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He’s just soooo boring. People also soured on him considerably when he, pregame to BB All Stars, pulled some strings with cast members to get his BFF Cody into their good graces (allegedly!). But mostly, he’s just boring and tiresome on social media.


I mean it isn't really just allegedly, Derrick himself flat out said that he pregamed BB22 for Cody, with my favorite example being Cody saying he was a big fan of Memphis on BB22 but having no idea who Keesha is (despite the fact that Keesha & Memphis were on the same season with Keesha being a huge part in one of the most iconic moments in BB history in Keesha' birthday).


i know people dont like him and or are not thrilled he is there, but I'm interested if he can play well when past BB alum have struggled in this game


I think Derrick has one of the strongest Big Brother games of all time, and I think Dan in the Traitors kinda just overplayed, but he was always the type to do that with over the top strategy (see: Dan’s Funeral). Derrick was a more social and tactical player that never took risks but always positioned correctly. I think he’ll do well on the Traitors, but who knows!! (also, these are just my opinions, I’m not as well versed in Big Brother as other shows haha)


Honestly I can't even judge how well Derrick will play because he has the advantage skipping multiple roundtables because what if both Brit and Danielle have left . Had he been there day 1, Britney and Danielle will pull the " didn't win bb but he did" card like they gave him the advantage because last season was Dan the winner while Janelle non winner haven't even made f2 on bb it's the tilted board


He wasn’t that great on big brother. His season was the one with multiple HOHs and all he did was game the system.


Derrick is the best 1 time player ever on the show what are we talking about 😭


And the other players. Both being great ways to win the game.


I don’t know. There were some fun players on 16 but the twist really ruined the season. I like psychological strategy that’s entertaining, like Kevin BBCAN10. Funny, smart, ingenious… Derrick was smart but that’s about it. Cody could have easily won that season by picking Victoria. Derrick was not in control of his final destiny.


He was, though, because he formed relationships with the players where they chose to keep him over others. Cody would've been smart to pick Victoria, but didn't want to because of the relationship formed with Derrick and how Derrick got pple to commit to his alliance.


Still was a gamble, not a sure thing like it would have been for Cody.


Your response confuses me Taking Victoria would've been a sure thing for Cody?


Cody taking him. He lost final HOH.


I don't think it was much of a gamble for Derrick both because his relationship with Cody ensured he didn't have to gamble, plus his relationships with the jury and his game play got him votes.


He gets to enter late. That is the perfect setup for him. I’d be shocked if one of the late additions doesn’t win, it’s such a massive advantage.


add to the fact i bet most of the cast has no idea who he is helps him.


Agree with this especially if Britney and Danielle are out by the time he comes in since he can't get banished right away .. The only person that could have an idea is chrishell who knows Big brother.


People have extremely polarizing opinions on Derrick because he’s largely attributed as being the creator of modern day Big Brother strategy. When executed correctly, Derrick’s BB strategy has made the game less dynamic than it was in the past. He was almost too good. He ran his season with an iron fist which made it very predictable. If you were rooting for him and you enjoyed seeing a player play well, then you probably enjoyed this season. If you were someone who loves drama and powers shifts, then you hated the season. I’m curious to see how he does on Traitors. I do believe that he will perform better than the other BB alum who were on the show because Derrick is very analytical and typically doesn’t rely on dramatics to manipulate. Although, this could also backfire on him. I don’t think so though. I think he’s going to do well. We shall see,


He’s boring and I don’t like that he gets to come in halfway through the game


He got lucky on BB16 by being surrounded by quite a few people of low intelligence. Danielle Reyes, Amanda Zuckerman, Kaysar, etc. all would have seen right through his game and ended him. He’s a complete bore. I pray that they get rid of him quickly. Preferably Britney’s doing seeing as his pregaming for BB22 caused Janelle’s early exit.


Part of his strategy was not revealing he was a Detective. He can't use that advantage again. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with this time. I think BB players are at a disadvantage playing Traitors. It is a game of fast strategy. BB was 90 days. It's much different planning two to three steps ahead of your competitors when the game goes so fast.


Derrick arguably played the most dominant game there has been in Big Brother. He’s widely known if fan circles as being the creator of the modern strategy of Big Brother that many fans find boring (basically create a core alliance of strong athletic players usually men and then build off of that alliance in layers of fellow strong players). This strategy has plagued many seasons post his winning season, which many fans find boring so they blame him. Allegedly Derrick also put together a pre-game alliance of several players to help out his good friend in an All Star season that resulted in one of the most boring seasons of the show. In recent seasons Derrick began a big brother podcast to talk about the game and I’ve seen him share some questionable opinions on the games of houseguests that makes me question whether Derrick is that good strategically. Not to mention that Derrick holds some political opinions that some fans might not like him for. TLDR: He isn’t a terrible person but he’s not that likable, and he created a winning strategy that has made the recent seasons mostly boring.


I'd also add people are annoyed by Dr Will and Derrick not "putting their rep on the line" Will kind of went in on Janelle and Dan when he is protecting his legacy by never playing in some comments about the BB players on Traitors. The game is very different from when Will and Derrick played. While Will played in All Stars, that was forever ago and the game has changed. When the fragile egos go after big name players who actually risk failing, it makes people salty as well.




Dr. Will got voted out at Final 4 in All Stars (after winning his original season just a few years prior), but that doesn't really tell the full story. Will pretty much single handedly got himself ***and*** his terrible cohort Mike Boogie to the end game. Mike Boogie was deadweight and it was truly by the grace of Will that he had made it so far. I really think if Will had been there to play for himself - and only himself - he very likely would have made it to the final 2 again.


Mike boogie is an awful terrible human but to say he’s bad at big brother is revisionist history, he’s not as good as will but he’s definitely still a good player


No, it's not revisionist history. Mike Boogie's ego always gets the best of him and he ends up alienating people (this is what happened in BB2 - hell, he even ended up destroying his friendship with Will). I definitely remember Will smoothing out Boogie's edges and steering his energy in the right direction. I'm not saying Mike Boogie isn't smart, that he can't be kinda charismatic on his own or that he doesn't have some good instincts - but I 100 hundred percent have no doubt that he ultimately would have imploded if left to his own devices - his ego always ends up getting in the way, he can't help himself. He's the type of guy who wants to throw a temper tantrum when things don't go his way.




Eh, I don't think anyone's obligated to go back to reality TV if they don't want to go back to reality TV. Will's allowed to have an opinion just like any of the rest of us.


Will isn’t obligated to go back, but that doesn’t mean he should be trashing other players performance on the traitors when he won’t even go back lol. Obligation has nothing to do with it.


As a Big Brother fan Derrick is the 3rd greatest BB player of all-time right behind Dan & Dr. Will. In a season with double the nominations for evictions he went the entire season without being nominated by the HOH for eviction (if I'm correct a total of 54 nominations). He is the father of modern BB strategy as his onion mega alliance strategy is usually replicated every season since as his win is one of the most dominant wins in BB history as in a 3 month game he took control within the first 48 hours & never let go. That being said he is still a very divisive figure. For starters he has never done a 2nd season which makes many question his true abilities as he never had to play against any adversity. While is strategy changed the meta of BB his style of game is a rather safe & boring style that has negatively shaped BB as he has brought about what most fans hate about modern BB (voting with the house, creating a mega alliance that is built to steamroll any opposition & makss for predictable seasons, & more safer gameplay compared to prior seasons). As a personality Derrick is also nothing special as a rather dull figure especially when compared to both Dan & Dr. Will. A reason for the negative reception to Derrick coming in is the special treatment he is getting this season entering midgame. As I said before Derrick never faced any real adversity in his BB career so him entering the game midway greatly benefits him as he wouldn't have to deal with the challenges Danielle Reyes & Tony have to deal with of being massive suspects from the beginning of the game.


Derrick is definitely a good BB player. But what turns me off of him now is he’s cocky about it but he’s too afraid to play again. The BB greats are the ones that have returned to play and also did well the 2nd time. He was definitely a boring player too and always avoided conflict and drama. Any time something good would have happened, he would put an end to it so quickly.


I enjoy Derrick and loved his social game and strategic play. I think part of why at least two others from his season won future seasons is because they noticed a lot of his game play and learned some things. SOME lol, I'm not majorly attributing their wins to him. I also (tend to) enjoy his true crime perspective. He's a former detective, has a podcast on his own, and one with a partner who I used to like but now can't stand. I started Big Brother because I enjoy him as a person.


He’s a fine person, he’s just insanely boring. He actively made BB16 one of the worst seasons ever. He also heavily benefited from the seasons twist that made it almost impossible for people on the bottom to gain power.


In short; he is up his own ass.


He’s alright and a good player. I’m not as big a fan as he came through his season very well insulated and had very little flare. Dan was a much more dynamic player, first time round taking a horrendous first week to a unanimous victory and then going back in and getting second place with his reputation. He had a lot more flash. Derrick has also been involved in the scandal around the pre gaming for all stars 2 which is widely regarded as ruining the season.


He’s a great player, but he’s a pompous dick. He ruined a season he wasn’t even on, and hates everyone that doesn’t bow to his feet


Dan was not only a phenomenal BB player, he was also very flashy and regularly went out of his way to make moves that made for good tv. Derrick played an extremely impressive and dominant game but there was nothing fun about watching him, he just ran things from start to finish with very little adversity


It’s Derrick bitch! 😩


Several reasons. The first reason is that he was a major pregamer for big brother all stars 2, which kinda ruined the season, and he didn’t even play that year lol. He set his buddy up to win and made it boring. The second reason is that in BB16 he introduced a new format/strategy into the game, that basically broke the game and made it boring for seasons to come. The third reason is that he doesn’t have as much respect as someone like Dan because he refuses to go on big brother a second time like Dan did.


I haven’t watched BBUS since Derrick’s win (nothing against him, just got bored of the show by that season) but I do remember thinking his cast was by far the dumbest in the shows history. So I would really question how good of a player he was.


He zaddy hope he surpasses Dan and Lordi Kaysar who the fame chaser always lasts less than a month let’s not over rate more males thanks


he’s bland


IMO derrick is very boring and overrated… he played with a bunch of idiots.