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We shall not feed trolls lol. She just want engagement.


Good answer! Parvati doesn’t need us to defend her. But I’m finding it hard not to get sucked in - we Traitor fans are an opinionated bunch


If I’m being fully honest, I completely forgot that Tamra was even on this season.


Seriously! I saw the name and was like, 'Who?' 🤣🤣🤣


Same. I was like "....Tamra who?" Still don't remember her.


I had to Google to remember there had been another Housewife! 🤣🤣🤣 She definitely did not make much of an impression on me!


I’m not a fan of Tamera but I knew about her before from watching housewives of OC. I literally just forgot that she was on this season lol.


This is Tamrat's pattern. She had a onesided beef with Teresa fron NJ housewives for a long time just for engagement and so people would watch her dumb podcast. Tamrat is a cloutchasing dramahound and usually goes after the biggest names.


She had two confessionals and one was when she was murdered.


Tamra was literally nothing on the Traitors so her opinion about Parvati means little. Parvati and Phaedra have been the stars of this show and Phaedra murdered her lol.


Oh this is just classic Tamra. Nothing to see here. She does this to everyone and will eventually shut up.


Chick sat out of a challenge and was an early boot. The definition of forgettable. Gotta stay relevant somehow.


I have been watching Traitors without previously knowing any of the housewives and am really into the show... yet I have no idea who Tamra is lol she left no impression on me I suppose


I was just thinking the same thing. I even googled her and she doesn’t look familiar. This is why week to week isn’t for me lol


Make sure you're looking at a recent picture. You might not recognize her if you're looking at her old face.


I watch her show and forgot she was on the show


Lmao i can’t imagine the traitors without reality celebs anymore… its constant egos and drama and controversey, which is good for the show.


Currently watching Traitors UK and I’m liking everyone coming in with a relative clean slate and no reputations. I like the gameplay better. Reunion might be a different story. Looking forward to S2 reunion with all the reality stars.


This turns me off of the show and I don't really care about a potential 3rd season if it's more of this. The Bravo people look miserable on the show, and they're rotten in real life. I want to watch people who are having fun playing a unique game, and not people who are just there to create stupid drama and extend their moment of fame.


Nooooo. This is exactly the problem with current new era CBS casts. They’re all filled with generic newbies that pat each other on the back for how much they respect the game and the moves that they’re all making together 🤮. This is reality TV. I’ll take bitter morons who go at each other over boring strategists any day


If we're talking about the current Traitors seasons here, people like Sandra, Parvati and Cirie are nothing like that, and they are entertaining. They could cast the show full of Big Brother, Survivor and Amazing Race contestants and have real drama from people who want to play a game, instead of all these Bravo ones who just want to be on TV and increase their fanbase and stay relevant. I haven't watched the UK Traitors yet, and a lot of viewers say it's much better without reality people too. This Bravo nonsense is just not entertaining to a lot of people. It's trash. Jerry Springer was trash TV showing off people who weren't very well off, and Bravo is trashy people who do have a bit of money. The Bravo contestants don't even look like they really want to be there. Kate complained the entire first season, and they brought her back in season 2 where she still complains every episode. I won't understand the appeal of miserable people.


UK is the best, IMO. Real people who could really use the money in their lives and aren't really there to get famous. SOOOO much less "drama" and I love Claudia because she actually gets in there a bit and cheers them on and genuinely seems to care. I love Alan and his camp (and his wardrobe, and Fergus), but UK is just a much different feel, and I prefer it. Plus there's something about the Brits that gives you a different feel about the group overall, because it's easy to see them form relationships and actually like each other while understanding (mostly) that it's a GAME and actions (mostly) aren't personal. YMMV because I'm not a reality TV fan - nothing against it, just isn't where I spend my limited time. I can see the appeal based on some of the Traitors stuff, but just not my thing. I'd be interested to know what you think if you watch the UK one!


Maybe Tamra isn’t the best example, cuz she barely did anything, but people like Kate and Phaedra are necessary for the show. A large part of Season 1’s success is attributed to Kate’s bluntness and her unwillingness to back down from people like Rachel and Arie. Same thing with Phaedra as she has provided some amazing one liners and round table drama with a good chunk of the cast. When a season starts casting like post 40 CBS survivor for example dedicating like 10 confessionals to explaining strategy and “OMG, I’m here for my kids and my great great grandmom who’s dying of cancer etc etc” confessionals, the show becomes extremely dull. No one wants to watch a pure chess match on Reality TV or sob stories to show character. A level of trashiness is needed. Also I have no faith in the US version in casting entertaining newbies when most of them (besides Christian & Michael) didn’t understand the assignment when it came to delivering good TV. All of them were forgettable


Idk the egos is mostly from housewives…not everyone


The fact I didn’t even remember who tamra was for a sec. She’s irrelevant


I think the editors might help the traitors to a certain extent by removing confessionals from faithfuls that are onto them. Also, apparently they discuss everyone’s prospects of being a traitor at breakfast and just use whatever footage to support their storyline. This beef isn’t real—both just trying to drum up drama before the reunion I imagine.


I think that's something a lot of people don't realize/push to the back of their mind/forget - we're not watching reality. We're watching "reality." The conversations are edited and the reactions the editors want are pulled from whenever they happened. And there's a producer asking leading questions to get the right soundbites to drop in anywhere (or never air) whenever someone is in the chair. It's like if someone came to your office and filmed for a week, then edited it down to 50 minutes, and they had to have some kind of narrative run through it. How would everyone end up looking in that?


Tamra sure talks big, its almost like she was a massive presence in the show 🤣


![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized) Tamra?


I had to google her and to be honest, I still don’t remember her.


I couldn't even remember her race, much less anything else about her. I Googled her and then with the reminder remembered that I confused her with Trishelle in the first episode. I don't even know why she's talking about the game, she was barely there.


Who is Tamra?


Exactly! 🤭


She's just dying to stay relevant and Parvati is a fan favorite


I don't even remember Tamar but sounds like she wants clout


I’ve been following Tamra for years and years now (amongst the housewives she’s actually pretty normal and reasonable) - she doesn’t actually care one way or the other about Parv in all likelihood and just wants engagement on her podcast. Tamra is in the business of staying in business, but very rarely is ever actually harmful or hateful. Let the silly little dog yap and send Parv love and all shall be well. I wouldn’t be super surprised if we saw Parv on Tamra’s podcast before the end of the season.


reasonable???? maybe we’ve been watching different shows. 😂 she loves to create fights and dramas but acts innocent when confronted 😂


Tamra seems to be jealous of Parvati. She's a "plan b" housewife who was invisible all through her Traitors' run. She coming for Parvati in that way is just insane. Parvati is, indeed, considered by many as the best Survivor player ever and she received a lot of attention from The Traitors' production and editing as we saw the season develop through her lenses as the narrator.


Plan B correct 😂


Tamra is generally referred to as the "original housewife" of what we generally picture the housewives of the franchise being now (aka starting drama, fighting, throwing out zingers), she kind of pioneered that blueprint of understanding the more drama she could create or be involved in the better it was for her longevity longterm. She understands Parvati is extremely popular and knows if she creates beef with her she will get more attention


I want a spin off with this cast. Maybe all 22 of them on one season of Amazing Race


Impossible, Sandra would never feature in a show that involves running.


A lot forget she quit her last season of survivor. That left a stale taste for Sandra for me.


She didn’t quit. She just left the Edge where she knew the only way back is to do Amazing Race style mini comps.


Yeah I don't take that against Sandra. Like Tyson and Domenick quitting The Challenge due to Frostbite and because Danny already had it won.


I fully can’t even remember her (Tamra) being on the show. The fact she even made it to the funeral episode and not one scene or moment saved in my head is telling of how irrelevant she is


Tamra who?


I didn’t know a lot of the HW that were on the show before I started watching & I don’t plan on finding out afterwards 😂 🙃




Wow such a unique take havent heard this in the last 20 plus posts 🙀🙀


All you non-Bravo people should google "Naked Wasted".


Idk why you’re being downvoted? She’s disgusting and deserves to be exposed like this if she’s being given a platform


Bro get rid of these bravo and MTV celebs. Like get new blood.


Nah. Bring more Challenge vets.


Umm yes I love CT and wish Bananas stayed on longer. Trishelle is intelligent and picks things up too


I want a Wes or even Cara Maria.


It’s such a throw back - totally forgot about Wes!!


This is just Tamra being her typical hateful, miserable, attention seeking self. Tamra is addicted to attention and will do anything for it. She will troll and talk shit about anyone and everyone for the sake of relevancy. It's always best to pay her no mind.


I had to Google who she was. Must have been memorable...


Tamrat is always looking for a fight because she is so thirsty.


Who won the traitors ??


Tamra is has been trash and this is just an example 😂 I don’t even know why she’s been selected in Traitors… oh i remember she’s just a replacement coz there’s a celebrity who couldn’t participate 🤭


Tamra doesn’t even know what post mortem is. Just watch that episode 🤭


The same Tamrat that was convinced John was the traitor?!? That one 😭 typical Tamrat uses anyone to stay relevant


Eliza called the person who sent Tamra Parv's shade on twitter a snitch lol


On her podcast she keeps wining and complaining about Phaedra murdering her like let it go!


I might have to Google Tamra because I have no idea who that is.