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No they just literally gaslit everyone. I am dead serious


Yep 100%! This one at least has proof that they changed the logo.


The cornucopia was there, I found an old t-shirt from the 90s in my mom’s attic. That shit was on the logo, I knew they were full of shit the whole time


That's how I learned what a cornucopia was, from their logo.


Same! We must be from the same universe


Berenstein Bears right?


It was definitely Berenstein, and I’m furious I was moved to the obviously worse Berenstain Bear universe.


Every time this is mentioned I have a feeling of unwellness. I know it was Stein.


It was people are just stupid






I’ve got grandmas old mug at the house of the bears. Can’t remember which way it’s spelt. I will report back




Not possible… lol or so they say below 👇


Hmm I think you're going to have to post a pic of yourself in your underwear to verify for us. Preferably from multiple angles and with your feet visible so we know it's really you and not fakes.


Be careful what you ask for.....


And scrubbed the cornucopia fruit of the loom ice skating commercial from the internet!


Oh i am barely visualizing this: The one with the Grape ice skating clumsily?


That’s the one!


We need to realize that culturally, it's possible for knockoffs to become so innocuous that "they changed the logo" will feel true whether the company was officially involved or not. If enough people were familiar with the wrong version, then the official version just isn't as well known in the zeitgeist. As many have pointed out, we grew up seeing it. We're not all crazy.


I think you mean ubiquitous


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Where's Hecklefish when we need him?!


One of the best SNL skits ever 😄


Free viral marketing


It would have cost the company billions of dollars to remove every piece of physical evidence of the old logo from the face of the planet, besides being statistically impossible.


This. Also, what would be the point? Companies change logos all the time. There's no reason to try and gaslight the public over something as silly as a logo change.


Exactly. If VW hasn't wiped the Earth of their original logo, a literal n@zi symbol, why would any other company? Two questions people who believe this conspiracy never answer: How did they pull it off, and why? I've yet to hear a reasonable answer for either.


They did just change the logo they just don’t want to admit that they changed it. Idk why but there is photographic evidence that this was the company old logo


Man, they were super committed to not only change the logo and lie about it for no clear reason, but then to send a crack team of underwear black ops special forces into homes across America to then perfectly change the logo on everyone's old underpants. I'm guessing that was a rough quarterly budget meeting.


Well I did wake up one night with this little guy digging through my dirty underwear and i was HEY HEY! and he ran off down the stairs. I always thought it was a dream, but now I'm convinced it's the fruity swapper.


Beware, The fruity swapper!


The fruity swapper.....lmao


How little? Are we talking midget sized or gnome ?


Unless Canada had knock offs


No there is not


There is no photographic evidence of a FOTL logo having a cornucopia.




Yeah, this fake was first posted on 4chan in 2020 claiming it was from the 90s. There were not tagless tees in the 90s and a closer look shows the cornucopia was drawn on in ink.


When that Shazam 2 coming out with Sinbad baby


Fuck that. Try to gaslight me and I'm not buying your shit.


You say this like corporations gaslighting people hasn’t been standard for years.


Corporations lie all the time, but I've never heard of one breaking into people's homes to replace their old clothing with the same exact clothing but with a slight tweak to their logo. Nor have I heard of one destroying decades worth of clothing, print ads, commercials, signage and other tangible evidence to hide what would be an inconsequential part of their logo.


It's pretty easy to spout off a conspiracy without the slightest thought on how impossible it would be to pull off, isn't it?


It was under the direction of a 3 letter agency to see how easy it would be to rewrite history for millions of people and tell them things they saw with their own eyes were a lie


Holy shit, did not expect the IRS to be involved in psy ops not gonna lie.


No no, KFC...


Holy shit, the eleven herbs and spices must be IN the cornucopia!


Why fruit a loom Tho?


Or, hear me out, it's the opposite. The government learned how to implant memories. Now they've implanted a memory of a cornucopia in the FOTL logo in all of your heads, despite there having never been one. Y'all have proven that you're willing to believe your own faulty memories over empirical evidence. That could be a super useful tool for the people doing the implanting.


I always knew that HOAs were sinister


I wrote this before I saw your post. Im pasting it here: I think that they were asked to do this by the same Organization that put together our current Conspiracy landscape I personally believe that the emails of Obama's people talking about food in an odd way were not hacked they were given to us And they were crafted I think that all the Podestas art tastes are also part of it I am saying that Q anon was a set up A man whose name is James Elefantis, which means Iove kids if you see it spelled as 'J ame L'enfantis His Twitter posts about art with his friends are all part of an (eventually successful) attempt to get people to start a new conspiracy theory They did, built on Comet Ping Pong. Pizza gate Anyway, I think that the same thing that was being done there was done with huge companies, to make us believe that nothing is real or whatever else they had in mind Like this Fruit of the Loom. They are obviously owned by someone who has connections and is trusted enough to do this I know, a conspiracy explained by a conspiracy.


I mean it’s possible they were knock offs but I remember it had it. Should sue Walmart for selling a knock off brand


I love it


When the timeline shifts, isn't all evidence changed too?


All of the Mandela effect bs was gaslighting. I think it was a social experiment to see how easily people can be tricked tbh


Who the hell would bother to knock off cheap undergarments? This has never tracked to me. It isn’t designer shit. FotL is cheap bottom shelf department store undergarments. There is no incentive to that. It isn’t a Gucci bag. It’s a pair of socks!


I know this is confusing the shit out of me I know for a fact that logo exists


Why not spend just a second or two researching it before shit posting a hot take tho? "People also ask..... What kinds of goods are often counterfeited? Types. Counterfeiters can include producers, distributors or retail sellers. Growing over 10,000% in the last two decades, counterfeit products exist in virtually every industry sector, including food, beverages, apparel, accessories, footwear, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics, auto parts, toys, and currency."


When I was a kid I remember thinking the cornucopia was called a Loom. Because I saw the fruit and thought that it was part of the loom. Like that was some sort of yarn or something. But they are telling me that the memory I had was wrong.




Same here. Another insane coincidence is this 1973 album. https://www.discogs.com/release/3725628-Frank-Wess-Flute-Of-The-Loom


White Underwear and T-shirts are what I saw these tags on as a kid in the ‘80s.


Same here! Only, i was born in 89 so was a kid in the 90s not 80s. My grandpa, who I lived with, had many pairs and the white shirts as well. My mom often would hang dry all of our clothes outside. The cornucopia is a crystal clear memory. Also recall it on the labels of new packages. Back to thinking this is some weird ass gaslight mindfuck. I just don't know, man. But there was definitely a freakin cornucopia!!!


I feel like it’s a test. If they can gaslight us into believing this logo never existed then maybe eventually we’ll doubt ourselves enough to believe anything.


I mean....every single instance of it was removed including from physical clothes that people own. If whoever they are have the power to change physical reality like that then they don't need to test us lol. They could just change your life if they wanted


What’s the story on these? Because this logo was on underwear and undershirt packaging I had as a kid in the 90s


I’m fairly certain the company themselves claim it was never used. Which is why this constantly comes up


I'm wondering if they decided to scrub it over imagined fears it'd get called out as cultural appropriation at some point, and their PR just wanted to get ahead of things. So now the official company line is that it never existed.


I think they just gaslit everyone as a marketing scheme


The story is to play along with the free publicity.


The story, is that that logo never existed. That if you remember it, you are mistaken, and it is a construct of your mind. Why everyone would construct the same wrong image... who knows XD


This is just silly. Fruit of the Loom can change their logo all they want but, don’t make us feel crazy for remembering the old one


That the cornucopia was never a part of the logo according to the brand.


I think its both. I know when I was a kid (30 years ago) there was without a doubt a cornucopia because I didnt know what one was until I used the label to ask. I dont think things were quite as bootlegged back then either so it would have to be a consistent mistake on the bootleggers part


Not only would a hypothetical bootlegger had to have *added a design feature which arguably IMPROVED the logo*, but that obviously distinct and modified unofficial logo would then have needed to fool professional buyers for chain stores like Filene's, K-Mart, Target, Walmart, Bloomingdale's, Macy's, etc. I know back in the 70's and 80's my mom certainly wasn't buying our undies at flea markets or in 3rd world countries.


Thats why I think it’s a litigious matter. Class action or not, there is a consumer advocacy issue here


info on the fruit of the loom [trademark](https://trademarks.justia.com/730/06/fruit-of-the-loom-73006089.html) Design code does mention fruit basket/cornucopia **Status Date** 1988-11-28 **Filing Date** 1973-11-12 **Mark Drawing** **3000** \- Illustration: Drawing or design which also includes word(s)/ letter(s)/number(s) Typeset **Design Searches** **050901, 050902, 050905, 050914** \- Berries. Grapes (alone or in bunches). Apples. Baskets, bowls, and other containers of fruits, including cornucopia (horn of plenty).


People keep posting this without caring to understand what it means. This doesn’t say it has a cornucopia. In trademark law, "design searches" involve examining various visual elements that could potentially conflict with a trademark application. The mention of "cornucopia" in the information for Fruit of the Loom's trademark logo refers to a broader search for design elements that could resemble or be related to the logo, even if the logo itself doesn't explicitly contain a cornucopia. Trademark examiners conduct thorough searches to ensure that the proposed trademark doesn't conflict with existing trademarks or designs, even if the similarity is in a minor element like a cornucopia. So, the mention of "cornucopia" in the search information suggests that it was part of the broader search criteria, even if it doesn't directly relate to the logo itself.




Other FOTL trademarks include design codes for avocados, coconuts, kiwi, and strawberries, just to name a few. Those aren't in the logo. Why were they mentioned then? Because hamcarpet is correct, design codes were intentionally vague to make searching for similar logos easier. Notice how the image attached to that trademark doesn't include a cornucopia. Nor is it included in the description of mark, which would be a more literal description of what's in the logo.


But I literally just explained why you do, and what is happening here. You didn’t really care to learn what “design searches” means before replying? Or simply reading what you’re replying to? Don’t you think that’s strange? There also isn’t a basket or bowl. There also aren’t individual grapes. So using your reasoning, the logo had all of these as well..? See how this makes no sense? “Baskets, bowls, **other containers of fruits**,…cornucopia” I don’t understand why someone would need to explain this Of course they included an item most often associated with assortments of fruits/food in the design search terms. The reason they did that is a demonstration of why people misremember this so often; because a cornucopia makes sense and is in direct connection to image such as this. The same reason why people thought “Berenstain” was “Berenstein”. “ein” makes more sense to people so they think that’s what they saw


Mandela effect is just the government erasing history and seeing if the population notices. Just imagine all the things we didn't notice.


If you're in the US. Weren't we supposed to stop with daylight savings time? Or was that a voluntary law like changing everything to metric?


And getting rid of pennies


Sounds like Americans were conflating Canadian practices…


I do remember there being talks about it back when Obama was president, I thought. Inspired by Canada, I thought it was at least attempted.


I remember the thing about pennies because I had to write an opinion essay on it in high school, I graduated in 2015


...and the $1 bill. It was supposed to be replaced with a coin.


Yes I hate pennies with a passion


I hate the reason for pennies to continue to lose their value with a passion


Some states don't have it. I think it's been proposed in Congress a few times and always shot down. 


It was stapled to another bill that didn't pass, so it didn't get the magic gavel from Congress.


Should’ve used a paper clip. That’s the Mondale way to success!


I was looking into this the other day, it's quite interesting. Arizona is one of the states that doesn't follow daylight savings. But the Navajo nation in Arizona does, so only like 70% of the state doesn't do daylight savings.


I also thought the same and just looked it up. I guess it hasn't moved since the Senate approved it. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-news/latest-updates-daylight-saving-time-legislation-change#:~:text=So%20far%20in%202024%2C%20there,be%20signed%20by%20the%20president.


Thanks, I just remember hearing it passed finally. Then we are still changing the time? It seems like it's cause the government wants to mess with our sleep.


No prob. Haha agreed. I thought the same thing when it came about again this year. Like what year are we making this go away?!


Yeah in the US system it has to “pass” twice. In the Senate and the House. Then it becomes a law after the President ratifies it. So if you read that it “passed” that doesn’t mean it is now a law usually. It just means that the House or Senate passed it and it either needs to be passed by the other side of congress or go into ratification still.


The barbecue lobby defeated this last time. I’m not even kidding.


Anyone really expect Congress to get anything useful done this session with a House Speaker whose only job seems to be to prevent anything at all from happening before the November elections?


I'm 40, and that issue has come up every few years since I was a kid. But nothing gets done about it, just talk.


Yes! I remember it clearly because it was one of the only times congress had basically a 100% approval on a vote, and not even with a bazillion absentees, it passed by a landslide.... And then nothing changed.


It passed one house of Congress but not the other, and so did not become law. This is not a mystery.


I never said it was a mystery. I just wanted clarification.


Seriously!? I remember in fall we dialed the clocks back and my coworker said “well thats the last time we have to do that!” And we were happy. Then the other week the clock skipped forward and we were very confused.


Like the same thing where income tax and federal tax was supposed to be temporary after the civil wars, or one of the wars,. Guess what, everyone forgot about that.


YES goddammit don’t get me started on daylight savings time. We voted that shit OUT. Why is it still *here*???


Thank you. I thought I was crazy. I remember even last year that DST was done. I think Fruit of the Loom is using the gaslighting as a marketing strategy however. That brand wouldn’t hold a place in my head at all and there’s ample evidence of the cornucopia being part of the brand. For them to come out and just outright saying it wasn’t ever part of their logo is a lie. Just pure marketing.


If what I read last year is correct, we just did our last time change. Spring 2024 is supposed to be the last time. Fingers crossed.


I think the Mandela effect is the result of time travel being invented in the distant future and being used in our time. When they go back in time and make any change it causes small differences. Now history has been retconned so all the physical media is changed but since we lived through it our memories are still intact. That's my theory


How do you propose they broke into everyone's homes and switched out all their old clothing to those with no cornucopia?


Never forget that trillions of dollars went bye bye right before the twin towers along with building 7 were taken out..


Or people slowly realizing they have bad memory issues


People don't realize how unreliable memory actually is, it's troubling.


this definitely was a cornucorpia! i remember think it was a cool shape and trying to draw it as a little kid. i have vivid memories of being perplexed at how it goes off into infinite space. So weird to have people suddenly exclaim it never existed! 😩


So I remember specifically having the fruit of the loom logo used as an example for what a cornucopia looks like back in elementary school. It was an art project around Thanksgiving time. I am now 36.




Hot take: the logo changed, there is no proof because when we look at the logo we can no longer see the cornucopia because someone in the government went back in time and fucked something very small up to change something bigger and the logo was butterfly effected. 🤯🤯🤯


All mandala effects could be time travelers mis-stepping


Maybe a different perspective here, maybe not. I, like many others, vividly remember the cornucopia on the logo. My memory is that the only reason I even know what a cornucopia is was because of that underwear. But honestly, how could any group in the world rid us of almost all evidence for it? No group of people on the planet is that well organized. What, are they breaking into people's houses and issuing directives to thrift stores to burn it all? It just doesn't track. There's really only two explanations. Either we are just mixing memories from our distant past, perhaps learning about them from Thanksgiving kids books or whatever. Or our world is actively being changed. But not by the government or some shadowy group of humans. Rather by the simulations authors. If our whole world were a web application, you could change every instance of the old logo with a single CSS line change. If our world is in fact a simulation, then changing a logo is minor. Pretty small in the scheme of things. So either we're remembering incorrectly, which we already know, humans do it all the time. Eye witnesses are notoriously inaccurate. Or everything we know is some programmable, changeable structure. I already half buy the latter but if you don't, are you willing to go that far to be correct about underwear logos?


There's a pretty common concept in metaphysics about multiple timelines splitting and converging and going all over the place all the time. Dolores Cannon talks about it a lot in her books (Seth too). The idea here is that reality is something in between a shared dream state and the general consensus of one purely physical path. I'm not asserting this as true, but I think it's more plausible than a computer simulation. Either way, reality is super weird and I have no idea what's going on.


If it was a simple line of code to change things then why would there still be some cases like this example of someone still finding an example with the cornucopia. And it was a simulation why not change the line of code that would change our memory of it? Just being provocative


People posting stuff like this as proof that the logo was always this way misunderstand the Mandela Effect / Retcon situation entirely. Like they just don't get it and it's frustrating. The claim is that the FOTL logo had the cornucopia IN THE PAST. There were articles of clothing in the 80s and 90s that we remember having it, yet no evidence exists that the logo existed at that period of time. We remember it but the evidence is not there. It's similar with Berenstein Bears. If you go and find your old books, they say Berenstain, not stein. The PAST seems to have been altered. That's why people were talking about reality shifting and multiple universes. Anyone can print a FOTL label with the cornucopia, or the company can decide to use the logo today in the PRESENT but that doesn't change what happened in the past. We remember the past being a way that it seems that it was not. That's the key point of the Mandela Effect.


I had read a comment once about the Mandela effect. It was basically if the effect were real, then why is it only major events? Like why don’t we look at old photos of our families and the colors of shirts or types of vehicles change? I thought it was interesting


Talk to your older family members about things you did as a family in the past. You'd be surprised how different people remember things.


yeah, human memory is unreliable


major events....like the fruit of the loom logo? lol


Exactly. The only thing the Mandela Effect affects is exceedingly minor details that are easy to miss or misremember, or world events that didn't affect those misremembering. No one in Africa thought Nelson Mandela died in prison. 


And very few in America would even remember his name if he didn't go on to become the president of South Africa.


And the Berenstein bears. NOT BerenSTAIN.


That one’s easy for me to pass off. The logo is in cursive and targeted towards kids who may not have had a good grasp of it yet, and the singer of the theme song sang with a southern twang. Also, the -stein/-stien suffix is more common than -stain. I remember -stein as well, but I find these explanations to be enough to hand wave it.


And it’s coincidentally always things that never truly affect the lives of the people misremembering. I guarantee no one living in South Africa thought Nelson Mandela died in prison. I guarantee no one involved in FOTL production thinks there was a cornucopia. It’s always people who wouldn’t have their life actually impacted by the change. Hmmm


The amount of people who sincerely believe the mandela effect explains so much about the world today. Believing in something entirely ridiculous in the face of zero evidence, based only off of a feeling.


Oof. Preach. 


Mandela effect is two things: people want to feel special, and they don’t want to admit their memory sucks. Imagine having a worldview so simple it can be shattered by a pair of knockoff socks.


If I may, here's an Ebay listing for a *physical copy* of Frank Wess' 1973 album "Flute of the Loom." A parody that would make no goddamn sense whatsoever in the alternate timeline. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/265084342552](https://www.ebay.com/itm/265084342552)


It a scam bruh, that ain't fruit


Knock offs is a more comfortable answer than the Hadron Collider causing a ripple in space time. I'm going with that.


Retro causality and quantum entanglement could explain the Mandella effect… history is changed but our memories remain


I'm going with that too.


True. In this particular instance, it's not as likely.


I read a theory once that the world actually did end in 2012 and our timeline is merging with another multiverse? parallel universe? some shit and that's why Mandela effect but also why society seems to be getting progressively weirder and worse in many ways. 


The way I see it is the originals in our past were altered but the knockoffs weren't. So all the knockoff items are true to an unaltered past.


Greed explains many mysteries.


You can scream at me and post these over and over saying there was never a cornucopia and I won't believe you. There was a cornucopia. Stop gaslighting us.


Everything from my father's time working in their corporate center now has the cornucopia missing. His boss, and his two co-workers he's since reached out to remember it as well. I asked my father many questions about this once I realize the logo was now "changed" after watching the X-Games a few years ago, who was sponsoring the event. My family and I personally, have had specific memories about the cornucopia, some of which I've written about, below, that wouldn't make ANY sense if it never existed. That siad, this is clearly a knock off item. The amount of billions of items produced from that time would give us countless examples of the logo if it still existed. ​ I've written about this on the Mandela Effect thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/91i4jg/fruit\_of\_the\_loom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/91i4jg/fruit_of_the_loom/)


Im 100% with you! ME is just one more weapon in the vast arsenal of 5th Generation Warefare that falls under the banner of Psychological Reprogramming. ME is an extremely targeted and powerful manipulation tool that exploits an individual’s vulnerabilities, biases, & preferences used for the purpose of psychological control. This type of personalized propaganda reinforces echo chambers, confirmation biases, and filter bubbles and is much more influential than group-focused propaganda. True to form, the weak minded, fear driven lemmings fall right in lockstep gaslighting individuals who defiantly refuse to relinquish the memories they KNOW to be TRUE by attempting to convince them they’re false. Stay strong and don’t give in!


I don't think the Mandela effect is a big cover-up conspiracy event. I don't think there's people in black suits trying to take me out and make me believe things that aren't true. I do Wonder if they're the effect of alternate dimensions colliding, or time travel. Small changes almost imperceptible.


It’s an experiment to see how easily people accept historical rewrites.


I feel like this could be solved by finding the appropriate patents via patents.google.com or something. Those would contain the official logo if I’m not mistaken. If they changed it and gaslit everyone (which I don’t believe) there would be copyright docs on file for the new logo. Has anyone done this?


Plenty of people have dug into the trademark records at [us](https://us-to.org)pto.org . There's one misrepresented cancelled trademark for a laundry detergent from the 80s that mentioned a cornucopia in a design code, but there isn't one in the actual logo. Other FOTL trademarks contain design codes for other things that are not in their logo, so no real evidence there. Most people don't realize, but the PTO printed and distributed a physical, weekly gazette that contained the latest trademarks. They did that for decades. Nobody has yet to find one with a cornucopia.


Corporate Gaslighting. Period.


Gaslighting us to change history right in front of our eyes. The Mandela effect is just a big psy-op to see how easily they can shift reality and we accept it without question. These past few years they've proven that they can essentially tell us anything, and we'll believe it regardless of the opposing proof being right in front of our eyes.


I think Fruit of the Loom is trying to ride a viral wave by claiming they never had a cornucopia when they actually did.


I think that they were asked to do this by the same Organization that put together our current Conspiracy landscape I personally believe that the emails of Obama's people talking about food in an odd way were not hacked they were given to us And they were crafted I think that all the Podestas art tastes are also part of it I am saying that Q anon was a set up A man whose name is James Elefantis, which means Iove kids if you see it spelled as 'J ame L'enfantis His Twitter posts about art with his friends are all part of an (eventually successful) attempt to get people to start a new conspiracy theory They did, built on Comet Ping Pong. Pizza gate Anyway, I think that the same thing that was being done there was done with huge companies, to make us believe that nothing is real or whatever else they had in mind Like this Fruit of the Loom. They are obviously owned by someone who has connections and is trusted enough to do this I know, a conspiracy explained by a conspiracy.


I'm guessing knock offs. I was so intrigued about the false memory and this is one of the few explanation that makes sense. Well unless your going to take the leap into multiverse theories.


There’s also the possibility that the company ran with the Mandela effect stuff as a marketing ploy and are pretending it was always the logo to get people to talk about their brand more.


Yeah maybe! Makes me want to go into my parents attic and look for old clothes, they used to make rags out of fotl stuff.


[Wild](https://www.reddit.com/r/woahdude/comments/1bhhi74/comment/kvel3db). The other day I argued this, people did not like the idea that a company had lied to them for publicity vs everyone is just stupid and the company is honest


I didn't know what to make of the Mandella effect until they tried to say the cornucopia and Stouffers stove top stuffing never existed.. Like are you seriously going to sit here and try to convince every American that Stouffers Stove top stuffing never existed?


You really gotta look out for Luit of the Frooms, they disintegrate after one wash.


I thought so I remember in the 70’s seeing that logo even when the people were dressed like the logo


Nope- no longer qualified as the Mandela Effect, knock off or not. THIS is why everyone shared the same memory- it actually existed


Knock offs from Columbia, these have been posted before. It's the popular artist recreation logo that somebody pulled off google and used by mistake.


Mandella Effect is just where somebody remembers incorrectly. Or someone made a song or a story up about something and got it wrong. But people remember the story versus the actual thing


The Mengele Effect about The Mandela Effect, timeless


There appears to be a test print in the background on the right.




That shit was their logo and you can’t convince me otherwise. I forget where I heard it but someone said that the Mandela effect is being used to see if a population can be convinced their memories are wrong so that bigger events can be changed in the future.


I remember back in 1st grade the teacher asking everyone what the cornucopia was and noone knew. It was a Fruit of the Loom logo she displayed. I can remember seeing it on the over head projector. When my mom picked me up that day the teacher was asking parents and my mom didn't know either. So I know they had a cornucopia at least 20 years ago.


I don’t know why but one of my most vivid memories growing up was asking my teacher what was on the FOTL logo lol I loved that logo.


Nah this is 100% what I remember from my childhood. Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen had a show where they visited the factory or something and the company specifically talked about the cornucopia.


looks the same as when i was a kid, 50yrs ago




It’s funny how we all remember the cornucopia Angleing up in that exact way. There’s no chance it was a shared delusion.


The more I really thought about things after that episode, the more I got to the conclusion that maybe both were right. Maybe the company logo, as the company spokesperson said, never had the cornucopia, but the labels did all along.


Don’t mention Knock off’s. They will run with that now.


Eat that, FOTL!!!


Where did this picture come from?


Then my mom bought knockoffs at Walmart in the 80s. Wait, don't tell me Walmart wasn't around in the 80 either. Lol, just being a smart ass. Taking the edge off of the argument a little.


Fruit of the cornucopia


Sorry bud. Trying to bring down the tension in this sub lol


Slipped the the wormhole, awesome find keep that for sure.


I remember seeing it growing up


Hey this photos going around different Reddits with no info or accreditation. No one curious where it came from?


Not this shit again, was pretty damn sure that was the logo but all research to date indicates it never officially was. To comfort myself I just said it was some knock off or printing error that occurred wherever they bulk make their product.


Someone posted a pic of their warehouse or headquarters or something and it had the cornucopia


I never saw the logo with the horn of plenty behind it. That is odd to find. I'm going to try Google Lens on the logo on this item to see what I find! I'll update this comment. Update: the only place I see this exact same photo is on tiktok and some other social media confirming the Mandela effect and shift in timelines... or whatever. Only 3 websites show this photo on 3 different social media. This reddit post is one of them. Otherwise this photo doesn't exist nor does this alternative logo anywhere on the internet. This seems to be a fake photo that gets reposted as someone having found it. **OP you didn't find this and post this photo!!! You got it from another social media and reposted it.** **CONCLUSION: THIS IS A FAKE POST**


I fucking knew it!




LOL !!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 That's the truth.


What is more likely? The entire universe changed and there is this one difference? Or Bad memory?


i have a strong feeling that they never had the cornucopia. i’ve heard people mention that knock offs in the 90s in small shops would sell these. they were knock offs all along.


My theory about this is that the government can time travel, pause our time without us knowing, change something, and then our world continues with that change. Or maybe even controlling the year that we live in without us having any recollection of our other lives. Could play into reincarnation. There are some wild stories out there about CIA mind control experiments. They may also just be trying to make humanity as a whole feel/go crazy by making some cornucopias out there, but so few that they seem fake or make us question everything. The scary part is, the more that I look at it, sometimes the wrong one (no cornucopia) looks right. Maybe I'm the crazy one here lol


More proof of many of these are that everybody remembers the logo the same (the ones that do, many of my family think the non-effect logos are right). It's never " im pretty sure that it was to that side" or "I think it extended longer" but we all remember the same thing.


Is that a cornucopia in your pants or you happy to see me…makes me second guess Mr Monopoly now. Ah maybe it’s just blurred with Mr peanut in the who cares department of the brain.