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keith is definitely not done with lewburger but i doubt theyll be back in any try guys content for awhile


I’m really curious to see how Lewberger does following this. I mean personally I wouldn’t want to keep making music with someone like that, but professional obligations are pretty obligatory if contracts are involved. I wonder if a statement or stance will ever be made.


Especially since they primarily perform on college campuses.


OOOOOF. Like fucking, genuinely, oof. 👀


happy cake day!


thank you!!


Maybe Hughie has changed his stance after so many months and what we've all seen. Seth Rogen did


I really hope so. I really liked his personality and what he added to the content he was in.


Wait what happened? What did i miss?


So far updates on lewberger seems like they're still doing shows, they posted a story on insta about it (lewie's birthday)


im a super casual try guys fan and i got this post recommended to me because i’m over in the watcher sub (god give us strength, these fools) and like, didn’t realize what Lewburger was so i thought mr keith habersburger had some series called Lewburger as a riff on his last name and i sat here trying to figure out what would even be in a series called lewburger before giving up and googling it it’s a music group. i guess i was kinda right about it being a play on words, it’s a portmanteau. but. i don’t think it is a series Lol


Not a series on the channel at all but they were featured lots the way the rest of their friends were


Thank you for deep diving so I didn’t have to


What's this about?


One of the lewberger guys is a zionist


Whaaaaat!? Hughie is!? I'm honestly surprised because he has supported Palestine in the past https://preview.redd.it/czz2y3rilj0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b0112d03275c4cda47269b7f04d0ac43bd057d


You should check out his more recent tweets and likes/replies. His attitude is very different now.


It’s weird seeing that tweet now because it’s like he has flipped a switch


Probably fell for the beheading babies propaganda :/


LOTS of people went super pro-Israel post Oct-7 because the Hasbara/propaganda coming from Israel was so powerful and strong in that first week/month. I'd say lots of people have since changed their tune after months of Palestinians actually showing the truth via social media, etc. But they might have family members or connections that makes speaking out against it kinda difficult.


Aw man.


Which one?




Booo. He was my favorite. Him AND Chris Pine?? My crushes are falling left and right .


CHRIS PINE?!?!?! My ultimate Chris crush of all time :(


Right??? I guess because he's good friends with Gal Gadot? My only solace is he's looked horrible in his latest red carpets & press events.


😭man this one hurt my heart so bad


ayo, chris pine? what did chris pine do???


Oh thank Jesus I thought it was Alex. I can live in happy land for awhile longer.


Haha, my exact reaction when I heard as well. Alex has long been my fav.


How did you find this out?


if you look at hughie’s instagram he posted some pro-israeli content and interacted with comments expressing his views


Oh that’s not fun. I’m not active on Instagram.


He's also liked a lot of zionist tweets, deleted and blocked loads of pro-palestinian comments/commenters on the Lewberger account as well as his own, but I think one of the nastiest things was when he commented on a post from a university "organisation"/club about the thousands of Palestinian victims and he just wrote "ugh" 🙃


Also, you can go to r/thetryguyssnark and search hughie to see more of his disgusting behavior


I think it’s r/thetryguyssnark


Thanks! I edited :)


Whew this reminds me of the fallout with wine and crime’s old host. Except that was way sloppier and stupid


That was my first thought as well.


Love this. Saw SMOSH just posted their participation as well 😊


Fueling my smosh/try guys combining as the announcement this year


lol right? Imagine that’s the convo we get vs mythical? Although if mythical bought SMOSH and then after the try guys before Anthony came back that would’ve been epic. Regardless I’ll take them all in this creator stream(s)! PS TG’s funeral roast on SMOSH is still one of my faves because they roasted back sooo good.


Yes! So happy they're doing this. I saw the Green brothers are also a part of this. So proud. As for hughie, I hope he manages to change his opinions. I'd hate for Keith to lose another good friend tbh.


They also got called out by Erin Hattamer a week ago for ignoring her calls to speak up and share Palestinian help funds. They're probably doing this to avoid the block list, BUT I am glad bc it means more awareness spread which is the intention.


I don't think they're doing this to avoid the block list, they've been speaking out for Palenstine for a while now in the try pod and Eugene has been wearing ceasefire pins and retweeting people speaking up for Gaza for months. Just cause people aren't paying attention to it doesn't mean they're not doing it.


I'm talking about the Green brothers


Ahhh, but I still don't think it's to avoid getting put on a list. They were the first big name youtubers I saw advertise Creators for Palestine and they included charities for Gaza in their Project For Awesome. They're also working with Operation Olive Branch and pledged to match donations. Hank has also spoked about Gaza on tiktok a couple months ago. That said, I don't know Erin Hattamer and if they felt ignored that's unfortunate.


Erin Hattimer is a comedian known for her politically charged skits. The Green brothers have been very vocal about politics but were silent about Palestine for a long time. Obviously now they have spoken up, especially as public pressure has been applied more to celebrities and people with big platforms to help spread awareness


Hank and John have been very vocal politically their entire careers. They were silent on Palestine for a LONG time, and BOTH their initial statements fell flat, essentially two-siding the whole thing and bending over backwards to not have to point fingers. They only said something because of public pressure.


The Green brother's response and Taika Waititi being a Zionist broke my goddamn heart.


I haven't seen their original statements, two siding the issue is for sure dumb


“If they felt ignored that’s unfortunate” I’m so trying so hard to compute that sentence. Are we bound by blood to give the green brothers our attention until time stops? like who cares about how they feel about their views. They weren’t supporting Palestine, why should we support them?


I meant if Erin Hattamer felt ignored by the Green brothers, since the original comment I was replying to mentioned Erin saying that.


Theu have been vocal and active since the beginning. A single YouTuber feeling ignored by them does not mean they have not been doing things.


The timing of the block list is coincidental, Creators for Palestine has been growing since it was announced. Considering that people are trying to put people on the block list who have been supporting Palestine vocally and monetarily since October 8th and before (even some Palestinians are making the list), I wouldn't take it too seriously.


I feel like there's two different block lists going around, ones that aren't promoting Palestine support and another that's just eat the rich.


There's a ton of different block lists going around, all getting hijacked and muddied. The intentions and momentum behind the block list are good, but there is no organization or discipline in the messaging. It's a common problem with internet activism campaigns, they tend to get rolling and break apart as they gain momentum.


I agree. Performative activism is still going to spread awareness, and since this is a critical/emergent situation, that is extremely helpful!! If we want to spread the word as far as we can, right now we need to support people who use their platforms, regardless of when they started. I totally get wanting to remember who spoke up on their own before they were called out, but I think right now that’s a “later” conversation for when and if the immediate need abates.




As an irishman (we've a long history of supporting colonial resistance and see little difference between Palestine and Ukraine) really nice to see the majority here are anti- genocide. When you're bombing hospitals, universities, libraries and filling water wells with concrete and burning crops you are NOT merely defending yourself. You are targeting a people and a culture. Hamas are bad as were the IRA (if you wanna compare freedom fighters( and London did NOT respond to IRA attacks by leveling Belfast. They would not have been allowed to.


The difference those supporting the Israeli government see is skin color and religion, let’s be honest.


Many prominent figures in their political parties in power are on record many times calling Pakistani people dogs, sub-humans, and otherwise dehumanizing them.


This is what's so frustrating to me. Ukraine is going through a massive genocide as well and yet everyone selectively just DEMANDS every influencer speak up about Palestine. How about we actually focus on experts who know what they're talking about, politicians who can make a difference, organizations that make meaningful contributions, etc. This harassing of every person with any kind of following online is one of the dumbest things about 2024... and nearly everyone completely ignores Ukraine as well as other genocides going on. Instead of harassing people we should be SUPPORTING those you believe in.


US has been and is continuing to send money to Ukraine, Palestine gets nothing it’s hard to compare in that sense


If you look at the UNRWA donor charts USA has been the biggest contributor for years.


And they ceased donating once UNRWA focused on Gaza. Not to mention funding Israel’s genocide.


They ceased donating when Trump won because he just doesnt like Arabs and resumed donations under Biden. 


I’m very proud of Zach. I know he’s going to receive more hate than anyone else on the team for this decision, yet he’s still taking a stance. That’s true bravery and I have gained a lot of respect for him


Happy to see them join this.




It's great that they're finally doing something but it was kinda weird seeing Keith's multiple IG stories with Lewberger followed by this


I doubt that he can separate from them? Idk how thinks work, honestly. I'm just assuming since they're on tour. I wonder what things are going to look like for Keith once they're done w the tour.


It's complicated when it's people you're close to(friends or family), and doubly so if you're in a business relationship with them. In my experience, frequently such big disagreements lead to distancing, but in a business situation there's usually money tied up that prevents such distancing. You're probably put off enough not to want to hang with that person for a while(maybe forever), but there's a long way between that and going full nuclear, break those contracts, burn those bridges, etc, especially in cases like this where there's a lot of complexity to both the history and the current situation. For example, when a zionist says "they just hate us because we're jews!" they're not wrong! They're not all the way *right* either, but that sentiment certainly isn't coming out of nowhere. There isn't a clear "you are in the wrong and I can demonstrate it" situation like there was when the try guys ousted ned. For this situation specifically, the lead time for projects like lewberger's tours are pretty significant, and I'm sure all three guys invested funds. Not only does keith not want to lose his own investment(he's a new dad!), but he wouldn't want alex to lose his, and honestly the two of them might not want hughie to lose his either! They've been friends for a long time, and there's a *big* difference between "you make me uncomfortable when you do X thing and because of that I need to distance myself for the time being" and "fuck your investment, fuck your income, how you're gonna make rent now sounds like a whole lotta *not my problem*!" As a queer person whose entire family turned *hard* right back around 2015, I can attest that the feels involved are *complicated*. EDIT: "...because we're jews," not "they're." Yes, it took a re-read of this comment some hours later to catch that malformed sentence, my apologies if anyone was confused.


what's weird is how tall zak is.


Edit: I’m also seeing many comments on the actual ig post saying shit like ‘isn’t Zach Jewish’ and such soooo yea I think some people here are failing to understand that people CAN be Jewish and CAN support Palestine. Being Jewish is any way (by religious choice or by being born Jewish) doesn’t automatically make a person a Zionist or in support of mass ☠️☠️ Honest question cause I don’t follow lewburger or Alex/hughie very heavily, has Alex or Huighie actually SAID Zionist things/that they are for what’s going on in gaza or are people just assuming because they are Jewish? Like I saw a few people in the comments here calling at least on of them a Zionist. Like people can be Jewish w/o being a Zionist especially given the fact being Jewish is both a religion AND an ethnicity (look back at zachs DNA results if you disagree lol) so you can be a Jewish person w/o following all/any of the Jewish laws. So have they actually been saying Zionist things or are people just calling them Zionists cause they’re Jewish


hughie has been openly zionist long before october 7th, theres a lot of posts in the sub of things he had posted before going silent on socials. alex as far as i know hasnt posted anything on either side. but to your point about being how people can be jewish and pro palestine, thats absolutely true! a lot of the college pro palestine divest from isreal protest organizers are jewish. personally i first started learning about the history of isreal-palestine relations from a jewish friend who is pro palestine close to 15 years ago


Zach's response: https://preview.redd.it/3vop043q8h0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ffce4346d2eab9d3d2f060ab85d38ab72c77af


Best response 👏


Hughie has shared many pro Israel things. That being said, this funds purpose is not “anti Israel” it’s just to help get aid into Gaza. even many pro Israel people agree that not enough aid is getting into Gaza - so even assuming hughie would be against this is sorta malicious. Even many Israeli spokespeople - who literally work for groups PAID by Israel to talk about Israeli talking points - say that not enough aid is getting into Gaza.


Hughie is a hardcore Zionist, like completely equates Zionism and Judaism and was spreading Israel propaganda at the end of last year. I didn’t see anything specific about Alex but I read somewhere (probably here) that he also supported Israel via likes and retweets, at least in the beginning. More importantly!! YES to your point about disconnecting Zionism and Judaism. I see Zionism as similar to other kinds of religious extremism or theocracy. A lot of Jewish people are anti Zionist and most American zionists aren’t Jewish. Christian nationalists here support Israel en masse for very anti-Jewish reasons.


I doubt Keith is done with Lewberger. They're just trying to save face and not end up on the influencer/celebrity block lists. ETA: I am glad they are actually using their platform, despite the timing


I don't think it's that. All 3 of them have been vocal about the genocide in Palestine.


Have they?


Yes they have. If you look at the subreddit the first announcement is about them talking about it.


One post is not “being vocal.” When I hear “this person has been vocal about Palestine” I think someone constantly using their platform to share resources and news and donation links.


Exactly. They've mostly been using their platform to create content that flaunts extravagence and waste. Not a single mention of Palestine in their YT videos which is their platform that gets the most engagement and views.


Did you miss the months worth of updates? You clearly didn't see the announcement it's like 7 months old and always updating (until this post). I follow them on isntagram and they have all said something. Eugene is the loudest of them. He even has a gaza relief link his insta and wore a cease fire pin to the Oscars. Zach always posts about it. Even Miles and Becky have. Though as far as I've seen Keith only posted about it once (probably because of Lewburger).


Keith hasn’t done shit and is still performing with an actually vocal Zionist who was liking tweets dehumanizing Palestinians. Why even lie?


Where is the [lie](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheTryGuysSnark/comments/1885d59/zach_keith_palestine_post/)? And this one and only post from him is disappointing. He doesn't want to lose his friends but he's gotta do better. Now that he's apart of creators for Palestine I hope things actually change.


Block lists? Can you explain? I know a few months ago there was an apparent black list but that was FOR people who supported Palestine


There’s a big movement on TikTok and other apps to block influencers and celebrities who aren’t using their platforms to speak up about Palestine.


Thanks for the added info. I appreciate it. One more question: Block them on what? Is it like... a boycott? Like you block them on all of your various social media apps so they don't show up on your timeline?


Also the idea is that by blocking, you’re preventing them from advertising to you. A big example is the Kardashians and blocking their related businesses.


ahhh, yes. I understand now. Thank you.


Apparently it's the idea of a "Digital Guillotine", started in response to influencers being tone-deaf at the 75k-per-ticket Met Gala while Gazans starve.


Block them on all social media and stop giving them attention and money


The problem is that it's got no organization and people are just lying about celebs they don't like to get them on this block list. At least one of the Hadids was on the list last I checked, and people are trying to get Hasan Piker on it - no matter what you think of the man, it's insane to claim that the guy who raised over a million for Palestine aid before most people were even aware of the situation beyond IDF propaganda isn't being vocal enough about Palestine.


To add, many block lists are circulating related to the met gala and how tone deaf that was so there are a few different block lists going around.


The guys have been vocal about it since the beginning on theit private platforms and I am certain they have donated privately. That os not an example of people only doing this now due to block lists. Also again, Zach is Jewish and is posting still about this consistently and has been the target of antisemitism. That is the opposite of someone needing to be blocked. 


>Zach is Jewish and is posting still about this consistently and has been the target of antisemitism. Because unfortunately alot of people use this conflict as an excuse to be openly antisemitic,to people like that it's not about freeing Palestine it's about hating Jews everywhere and it's sad.


Jews who support Palestine are facing antisemitism from Zionists, not other pro Palestine activists. But that doesn’t fit your narrative huh.


So many of my Jewish friends had a really horrible passover because of how poorly they were treated by their families for supporting Palestinians' rights. It's really reminiscent of the way white people where called race traitors in the 1960's. Antisemitism is a serious issue and the way that zionist are weaponizing it is disgusting and heartbreaking. Not to mention the damage they are doing by making up fake reports of hate crimes. Zack and I are from the same area of NY, and I can tell you that he probably made a lot of enemies in his hometown recently.


Definitely in response to celebrity block lists, but I'm still happy to see this!


I hadn’t noticed any block lists including YouTubers yet.


It's more like the block party might spread out to include YouTubers. Currently, the bigger people are targeted to make a statement, if the right people advocate for it, YouTubers will find themselves in the middle to. Preventative measures


I would think an announcement like this would require more planning than since the blackout started. If it were something they were doing themselves rather than a partnership I would get the accusation.


Was that not the point of the “block list” in the first place? To get people to finally speak up and try to make real change? Also, the guys have been vocal about their support of Palestine from the get-go. I don’t think their ongoing support is some kind of ploy to avoid being blocked.


Hughie has been way less vocal about his Zionist views recently. Makes me wonder if now there is more info out there he has changed his tune.


That plus Lewberger was getting a lot of flack so he probably stopped doing stuff so as to not hurt his business.


What sort of flack? I don’t really follow Lewberger stuff tbh


call me an optimist but i really hope he's reconsidered his stance and isnt just staying quiet on social media to save face


Do people usually change such entrenched views so easily/suddenly? Seems like something that would take time/deep self reflection/therapy/meeting demographics from the group you despise.


Tbh a lot of pro-Palestine Jewish people have come out to say that before this genocide started and even a bit into it they very strongly believed in the propaganda and the right of Israel to exist. But now after seeing what they’ve seen and listening to stories from Palestinians, they’ve realized they were wrong. So I do believe people can change their minds when given the chance. There’s even a group of ex-IOF soldiers who are trying to inform people about the truth of what they do when they’re in their mandatory military service and that it isn’t noble like they’re told before going in.


Huge shout out to Seth Rogen who straight up said that he was raised to believe that Israel were the victims and everything they were doing was in defending themselves, and as an adult and did his own research, he was like wtf??? Palestine was always there and Israel was trying to wipe them out to take over their land? He feels terrible that he only discovered the truth as an adult and hopes other Jewish Americans discover it too.


Sometimes! I will say I watched in real time as someone changed their views to be far more sympathetic of Palestinians and deconstruct their Jewish identity as tied to Israel via propaganda ingested during Birthright and other experiences. It has been, like, seven months, so “sudden” isn’t really true anymore. Think of how many white people in the US came to terms with internalized racism after the murder of George Floyd in a matter of weeks. Or how one semester of classes can radically change a worldview. I think a lot of people, when this all began, truly believed that Israel was doing what it needed to do in order to get the hostages back. But after seeing this continue for months, after seeing Israel refuse ceasefire after ceasefire, they crossed the threshold of understanding what this was really about. Never about the hostages, always about a power grab. And if H had people around him who were able to engage in conversation and help pull him out of the ideological vacuum…..it’s not unthinkable that he could very well be of a different opinion now. Again, I have anecdotal evidence, but if it can happen to one it very well could happen to more.


Yes, I do think a semester in a class can change someone's view. A few months of academia (and thus reflection via assignments) can definitely do that. Plus you'll usually be around various different demographics and identities that can help you see through the lenses of various lived experiences. That's one of the amazing things about post-secondary. I think it takes time not only to admit you were wrong/propagandized (no one ever believes they are/were), deconstruct those old beliefs, and reconstruct the news ones that still incorporate your identity - be it race or religion - without the problematic aspects. But yes, have had people in my life (white \[passing\]) that said they didn't realize that racism (especially anti-blackness) was a thing. I think what helped them better understand was having me in their life and (unfortunately) the murder of Black men and women by police.


Yes! They can and do. I have on several issues. Including Palestine, gun ownership and legislation, nuclear power, the definition of racism, victim blaming, feminism several times over, religion, adoption vs puppies, and much more. 🇵🇸 🍉


Over what time period would you say you changed on some of these issues? I'm a bit of an old(er) head and have been progressive/left since being a kid (I guess being Black and queer helped with that) so it's always interesting in hearing about people who changed on certain issues later in life (not saying you did but a lot of people seem to). And, as I stated, did it take self reflection and meeting other people in these groups to help facilitate the change or was it simply learning more info and sitting with it for a few weeks/months? Edit - Thanks for being transparent. I was having a similar conversation the other day on how difficult it is for some people (especially more progressive ones) to admit that they were ever racist/bigoted. I think we've all had prejudiced or bigoted thoughts/feelings that we had to unlearn. But the only way to start that unlearning and deconstructive process is if one is honest and accountable about past behaviours/thoughts/feelings. I appreciate it!


Fair questions. I (white, 38) was raised in a conservative and religious home and was kept on a pretty tight leash. Not literally (!). But like, I didn’t come out myself until my 20s when I met my partner (of 14 years). Because I knew you could be queer and I had queer friends but there was no way… oh wait. So I internalised a lot and had to dig all of that out. I am still digging it out (we all are). When I was young, I just had few opportunities to challenge or contrast the world view I was raised with - until my later teens. At that point my world expanded quickly, I gained more independence, and from that point I started to learn a lot of things I had been raised to believe were just not a given. I was never really someone who just accepted things, I was a pretty contrary and difficult kid (probably the undiagnosed ADHD!). It was more like I didn’t have a framework to challenge the ideas I was raised with. So I learned a lot about the world around me being different than I had been told, first online and by reading a lot, and then more and more as I gained a wider circle of friends, left home and actually experienced a wider variety of people and contexts. I’d say that there were a few intense periods of specific learning over the last twenty five years but I have been fairly consistent in my own values over the past ten to fifteen. And within that time I have still learned and evolved and don’t think all the same things I thought at age 20 and 25. In old enough and nearing middle age to be able to fool myself that I always thought the way I think now or that it was a quick journey but the reality is I had a lot of absolutely embarrassing to me and harmful to others moments along the way where I showed my ass and made mistakes. I try not to rewrite history on that trajectory because it was never a foregone conclusion that I would change. I chose to. And people helped and challenged me along the way. But also because I think being Very Online has distilled some human tendencies into their most aggressive and worst concentrations. Irrespective of professed beliefs. Including ideas about throwing people away for being wrong (and I will say being wrong, not merely disagreeing - because you disagree about ice cream flavours, not genocide - but that isn’t the end of the sentence) or people being unable to change. And I think it’s helpful to point out and hold on to people’s capacity to change at any age. Especially right now when we so desperately need to help people to do that in any way we can, given whatever resources we have. And like - black and queer people on the internet before you were instrumental in my ability to change and learn. You’ve engaged in this convo and so I imagine you’ve been that person for others, even when you didn’t owe them that. And even if you never saw them change in the moment, I want you to know that those engagements have a cumulative effect. Not always and not on everyone. But on many people. Anyway that’s my response!


I mean apparently there's a 2020 tweet where he says zionism is not synonymous with Judaism.


You’d be surprised how often it happens! Sometimes it’s a slow realization after a long research period. Sometimes it’s seeing video of soldiers posing with mobility canes and having a visceral reaction. This is why awareness is so critical, people can and frequently do change their minds.


I hope he's taking it all to heart and open to changing his opinion. I can imagine it'll be a rough road, examining deep biases is very uncomfortable, but it's the right thing to do


He’s probably just trying to protect his image. I doubt a Zionist isn’t going to come around to humanity.


If he has changed his tune then it’d be nice to get some kind of statement and apology for the truly disgusting things he said and spread. His behavior was unacceptable and he should be held accountable for it. Otherwise I’m pretty sure whoever is managing the band told him to be quiet for the sake of their sales and image.


I doubt he changed his views. I bet he’s only quieted down to avoid backlash again


If I'm remembering correctly, one of Hughie's grandfathers was one of the people who essentially "founded" Israel... it may still be somewhere online. Not sure if it was something on his IG forever ago or something on YT


Love this


nobody can convince me these three were in the same frame for this picture


It's obviously a photoshop composite from photoshoots


Who's the guy on the right?


I thought the same thing 🤣🤣




I think y’all aren’t quite understanding what this is. This fund is directly a humanitarian charity project - not a “pro Israel” or “pro Palestine” statement DIRECTLY. There are tons of Israeli groups that raise money for aid into Palestine as well. I’m not saying that the name of it isn’t almost purposely misleading - but at its core the purpose of this is to just raise money for a humanitarian situation. Money isn’t going to idk Palestinian liberation groups or to anti-Zionist/israeli funds - so saying vocal Zionists/pro Israel people are going to be directly against this effort is disingenuous - I’m certain that there are people who will say it is anti-Israel but that is not the purpose. I think even many of the most pro Israel people in America tend to believe that aid getting into Gaza at this time is not enough and that more needs to be done by all to get more aid in. And more money can help with that.


I honestly don't think Lewberger will survive after their finished their current obligations. Like Keith might be able to put his stuff aside to a point but I don't see Hughie doing the same.


The timing is obvious, but I’m happy to see it.


Zach and Eugene have been vocally pro-Palestine for months.


Yall I doubt they would’ve posted this without Keith’s permission. Also good for them for participating in this.


reading the comments and seeing y’all dealing with zionists makes me a little thankful our group is just being a pack of idiots -watcher fan recommended this sub because idk buzzfeed alum or smth. hi btw. you guys are really nice when i see you so 👋👋👋‼️


Hughie works on Puppet History.. I've always wondered if people knew that and put pressure on Shane about it. But maybe TTG fans are the only ones who know who Hughie is because Lewberger was so HEAVILY featured before all of this.


the sigh i just gave was so loud it scared my dog


First Smosh, and now the Try Guys! Let's goooo!


Fuck yeah 🍉


Omg this is so amazing to see!!! 🍉🇵🇸✊❤️


YES. free palestine 🇵🇸


YIPPE!! im so excited ! i was wondering if they were going to make an actual comment


My dudes


This is great


Good 😊






Overdue and drop Hughie. As a Jew I’m ashamed.


They can also disagree with their friends. I have people in my life that are Jewish and are pro-Israel. But it doesn’t mean I won’t speak out about being pro-Palestine


😕 I disagree with my friends all the time, about whether a tv show or a song is good, where we should get takeout from... but genocide? Nah. That's not an agree to disagree situation.


Yeah I'm always very pro compromise but sometimes - whether it's about climate change, MGM/FGM, or genocide - there's no real compromise (\[un\]fortunately?).


In a perfect world. But being from the Midwest and formerly a small town, the majority of people who are Trump supporters, religious, conservative and probably related to me fucking sucks. And those people probably do not care about Palestine if they even pay attention to what’s going on there. I’m glad I don’t live there any more but you can’t control every person you work with, encounter in public, see at the holidays… it just has to be reality for some people that they have to engage with people they disagree with.


Not sure I could be friends with somebody who approves of genocide tbh.


Well, it depends what their friends are saying about Israel and what it means to them to be "pro israel." Their friends aren't necessarily pro genocide. I know I've seen some comments about how the tens of thousands dead after the initial Hamas attack is okay. Now if their friend believed THAT then, yeah, I would question why they'd stay friends with people like that.


There is more nuance to this particular situation than "approves of genocide"/"doesn't approve of genocide."


There is a genocide ongoing in Gaza. Some people object to it. Some people don't. There is a more complex context to what is happening, but whether or not you approve of Israel's actions should be very, very simple.


Yeah, I can't quite wrap my.head around that. How can you associate yourself with people that are absolutely fine with genocide? That's a straight "no" from me, dawg.


People who usually grow up unaffected/not affected by much in regards to political leanings and stances tend to say that and think its "ridiculous" that people who are mostly adversely affected state that they want nothing to do with the "other side" of things. Differences is how your family makes ambrosia salad vs your friend's family.


Exactly what I was going to say! Almost anytime I’ve heard someone say that “friends don’t have to agree”, they are not affected by whatever topic it is.


That last sentence is very eloquently put and hits hard.


Believing Israel should exist does not equal pro genocide. Most “pro israel” people i know are for both groups of people succeeding. They are just not ONLY for the one the left deems right. There is a difference in supporting the israeli government and army and the citizens of the countrys right to exist.


THANK YOU. What the Israeli government has done to Palestine is awful, but like… I’m not with those “we say justice, you say how, burn Tel Aviv to the ground” people. I’d like a two state solution.


Literally never heard that in over a decade of pro-Palestinian marches and demonstrations.


Why do you assume friends and not family or coworkers?


Because the original comment says friends.


Right. Like they’re barely recovering from the Try Guys and Ned. Expecting Keith to destabilize his life further when they just also brought a baby into the world and the whole of Henry’s birth like damn. Let the man breathe.


Sure, but it does mean that the Jewish pro-Israel people you consider friends don’t think the same of you.


It's okay when it's stuff like what to have for dinner but.... You can't really "agree to disagree" over human rights issues. So you're cool with your friends supporting a genocide?


Wow, this Spring announcement really wasn’t just all hype. Good job, boys. Now what could the Summer one be? 🤔


Can someone tell me what lewburger did


Hughie is a zionist and IDF supporter.




Hughie used to support the Palestinian people. When did he devolve? https://preview.redd.it/tuozndjqlj0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f1b64fe89812a7d0b5512f256aa6cf412f5e6b


liberal zionists like him and H3 turned pretty quickly on Oct 7. There was a tentative "we can be peaceful with them" movement that still supported israel, but with less of a right-wing leadership. Leftists in israel have said that after Oct 7 a ton of ppl who had been even anti-war flipped immediately back into the propaganda.


I don't think he has. While I don't agree with everything he's been documented as liking, at least in terms of being pro-war, he also has done a fair share of liking pro-Palestinian posts. His most recent "likes" related to the conflict are actually pro-Palestinian. Many zionists believe in a two-state solution and I wouldn't be surprised if he falls into that grouping. The fact is that despite the constant black and white takes on the I/P conflict, there still is nuance to be found here. You can support the citizens of Israel, you can support the citizens of Palestine, and you can be rightfully outraged by both of their governments. Again, for as vocal as Hughie has been, I do wish I saw more criticism from him toward the Israeli government, but I don't think he's the "genocidal maniac" that this sub often declares him to be.


this changes nothing as long as Keith has a public and financial stake in Lewberger. I'm sorry to say it as an ex fan but hughie and alex have made fools of Keith and the rest of the group by association and it's going to take real action and not mollification to change that.


About damn time! Very happy to see this.


So glad they are doing this!!!


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) Love to see this


Well, I mean, it's not the case that all Jewish people are 100% full-throated supporters of everything Israel is doing. So Lewberger might be fine.




Genuine question… why would they be done with Lewberger? Is it the assumption that Huey and Alex are Jewish so the automatically makes them Zionist? Or did I just miss a post from either one of them coming out and saying that they support Israel?


Idk about Alex, but Huey has been vocally pro-Israel on twitter (and possibly other social media?) in the last several months. He may have quieted down recently tho, I’m not sure.


Ohhhh wow that’s actually sad . Thank you for the info I’m not on twitter .


He’s also been vocal about it on insta but then left due to “anti semitism” (people were actually calling him out)


You missed several posts. Huey's twitter was full of zionist likes and retweets.


And Alex or Huey would delete/block comments that were pro Palestine on IG (photos, reels and lives).


[Huey has def. shown himself to be pro-Israel in the past.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhughies-twitter-rn-v0-k4lmgwo5b8vb1.png%3Fwidth%3D1169%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D323723146a96b2ae8d15eccf356af530af789fdb) Not sure where he is at currently.


I can't speak on Alex, but I know that Hughie and his wife have been posting and liking a lot of zionist posts. There have definitely been threads on here discussing the specifics.


his wife too? That sucks


Being Jewish does not automatically make one a zionist.


It absolutely doesn’t, but Hughie 100% is one based on his online presence.




Lewburger was the most annoying thing to ever happen to this channel, this is joyous to me.


I just know Zach is getting angry messages from extended family members rn (I say as a Jew with family members who think all Palestinians are terrorists).


Eugene only shows up if he can virtue signal.