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Please, jail time, please. They let Nixon off in watergate, Reagan for Iran, and bush for torture. We need consequences.


None of them stole money from the rich, that’s the only crime that always gets prosecuted in this country


For he's a jolly good felon!


The IRS should take another look at his taxes from 2016 and 2017 bc he probably wrote off those payments to Cohen as ‘legal expenses’ when they were really hush money payments to go to Stormy Daniels but it’s probably too late.


Actually, Trump has been claiming on truth social that the fact that he did not do this very thing makes him not guilty of The completely different crime he was just convicted of. He's like "hey I didn't do that crime, You know the one that I was really worried about because I knew this whole situation was sketchy, but we didn't do it". It makes me wonder how much of the crimes he's probably going to be convicted of over the next few years might be the result of his ill intentions and his legal teams incompetence.