• By -


#Shut up. Shut up. Shut the fuck up.


This better be a line and not to me mf


Reggie…? Is that you from the beyond?


["That's funny comin' from you. How's that eye? Just follow my voice...It'll get ya there. You got a thick fuckin' skull, Kenneth. Should've put you outta your misery right then. Now look at ya. You're a mess. The fuck are you looking at, bitch?! Don't act like you didn't love every second of it"](https://youtu.be/vPgDFZBbRAY?si=iTgruvLBnPF52tag&t=167) *Whack!* 😁


>How's that eye? Just follow my voice...It'll get ya there. You got a thick fuckin' skull, Kenneth. Should've put you outta your misery right then. Now look at ya. You're a mess. The fact he says this after being shot in the kneecaps and looking up to the brunt of a crowbar, god damn. This guy will literally give up his life before he gives up his image.


Best quote 100%


"If people don't trust you, how can you trust them?" Considering he said it about the Cabin Crew it is something to think about for sure, if only he himself wasn't batshit insane


Honestly Clem was not to be trusted because of Carver, so it's like him saying, "They don't trust you because of me, aren't they evil?" So it's not as deep as we all once thought


They did lock her in a shed with the intention of keeping her there all night without any painkiller to ease her open bite wound in a world populated with creatures attracted by the scent of blood. That's pretty messed up, whether it's because of Carver or not.


But they were low on medical supplies


So they'd consider it a valid reason to leave a bleeding eleven years old to die? Sounds like *not* trusting them isn't a completely crazy point, then. Even if Carver is a hypocrite about it.


**Carver:** "And we're more alike than you think. In fact, I think you realize it, but you're not comfortable with it yet. There's no way you could've lasted this long otherwise. I realized it back in that cabin. You were scared, but you looked me straight in the eye. Kept your nerve. That's what we need if we're gonna get through this. The next generation has to be stronger than the last to... lead us out of this. Kids like you, raised the right way. The way my child'll be raised. It ain't this herd that keeps me up at night. We can handle that. It's not knowin' if I got anyone to hand all this off to... but I ain't worried about that anymore." Carver saying to Clem how they are more alike than she thinks. Shout out to these too since that's on the same topic of Clem being strong like him: **Carver:** That's alright. You'll learn. Lambs to the slaughter, no shepherd to guide you. Clementine knows exactly what I'm talkin' about. **Sarita:** I'm not letting you see this! **Clementine:** It's not your decision. **Carver:** Atta girl... she ain't afraid to look it in the eye. You go with that feelin' ya got right now, Clementine. It's what makes you stronger than the rest of 'em.


There's so many lines from the monologue he gives Clementine in his headquarters that could make this list. This section is a very good contender. The way he tries to compare Clementine to himself shows respect but is also a pretty big mind game.


Well, even if that was true, it's mine now. dude was coping HARD


It was definitely his, at the lodge Rebecca can tell Clem he's not Alvin's since they have been trying for so long.. sure it can be his, but the story is better with Clem believing Carver was the father.. also, she had more interactions with Carver than Alvin, and he was written way better than Alvin, I think it's for a reason.


idk man AJ doesnt look like Carver at all (and i dont just mean the skin color)


He doesn't have to, though.. Not everyone has to be an exact copy of their parent at 6-7 years old


Either way, according to the wiki the devs changed AJ's s2 model a while after release to resemble alvin more, idk if its true or not but if it is then thats basically confirming that its alvin's


Idk if you know this but wiki devs aren't game devs


what?????? the wiki takes actual information from the game theyre not pulling things out of their ass lmao


Of course they do, my point is it's never known for sure who's the dad, but based on dialog and narratives in S2 it's more likely not Alvin based on what Rebecaa said and that's as close to the truth as we have, not some dudes putting what they want on some website and declaring fact..


What i meant is that its confirmed that the devs changed the model, its not confirmed who the father is but its confirmed that the devs made AJ look more like alvin its one of those things thats prob best left unanswered


But we all have eyes and have our beliefs. We can't see change in his model and assume it's proof for what we think is true.. it's like me saying, "No, he looks like Carver", you won't see it any other way because of me saying that. I'm going off narratives and what Rebecca tells Clem back at the lodge, not appearance. It's not easy to tell, given that Rebecca is black, so you can't go off of race.


I feel like it’s different when the two dads are literally complete different races. If anything it’s reverse, babies often come out lighter than they end up being but AJ always looked like Alvin. Besides, Alvin is his real dad even if he isn’t


Race would tell who's the father if Rebecca wasn't black.. sure, AJ can be Alvin's, but that's just not what the mom believes initially. Also, Clem knew Carver more and kinda prophetic that she raises this devil's kid. It's like he said, "Kids like you, raised the right way, the way my child will be raised." Carver wasn't wrong in that, so that's why I'd like to believe what I do


“Weakness. Incompetence. It puts us all at risk. And it won’t be tolerated.” Cold thing to say in front of two kids after yeeting a man off a roof.


“You don't want to test me, girl. I'll pass every time.”




***Killing one in order to save many is part of survival. It's one of the tough decisions that a weaker person couldn't make. It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to safety. Do you understand? Well, I wish it was different, I do. But they are weak... and we are strong. That's why it's our responsibility to shepherd the flock... to keep them safe. It's their nature to follow... not to lead.***


[That kinda reminds me of Lee’s quote](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2a/77/48/2a77480441248a12860fa17134f095b4.jpg)


True! Similar quote, totally different weight and intention.


This one's my favourite of his. Just so well voice acted - I can hear it word for word in my head.


"Lambs to the slaughter, no shepherd to guide you.. Clementine knows exactly what I'm talking about. " It's the perfect line. he was actually right. No one could guide them, and they all turned on each other, potentially leaving Clem with AJ all by herself. "Kids like you [Clem]. Raised the right way. The way my child'll be raised"


*"The next generation has to be stronger than the last to... lead us out of this. Kids like you, raised the right way. The way my child'll be raised. It ain't this herd that keeps me up at night. We can handle that. It's not knowin' if I got anyone to hand all this off to... but I ain't worried about that anymore."*


Kenny: You wont see anything Carver: That’s funny coming from you


BLT means [Best Line Tournament](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/s/6aRyAXrq23) We can be best friends, with a pinky promise. Just comment down a line from Carver that you think is the best!


Carver's gonna break that promise and then break that pinky.


"It's Carvin' time."- William Carver, an enjoyer of the bacon lettuce tomato sandwich 🥓🥬🍅


With what mouth does he enjoy this salad of urs


the one he had before he got it *rudely* taken from him by Kenneth smh poor Carver, suuuurely he did nothing wrong..


1: “Lambs to the slaughter, no shepherd to guide you, Clementine knows exactly what I’m talking about… attagirl, she ain’t afraid to look it in the eye. You go with that feeling you got right now Clementine, it’s what makes you stronger than the rest of them.” 2: “Look at you, fucking ingrates!” 3: “Fuckin big man now, huh?”


"Three moves away from checkmate..."


“Well, well… white’s in trouble. Three moves away from checkmate.” Dude predicted his own demise.


“Killing one in order to save many is a part of survival”


You don’t want to test me I will pass every time


You wanna disrespect me?! Fine! You wanna throw away the life I've built for us all?! Then fucking fine! You wanna run away with this group of crippled fucks? Then fine, be my guest...


"You don't wanna test me, girl. I'll pass every time."


"It's their nature to follow, not to lead."


Killing one to save many is part of survival, it's a decision a weaker person couldn't make and that's why it's up to us to lead them to safety. Weakness, inconfidence, it puts us all at risk


Unless you want what she's about to get I'd pipe down missy


Carver has some of the best lines in the series. He was such a good antagonist.


"Reggie was weak and I don't mean because he was maimed, he was weak of character" it's just so cold


*crunching and splattering noises as his head gets flattened*