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Could you explain in english?




I understood about half of what you were trying to say. Could you try writing it again? I mean no offense, I'm genuinely jnterested in your theory but I as well had a hard time reading that. It reads like a jot list of notes.


Nasa facility old car Old car no electricity Police car ambulance car nasa car semi truck car Emp blast kill electricity but old car work Nasa prepare emp blast?


You will go nowhere with that attitude, let me tell you.


Nah I swear u made me understand thanks broπŸ˜‚πŸ™


It's NASA, of course they're gonna be ready for an EMP (aka. The Sun)


Okay, to think you're that far under a rock makes me worried it's supost to blow up 4.8 billion years not 30+


I said EMP, not thermonuclear nuke. The Sun likes to throw these Coronal Mass Ejections around. They are the cause of auroras. Most of the time, they're harmless (unless you're a satellite, which needs special hardening for this reason). Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere are usually pretty good at blocking them. Occasionally though, the sun throws a really big CME. The largest that hit Earth in documented history, in 1852 (The Carrington Event), caused spectacular auroras visible from the equator, and also completely fried the telegraph, from operators getting electrocuted, to telegraph stations burning down. Some stations could even operate from the power induced by the CME alone. If a CME of a similar magnitude hit today, it would cause global blackouts, *at best*. At worst, it would fry everything electrical, sending us into the stone age. So yeah. I think it's wise to be ready for all electronic components just disappearing, since the sun is perectly capable of doing that.


Bruh why did u make a whole Damm esay