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My girl yb getting what she deserves.... I'm here for it!!!! Also the rest of them joining is great too!!!!!


I was happy to see her on there too! I feel like karmically, she was done dirty with the whole 2022 situation with fans automatically lumping her in with Alex and coming after her. I'm glad it didn't screw up her career because none of that was ever her fault and she never sided with Alex. She deserves her own content and spotlight!


Considering how much of the editing she does she absolutely deserves a lot of credit. She's posted videos of her process of editing Try videos and it's honestly so much work, time and energy. She's up there with Rachel in terms of how much she's done for the channel.


Iirc she was a major editor for the Nude Olympics video they did and that in itself was a huge project.


I know right... I remember some mean people online putting up comments like "which one do you sleep with"... It was really pathetic...


Agreed! I've watched her own channel on YT and she's just the sweetest person! Happily living her married life with her hot European husband and her fur family!


https://preview.redd.it/dptk1ikqwz1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11cde41280913c68a7042b04be9c87e97acbe3ea Found this in a Hollywood reporter article posted 5 minutes ago


Ugh sad but it’s time to just make official. Also lol “Zack”


makes me sad he's leaving but i guess we all saw it coming and it's better to officially leave than starting every video and going will Eugene be in it or not Zach on his way to get the spelling corrected


I mean I feel like Eugene was probably getting ready to leave before NedGate happened. And that situation fucked everything up which I think is why he always seemed so mad about it.


I agree, Eugene has clearly wanted to move onto other projects for a few years and I think he felt a bit forced to stay and help clean up Ned's mess/keep the fanbase together for the rest of the company. And to be fair, I don't think Eugene was alone in wanting out at the time - Zach has hinted/implied he wasn't happy with the direction of things before Ned left and they restructed.


I think the fact that he stuck around this long is a testament to the friendship and respect he has for the remaining guys. He wasn’t willing to leave them totally in the lurch.


It takes a lot to be willing to set aside your dreams and goals for others. I wish him the best


Yeah, and I can't blame him. As much as I have enjoyed the Try Guys, and have nostalgia for my much younger self watching their much younger selves do, frankly, fairly juvenile content, I absolutely understand why Eugene would want to spend his time and energy on other pursuits. While, obviously, there are benefits to the level of success the Try Guys have had, I can see how it could feel *really* stifling to want to invest in more Serious Artistic Pursuits, but to be stuck with both the branding of the Try Guys *and* having to film the nth iteration of "Keith and Zach fuck up a task that Eugene executes well". And it also sounds like Keith and Zach are frustrated by the way that YouTube as a platform (and the algorithm it uses) has pigeon-holed them into the content space they've been in. Which makes sense! I think by moving at least some content off of YouTube, they'll have a much better chance of being able to retain watchers that are around their age/a little younger; I feel like their content has been targeting the same age group for a long time, which they're getting further and further away from.


Eugene was always the one who had the potential for bigger things, and I'm honestly glad he's letting go of his Try Guy commitment.


Feel free to disagree, but I feel like they've partially pigeon-holed themselves because, like Watcher, they've got too many people on payroll and are overly produced. Even this announcement where they're basically saying "we're not making enough money" is a big flamboyant production. They can only consider videos with an insane number of views successful, but ironically their most popular content was from around 5 years ago when they weren't spending as much. Videos like trying a chiropractor, trying fake nails, trying a spicy food challenge, etc. Just filming 4 funny guys trying things with low expenses and humble production. I think they could get to a more financially stable place by getting back to their roots and scaling way back, not leaning into grandiosity and trying to afford it by hoping people will follow them to a streaming service, even after they saw how badly that idea went for Watcher. Look at Safiya - she gets great views (not as good as a few years ago, but still good) and she keeps it pretty simple. I don't know about you guys, but I don't watch them as often as I used to because I am not interested in "bake your way out of an escape room" type videos/ideas or high cost talents like Rosanna Pansino. I wonder how much it cost them to rent out Michelin star restaurants to film Keith completely out of his element, too scared to say one negative thing about food the majority of their audience will never care about, understand or experience. And those videos didn't even perform that well! I don't understand why they've moved so far away from content that is proven to work.


I agree with you-- I have often wondered about the costs of Eat The Menu in relation to the show. Not only that, but is Keith actually enjoying himself anymore? Now that he's eating *in* the places, he feels so self-edited. It was funner (and more relatable) watching his earlier ETM. Plus, as you said, most people do not care about a Michelin star restaurant or will experience it. I think maybe it would be a neater and more relatable idea if he was doing it with local businesses? Not commercial chains, but a food truck here, a mom and pop restaurant there. It would be a great way to help local businesses, too. I haven't watched a lot of the new content (I think the most recent one I saw was the smores episode). I think that's part of why: lately they just feel like they're acting and being not true to themselves. I love em, and I wish the best for em, and I'll still pop in now and again


The counter to this is that some of the videos that they wanted to make and the stories that they wanted to tell were not able to be effectively monetized due to youtube's platform and so they did get pigeon-holed into particular types of content just to make money. Controlling their own distribution of content means that they can make a video and know that it will at least have the opportunity to be profitable even if it still isn't a major hit.


I just kind of wish Eugene would have officially left when he made the original announcement that he would be taking a step back (well before NedGate). There was always the idea that he would fully come back once he was done with his projects, but everyone would have moved on more easily if he had just officially left.


The idea that he would fully come back to me came more from fans wanting that, and had less to do with the information we were given. I thought it was pretty clear he'd never fully come back, though I did believe it would take longer for him to fully leave.


In the podcast where he initially stepped back definitely implied that he was coming back, but most were figuring he'd be gone for a year or so. There was just nothing official, especially since it was just casually announced on the podcast, rather than on the main channel.


They said there's a video about him coming tomorrow. I imagine that's what they're doing.


And rolling stone referring to Eugene as 'Lang' which isn't his surname...


At least, some of us may have gotten used to him not being around as much, even though we are still gonna miss him.


Honestly atp him still remaining a part would have been more surprising


100% this


This tracks. Not sure if they ever said anything about this, but I've always thought he was planning an exit before the whole Ned debacle went down, and then had to stay to keep the company from imploding completely. I'm glad they were able to do it in a way that seems to have worked for them.


Agree. He’s been talking about wanting out for years - and then as soon as the Ned incident happens, suddenly he’s desperate to reassure people he’s staying. It was a PR move because the Try Guys channel would collapse if they both left at the same time, amidst a scandal.  Tbh that already makes him a better friend than Ned, who didn’t care if the channel collapsed because of his actions.


Mad respect for Eugene and his decision to stay and support his friends when it likely significantly cost him career opportunities. What a tough position to be in in your late 30s with things only just starting to happen for your dreams. I'm sure the other guys weren't thrilled that they were leaning on Eugene in that way after Nedgate, either (who would want to be the reason their friend is passing up opportunities that he would love to engage in?). A tough situation all around and I am so pleased that Eugene's ethics and strong commitment to his friends and the thing they've built together didn't cost him the only opportunity he'd get.


That's fair. I'll miss him so much, but honestly he stayed longer than I thought he would. Ten years is a significant portion of any life, really. ------------------ Also, why has he not been modeling this whole time? I don't think he ever wanted to, really, but what agency would pass him up?


He's 38 now so he spent the majority of his adult life in try guys which is really a long time We all know he's into fashion because of the try guys videos, his red carpet looks, halloween looks and drag race videos but i guess he's probably not interested in modelling as a career


I watched try guys when I was younger and then kinda forgot about them until the whole Ned situation. I started watching them again after that and honestly didn’t notice Eugene hasn’t been on the channel lately. He used to be my favorite and I’m excited to see what he’s gonna do and where he’ll go! I’m super happy to have Zach and Keith, and love the dynamic with Kwesi and Jonny. It’s a new age for the Try Guys, but I love it so much.


https://preview.redd.it/ibd13gz5uz1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cdf93417f6f8ba638e22a0f4ffbea799d54852e The titles and names of the channels on the side made me laugh, ngl.


>SNL Supports Creepy THAT one in particular had me rolling


Ha!! I didn’t notice this but absolute perfection 😂


This transition was peaaaak, like, the production quality of this announcement was top tier.


Yes — reminds me of the Try Guys movie premiere party sequence in its polish.


The "We Messed Up" by Listen. 🤣 shit talking Watcher's major fuck up.


is Listen a subtle dig? 👀


Always love more Miles content


I'm so excited for him cause I know he left to go do his own thing and I worried a little about him going independent with the baby and everything, and while I'm sure he's financially fine, it was still a huge risk. But I understand why he did it- And look! By cutting the cord, he's now at the top of the company hierchy as an equal. And maybe if he stayed, he would have been an equal anyways, but I think it helped their dynamic from a psychological perspective. No longer seen as employee, but rather company partner, and now cast member and fellow content creator I'm glad it worked out for him!


Are they partners in the company or more like main cast now? I'd imagine Keith and Zach still own the company, betting Eugene is either gonna be a silent partner or on his way out on that front too.


Miles is probably the funniest person that has come out of 2nd Try. That man is pure gold. I'm obsessed with his Perfect Person podcast.


You need to watch him on Pretty Much It, makes me laugh until it hurts.


Same. I would follow that man into battle.


So they don’t join smosh, they BECOME smosh. Seriously though, I think it’s a smart step although it’s just seems more like solidifying the direction of the last few years.


Yeah i think the Smosh model works especially now that Keith has a kid and Zach has talked about wanting kids too. And I assume Keith still wants to do music in some way. Plus being able to do shows they want without censor is nice.


why am i now finding out keith has a kid😭


They were intentionally pretty private about it due to the circumstances


😂😂 they don’t want to show his face for privacy reasons but Becky talked bout their difficult birth story on YCSWU and she mentions him a lot on it!


I wonder if You Can Sit With Us is also gonna get bigger haha.


Last summer. They filmed a lot of content ahead of time to cover while Keith was out.


legit was about to say! theyre doing the smosh model!


I don’t follow smosh, what is the smosh model?


oh informally, just like diversifying content and expanding the cast to be more inclusive smosh used to be two creators creating video skits and has expanded to multiple talent members that play video games, board games, host podcasts, read reddit stories, make skits and sketches and do food challenges they were recently bought back by the original creators and have continued to flourish with multiple cast members and lots of daily content, currently smosh doesn't have a streaming platform but i think they have a patreon


No Patreon but Smosh main has a channel Membership as does Anthony’s channel. And if you want to get into the YouTube rabbit hole of this whole thing, we can blame the whole format on Philip Defranco and SourceFed, hell Joe Beretta left SourceFed for Smosh to become their Creative Director at Defy and that’s when they brought in Shayne, Courtney, Olivia, Noah, and Keith and carried over a lot of the SourceFed style personality driven content to Smosh like Show with No Name was basically Comment Commentary.


I’ve been wanting this for them for awhile since you could see how draining being both the main personalities and creatives of the company. I think they really need a Shayne Topp-esque character who they can cast in every video since he is a very excellent personality on camera in every Smosh video he does.


I noticed they said that they’ll include old live streams and showed the Romeo & Juliet and that makes me so happy. I’ve been wishing I could rewatch that. I think they did a better job at announcing this than Watch, so hopefully this goes over better for them. Ultimately, I enjoy their content, so I want them to be successful so they can keep making it.




More Jared! Jared! Jared!


A world with more Jared is a world I want to live in


The more I see of him, the more I dig his sense of humor. I'm really glad he's officially going to be a staple of the channel.


Poppa’s home! The bitch is back!








He’s literally my favorite.


This is a great direction for them. Love seeing all of the additions to the try team especially Miles and YB (officially - again).


Yes and is the Joyce I see?? I love her


Not Miles tweeting he quit his job and got a promotion lol


I'm confused by this. I saw he commented on the video too. What does that mean? I thought he wasn't working there.


I think he’s joking that he quit to do his own thing but now he’s being brought back as a “try guy”. I imagine his scope will transcend beyond the podcast.


I think they executed this well, I didn’t like the holier-than-thou tone that Watcher’s announcement used. This seems so much more exciting and hopeful. I’m not sure I’ll subscribe to the streaming service but I’ll continue paying attention to what they release on YouTube


It makes the most sense in every way


Love this cast, and excited to see what kind of solo shows they might get to lead (like Jonny’s hidden cake video) I’m just wondering when they’ll address why Eugene isn’t included in the post. Is he going to make guest appearances and not be an official full time cast member anymore? EDIT: looks like there’s a new video up, I’m sure they’ll address Eugene’s role there, gonna go watch 🫡


[The Rolling Stone article is up](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/try-guys-eugene-yang-leaves-secondtry-tv-subscription-1235025468/). Eugene is leaving and this will be his last season.


Eugene seemed featured in a LOT of the preview clips they were flashing up.  Sounds like we'll get a better answer on Thursday?


Rolling Stone article just announced he's leaving.


My bet is that he'll remain a shareholder but prolly won't do any more vids than the ones already filmed prior. I don't think he'll be a part of 2ndTry as well. 🤷


Am i the only person who is totally fine with this? Like, things have been ok the past 6 months he’s been gone… the channels have been fine, and he’s living his life (I think). It’s all good. My disappointment is minimal. Does that make me a bad person?


You’re not a bad person, because being happy for each of them (The Try Guys expanding and Eugene following his own passion) is way better than “fans” who will flood their comments about how they’re unsubbing bc of Eugene leaving.


As much as I love Eugene, I'm happy he's leaving. Not because I don't want him to stay but because he very clearly has passions and aspirations beyond YouTube He was great in Nimona and I can't wait to see what comes next for him


I’ve been living the new additions to the group. Jonny and Kwesi are bloody amazing. And having more women front and centre??! Love it. Yes I’m sad about Eugene but I think his place is doing what suits him best. I don’t want to say ‘bigger and better’ because try guys has been so good to them all but he does prefer more serious works. I’m actually so keen on this new format!!!


I agree. At this point, it might be too expensive to buy him out of his shares. Unless, they're rolling in the dough and/or Eugene gives them a big discount.


They said Eugene will have a video out tomorrow talking more about what’s going on with him (-:


I said this in another post, but I'll say it again: I love him to death and he's my favorite Try Guys, BUT the giant looming shadow of Eugene's absence is holding back the channel. This should be a HUGE, monumental moment for The Guys (and it is). But every 3rd comment is "Where's Eugene?"


I love Eugene but I’m glad he’s finally officially leaving for this reason! I’m tired of everyone always commenting where he’s at or how they miss him (even though I know people will still say this cause some still say they miss Ned 🙄). Edit: half the comments in this thread are just “where’s Eugene” already 😂


Agree! I adore Eugene, i’m so happy for him to be doing his own thing and I honestly….don’t really miss him in the content! He’s always a treat obviously, but it’s been so long now and I don’t feel like it’s “missing” anything anymore. They’ve done such a good job introducing people and officially having a cast is such a good move.


At this point, we Eugene fans gotta accept that he’s taking the off camera route in their company. He signed on to one of the biggest talent companies in Hollywood, it would not shock me if his agency wants him to focus his appearances outside of YouTube. He’s obviously still involved in some of their vids (being on the scheduling boards and call sheets in several BTS shots) but he’s avoiding appearing in them. Extra note: I loooooooove YB. Love her as much as I love Eugene. Best announcement ever.


If Eugene was there, people would be commenting “omg Eugene is finally here” every third comment. It’s not an issue of the guys, it’s an issue of the fans that don’t like change.


If he's actually going to be a Try Guy, I think he needs to show his face a LITTLE bit more, especially with something like THIS. Proof of life within the company he's (supposedly) still a part of.


Check out the new post on the rolling stone article. Eugene is no longer part of the Try Guys.


He’s staying one more season and then he’s leaving.


It's the new Where's Darren (Starkid) and Where's Anthony (Smosh).


they're making a video abt it tmrw but at this point i wouldn't be surprised if they said he wouldn't be doing videos with them anymore just bc of how busy he is with his other projects


Seems like the trailer at the end of today's video hes in a good chunk of upcoming stuff this season(farewell tour?)


I appreciate that they finally acknowledged his absence in the new video. Mad respect. I'm sure they are just as, if not more, annoyed with the situation as we are.


https://preview.redd.it/qmy3fzgoxz1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f3d0bfdc0fb4ddc68e4c4fc07c1f5eba5bc3da Under $4.20 a month? Nice


Honestly the path they needed to take. Glad to see it.


Watch the youtube video. They are launching a streaming service too. Will this be better or worse than what Watcher tried?


This. They’ll probably make a separate Instagram post about it, but I think the 2ndtry.tv streaming service is a bigger announcement than just “we have more cast now.” For anyone wondering, it’s $4.99 a month, but they are offering a 20% off deal for a year’s subscription that would make it $3.33 a month. And no, they’re not leaving YouTube. They said they will still upload to YouTube, it just might be a bit later than their streaming platform. So they’re not TOTALLY paywalling us it seems.


They kept saying something along the lines of "the shows you already love will still be on YouTube" which makes me think new shows will not be.


This is how dropout did it. They had long standing shows still on YouTube then the new shows usually had just one episode for free. So you got to keep watching what you liked without the paywall but give incentive to subscribe to the service.


Dropout gets mentioned a lot in these things and I always think it's a false equivalency because Dropout has the entire College Humor catalog.


They’ve been making content for 10 years, so they have a large amount of content. Perhaps not the same volume but it’s not nothing like Watcher comparably.


Is Rhett and link's mythical society a better comparison? They're also doing well for themselves.


I’m sure they’ll have some exclusive content to incentivize the subscription service, but I like the idea that they’re making it seem like “nothing will change” for those sticking to YouTube only. They’re not TAKING anything from us, they’re just doing more on a service that pays them more directly.


The shows that didn’t perform as well in testing will probably be only on the streaming service, they’d wanna keep shows that get more views as their main focus on the channel so the algorithm doesn’t fuck them up.


I mean this is definitely the right way to do it, and I don’t think we should shit on them for it just because watcher fumbled the ball and left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. At the end of the day YouTube isn’t a forever platform, it’s been enshittifying itself for years, having somewhere creators are able to control their content as a backup without catering to sponsors and algorithms is only a win in my book. People comparing a private streaming move to Netflix/hulu are seriously out of touch imo. It’s much closer to creating a patreon (esp since they’ve underlined they’re not leaving YouTube) without having to deal with the hoops of yet another platform that could change and stop working at any time.


The price is also in line with patreon, so I think this is a fair move


I agree. I think this is going to be ultimately a good thing for us as well. I’m still on the fence about whether or not I personally will subscribe to the streaming service, but it’s nice to know that the video series I’m used to will still go on youtube and remain unaffected. I think people like to jump to “THEY GREEDY WAHHH” without taking into account how shitty it is to make pennies from YouTube video Adsense and then have to split those pennies amongst the whole cast, crew, and creative team as well as production expense budgets. Anyone should be able to see why it’s better to pay them directly.


It's not even just about the money, but the algorithm like they said in the video. I obviously can't speak to how much money they make (though I can assume it's not terrible, since they make enough to have the company in the first place), but having a creative job where your creativity is punished just seems awful. But now they get to do pretty much whatever they want without worrying about YouTube fucking them over


100%! It's not wildly different from their patreon, either! Just even more extra content, plus the paid live streams included? They're kinda winning me over ngl. I feel like people don't realize that so many youtubers wouldn't be making the switch if YouTube wasn't majorly screwing them over with the algorithm and censoring. It's not just a bunch of people getting greedy. They need money to keep making things that they and the viewers enjoy.


I think they made a wise decision and explained it very well. It’s only the secondTry videos that will be behind a paywall and they made that decision because those videos are what do best with fans but worst with the youtube ad algorithm. It’s motivating for fans to want to subscribe to it and makes sense financially when youtube is screwing over creators so much.


Apparently you didn’t watch the video 😂. They literally say, several times, that they’re not leaving YouTube. The app gets the videos early and some exclusive shows, but they’re still uploading to YouTube. Watcher wanted to stop YouTube altogether. It’s not the same thing. And it’s proven to be a good investment. The Sidemen launched an app/service a few years ago and they still upload regularly and make even more money with all the exclusive shit on their app.


Yep. This is becoming the standard because YT has been backing a lot of longtime creators into a corner that's very unpleasant to be in. Mat Pat has been talking a lot about this. But also, a lot of science creators banned together to make the Nebula app. A lot of artists are using Patreon to help offset the algorithm grind. YouTube is facing a bit of a reckoning right now. They need to rethink the culture they've created.


Sounds more like how Mythical has the Mythical Society, bonus content and uncensored edits rather than a complete exodus from YouTube. I appreciate that they are still using YouTube as their main place for content.


I think the big difference for me between the Try Guys and Watcher is that the guys have so much content I enjoy. It’s posted regularly, there isn’t anything I automatically skip over, etc. I like Watcher for the ghost hunting, but the rest of it doesn’t appeal to me. So I would never have subscribed to a whole service for the five or six episodes per year of the show I enjoy. Also, the fact that live shows will be free instead of $20 a ticket makes this subscription basically pay for itself. I really enjoy them and would have bought tickets for the couple of shows they do a year anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! I paid 20 bucks for one of the baking shows, and it did not feel worth it at all. But in a combo package with other content, I find that appealing.


Hmm interesting. I specifically like Watcher for all of their non Ghost hunting videos. Mostly Dish Granted, and Top 5 Beatdown. Though, I'm probably in the minority.


Totally fair! Not trying to yuck anyone’s yum! I think that’s the balance any of these channels have to strike to make sure a service like this makes sense for their audience.


i’m kind of excited about this, in part because I love dropout TV and I would love to see more content creators take on the means of production and take the power away from streaming services that don’t care about them!


I fully agree. I started watching Dropout because Youtube showed me the first episode of Dungeons and Drag Queens, and then I was hooked. And then the next series had Hank Green and I was like, well I absolutely need to subscribe now. I think the more they work with the other small streamers the easier it is to take viewers from the big guys.


absolutely! I also think it allows these smaller companies to be more experimental, to be more daring, and frankly, to be more inclusive in their hiring practices, to pay their employees better, to encourage ethical choices. I love that dropout stopped production to support the writers strike! That made me love them even more. And I love artist getting to have more creative control over what they make. I think this is a really exciting step forward for content creation, more generally, and I’m hopeful that it will give artists who do work with bigger streamers more power at the negotiation table, when they can clearly find success elsewhere.


Between Netflix, Prime, Disney etc. and stuff like Dropout and this I'll just go back to watching TV. Who can keep paying for this every month???


Honestly I've given up on the mainstream streamers. At least long term. Dropout is the only thing I'm currently in for the long haul for. Why stay subbed to the big ones when they cancel everything after a season or two anyway? I might give Second Try a chance though.


honestly, I am more likely to subscribe to second try because I have not regretted for a moment subscribing to dropout and I want to support creators directly! I don’t even watch anything on Amazon prime or Netflix anymore. I would happily subscribe to creators with their own streaming that they have artistic control over instead of huge corporate entities that keep canceling the shows I love.


Well for a lot of these you don't have to pay *every* month. Maybe you pick 1 or 2 to subscribe to for a month or two then cancel those and move to the next one for another month or two and catch up on stuff you missed. Sure you wouldn't always be caught up on the latest releases, but you can still see the content you enjoy on your own pace.


Right. All the different streaming services and now they're bundling some of them together... the irony in that. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...


Ash!! I missed seeing him. 🥰


So excited to see more from Ash!


Same! Worked with Ash on “You do You” and “Unfortunatly Ashly” and I must say he is awesome. It was heartbreaking when his dad passed away during Covid. His dad came to set a couple times and they were very close. Sooo happy to see him coming out the other side of a rough last few years.


“More Eugene” gurl I’m not saying rolling stone is a great source but [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/try-guys-eugene-yang-leaves-secondtry-tv-subscription-1235025468/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/try-guys-eugene-yang-leaves-secondtry-tv-subscription-1235025468/)


This needs to be its own post for sure *edit:it was I missed it


This is the best path for the channel. Transition to a network format with the big three on the shows they make the most sense, while locking down your best talent. Babish did this and he seems much happier since. It’s just easier to run a creative company this way. Good for them! Compare this to Watcher and I don’t see how this would be considered a bad move.


If nothing else, I am *thrilled* to not see lewberger on that cast announcement.


hahaha true but like, that would have never happened. They don’t perform well with the channel.


I honestly never vibed with their humor so I'm glad they're not there


Did anyone clock any recent guests or recurring that DIDNT make the cut? Trying to think of one.. lol


Rachel probably went "OH NO, I'm good behind the camera and being mom, thanks though" lol


So sad she isn’t on camera more but gotta respect all that she already does!


Oh yeah, this isn't a dig at her whatsoever. I love seeing her show up, but I 1000% get what she does and where she fits best.


A little surprised no Jimmy Wong, but I assume he's probably too busy with other commitments to be a regular cast member, and would still be a guest sometimes? But some of my favorites of him have been not in cooking videos, like the one where they tried on every Halloween costume? He was so funny in that!


Jimmy Wong does so many different things already! I agree, I hope he'll pop up on 2nd Try but it totally makes sense him not being a core person in this project.


I know Rainie does the pod but I would love to see her in more videos!! 


yes was looking for someone who said this. why wasn't she in the video at all!!! she is so funny!!!


I think this is smartest way to do your own streaming service. It’s basically another level of Patreon but feels like a better value to me with YouTube still being an option. Love the new cast, especially with Miles, Ash, and YB!




I think it's a really smart way to financially support themselves in order to continue making what they're passionate about while also providing free content on YouTube. It's essentially Patreon, but without having to pay extra money to a third party, and with the benefit of owning it (so they can put literally whatever they want there.) It's a great business decision - YouTube will draw in new audience members, which will lead to more subscriptions on their other platform. This was what was missing from Watcher's original plan. I don't think we're ever owed free art by artists or free content from video makers, but it's still nice to have. I also love the new cast. It worked for Smosh! Besides, Keith is a father now, and who knows, Zach might be on that road within the coming years as well. Even if he's not, he's making a feature film, which he's mentioned on the podcast. They shouldn't both have to be on such an intense filming schedule every single week. It'll be nice to see some new faces and give them time for other things. :)


Agreed. Patreon level pricing, basically making what we've known for a year official, not that jarring of a change. Smosh did it well, I think this will be good


We probably should have guessed that all of those guest appearances were a soft-launch of the new Try Cast. lmao I don't mind this! I always foresaw Eugene leaving but it kinda sucks to be right in this instance. Either way, I do like their new people. 


I really hope we’ll see more of Eugene again, kinda disappointed he’s not even in the picture here


rolling stone just announced he's leaving 😭


This is how i find out 😭😭😭


I figured as much, since they announced a video about him coming tomorrow.


I bet that leaked a day early. Ooops.


Sad but not unexpected, sadly.


finally, sick of them saying “he’s just working on other projects” for two years


For real??


yes, it's an exclusive. he'll be in a few upcoming videos then officially leave


I just read the rolling stone article you mentioned (thanks for including who they talked to about it). I'm not surprised, but it's still sad. We all kinda saw it coming. It was nice to read how they still support and respect each other.


It was the only outcome. Eugene was never going to return.


Yeah I was just about to comment that. He’s not even in the promo? Lolll


I mean, it’s been what they’ve been doing for the past year so to make it official seems right


I found [this](https://i.imgur.com/TGlGH4j.png) in the comments >a video is coming out tomorrow with Eugene to explain more! edit: he's leaving https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/try-guys-eugene-yang-leaves-secondtry-tv-subscription-1235025468/


Plus the streaming service. That actually has an app AND new content….they really learned from Watcher’s mistakes on this one. I can’t be too mad about it tbh. Bigger cast, new app, new content, exclusive content, included discord, still on YouTube. I think this was a step in the right direction


Hold up, we’re getting Joyce, Johnny, and Jared?? Nice. This is a good move for them, getting more people involved, especially if Keith needs to take more time off for baby.


And Kwesi, Miles, Marissa, Ryan, and whoever else they want to add to their rotation of regular guests. I think the main take away is to remove some of the pressure from Keith and Zach to be the main focus of everything.


The fact that as fans we had to find out from a Rolling Stones article about Eugene’s exit is just disheartening


I bet the watcher announcement scared them, but this felt very different for me. I love their content, my husband and I watch almost every single day. They've been making content away from buzzfeed for years, have held up despite a huge scandal, and their guests (now mostly cast) make for an incredible production company. I hardly hesitated at subscribing despite having literally no other streaming service (I own my favorite shows as DVD sets, so I don't have to continually subscribe to things). I am in a privileged spot, but I am flipping excited for this and hope it goes well for them!!


This feels like putting an official stamp on what they've been building to ever since the incident... and I for one am very pleased with it! I'm not 100% sure I need another streaming service/subscription but depending on the new shows I might be tempted.


I suspected that the “try guys university”-style format was coming since their original announcement back in December but am glad to see it officially come out! I was shocked to see the subscription-based model but I’m a die-hard so have already signed up for the annual subscription. It’s at least less than Patreon! I’m hoping that the added features (like having it as an app on your TV) will come through as I can’t find them yet because I don’t want to change *how* I watch them (which is like a television show on my TV and on my phone).


Dropout, dude perfect(albeit this one is free) watcher, beacon, nebula, now 2nd try… I’m betting Smosh does the next steaming service.


I hope they stay true to thier word and keep stuff free on YouTube, causebi cannot with paying for yet another streaming service.


The dropoutification of the try guys 😁 (I like this btw!)


I actually love this.


I like this. Already signed up. Excited for the expanded cast and what they'll be able to do without having to bend to the will of the algorithm! I already was paying for the live events, so this really isn't more than I would pay for them annually. Super excited!


I’m excited! Especially for more Miles!


Yay! So excited about this, also very excited for Joyce and Miles to be part of it! Knew for sure they'd be adding Kwesi, Jonny, and Jared (figured Marissa was likely too) if they ever did this but I'm excited it's even more than just them!


I just watched the video of their announcement and I’m actually excited! It seems like they can finally push out the content they love and are passionate about, without bowing to the big daddy algorithm. Super smart move. All the new shows look great. I may start watching Try Guys again because of this.


this makes me so happy, i love all of these people and what they bring to the show!


At first I was like uh oh then I watched the video and if they do get to make the videos they want without YouTube interference and they’re bringing in all these other personalities… and having the app ready is big. The price is reasonable and they’re keeping their videos on YouTube for people who don’t want to/can’t afford it. I want this to be successful actually.


I subscribed. $3.33 a month over a year is worth it to support the team


Try Guys try being Smosh looks sick.


I’m just not jazzed. I’m happy everyone here seems to be on board, but I’m just not excited. I like that they’re still providing free YouTube content, but I simply choose not to pay for this subscription service outright. I have enough stuff to pay for already, I’m just gonna skip.


Yeah, people already have enough subscriptions.


I can’t believe how happy and content everyone is, especially considering the drama last month with another ex-Buzzfeed company. Even with that out aside, another streaming service…


I watch YouTube because it’s free, so yeah not exactly thrilled about this. Oh well.


I need to watch the video but I think you can still watch them for free on YouTube? That part isn't changing


Wasn't there already a 2nd Try? For how hyped this announcement was, I kinda expected it to be...bigger? They've all been so integrated into the channel for so long this really doesn't change anything except a label?


but it´s a streaming service now too


I do like miles and jb so this is a good step I think that was probably inevitable at this point. We can thank Eugene for the positive memories and release him to live his life. I'm sure he will visit occasionally.


I am BEYOND excited for this! Couldn't subscribe fast enough. Does anyone know where the new 2nd Try app is available? Xbox, Roku, etc? I hope it will be widely available. That was the only thing that kept me from subscribing to Watcher. I couldn't access it with my usual tv setup.


With the news of Eugene leaving also breaking today, I hope Matt won't be leaving YCSWU! Hopefully we can an update on that next episode. 


Is Eugene officially gone? He’s not in pic


I've watched these guys for years and will continue to watch on YouTube but there's absolutely no way I'm going to follow them behind a paywall. I was afraid this is where things would eventually go and I'm tired of spending $15 here, $6 there for various "exclusive" content. I wish them all the best. Edited for clarity


I’m excited-ish about this! I love most of these people. I just know I won’t want to pay every month for this. I might do like 2-3 months of the year maybe? I think they’re doing this the best way it can be done, just have to get used to it.


That's essentially what I do with Netflix and other streaming services. Subscribe for a month or two when something I'm excited about comes out, marathon everything for that time, unsubscribe and move on to the next service. It looks like they'll be doing seasons of stuff, so that'll help.