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I think that in Jax’s mind he thinks he’s above (more successful than) Brittany because he brought her into the show. And his ego won’t allow him to realize that she was the main bread winner when they got fired from VPR.


>And his ego won’t allow him to realize that she was the main bread winner when they got fired from VPR. Quite literally called it "his show" in the last episode before getting fired, so you nailed it here


Called it "his show" to the person whose show it actually was, lol.


Exactly!!!! And yes he brought her in the show that is true but you are a piece of shit and want to pretend you built it all when brittany did too!


He forgets that she was his saving grace on VPR. People watched his storylines because they thought Brittany humanized him. Because at some points, she did. Without her, be would have just been fired from VPR for being Jax


she also helped him through a very dark period in his life (his dad's passing) even though he'd just put her through hell. \#1 worst guy in the group


So true I also don't think Jax realizes that Brit helped give him a storyline for years. How many times were we going to watch him date Carmens? Britt added so much drama to the show.


> And his ego won’t allow him to realize that she was the main bread winner when they got fired from VPR. honestly i think he's actually very conscious of this and for that reason has to put her down and pretend for the cameras that he's the breadwinner. but otherwise totally agree.


Exactly and so what if he brought her on the show because SHE became the fans favorite which kept him relevant! Also, Lisa really liked Brittany and if it weren’t for Britt, Lisa would have fired Jax’s ass sooner!


I did not get the impression that Lisa likes Brittany.


She use to. Something happened after Jax got fired.






Yeah bay-BEEE!




Ahhh my people.


Sexy Unique People


Yes!!! I can’t never not hear it in Lara’s voice.


I almost only say “obviously” in that way now. My fiancé doesn’t understand at all but he doesn’t have to


Only those that deserve to know, know




Jax wants to cosplay the traditional family - where he is the provider and she is the submissive little wife who has to put up with it all because she can’t provide for herself. He has Mad Men Delusions.


Yeah agree with this. Even how when she was drinking and he's like YOURE A WIFE AND MOTHER. As if like, now you're those things you should just be a good little woman at home. I feel like it's why he tears her down so much.


One thing is that he wants it a different thing is for him to pretend he has it and throw away brittanys work




I could feel her disappointment when the date night was right back to The Mondrian, where Jax probably called the day before for a free room and to have them scatter some rose petals on the bed. Maybe he just texted Lori and she put some low effort phishing out to ge the sushi chef. Honestly the VPR girls did a better job in season 6 when they were trying to spoil Brittany, they had her favorite foods like crab legs and even called her grandma for a beer cheese recipe. Jax would never do that.


Agree completely!


I haven't watched VPR, what's the context of the Mondrian? Was that a place they went alot?


They used to always be there partying even when not filming. Jax had his hair loss party at The Mondrian also. It’s nice but also, for them it’s such a low effort and zero planning place to go. I’m sure Brittany would’ve liked a date night to a more thoughtful place.


Ooh thanks okay gotcha, it's just like their regular party place. Totally agree it's this big date night then you're just going to the same place you always go. Snooze




He’ll understand once the divorce is settled and Brittany gets half.


Jax will be far less braggy when he realizes establishing and maintaining two households on two incomes results in a lot less affluence than a single household with combined incomes. It’s stupid he doesn’t see it coming because it’s what happened to Tom and Katie and happening to Sandoval. Divorce means you downsize.


Do you think Michelle knows this?


and probably child support




Jax has really low self esteem when it comes to everything but his looks and he needs to believe it was all him. He probably tells himself that because he brought her into the reality world, anything she makes thru that is really bc of him at the end of the day




Jax is performative. He wants the audience to believe his delusions of grandeur. He alone got them their home because he alone works. It’s just like wants the world to think she’s a drunk. It’s all a show so he can play the role of awesome dad who had to leave his alcoholic wife to protect Cruz.


> It’s just like wants the world to think she’s a drunk. EXACTLY thank you


Agreed, but it also definitely seems like she has a pattern of problematic drinking.


I think they both do, but he wants the world to think it’s just her, while he’s literally taking swigs of tequila from the bottle. It’s obscene and she may end up losing custody over this. If not custody, definitely her reputation.


That "I provided everything for us" vibe was SOOOO triggering. He wants it to be true so badly that he's this big, manly provider for his family. It's so weird. I'm also sick of him screaming about his "multiple businesses" like he's curing cancer or something. He's so full of himself.




His “3 businesses” line makes me irrationally irate


He’s so dumb about the house because he pays the mortgage while Brittany seems like she pays for everything else. He can only acknowledge what he does by simultaneously ignoring what she contributes. In his mind, the house is his and his alone because of that. I’m guessing that’s why B left the house instead the human turd.


Do you think he told her she had to leave cause he paid for it?




Ugh this is also so risky as a woman. Like if I'm even splitting with a partner it was be we both pay 50% (or whatever split) of house and groceries/living. Not he pays mortgage and I pay other.


Just like on VPR where he said repeatedly that he supported her for years, and then when she said she's been paying half the bills, he cut her off and said they shouldn't talk about things like that!


omg i totally forgot about this! depicting brittany in the worst light possible is a pattern with him. someone needs to do a deep dive into this


Exactly- in his mind he did it alone and all good things r from him She is to blame for all bad things


So sad


Jax always has to brag about something even if it is to the very person he built his life with. Like you can’t trick Brittany into believing you bought her that house…if she paid half then she fucking knows she paid half Jax. He does this crap for the audience. He wants the audience to believe Brittany is a drunk who needs a strong family man to save her.


She knew who and what he was when she married him, and her tolerance for his bullshit has just diminished. I don’t feel bad for her because she saw all the anger, bullshit, cheating, lies, and drug abuse way before he put a ring on it, but she wanted to be on tv.


I have a few friends in similar relationships.. sometimes they just see the good and hope they will change/ grow up- when getting married and having babies. Even though everyone around, saying it'll just make it worse. It's painful to see them suffer when everyone is basically screaming- get out of it. Its like a blind loyalty or just toxic love.


Brittany, and a lot of girls in these situations, want to be "the one" who changes him for the better. Sadly had friends who got stuck in these relationships as well.


Is there hope for them


Finally, a post that doesn't blame Brittany for how Jax chooses to treat her.


It’s was terrible to watch. I did hear a podcast recently where Jax said he’d just finally started taking medication for mental health and therapy. He said he is aware of how he talks to and treats people but can’t stop, and that he’s depressed. He’s a complete douchebag and I cannot stand him, but good that he’s getting help.


I feel like I don’t buy that story… he is clearly showing in the show he hasnt changed and if anything showing all the abuse he has put brittany thru so it’s probably just another way to make himself look better


Yeah, I’m in no way sticking up for that dick…you’re probably right.


Totally agree. I don't buy it. I like to believe the best in people but I think Jax is the kind of person with whom it's dangerous to do that. He's told us he's a pathological liar and feels no remorse. Never trust someone like that.


Another way to manipulate the audience


He’s trying to paint her as the bad guy so that the audience doesn’t turn on him like they did Sandoval when he dumps her.


I see that!!! And in the mean time he cannot control himself and still shows he is a dick!!!


And the fact that it's working is very concerning.


I knew as soon as Scandoval broke that he'd be single as soon as he could. What a POS.


It’s pretty apparent that he can’t stand anything about her and she’s going through the motions trying to hang on. Now I guess they quit trying to keep it together


Dayt noiywt


I don't feel bad for Brittany. Their marriage is a shambles at time of this "date night"...he is a horrible husband, friend...person. This isn't the first time he treated her like shit on camera...she accepts it and expects changes. Ain't gonna happen...you teach people how to treat you and Jax has learned what he gets away with and Brittany sold her soul for this putz.


I see what OP is saying, but I kinda sided with Jax on that. He has provided for her & the baby. Sure, she has helped too but finances put A LOT of stress on men since they are internally programmed to be tge provider & make sure their family as a home, food, needs met, etc. His concerns were valid! Why bring another baby into a marriage that is already strained!? Also if you feel that you are not financially ready/stable enough! Brit needed to chill tf out. Come at me b/c I already know I'll be downvoted. Lol and, fwiw, I am a woman so save your "misogynist" claims.


Oh no!! I completely agree with the fact that they shouldn’t have a second baby when the marriage is already breaking in pieces… that is another whole different conversation