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Correct me if I’m wrong but churros aren’t battered are they? Just fried


And battered Mars Bars are right there. This is a shambles.


the churro is the batter


They are in Scotland


Spaniard here: you are correct, but shhhh don’t tell anyone. I like the joke. Besides the churro is kind of batter itself XD


You might be right!


No mars bars?


Feels like the easy comeback to this would be a picture of the average English wife after we lose one game


I like my wife moist, I couldn’t think of anything worse than her covered in batter 🤢


We truly love to see anything battered, even ourselves. Tis tradition


The worst performance in International football for decades . Even countries that don't play football, don't embarrass themselves as bad as that .


Decades...? Are we gorgetting the last time germany battered a team 7-1?


Yeah that's fair that's only decade not decades. 


Yeah I know but I think Brazil at least tried to play football.


There are three things that are already battered.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣sorry but🤣🤣🤣🤣


I will always support a fellow UK team (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) playing a non UK one.


I don't think you'll find that feeling is mutual in the other nations than England haha


They hate us. We just don't really think about them all that much.


Not true mate 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 I wish you both all the best!


You lads are a lot more normal than the terminally online Scots, don't you worry.


The Welsh are always sound


Top 4 posts in this sub are about Scotland right now.


In all fairness, taking into account the full stats from possession to shots, Scotland did just produce very possibly the worst performance in Euro finals history….. That’s sadly noteworthy!


I do but I still laugh and mock them when they lose.


I used to, but it gets tiring so I’ll shit on them like they do to us


I'm moderately supportive of Wales, N Ireland and Republic of Ireland. Scotland can do one.


Me too. I'm part Scottish and part Irish, but mostly English. I cheer for all of the home nations against the mainlanders.


Churros do not get battered. This is so English it's perfect.


Sakha's fault.


No Tottenham?


Was expecting to see your mum up there, too. (Except I bet she’s actually lovely, and I just wanted to make a funny, rude joke. Sorry.)


Valiant attempt. You have my upvote


Haha love this


What a shambles of a post.


You spelt accurate wrong mate.




In a friendly… it means nothing just like scotlands only win in 9 games being a friendly where they struggled vs Gibraltar


England fans wondering why the whole of European football views them with disdain and celebrates when they get pumped. Embarrassing. Try focussing on something positive. Timeline of this sub over the last 24 hours has been pathetic. Last time I checked, you were giving your own squad racist abuse and braying for blood.


No, people hate England for non-footballing reasons, and that usually manifests in hatred for England sport teams. You see the same in rugby, cricket etc even though other countries (Australia, India, New Zealand, South Africa…) have way worse fanbases than England in those sports. If you think about it logically, there’s no reason England football should get this much hate. They’re not a top quality team (often the best teams get the most hate), the players/manager aren’t dislikable, and people overstate how “bad” England fans are. Oh wow, they sing it’s coming home. That’s Europe’s reason for absolutely despising us? We’ll just ignore Italy fans stabbing everyone and support them in the final. Not buying it.


Yeah, people talk all sorts about how bad England fans and pundits are but from my perspective it seems like other countries get far more riled up by anything we do even if it’s the same things that other countries are doing.


Mate it’s pure jealousy because England is the football capital of the world


Perhaps the non-footballing, political-social spectrum issues with English people have an outlet in the behaviour of English fans? It's maybe a cyclical thing. The behaviour of English fans abroad is simply not liked, irrespective of broader considerations about England.


There’s plenty of other countries who behave far worse than English fans. Eastern Europeans always bring racism and homophobia with them, yet they always seem to get a free pass because they’re Not England.


Scotland fans signing songs about Maradona is truly embarrassing. No wonder most England fans despise you.


Honestly do one. Scotland are our biggest rivals and they love to give it large. This is just necessary karmic justice.


Of course Scottish fans feel a rivalry, because it's a David and Goliath situation. There are 10x fewer people in Scotland.   For English fans to be celebrating like this, it's just sad and small-minded. Its examplary of why you are not liked as football fans.    Set your sights higher and be more classy.


The population of Croatia is even less than Scotland FYI


Wait till they find out that Uruguay have a 1/3 of their population.


The classy police have arrived everyone


*Le Classy Police


>For English fans to be celebrating like this, it's just sad and small-minded. Its examplary of why you are not liked as football fans.   Growing up I always supported Scotland when they were in tournaments and I still did yesterday. Yous are in no position to be crying about this though its yous who wave the flags of every team we play and hound us relentlessly when we lose. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.


Not sure anyone in here gives a single fuck about not being liked


So you actually expect us to see you jumping around like you've won the world cup whenever we lose and still offer our support to you? Surely you see how absurd that is. You don't seem to understand football rivalries. Many clubs only have one rival who play anywhere from 1 to 3 divisions below them, but they still dislike and banter each other and when they do draw eachother in a cup there is still a lot of acrimony. Stop being so salty and log off mate, you're embarrassing yourself.


Croatia 😂😂


It’s a fucking joke you moron. That’s the only embarrassment here. People like you not understanding humour. I’ve had Scottish friends my whole life and loved them, had banter with them etc etc. They would see this and just go ‘fuck off’ and laugh. I don’t dislike Scottish people and neither do most English people/fans. ITS A JOKE. Get off your high horse dickhead.


Found the Scottish supporter!


Nah the Scottish are better than this, they can take a joke and give it back tenfold. This guy is too weak to be Scottish.


Most of my family is Scottish and I find all of this pretty funny to be honest. Chill


You complain when we support Scotland and say you're not our rivals, you complain when we treat you as rivals. Make up your mind


They want us to lose cos of memes about Scotland? Behave. You want this to be a rivalry don’t you, well this is what you get.


Lmao you admit in your own comment that everyone laughs when we lose yet apparently its a sin when we do it Most England fans would support Scotland if they werent so bitter towards us. They started this hate train. Dont cry when we do it back 😂 this is nothing compared to what Scottish fans get up to on anything England related


You lot celebrated a 0-0 draw talking about embarrassing. 4% of your population heading over to see you get pumped is objectively funny.




We are focusing on something positive: Scotland losing


Genuinely, why are you on this sub?


So in one sentence you’re saying you celebrate when we lose and in another you cry about us doing the same with you? Get a grip


This would feel a lot more sincere if your country didn't have a famous saying of "I support two teams, Scotland and whoever England is playing", or if you didn't have parties like you won the world cup when we lost the final.  If you want to give banter that's great, we'll welcome it. But it does mean that when it comes the other way man up and take it like men.  Don't act like a whiny little bitch crying about how unfair it is, it's a shit look and it's weak. Scotland is better than that, I should know, half my family is from there. You're an embarrassment to your nation.


What was embarrassing was Scotland fans celebrating an own goal at 4-0 like they’d just won the game. Scotland and England will always have a fierce rivalry, it’s just banter so sit the fuck down you absolute whoppa


No it wasn’t it’s called having a laugh


Yeah, course. We are the only footballing nation that gloats when are rivals lose.


Where's your mum?


Probably shaggin me dad. Why?


Don’t think so, I was just shagging your dad


Oh yeah that’s right your Nan did say something. Although was hard to understand with her mouth full.


She’s not been the same since her HIV diagnosis to be fair


I never did say sorry for giving it to her. Maybe next time.


You forgot English wives when y’all lose.


Fuck off Yank.