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I've seen a stupid amount sometimes, but I have never seen that. Edit: are they all seriously still not running?


Probably went up in Champion so the only solution to keep 60/80 stones per event is to get in plat … They should seriously do something about tournaments.


We should get used to seeing this until Tournaments are properly fixed, it will probably become more common. When you've got a Tier system that punishes you for doing better than a previous Tier, expect people to find ways and means of progressing that aren't really in the spirit of the game.


Live seen close to that, but definitely not that many


Jfc, ive heard of this stuff but this is first time seening an example of it (still bouncing betwen Silver and Gold).


There should be a new league called the Sandbag League that's in between Champ and Plat. 😆 Maybe Fudds should just scrap relegation, and if you get promoted, then you are there for good. That would stop it. Everyone would try then.


Dang. Personal record was when I left intro spring on and couldn't pause until wave 2. I was rank 22...