by your comment and not sure what you want say. But I was joking about how remotes worked well for people like you listed before the nerf.


I'll give them credit for trying something different. I'd prefer a system where for the hour you can just do the same raid at the same gym as many times as you want.


The reason they will never do that is it goes against having the player be active.


Still seems useful with lots of gyms around to me. There's a big park nearby that has 7 gyms in it. It only takes like half the time of raid hour to beat them all with a good group. Being able to double up without having to start driving around would be pretty nice. Not sure why you're calling that a "player issue" when its clearly dangerous and not great for the environment to have a bunch of cars slowly driving around and clogging up streets and small parking lots.


it will be for big cities that already have a gym every 50m...


What I really want them to do is block other eggs from appearing right before raid hour and taking up gyms with lower-tier Pokémon.


serious question but why is that an issue? i love when this happens so you dont have to hurry as much to go through all the gyms in one hour because there will be some leftover even after the raidhour has ended.


Cause I’ve got a lucky egg on and I want to get as much done as possible


That should’ve already been a thing.


Isn't this already done for the raid-"day" three-hour events? IIRC, no eggs were spawning after 12:30 before the 2PM raid of wyrdeer?


This change is for the weekly raid hour.


Right. The person above mentioned how blocking raids before raid hour would be a good idea; and i commented that it’s already done that way for the three hour events, so conceptually it should not be difficult.


Ah sorry, thought you were saying they are the same as raid days. That's what I get for assuming.


Honestly nice change! I’ve a park nearby with 5 gyms in a loop and the potential of being able to run the loop twice during a raid hour where the legend is worth it is nice




Not the best solution for this, a better solution would be to remove the lockout after you’ve completed the raid AND extend the lockout period earlier so less other raids block gyms during raid hour


True issue with raid hour is that usually way too many gyms are filled with T1 or T3 mons and thus you have to skip many gyms during the raid hour route. They already got it right during those raid day events, during those all gyms were empty at least half a hour before the event started and thus not a single gym was hosting "thrash" Just do that during the raid hour as well.


Or mega! Totally agree


I have 3 gyms outside my house so that would be pretty neat.


Might be careful from the 25 minute mark onward to the half hour mark, with remotes and invites, as a crash or other issue may leave you with the new raid boss and you lose your pass


Yeah this just looks like a grab to eat passes. I would normally be excited about this and not having to run between locations but I literally have to walk away from a raid if it is sub 10mins because it crashes like 90% of the time


If they're gonna nerf remote paid passes at least give us more daily free raid passes.


This or allow us to stock up to 5 or 10 dailies, that would be cool


Or let us use our green passes remotely!


How about more raid hours. Would love weekend raid hours. Some people who can afford to raid a lot work a lot during the week.


I would totally be up for a weekend raid hour.


This is quite interesting, especially for people who have a limited number of gyms. Thanks to this, you will be able to do the same route with gyms twice


I mean I don't see why this would be a negative for anyone. Helps players have more raids available, more raids helps players with a limited number of gyms, more raids means more money for Niantic. Everyone wins :)


Won’t complain at all if it works out as people hope it does, would really benefit players who like to do more raids but usually couldn’t where gyms in some places are few or nearly non-existent. Though I would refrain from drawing to conclusions at this point, regardless if it turns out to be a positive or negative experience, until we see how things play out given how when Niantic add/change things they tend to be buggy the first go around. That said I hope it does get implemented without issues and not only is a welcome change but gets implemented everywhere after


I don’t think this will make any difference to raiding, at least in my community. Huge plummet in raid numbers due not just to the nerf on remote raids but also the lack of new raid bosses, I guess you could call it obsolescence.


Also I think due to cost increases. I used to be able to buy a three-pack of remotes for NZ $2.97. Now, if I buy the smallest Pokecoin bundle, the cost is $8.87 (accounting for both Niantic's price increase and the app store increase from $0.99 to $1.67 per 100 Pokecoins). A legendary is just not worth $2.95 a pop to me.


2 x 0 attempts = 0 It will be nice when we get something worth raiding.


Does this even make a difference realistically? They're gonna implement it in populated areas so lack of gyms isn't an issue, and how many raids can you actually do in an hour? Nine or ten?


They roll it out, if it is received we’ll they make it global, now small communities with just a few gyms can do up to twice as many raids during the hour. This will turn my local park from 3 to 6, if I had a local community here anymore it would be awesome, but maybe having things like this going all the time will up player retention.


>They're gonna implement it in populated areas so lack of gyms isn't an issue, *IF* the test goes well and they implement this globally, it would really help smaller communities with less gyms.


That is a big if. Plus, if the tests go well, they could either wait or just not make it available to people with a lack of gyms.


Hey Niantic, if you see that raiding is down its because you stupidly raised the price of remote passes, then also limited us to 5 a day. Double the raids during the hour, by all means, but it won't make us go out more. Once that 5 remote limit is hit, thats me done.


Would be nice if it was actually in remote locations with fewer gyms, but it will be in dense populated area with dozens of gyms like usually


Oh cool. Now put new mons out and maybe some of my raid group will be bothered to come back out. It has been desolate for months here. There’s like three others in my raid group that still play regularly. The rest can’t be bothered to come out for the eighteenth outing a mon in 5* raids.


Hope this sticks, makes planning a lot easier


The most logical explanation is 2 raids with 30-min timer, i.e. doubling the raids within the same duration of the raid hour


I played several raids today. Pheromosa is soloable, good chance to spend some green passes.


Does anyone even play the raid hours? I live in a major city and can't get a lobby for a T5 on a raid hour, it just spreads the player out too thinly and is far worse than just a few raids at different start times.


I have yet to see anyone raiding in my neighborhood. I can see several gyms from my home and never see anyone in any of the lobbies during raid hour.