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OP I’m so with you. This is spot on exactly how I feel. DATE Noght for life..


She just wants to feel purdy!!! She lost her sparkle!!


Hahaha!! She’s a real character. I swear she’s Jax’s Karma..


Oh 100%. And Jax knows it too lol


He's hers. She's the dumbest bulb in a twosome that includes Jax. I wish nothing but hateful shit on sandy hook deniers like brit so whatever Jax is doing to her is her just desserts especially as she's determined to hold on to him. Their separation is bullshit and it won't be believed by anyone until they actually divorce.


She denied Sandy Hook??? Wow. I missed that. That’s insane.


Sandy hook denier? Yikes. ![gif](giphy|ZYiHYntNcNegg)


HOW on earth can someone deny an incident that was so heavily documented?? - thats like standing in the rain for 30 min. and still claim to be dry as paper - and which 'benefits' could there possibly be to deny reality? I'm perplexed beyond.


Denying it and calling it a hoax and perpetuating that narrative brought a shitstorm of harassment on the victims/survivors families. They sued Alex Jones and won for hundreds of millions if not more than a billion if I remember right. That's how bad even questioning such a thing is.


Just googled Alex Jones (I'm in Europe) and O M FREAKIIIIING!!! G


I know right. And Brit brat drinks that koolaid 😒 then has the nerve to pop off on anyone commenting on her shit parenting and her poor child. She deserves it all.


Honestly when she showed up in the first scene with the big ass lipo bandage on her head, I was like, you cannot even contrive this ridiculousness cause they do it themselves on their own volition


I was shooketh when she came out with the chin strap LOL


It was pure CAMP! 🤣


I was kinda surprised it wasn't a whole body bandage.. 😕


Her coming out with the bandage was dead ass like a skit I can’t believe that was real 😂


I dont know why she had lipo on her neck?…wouldn’t you have done it on your stomach?…she seems to carry her weight there. The chin would have gone with overall weight loss


A lot of that is her giant boobs they make her look huge


SUP reference?!








“ready to embarrass and be embarrassed within an inch of her life” lmao why is this so true. Goofy mascot 😭🤣🤣


Loll goofy mascot, I’m dyingggg


Hyuck hyuck that's right folks hyuck hyuck


This is so true. He could of ended up with the most boring, shallow woman who was all about maintaining an image, but instead he gave us a messy kentucky muffin.


I cannot stand either of them as humans but goddamn if I don’t laugh out loud every time she talks about how she doesn’t want him to go back to his “old ways.” Girl those are just his regular ways


The lack of logic is a key part of the LOLs. My favorite one was on VPR when Jax was telling Brittany it was time to get off the couch and start eating healthier while he was unpacking groceries and pulled out a family sized bag of chips


And Jax hitting on his reiki therapist who he went to see to work on himself after cheating 🤣 for Brittany to go through with the wedding and stay with Jax this long is truly masochistic. My secondhand embarrassment for her is through the roof, I don’t know how she does it!


He is THE most UN-supporting pig anybody could get for a spouse!


Omg yeah her on the valley is a huge win, I couldn’t STAND her on vpr. I think I like her more now cus she’s finally seeing what we’ve all seen of Jax lol. The GERDing and DAYTE NOIGHT…you have to listen to sexy unique podcast if you haven’t yet, they are hilarious


Oh, I am obsessed with DATE NOIGHT, OBVIOUSLY because of SUP.


OBVIOUSLY never gets old it always hits, I say it constantly now and my bf is always like what is that why do you say that all the time like that now?? I’m like whatever if you were cool you would know 🤣


I always crack up when Carey and Lara get into Gruff Brittany voice absolutely bulldozing her way into a date noight and SHAWTS cause it really is not that far off from her actual voice and demeanor these days LOL


SUP for valley recaps is next level.


Well, I know what's going to get me through work tomorrow!! Yay!


I watched an episode of Jax and KFC take Kentucky today and her voice has gotten so much wilder since, I think she really leans into that accent in an aggressive manner. There’s nothing like it!!! 🤣


Yes, there’s something more aggressive about her voice now. I don’t know if it’s the GERD or just something that just comes with age but there is a guttural sound to her voice, especially when she is drunk or hollering or saying OBVIOUSLY, that wasn’t as pronounced on Vanderpump. It’s like she puts her whole esophagus into her voice/accent these days which makes Lara and Carey’s impression of her even more accurate


I hear it. This might sound kooky but it seems obvious to me that Brittany doesn’t know how to express her pain/anger/sadness etc. and instead stuffs it as much as possible in order to “be positive “ as she’d put it and smile through the pain and humiliation. All these unprocessed negative emotions have been suppressed so much they’ve now manifested into the more external parts of herself, like her body and voice. Plus, the booze. It’s pretty sad when I really think about it. She comes from such a different mindset than my own that I find her difficult to understand. She needs a total booze and Jax cleanse!!! It’s cute how sweet Carey is towards Brittany on the show 😂. I know too much about her to think she’s a sweetheart but he seems to and I love that for him. I’m really cynical though!


Yes, Brittany is always lacquering on a smile, and she says herself back in the day when she is depressed she eats a lot and gets “chocolate-wasted” as well as good old regular wasted lol. And I’m sure Jax inspires a LOT of depression. I think she and Jax get into all out brawls off-camera that are 10x worse than the ones on-camera, and those ones are already bad! I think the most nasty “real” fight they had wasn’t the classic rawt in hail one, but during the season 6 fuck Jax Girl’s Noight party where Brittany called Jax pretending that Faith was at the party and told her they had sex multiple times, and Brittany wouldn’t let up and Jax screamed at her I TOLD YOU I DIDN’T DO IT, SHUT UP sooo ruthlessly that Brittany had to quickly hang up the phone. I think those are the fights they had regularly in their marriage and no matter how much Brittany says they don’t do it in front of Cruz, um…they are so damn loud that their neighbors are selling their house (I assume that is why they are moving 😂). Yes hahaha I think they are really nice and lenient with Brittany on SUP, I also am a bit cynical about her but god does she provide the laughs of this show and for SUP


Oh absolutely! I think she’s got some really problematic beliefs but she’s got just enough intelligence to not make anything public. It cracked me up so badly when they attended the White House Correspondents Dinner 😂. An E! or Access TV reporter asked Brittany on the red carpet her thoughts on Harvey Weinstein’s recent rape charge being overturned and she got tongue tied and just mumbled that she feels for everyone involved 😭 I laughed because her answer left it up for interpretation whether she empathized with Weinstein. I love that they asked Brittany such a serious question though, it was surreal 🤣


Yup, Brittany was deffo looking for Lori K off to the side for guidance or to cut this reporter off, except this was after the bathroom sex rumor came out so Lori was nowhere to be seen so Brittany had to improvise LOL. This is why while I know Brittany has very problematic beliefs and that mother of hers, I don’t ascribe her as some sort of moral figure, but purely as a display of striving for fame, thirst, marital facades, low level fame, revenge bawdy, date noights, and most of all LOLs, often at her own expense. Anyone who truly sides with these two on a serious basis or looks to them for some sort of moral direction has their own set of issues. When you don’t take every little tiny thing about her sooo seriously, she can be a hoot OBVIOUSLY


Agree wholeheartedly on your take on Brittany - "It aaaall starts in the family", as my old friend turning a therapist said, and with horrible parents as rolemodels, you are down on points from the beginning - no parent can pass on what they dont have, or never got themselves, and Mom Britney was def. not top of the class smart, so she could only pass on archaic southern values - "lock down a good (any!) man, and plow through with a smaaail on you face!" (James' and Blabla's moms were no shining stars either - selfabsorbed substanceabusers etc. Jax' mom is the one off - a wonderful, normal, caring, slightly elderly mom, as I recall, and she just got that one rotten apple in the basket.)




When they named the episode GERD your loins 😂🤣


I knew this was written by a fellow sup head


HER FACE! Omg somebody needs to tell that dr to put the knife down.. her eyebrows are up where her hairline should be you can see how hard she's hurting her body, unhappiness shows & she's the poster child for it.. I never seen why she stood out to jax so much.. kinda glad for beau he f'ed it up with stassi tho..


She was beautiful when they first met


She was but I think stassi will always be the one that got away, for jax


Probably but he treated her like shit too.


We all know he misses gossiping with her and how she’d verbally eviscerate him with no effort.


yeah, they both gave it to each other.. but it did seem to be some real love between them both. they just weren't meant to be together back then.


Probably because he knew she was too good for him. He wants what he can’t have


So damn pretty. I can’t believe she screwed up her face.


currently rewatching vpr season 4 and i literally cant believe it’s her. she really was just stunning.


She really was stunning. And much too young to start getting all this work done, especially since she talks about having another baby. Wait until you're aged and done having kids, things start dropping, and then slowly fix what needs to be put back in place. Or just love yourself. Watching these shows is a good reality check for me. I talk about wanting certain work done, but do I really want to go down that road? Probably not.


And the boob job he got her. One looks way bigger than the other, and there's no cleavage at the top. It's weird and I can't not see it.


Seriously what is going on at the top?!?


she looks swollen a lot of the time.. when she wears those open shouldered tops she can look like a linebacker.


They are going to swallow her head.


I always wondered if she had some sort of reaction to the implants because she looked sooo different afterwards. And just being with someone like Jax can affect how you look.


It’s not the knife is the needle. Her face literally didn’t move when she was on WWHL. She was laughing, smiling, frowning and her face was frozen


I wish I could see what she’d look like if she’d just stayed with her adorable natural look she had when she got to LA!


It's crazy..


This started off so nice and just got worse as you went along lmao


Like Jax and Brit's relationship. 


Date noight 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hyuck hyuck


It’s true. All the Brittany centric posts on Reddit have made me laugh the most


If there's a worse human on this planet than Jax Taylor, I hope I never meet him. He is the definition of "love to hate."


He's amazing for reality tv. Shitty human, but great to watch lmao


In the grand scheme of things he’s not that bad lmao


Despite watching him on tv for a decade, I never thought he was a terrible person. He's unintentionally funny and definitely leans into his character, but even at his worst (that we've seen anyway,) he wasn't *that* bad.


The Laura Leigh breakup alone will always make me like him because that’s one of the funniest reality tv moments ever


You have a weird sense of humour. 


I mean, the first 2 seasons he was pretty terrible. Slept with his bestfriend's girlfriend twice, once while he was asleep in the adjacent room, and cheated on his gf and hid that he thought he impregnated the girl and gave her money for an abortion. If my partner or best friend did either of those things to me, it would destroy me. The rest of the seasons though he cracks me up, he won me over with that drivable cooler lmao


I know! Doing a rewatch and he is pure lols, and he's always right haha!


Right, there are WAY worse people than Jax. Rapists, murderers, abusers, pedophiles... and people think Jax Taylor is the worst person alive?! Some people are so out of touch with reality.


Sandoval is worse than Jax. That's why he kept Jax's secrets and kept him so close, he knew Jax made him look better than he was. And so did Jax. Jax constantly alluded to the depravity in Sandoval, all the way back in like, season 3. I prefer a dude who shows me exactly who he is and owns it over a dude who pretends to be the nice guy whilst systematically fucking over everyone that actually cares for him. I hate liars. Jax lies, but he's really bad at it. And he also has the uncanny ability to read people. He's not often wrong.


Lol the bar is quite literally in hell




Well some of these peoples lives are hollow and live through reality tv so the worst thing you can do is be a villain on bravo lmao


It’s funny how everyone on this thread is calling Jax a shitty human yet roasting Brittany for her looks and for the way she talks about being excited for going on a date with her husband that neglects her. This thread is foul and trash.


His wife is just as bad as he is.




Agree agree agree! I slur out “yeah bebeeeeeeh” with one eye open at least once per day


You are hilarious.


yes yes yes,.. a mascot is hits the nail hard on the head.. and the constant incessant need for Jax to give her a compliment, any compliment is rough.. the girl is puking for a living now.. And when you said Jax has listened to her yuk-yuk, and her phuk you Jax for nine years. I can't believe the man has not lit himself on fire from it.. It's all I can do to here it 10 mins a week for maybe 3 months. dayte niyte yawl


Her telling jax she needs date noight and to be romanced for that second baby is SO cringe. Girl, he’s not into you. He does not want more babies with you (or prob anyone).


She is very entertaining, but every time I look at her, all I see is her perpetual frown. I read somewhere it’s a negative effect of her surgeries & a sign of a bad surgeon, too.


Rawt in hail!!!! Yeah I agree lol. That's why they married each other.


I just cannot stand her and VPR got unbearable to watch when they started propping her up as this sweet girl who must be protected at all costs. Even now her scenes are excruciating to get thru on The Valley. Maybe you’re right but I find her extremely uninteresting.


NGL this has inspired me to go back to her first season on VPR later this evening. Thanks! 💖


Omg watch the miniseries Jax and Britney Take Kentucky on Peacock.... it was like a fever dream!


I'm not entirely sure I can stomach it, but I might try 😁


Can't really argue with that. I suppose she actually is "refreshingly different"


What do you think they talk about? Hyuck hyuck!


I’m just upvoting references to sexy unique podcast lol DAIGHT NOIGHT


Interesting. I don’t mind her but I’ve always seen it said that Brittany ruined the dynamic of vpr because she was a fan


Jax is an abusive asshole and all he does is stomp on Britney and any feeling, thought, or emotion she has. They are both serious flaws, but Jax will get no accolades from me for bringing a woman he blatantly abuses on national television to humiliate her.


Why don't people like Brittany? I see that she needs to quit alcohol and has chronic low self esteem but these don't seem enough to make her unlikeable


I can see how people dislike her based on her just being annoying and hollering the day away with no couth or tact. She is simple minded in her endeavors and ignorant to the point that some ppl think she shouldn’t be on Tv at all. She is also the top Jax apologist of the century from 2015-2024. I don’t Stan her at all, but as a character study, I find her to be interesting and entertaining to watch.


“Hollering the day away” just legit made me lol


I think it was the Sandyhook denial, the anti vaxxing, the homophobic preacher, and her racist comments towards Faith that made her unlikeable and hard to root for. We don't see any of these things on camera, though, so I can see if you're just watching the show and taking her at face value, she does not seem that bad. But she is.


She’s driving me nuts but I like her for the sake of the show.


She also married jax and seems think he’s not exactly who he’s shown himself to be over and over and over.


Sandy hook denier, terrible parent from what we've been shown, homophobic and probs a closet Trumper. She definitely buys into Alex Jones's conspiracy theories. I will never like her.


OK I did not know about her conspiracy theories. How is she a terrible parent? Because of her drinking?


If she needs a nanny on a regular basis to do her mom job because shes nursing hangovers and hugging the toilet bowl, then in my book she's an alkie who refuses to get help and be better. She may think her kid doesn't register or is too young but trust me, they understand something is wrong. Not shaming mothers who use nannys because they have to work or travel. She does fuck all and apparently leaves her vomit in bags laying around.


I like Brittany lol 




Did you know that she’s an anti-vaxxer and a school shooting denier? Edit: also potentially homophobic, also allegedly yelled to a black cast mate that she is a “nappy headed ho”.


Yes, I know she’s a moron. I’m not upholding her as a paradigm of intelligence or moral high ground, I just think goddamn Jax could have been with any one boring reality star wannabe with zero personality, but he instead he married a Goofy mascot who shows it all, including her high level of stupidity


He got what he deserved for sure lol.


I guess. I’d be fine without Brittany though. I find her annoying and her beliefs are all around abhorrent, imo. Entertainment value alone doesn’t make it ok to be a conspiracy theorist and a homophobe. It’s kinda like if someone is in the KKK but they are entertaining to watch…. I’m not saying she’s that horrible… but she’s closer to it than I’m comfortable with.


She might as well be. Sandy hook denier along with her racist and homophobic traits is right right up with the KKK for me.


Yes, and that’s irrelevant to OP’s post.


Is it? I think it makes her a bad hire. She’s an unethical hire and could be a legal liability to bravo if she says something offensive to the wrong person


LOL find me one unproblematic person on bravo and I’ll show you a lie


There’s a huge difference between being kinda problematic and being a conspiracy theorist who supports ideas that undermine our democracy and that are completely baseless. Your whataboutism doesn’t really hold water. There are some things that people say/believe which cross the line.


Yeah, and my point is I can find something that almost all of them have said to warrant that same response.


Name one person currently on VPR or The Valley who has posted something as disgusting as claiming that Sandy Hook could of been faked? I’m not even mentioning her calling a black cast mate “a nappy headed ho”. And that’s not to mention her homophobic pastor that she defends. The shit ain’t cute. If it was one offense ok but she has done so many disgusting things that she doesn’t deserve to be on tv at this point. Justifying this shit just makes you an enabler. IMO.


Oh geez. Settle down.


The Sandy Hook deniers can Rawt in Hail. That day was horrific. Those sweet faces haunt me to this day.


I 100% agree.


Thank you. Good to know morals still exist for some folks here


I’m still waiting to hear from you with examples of things “almost all of them” have said/done that are as koo koo for Cocoa Puffs and disgusting as the trash Brittany has been saying…


To quote, from another post about this: “Stassi & Kristen: for what they did to Faith, racism, weaponizing their privilege, and put Faiths life at risk. For Kristen cheating, wishing Ariana dead multiple times and exploiting a victim of coercive sex by Tom (coercion is not consent) for a storyline. Being violent on camera. Jax & Britney: Cheating on Britney and what he said about her in that recording, body shaming, emotional abuse, Sandy Hook denial (Brittany), homophobia, and racism towards Faith in supporting Stassi & Kristen publicly) For Jax being frequently violent on camera. Sandoval: emotional abuse, putting Ariana's health at risk, sexually violating Rachel, cheating, narc abuse tactics like attempting smear campaigns against his exes, lying and gaslighting, outting his partner without her consent (credit u/LaurenFromCA for the reminder), racism in equating George Floyd and OJ Simpson, not acknowledging the harm he did to George Floyd's little girl who had to hear about his statements in school. Being frequently violent on camera. Schwartz: physical abuse, emotional abuse, covert narc tactics against his partner, leveraging his partners TBI symptoms as a way to bait her and make himself look better in the public eye, not protecting her from Sandoval's tactics and using her as a human shield to convey his own opinions (the name of S&S) cheating, yelling at and demeaning Katie for correctly calling out the police prank. Being violent towards multiple women on camera. Lala: appropriation, body shaming, telling the wife and mother of the children of the man she was sleeping with that she was at faul for his cheating because she "didn't keep it tight". Racism - she would leave things out to see if Faith would steal them. Pulling a knife on Faith, so also violence on camera (that got cut) Scheana: distribution of revenge porn that Stassi was a victim of. Using calling her then husbands Shay's sobriety into question on camera (when she knew he was sober at the time) as a weapon. (credit for the last one goes to u/ MissKB11, thanks for pointing this out, how she handled his addiction issues was downright dangerous) Brock: physical abuse of the mother of his first two children, abandoning his two kids. Leaving Scheana after her miscarriage to go golfing, being dismissive of her post partum OCD. Ariana: taking up for Sandoval when it came to Miami girl, saying things about Kristen's mental health. Katie: using language like whore and slut shaming. James: physical partner abuse, emotional and verbal partner abuse. Cheating. Body shaming. Frequently being violent on camera.” Hope that’s enough examples for you 😉


No offense, but most of your examples are exaggerations or frankly not that big of a deal. I do appreciate your effort though. Kristen is on the list for wishing Ariana dead after Ariana cheated with her partner? Ariana did the same thing to Raquel. It’s normal to be rage filled after being cheated on. It’s NOT normal to spew racial epithets. The revenge porn thing is a crime however it wasn’t considered to be a crime in most places when scheana did it. That doesn’t rise to the level of denying a school shooting and shouting racial slurs at someone. They just aren’t on the same level. Brock did those things when he was a teenager, long before he was on the show. He has also apologized for it and there is no evidence that he has repeated that behavior since then. All the examples I gave of Brittany happened in the last 5 years and she has made no attempt to walk any of it back. A lot of the other stuff you listed is silly. I’m not even going to comment on most of those examples. I’ll also point out that my issue with Brittany is that she is a repeat offender. She has said and done a plethora of things which each individually is arguably enough to warrant her cancellation. It’s not a one off for her to be disgusting in those dangerous ways. It seems to be engrained behavior. However, I have said repeatedly that James deserves to be cancelled. I think he deserves it more than Brittney, tbh and many people have called for that to happen as well.


So violence against women isn’t bad to you? Brock literally hit his wife. Sit down.






Do you not see the long list I just wrote you? Lala literally pulled a knife on faith, Brock hit his wife, Stassi and Kristen called the cops on faith, so on and so forth. In case you missed it: “Stassi & Kristen: for what they did to Faith, racism, weaponizing their privilege, and put Faiths life at risk. For Kristen cheating, wishing Ariana dead multiple times and exploiting a victim of coercive sex by Tom (coercion is not consent) for a storyline. Being violent on camera. Jax & Britney: Cheating on Britney and what he said about her in that recording, body shaming, emotional abuse, Sandy Hook denial (Brittany), homophobia, and racism towards Faith in supporting Stassi & Kristen publicly) For Jax being frequently violent on camera. Sandoval: emotional abuse, putting Ariana's health at risk, sexually violating Rachel, cheating, narc abuse tactics like attempting smear campaigns against his exes, lying and gaslighting, outting his partner without her consent (credit u/LaurenFromCA for the reminder), racism in equating George Floyd and OJ Simpson, not acknowledging the harm he did to George Floyd's little girl who had to hear about his statements in school. Being frequently violent on camera. Schwartz: physical abuse, emotional abuse, covert narc tactics against his partner, leveraging his partners TBI symptoms as a way to bait her and make himself look better in the public eye, not protecting her from Sandoval's tactics and using her as a human shield to convey his own opinions (the name of S&S) cheating, yelling at and demeaning Katie for correctly calling out the police prank. Being violent towards multiple women on camera. Lala: appropriation, body shaming, telling the wife and mother of the children of the man she was sleeping with that she was at faul for his cheating because she "didn't keep it tight". Racism - she would leave things out to see if Faith would steal them. Pulling a knife on Faith, so also violence on camera (that got cut) Scheana: distribution of revenge porn that Stassi was a victim of. Using calling her then husbands Shay's sobriety into question on camera (when she knew he was sober at the time) as a weapon. (credit for the last one goes to u/ MissKB11, thanks for pointing this out, how she handled his addiction issues was downright dangerous) Brock: physical abuse of the mother of his first two children, abandoning his two kids. Leaving Scheana after her miscarriage to go golfing, being dismissive of her post partum OCD. Ariana: taking up for Sandoval when it came to Miami girl, saying things about Kristen's mental health. Katie: using language like whore and slut shaming. James: physical partner abuse, emotional and verbal partner abuse. Cheating. Body shaming. Frequently being violent on camera.”


That's hard to believe while they are still supporting Tum Sandoval..


Tom cheated on his girlfriend. It’s not the same as the shit Brittany has said. It doesn’t even really make sense to compare the two things, imo.


Oh sorry, I wasn't referencing the cheating part in itself.. I was leaning into all the derogatory remarks he makes towards other people.


I don’t see anything he said that is as offensive as denying the hateful, tragic massacre of a 20 elementary school kids. I think that’s as rotten as being a holocaust denier. If you have examples, I’m open to hearing them.


hey, I'm not trying to argue any of this if that's how it's came across.. you are right about her Sandy Hook remark, it's unacceptable. Without thinking to long on Tom, the things he said in the NYT article about his affair comparable to George F,. OJ, then later Scott P. and there are many derogatory remarks he's made towards women.. I don't care for either Britt or Tom.


Understood. I don’t see those comments as close to equivalent. I don’t see how comparing yourself to a Black who was beaten to death by racist police is the same as claiming that Sandy Hook never happened. Also, he wasn’t even comparing himself! He was saying he doesn’t understand why people are more concerned about his affair than George Floyd. Which is a valid point.


I knew she was dumb but I didn't know she was that dumb. That's awful. I really don't like her now


Yeah. A lot of people don’t know how abhorrent some of the things this woman has said are.


I say Rawt in heel to this day


Brittany ruined vanderpump rules


This is a fascinating and accurate take that I’d love to hear more on.


What happened to Micheal conrad


So with the filming starting quickly on the valley and there wasn't time for Brittany's chin lipo to heal. Do you think she's also started with oxempic which contributed to her being quite so sick every time she drinks? 


I’ve always enjoyed watching Brittany on these shows. To me she has “it”. That thing that makes her fun to watch. She’s funny, a little unhinged, and generally gets along with everyone and doesn’t participate in gangups but usually is direct with someone when they piss her off. My favorite Brittany of all though is when she’s yelling at Jax. My least favorite is when she’s covering for his shitty ass.


Honestly, I don’t get this post. Are you really saying you’re happy Jax “cast” her as his wife and baby mama? I love Reddit but this feels like some serious low hanging fruit. Gross.