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Does anyone know if this course will be offers again?


I signed up. Looking forward to it!!!


Will the classes be recorded so that, if you miss one, you can listen to it later? Will there be any physical meeting place or will the class be entirely remote?


Hello! I'm teaching the class, nice to see this here. Thanks for posting. I didn't even think of the 50 year anniversary; I just noticed that GR is rarely read closely in a seminar which is a shame. But I understand about the cost; I can't really do anything about that. I hope to see you there! Feel free to write me for more information.


Thanks for teaching the course! Can you tell us more about the seminar and/or possibly post the syllabus? No stress if you can’t but just thought I’d ask. Cheers!


Of course. We're going to read the text carefully along with Weisenburger's excellent companion, and in the "U Chicago style" of "How to Read a Book": reading both quickly and then slowing down. You can download the syllabus from the U Chicago link but it's pretty basic: 8 weeks of about 50-75 pages a meeting. Sorry about the expense; I have no control over that. I really hope some more can sign up as the class might be cancelled due to a lack of enrolment. (So far there are about 4 but the class needs about 6 to go forward). I'm a Joyce and Pound scholar but I'm really looking forward to close reading Pynchon with some keen readers. (I teach Ulysses and Finnegans Wake seminars every year; can't really teach a class on Pound's Cantos in this climate... Hell, there ain't even a Pound subreddit.)


The syllabus that is posted says 8 sessions.


Oh yes you're right. Even better. I confused this with another class.


I'm definitely interested.




How many people have signed up? I'm still interested. This audit plus discussion path might work best for me as I have six kids and a busy summer. Is all the information about how the class is run on the website? I am wondering about the time commitment. I'd rather pay the total price and get the whole experience, but it might be a challenge with all that I juggle as the caregiver of six kids.


Is there an issue with teaching Pound because he was antisemitic, racist, homophobic/transphobic? I have read he was kind of a jerk but his contribution to poetry is important.


He never apologized. All his friends dabbled in fascism but they recanted (Eliot, Yeats, etc.) Pound was always contrarian. But yes, his poetry and epic ambitions to revive classicism was far more sophisticated than either Eliot or Joyce, and with effort, Pound gives miracles to the close reader. But the other issue is that Cantos is just damn hard to teach and get people into it. Readers and students find it infuriatingly obscure. (Can't teach Gass's "The Tunnel" or Jones's "The Anathemata" either.) Whereas Ulysses is just damn fun. The Waste Land and Four Quartets is damn fun. Gravity's Rainbow is damn fun.


Pound was my gateway into modern literature, and he does hand out miracles with close reading. Yes he was often a jerk, but some comments later in life seemed to indicate some softening / awareness. Definitely fascist, but I don't remember anything homophobic or transphobic in his work. He was close with Allen Ginsberg after being incarcerated in the U.S. And at some point stated that his beef was not the Jews, but the banks.


I still like Pound but yeah, he is a jerk. I can understand why it is hard to teach in this current climate. And I agree, Joyce, Eliot, and Pynchon are damn fun. Maybe one day, there will be a seminar that I can do regarding Pound’s work.


Any wealthy benefactors sympathetic to piracy willing to share the content of this with the rest of us lol? I’m an English lit student at uni, but I can’t afford this.


I love Gravity’s Rainbow and hate the U of C, both to the tune of about 500 bucks. Let me see what I can do.


You’re a stone-cold legend pal


Thank you for posting this. The sign-up deadline is the day after my final class in "Ulysses for All" remotely at the James Joyce Centre, and I want to re-read *Gravity's Rainbow* anyway. Might just do this!


Welcome and Thanks for sharing! Alas, too rich for me.


Can you audit the class for less $?