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Excellent throws rewards a lot if you can consistently get spawns and consistently hit them


finding a new city whenever "bonus XP for spinning a new stop" is active, then start mass spinning stops. You can rack up a couple million XP. I think I remember vaguely that someone tried to go to level 40 with a fresh account doing so.


It was a German player who went on a cross country bike trip during the first Adventure Week event. He had to hit 12 cities to do it. Not sure if the increase in some cities pokestops would bring that to 11, but it was no small feat. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/8nh7yi/this_german_dude_reached_lvl40_in_4_and_half_day/


You could do it differently by not focussing on XP. Churning friends and raids gets you a lot of XP, but turns the game into a job. A job you are paying to do. It reminds me of the Woody Allen line from a film. "I have a job dressing the girls at the Folies-Bergère, 10 francs a day. It's not much, but it's all I can afford". If adding and removing randoms off the internet is fun for you, then feel free to carry on. It is the simplest way to get a lot of XP quickly. Sure, everyone can play how they want, but the point of Pokemon Go is supposed to be catching and walking, even meeting people and stuff like that. Obviously, a lot of players think "walking" means "driving", but that's on them. Walk around your local park, catch some mons, chat to some people. Get good at those excellent catches, don't stress it. If you only grind the XP you will get to L50. And then?


I think best way is finding a task to focus on and not burning out. Like doing some plat medals, GBL, new raids, or some like doing buddies. Then when events come with bonuses just playing those hard for your XP. If you play everyday hard you’ll get burned out.


XP isn’t the bottleneck even if your only aim is lv50… I’m stuck on the tasks rather than XP on every level. Now I have 33mil XP above lv44 but still haven’t finished the tasks


It depends on the player. I’m free to play so I finish the level tasks wayyyyyyyy before I get enough do to level up.


Catch 900 Pokémon with excellent curves every day. Slightly less with streaks and spinning stops. Half that if you're using lucky eggs. It's consistent and you can do it every and any day, regardless of any temporary event bonuses. Raids are the worst way to farm XP, TBH, you sit and wait in a lobby, then spend time battling, and then you may spend upwards to 30 mins to catch the monster depending on how frequent it attacks, moves, etc. You can throw 10 excellent curves at Pokémon with the quick catch method way faster and usually get the same if not more XP and not even need a special item like a raid pass for it. Even quick adding 5 friends and advancing to level 1 friendship can be faster and give more XP than raids.


Probably dense active large city + gatcha + lucky egg + raid passes + incense + incense modules + Mega active


In a city spawns are not an issue if you are moving. If you are camping out sure.


1m xp requires all the help they can get I assume


I’m just saying while moving you can not physically catch them fast enough even with an auto catcher and quick catching. If camping then you could exhaust all spawns even in those insane broken places.


Team rocket is the first catch of every day.


Mass evolutions..... Save all the rubbish pokes like Caterpie&Rattata.... You should have tons of useless candy for them .. When you have 80- 100.... evolve 1 after the other..... With lucky egg on, it's 2k per.... Easy 150k-ish in 30 minutes that you can do from home Stack that with any missions and friendship bumps


Save them for evolution events, one per month. That's double XP so 4k per.


One per 5 weeks.


Or one per 3 weeks if they feel like it.


That’s the only time it’s really worthwhile. A standard gift is 2000 xp. And a 30 second evolution is also 2000 xp with the bonus. So it synergizes really well with friends because you can spend 5 minutes grabbing the friendship XP and the rest of the egg evolving.


Get 80 new friends per day and crack the lucky egg at 11:45 pm and open 2 days of gifts. 6k XP x 80 = 480k Continue this and stack with Great friend and Ultra friend interactions


Anyone that has a decent amount of xp will tell you that friendship bonuses are NOT as great of an xp source as people would like you to believe. ​ Best way is to go out and just start catching a lot. Nailing excellent throws, particularly when there is a throw bonus active, is the best way to get a ton of xp quickly.


Friendship is 2000 xp per gift. Getting a single excellent catch is maybe 1500. Gifts are the best source but you are capped to maybe 60-100 because it’s hard to send a full 100. Plus gifts you can always run a lucky egg very efficiently while catching its hard to get the spawns and same species to warrant an egg. So after doing daily gifting catching is best source. Unless you have a double evolve bonus.


You’re right about friendship (well it’s 1811 xp actually) but that’s only if your friend opens a gift each day. In practice it takes way longer than 90 days to reach best friends. Which also means it’s difficult to line up many friends to open at once on a lucky egg.


It averages out when the list is 400. If they don’t open someone else gets that gift.


Gifts are 2k a gift but it's backloaded. You'll go ultra with maybe 1 in 4 people you friend up with, maybe 1 in 6 or 7 you'll go best with. Most of those people you'll spend a bunch of time leveling like halfway up and then they'll just disappear off the face of the earth. So you "lose out" on all of that "2k per gift". ​ You also have to go out and spin, which is fine but you're not looking at the fact that you can't just go out and send the stuff. ​ Not to mention the time it takes to coordinate, if that's something you do. ​ An excellent throw takes a matter of seconds and you're done, and you can farm it nonstop. During CDs or events with 3x or 4x catch xp, you can get 200k off throws in 5 minutes.


When i hit level 50, my avarage xp was 960k xp per day for the last three months. I found small things that just did the little ekstra over time, as i focused more on xp at the end. Off course it depends on what you enjoy, and it is time consuming. You will burn out if you dont have fun. I just enjoy being out, and i like catching. That is the most effective way to earn xp. I never really used lucky egg in the beginning, it was only when i hit level 48 i wanted to see how fast i could do it. So yeah, spend an extra second to hit excellent throws, there is no big secret there. Another thing i did was i would usually spend my morning transferring pokemon from the day before. But then i started throwing them in a tag, and evolving them before i deleted them. Usually had 2-400 i evolved with a lucky egg. I did it with two phones to speed ut the prosess. It just became my morning routine when i had my coffee, and got a few extra hundre thousand xp i would just delete otherwise.


And yeah, almost forgot to mention it. Use a mega3 that covers the most pokemon spawning in the wild, and max out sending and opening gifts.


Let's start with the best xp for one single action Hosting 5\* raids on raid apps like Poke Genie is 50.000 xp and if you catch first curve excellent ball that is 52.140 That would be 19 hosts, which is kind hard to do in a single day. But if you are capturing Pokémon during the downtime (waiting for raids to pop or in host queue) Lets say 1 excellent catch per minute, that is 60 excellent captures which you put curve ball on, will get you 122.400 xp per hour If you are hosting 2 raids per hour that totals up to 226.680 xp per hour That would only take you a bit under 4.4 hours to hit your 1 million goal This is of cause all with lucky eggs on, where you would need \~9 per day


Sorry, but doing a 5\* raid normally gives you 10.000 XP... How do you get the other 40.000?


Adding 4 other raiders & then subsequently raiding with them will raise your friendship level - 10k per friend.


Wrong. You get 10.000 at the second heart, not the first. So it's 3.000 per every new friend, even if you add 5 people it's 15.000. Total 25.000; you'll get 50.000 with the Lucky Egg, but every raid an egg? Difficult...




Yeah thanks, already said in prior comment


Each gift opened/sent is 2000 xp before egg. So spinning a stop to send a gift is same as a couple excellent throws. Doing raid hour with new people all give an extra heart of 2000 per person for 1 raid. Hosting one remote raid with 10 people is worth 40k xp before egg. So if you do gifts alone you can do 130 x 4000 with egg 520,000 xp in a day. But realistically it’s probably more like half that as your list will have people stop opening that many gifts.


Sending a gift gives 200 exp, opening doesn’t give any. Unless you’re talking about the first interaction with a friend, which is 3000.


I think they mean the average xp per day. It’s 90 days to best friends and you get a total of 163,000 xp from the friendship bonuses = 1811 xp on average.


Why would you want 1M XP a day? I don’t think it’s possible.


It's definitely possible


Especially when the OP stated they already do sometimes.


Friend xp, excellent throws with egg


As a rural, free to play player, I probably get an average of 1million XP every 2-3 weeks. I try to raid daily (thank you to PokéRaid for enabling me to host in my rural area). Most of my xp comes from raids and sending gifts. I don't have a ton of Pokéstops or spawns near me