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The Utica Police Department released the body camera footage of when an officer killed 13-year-old Nyah Mway of June 28. The department sent multiple videos from different angles that showed the moment officers confronted Mway and another juvenile on the 900 block of Shaw St to when Mway fled from the officers that lead to an officer firing one round that resulted in the death of the 13-year-old. Police said the Mway displayed what appeared to be a handgun and pointed it at the officers. The officers involved have been identified. The Utica Police Department wrote, the three Utica Police Officers assigned to the Crime Prevention Unit involved in last night’s incident are identified as Patrick Husnay, a six-year veteran of the Utica Police Department. Officer Husnay is the officer that fired his duty weapon striking the juvenile. Bryce Patterson, a four-year veteran, and Andrew Citriniti, a two-and-a-half-year veteran who previously served with the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office. Officers recovered a replica GLOCK 17 Gen 5 handgun with a detachable magazine following the shooting.


I was playing minecraft w my buds and doing boy scout shit at 13. where tf are the parents


climbing trees and making dens with my mates then off home to make my favourite sandwich which was tomato ketchup on bread yum yum those were the days


Ketchup on bread? Man, I was a mustard on bread typa guy 🤣👊🏻


i’ve only just found mustard but good bless


Mustard, AND mayonnaise is where it's at. But by itself, mustard can't be beaten. I have an addiction 🤣


mayonnaise ketchup and mustard either salad cream when i’m baked on a crisp and ham sandwich mmmmmmmm


That does sound pretty damn good. Even better if I still smoked 🤣


taste sensation trust me


I'm about to have to have a pre-dinner. Got me hungry as hell bro 👊🏻🤣


salad cream is the new mayonnaise


Can almost taste the meat


One I'm talking about was just mustard and bread, grew up very poor 🤣


It’s from a stand up……


I've never seen it, went over my head


Eddie griffin! Great one


I'll have to check it out, I do enjoy stand up


My dawg, I love that. Except I like smoosh the bread down and dip it in ketchup. Ngl, I still do it.


Parents, probably a single hard working mother fleed from a war torn country trying to find an opportunity for the kid to have a good life I know it’s wrong for him to even pull out gun but why shoot him, Ik it’s dumb enough to run but why shoot him atleast tase him don’t blame the parents u gotta know the backstory instead of blaming someone without getting to know their backstory


This can easily happen to kids with good parents. Lots of kids living in poor neighborhoods have a lot of bad influences regarding wealth. Younger kids see older kids & adults seemingly living it up & making decent money quick by resorting to crime. People on their own are easy targets for muggers, so having a gun is often necessary to protect oneself. Obviously pulling the gun on a cop was a death sentence, so I’m not trying to defend this kid’s actions by any means. My point is just that kids can be easily led astray even with loving parents who are involved in the kid’s life, as they can have their perceptions warped by their peers quite easily, for better or worse.






Where I come from, everyone runs from the cops. Even if you haven't done anything.


It’s not very smart. The only thing that can happen is someone gets hurt, or killed.


Idk where you're from, but in America, depending on shade of your skin, sticking around to find out why the police stopped you, can end up with someone getting hurt or killed. I'd rather take my chances running.


13 acting hard got him killed. Sad that we’ve reached this point.


Honestly, did he think he was going to intimidate A COP? Within a split second, they aren't going to know if it's a fake gun, and they sure af want to make sure they're going home tonight. They aren't going to take the risk. He'll, I wouldn't either being just a regular citizen.


What a stupid kid




Which you would know, because you have X-ray vision.




The cop that shot him was not the one on top of him. He was off to the side. He knew that the guy had a gun when he went down and was wrestling with his partner. So if you use a taser, maybe you hit him, if you do maybe it works, then he could have had an involuntary muscle contraction and pulled the trigger. If not, partner could be shot. Pepper spray just makes absolutely no sense. First he can’t use pepper spray that far away. Second, if he did use it he’d hit the partner as well. And third, pepper spray isn’t going to prevent the kid from shooting a guy half a foot away.


Yeah, you never use pepper spray while actively fighting with someone on the ground, it's ranged for a reason


Says the guy who has never had to detain someone with a gun.


I wish they had shot him more


If you know anything about firearms, laying down has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to pull a trigger.


How did you know while running and having a gun pointed at you?






https://a.co/d/0gQjmmhq Paint the orange marker tan and it’s identical. They also sell them in black


If you think you could do better (which I know for a fact you can’t), prove it. Join your local police department and prove you’re better. Be the change you want to see, and stop being a coward that knows nothing about the job while thinking you’re some kind of expert




I mean if you point a gun (or something indistinguishable from a gun) at a cop just trying to protect ordinary citizens... I don't know that "deserve to die" is quite right, but "brought it in yourself" is definitely accurate.


The right to life is forfeited the moment you point a gun at another person. Especially a cop. Empathy has nothing to do with it.


I never said that. You should work on your literacy. I’m merely pointing out that it’s impossible to tell if someone is pointing a BB gun at you or a real gun when you’re in a situation like this. Even if it has that orange tip, nothing stops a criminal from painting their gun like that other than pride


Nah. He deserved it




It’s an officially licensed umarex Glock 17 airsoft replica (looks like a Gen 5). The us doesn’t mandate that the orange tip stays on past the purchase of airsoft replicas I play and I take the orange tops off all of mine but I’m not stupid enough to expose it in public and point it at random people


Right I guess you would be able to tell that if you were in the cops position. Man some of yall don’t take time to think. The cop doesn’t have time to fucking analyze if it’s a pellet gun. it’s sad he died because he’s a kid. But it’s the consequences of your actions.


I live in Utica. All day yesterday I heard about how they shot this kid for no reason. The Facebook footage from the guy on the porch makes it look bad. But now that Ive seen the body am from the officers. Not so much.


It’s always “for no reason” to some people. They won’t believe their own eyes and ears if they watch the video showing that it obviously wasn’t for no reason.


Reminds me of that fat girl that was in the process of attacking another child with a knife and the cops blasted her. Media ran with it as racist police brutality and people still defended her after clear footage.


I remember that one, it was the fat girl and a grown man attacking those two girls. Media ran fast with that until the body cam was released and showed her with a literal butcher knife ready to stab the girl in pink.


Haha yep. That’s the one.


You think that’s disgusting… A couple years ago in Osceola County FL (just south of Orlando) a school resource officer was breaking up a fight among some girls at school. And I don’t mean an innocent School yard spat. This poor girl was getting attacked to the point that if the deputy didn’t act fast this girl was likely going to suffer great bodily harm. There was a full video of the fight that clearly shows one girl beating the other girl to a pulp. The deputy runs to the scene, grabs the girl and body slams her, probably saving the other girl from being disfigured. Instead of showing the full video, or at least the part that gives the deputy’s heroic action some context, they selectively edited the video down to 1 or 2 seconds before the deputy takes her down. It looks like the girl isn’t doing anything. Then you see the deputy run up and tackle her. They make it seem like the deputy just brutalized this poor innocent school girl for no reason. Oh I forgot to mention… the cop was white and the girl was black. And it was an election year.


>the cop was white and the girl was black. And it was an election year. Par for the course in current day. It seems that they're not doing this anymore though. They realized that most people genuinely do not trust the mainstream media at all anymore when they've lost so much credibility pushing narratives with BS evidence.


Yeah it’s weird how the media coverage pretty much died down after 2020. Like cops just miraculously stopped killing innocent people.


Some people just hate the police and think they should risk getting murdered in all regards of their work.


Head over to Props Inn or The Auburn for a beer.


I can make it to the alburn. My man.


Pm, me your name man.


If he didn't run or point guns at cops and he'd still be here. How stupid to think you can take down 4 cops...and get away at 13 years old.




(Cue screaming lady in the background)


There's always some random lady screaming bloody murder.


Donut operator reference??????


"Hi everyone, Donut here" lol


“Today I’m back with another shooting breakdown but first, a word from our sponsor”




13 years of age pulling a gun on cops is just wild.


Sucks to see parents fail to raise their kid correctly then blame police when they act out and face consequences.


I got a feeling it’s a lack of parents that got us to this point…


It's awful that the media and activists are already calling for these cops' heads. The family of the kid id saying they escaped persecution in Myanmar only to be persecuted here. This was the kid's family's fault. They squandered their new opportunity in the US by failing to teach their child life lessons, like not evading police, not brandishing a weapon (even fake) at police, and not fucking robbing people (admittedly it might not have been them, but the cops were called for that very reason and the kids fit the description). I saw a police photo of the pellet gun. It looks real as shit. And the kid clearly brandished it twice. Remember the 12 year old who was shot and killed by the police in Chicago, who was out in the middle of the night with a REAL gun? His parents, family and the media all got pitchforks then too, but went after wrong people. Police are NOT the problem when it comes to juvenile offenders. Where I live car thief joyriders are a huge problem. Youngest I've heard of was 14. Extremely high rates of recidivism as juvenile court judges are lenient and don't hold parents accountable. A 13 year old is terrible at weighing decisions. They still have a decade or more of prefrontal cortex development. They are very impressionable. Their parents are ultimately at fault.


When me and my friends used to play airsoft in middle school my mom specifically told us to not play near the road where someone could see us just to avoid the situation of a mistaken gun. Told us too if anyone ever questioned us to show it wasnt real even though they had the orange tips. I think she was paranoid about some time decades ago when police shot a kid with a water gun at a presidential motorcade. Never would have gone through our heads to run from and then point said toys at a police officer should one ever approach us.


Fuck that kids parents, should have been castrated.


Wannabe Gansta killed, don't carry guns.


It’s fine to carry firearms, just don’t fucking unholster them and point them at a bunch of cops (or anyone at that.)


Not fine to carry when you're 13 and obviously have no lawful reason to.


Absolutely, I’m just talking about carrying in general.


The people in the background are dumb af


Trash got taken out early.


Came here to say the same. Good shot.




Kid was a dumbass who already embrace a dangerous lifestyle that harms the community. Even at 13 I knew not to get involved with the gang lifestyle. Would you say the same thing if he murders a bunch of other kids in the name of his “gang”. When he robs and sell drugs? Fuck around and find out.




I could tell you’re a kid from the suburbs.




Or I dunno, maybe don't fucking point something that is designed to indistinguishable from a real gun at a police officer... No question that the need for police reform is real but to suggest that police shouldn't be allowed to fire at someone who points what they have every logical reason to believe is a real gun at them is idiotic. 


let me get some of what youre smoking bro


Kid was a crash out with a fake gun probably used it for 211's and intimidation.


Boohoo so sad. So much tax payer money saved in the long run. Glad he decided to make his stupid move now instead of in a few decades when he caused more harm. Welcome to the void, dumbass.


Now all it costed was the price of one bullet and sidearm.


Not even 3 minutes after the shooting @3:05 you can hear gunshots in the distance.


Normally I would sympathize for the kids if they were just not following orders and ran but you point a gun at a cop you deserve to die.


That gurgling sound, holy shit. Well deserved though.


If you point a gun that is real or looks real at cops, you should expect bad outcomes. It’s sad a kid died. But it’s common sense.


Well deserved, good shot placement.


post this on r/PublicFreakout and watch the insane mental gymnastics they go through to make the cops look bad here.


If you look at the bodycam video of officer Patterson (who tackled the juvenile, but didn't shoot) frame by frame you can see the replica gun on the ground at 22:19:06 frame 20 (of total 30 frames per second). At 22:19:06 around frame 25 or 26 the shot can be heard on the audio. Now, if you look at the bodycam video of officer Husnay (who shot the juvenile), at 22:19:04 frame 23 is the last good picture of the location where the gun was found, but it doesn't look like (from Husnays bodycam/perspective) that the replica gun is on the ground yet. Husnay then moves to the right of officer Patterson (who at this point is on top/side of the juvenile struggling with him), closes in on the juvenile and shoots at 22:19:06 frame 27 or 28. While officer patterson moves, the ground (where the gun ends up at) doesn't seem to be visible due to Pattersons body in the way and also Husnays shadow covering the ground. There also seems to be a 2 or 3 frame delay between Husnays and Pattersons bodycams. Conclusion: The juveniles replica gun was on the ground about 0.16 to 0.20 seconds (or a bit earlier) prior to him being shot. The officer shooting the juvenile likely was not aware of this due to his moving/positioning on the other side. Thus it think it's reasonable for officer Husnay to have still feared for his life and the life of officer Patterson, due to the reasonable conclusion/assumption that the juvenile was still holding the gun. IMHO a sad shoot, but not a bad shoot. And obviously not a smart choice of the juvenile to run from the police and pull out a replica gun that looks just like a real gun.


Play gun games .. get bullet prizes. Sorry kid. Parents failed again.


I honestly would've been scared one of the other young punks pulled a gun and shot a cop.


Dindu muffins.......calling benz crumps


Amazon will deliver this gun right to your kids front door (in certain states) for the cost of their life, your allowance, and $65. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FT2LLLK 100% impossible to visually distinguish that airsoft gun from a gun that fires bullets. What the fuck is Amazon doing selling these things online? Why the fuck is it legal to sell these gun at all?


So there's this thing called money, and Amazon is super great at collecting it


The irony of you posting that Amazon will deliver this to buyers (and you did mention that they will not deliver it to certain states) is that New York is one of the states they won't deliver it to. Nor can you buy pocket knives on Amazon to deliver to NYS. Gotta agree with your question. I remember toy guns coming in the color black when I was a kid and the laws changing requiring orange tips and manufacturers moved toward wacky colors for the entire toy. Seems like we've gone backward from there.


Because air soft is a popular hobby, a great way to simulate CQB with no real stakes, or just have fun with friends. There is no need to fuck over everyone who uses them properly just cause a few dumbasses get themselves clapped by cops cause they are stupid about it.


What's the point of making it almost identical to the look and feel of the gun it's trying to imitate? A 13 year old kid is dead b.c.of one and a cop has to live with the fact that he killed a kid.


A 13 year old kid is dead because he was stupid enough to try intimidating a cop with one. The replica didn’t do a thing. And they have to look like real firearms to accurately simulate a firefight whether it’s training or fun purposes. No one wants to play with a “replica” firearm that looks like a super soaker. You sound like the type to want to strip citizens of their right to regular firearms too.


Law enforcement doesn't even train with replicas. They use completely different color guns than what they carry. You're tripping.


Who said LEOs train with airsoft? I didn’t. Anyone can use airsoft for training, you just have to put words in my mouth to have a point.


>And they have to look like real firearms to accurately simulate a firefight whether it’s training or fun purposes Absolutely nobody I mean nobody trains with guns that look exactly like the real thing. Law enforcement or not. It's fuckin idiotic to even think that's a good idea. It's certainly not for fun either.


Why is it idiotic. I’m gonna call it, you can’t articulate why and your dumbass is gonna make a half assed attempt at doing so cause you’ve dug too deep a hole to backpedal. Also [people do use them for both training and fun](https://mirtactical.com/events-1/), you are just an uptight asshole who doesn’t even attempt to understand things you don’t have direct involvement in.


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Did the 2nd officer run and barrel press the kid while the other officer was wrestling with him?


Yurp. Point blank straight to the chesticles.


sorry kids are burglarizing houses and pointing guns at police while being chased


What is a 13 yr old kid doing with a gun?


They literally call Utica “shootica” because of all the violent activity. He was walking home at night, it could have been intimidation for anyone who wanted to start trouble. Then, when the cops came he got scared he had the weapon and ran. I wasn’t there and I don’t know what he was thinking, just putting it into a different perspective.


Sending prayers from retard row🙏🙏🙏


Found out about this cos I saw a post someone shared on Instagram about the evil racist police system who murdered an innocent kid. If you point a gun at the cops, no shit they're gonna shoot you. They can't tell if it's real or not, it looks real. FAFO


Dad would've grounded me for being such a shit flashlight holder.


Good kill


Can't really see shit from either of the camera angles. Shooting might've been lawful, but we'll never be able to tell from this footage. There's more footage of them trying to provide first aid than what led up to the shooting. Most of this video is just a piss poor attempt to make themselves look good and distracting the public from the fact that they didn't show what really happened the moment the shot was fired or prove their innocence. A kid is dead, nothing after really matters.


Nice work. You feeling ok murica, or you wanna feel safe?


let’s see you do it lmao i guarantee you would’ve done worse


Yeah Nice work on killing that rtard kid. Would've been better if it was to the head to put the kid to sleep forever immediately but we'll take it. One less pig dog running around aiming fake guns at people and plus one to the average iq point in america


The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. The cops jumped some kids for the horrific crime of existing while non-yt then murdered the terrified child as he tried to run away. And of course all the yt folks here defend it.


Get some help or touch grass Here’s the thing. *DONT BRANDISH A REALISTIC FIREARM*