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it’s happening like the prophecy foretold


As was written


Schranz al gaib!


But then! 


Somehow, Ingerland returned.




Agreed. A string of poor performances with a manager either unwilling or unable to make a tactical change. Now coming up against opposition we expect to beat with a fairly easy route to the final.


I mean when you actually look at the cold hard facts its a fucking joke he hasn’t made a change since the first game besides Mainoo😅 why are we still forcing Foden to do fuck all in a position he doesn’t thrive in… bring on Gordon and Palmer ffs


This dude wins. Total respect. I retire.


Wins what?


Nothing now. We win. He is right about something about 2016 though.... England are gonna win Portugal 2016 style, by being absolutely dogturd and pulling a homer.


I think we will see a similar game where England scrape through. It's the Switzerland game that I think we will be humbled in.


This. Swiss team and Austria are the sorts of team that will make us look very pedestrian.


82min into the match and Sweden looks like a dream.


You’re not wrong. Switzerland will dominate us so bad


I fancy a bet on a 2 or 3 nil. I feel so unpatriotic 🤣


The worrying comparison for me is not Iceland 2016. It’s Iceland 2024. The team then is very broadly similar to the one we appear to be picking today.


Everything you say makes perfect sense and you're probably right. I think the quality of the players alone could be enough to scrape us by this game but it won't be through anything that Gareth has done to instill tactics or balance the squad.


I hope somehow things will start to click, just through familiarity of playing together. But the same will be happening with all our opponents, so its a case of hoping for individual stand out performances, of which we have the potential to happen from most of our attacking players. My one real issue I really really hope Southgate changes, is to make substitutions or changes to the formation if things are obviously bot working. He's never managed tl do this , and if he does make changes, he leaves them when it's too late.


It's not about clicking, it's about fundamental tactical mistakes.


15 minutes in and not looking like a bad prediction so far


Lotto numbers for next week please mate


Do you still want them? 😉


Would probably get 5 and the bonus ball so yes!


What would spend it on if you won a cool 1 mil?


A new ticker after this game


Good one 😂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


I don't know why I ever doubted Southgate. It's obviously coming home now!


Are you a time traveller or actually Southgate himself?


And so it begins


lol this prediction happening in real time


It’s either going to be 2-0 to England with a slightly better but not completely inspiring performance, or we are going out. No in between.




The sacred text!


The comments so far are practically identical to after the Scotland group game, were we went on to lose in the final on penalties. This is nothing new. England can’t win. If you beat Switzerland or Austria, people forget the form, they’re small teams so it doesn’t count If we drew and beat Italy, they’re in bad form so wouldn’t count




That Italy final epitomises everything about Southgate. A relatively easy route to the final, overlay pragmatic and negative tactics, and a final where after scoring early, we sit back and defend the rest of the game, and his reluctance to make changes before its too late. England should've pushed for a second, or made much more effort to win before it reached penalties. Penalties vs donarumma was always going to be difficult. I don't expect England to win every euros or world cup, or even to make the final etc. All I want is for the manager tl set up thr team so they can give it really good go and fulfil their potential, Southgate doesn't allow this. If we get beaten in a game where we create changes, have good attempts, score goals but get unlucky, I would be satisfied




Statistically speaking there will be easier and harder routes to finals. No one says any team will or should roll over. There's a lot of ifs and buts in your response. Most teams can have good and bad luck in a game, it's a managers job to not rely on luck.




You literally wrote ifs and buts in your next response lol. But it doesn't literally mean using the words "if" and " but".


Not sure the point you're trying to make. Italy are a poor team at the moment. We can only base things on the performances we've seen from England so far and they have been poor, and unless Soutbgate tries something a bit different I can't see it improving. Switzerland and Austria are playing well and have good managers with clear systems of play, they will he hard to beat for anyone in this tournament, England included.


But if we beat Switzerland and Austria the Southgate hate parade will claim it was a super easy run and we only beat weak teams (ignoring their great form). He can’t win


Don't really care what "Southgate hate parade" say. I'm just giving my analysis on the situation. I think most reasonable people will appreciate bearing Switzerland won't be easy, but it is a game that we can and , with the players we have, should hope to win. There will always be people who like Southgste regardless, and there will always be those who dislike him regardless, like with anything. I just hope he allows the team to give it a good go, and not defend the whole hame if we score an early goal.


It's obvious that Southgate doesn't do training drills, fitness training and even penalty training, his ego doesn't see mistake to fix it sooner. The team is stagnated tactically and mentally and their luck is prob end today


Even the kit colours are the same.


Regardless of tactics regardless of Southgate !!!!! If these players cannot beat Slovakia they all deserve sacking off, they are petrified to attack, so imbalanced down the left it’s unreal


I'd love to say I'm shocked by this performance. Predictable, negative, sideways passing. No urgency. It's abysmal.


Truly horrendous


Lisan al-Gaib


1 Bellingham away from a perfect prediction


30 seconds away from being absolutely spot on!


Nah, it's different. Our defence wasn't as good. We conceded easy goals against Russia and Wales. We had worse quality players, including Dier and Smalling, in our starting 11. We didn't have a coach who had taken us deep in the knockout stages of tournaments before. Watch what the pundits were saying after our 0-0 draw with Scotland in the last Euros or the 0-0 draw with USA (which we deserved to lose) in the last World Cup. It was also very similar to what the pundits have said during this group stage (with the addition of more daily podcasts). So it could be more like an England 2 - 0 Germany or England 3 - 0 Senegal. Let's hope I'm right.


We also had Kane taking corners, so the quality we did have was used completely wrong


If we had Dier or Smalling from that era Dier would be CDM in this team and Smalling would partner Stones. They weren't bad players at all.


Yeah, I guess it's subjective as to how good we think those players were. I don't think Dier would be getting into this team alongside Rice, but I may be wrong.


Fucking hell lads, let’s have a bit of positivity going into the game


How’s that positivity going for u right now


Absolutely buzzing mate you?


I mean, I'm going to support rhe team regardless, but why be blindly positive when the issues are there to see


What are you gaining from being negative?


It's a discussion board, isn't it about discussing how people are feeling and what their opinions might be? I don't understand the mentality that this is a stadium crowd area and we should all be cheerleading. The players can't hear us


Its not about gaining anything, I'm just trying to set up a discussion and maybe to warn people that this feels a lot like 2016. There not much to gain form being overly positive either, and I enjoy the debates and analysis. But It just suprises me how so few can see the similarities.


I would say that you are using the negativity to protect yourself from the feelings that a result today like the Iceland game would give you. Just let it go lad, bung three lions on and behind the boys


Not sure what you mean by this. I was just making a prediction based on recent events.


Not getting severely let down when the inevitable happens?? What do you think??


Like we did for the last three?? Ever heard of the "trick me once" saying?




I agree, I'm quite worried.


I'm not sure that's an especially fair comparison. Of all the criticisms to level at Southgate, can it really be said he doesn't know his best team? We're still searching for balance in the midfield, but he's stuck to a pretty consistent structure overall. I'd say the evidence we might win comfortably is that Southgate's England have a great record against lesser teams in tournament knockout games. With respect to Slovakia, our players are individually far superior to theirs. Although we're yet to click, we should have enough to overcome Slovakia anyway. Beating us would be among the biggest footballing achievements in Slovakian football history. Now that's not to say we'll definitely win - there's a small but reasonable possibility they beat us tonight. We've been crap so far this Euros. But comparing Southgate to Hodgson isn't fair at all - and there's no reason for all the doom and gloom just yet.


I agree the situation is better than in 2016. And I do have some hope that the knock out rounds will bring out better performances from individuals, despite the teams performance as a whole. Southgate has mainly stuck with the same team, which I think is the issue, and he never really experimented enough in past friendlies to solve the glaring issues with the staring 11. For example Bellingham, kane and foden all wanting to occupy the number 10 position, no width on the left, no target man up top, no partnership between Rice and another cm. And worst of all, not being able to press, counter press, or even create chances, despite whoever is playing.


No it doesn’t. Unless Gaz decides to lump Kane in midfield as Rice’s partner…. and drop Rice for an inferior version… say… oh we left them at home.


I'm not talking about the specifics of comparing the line ups between 2016 and now like you are, more in terms of the managers approach, the friendlies and group stage games, and the apparent lack of concern that this game could very well be England's last, and people still predicting comfortable wins for England vs Slovakia.


England came 2nd in their group when the opportunity to top it was well within their hands in 2016.. this England was very much in control of that destiny. I'm not denying Southgate is a defensive first manager, because it's essentially the easiest way to safely manage and tends to be what people bring in when looking to stay clear of the relegation zone... but the talent to get goals is just so much superior now compared to 2016... don't let a few damp squid and no need to motivate themselves games in the groups and friendlies distract you from that. You are welcome to come gloating in.. 4 hours.


Struggling to see anything but defeat. Probably on pens


Watching the build up I have the same gut feeling This feels like 2016 again


Southgate is the worst ever England Manager. Squandered all the talent at his disposal.


Near half time and your right. I see Slovakia nicking another goal. We look sloppy, nothing in final third. Absolutely awful


Half a chance we go down to 10 men by desperately trying to stop the second goal


One difference, we actually played ok against Iceland and they had to defend like mad - Slovakia have been shite and completely unthreatened 😂


Yup lmao


Well this is looking incredibly accurate


This is coming true haha


Spot on lmao


Th fact this post was 3 hours ago? Kudos my dude


Lotto numbers, OP?


This post has aged like fine wine


Drinking now …


Or has it….


Lisan al-gaeib


Spot on.


Just got to full time. You are correct. It’s a hard day to be an England fan.


Brother you were so right but thank fuck for the Instagram highlight reel merchant Bellingham


Nostradamus over here


Man wtf you almost nailed it lmao.


This was pretty much spot on except for Wild Card Bellingham playing his joker 🤡


nah trust we win this 2-0


We’re 1-0 down 20 mins in


Thanks for posting this! It's the perfect anti jinx. Genuinely think we'll smash em now.


That's no anti jinx. It's a prophecy.


There’s levels of negativity I didn’t realise were possible 


Yeah. It's out on that fucking pitch for all to see.


Were you talking about me or Southgate?




I would think about Iceland and the games prior to it but i can't recall it, or what decisions Hodgson made. I just remember them being bad.


Anyone looking for tickets? just trying to get rid of them at this point.


I’ve bet on Slovakia to go through 😬


We've looked nervous throughout the group, the pressure could be too much in this game


Regardless, I hope none of our players get the usual post-tournament treatment from people and the media. Usually, we have one player people hate very much for little reason. Let's enjoy the game!!!!


It seems different this time for sure. I feel like the players will get sympathy for having to play in this disjointed system and Southgate will take absolutely all the heat. You're right though fundamentally.. if anyone is sent off......


I think you're very correct but I think Iceland 2016 is better than this Slovakia. So I still feel it'll be a 2-0 where we are a boring as f*CK but everyone kind of says "why is everyone so negative look at these results" with no comment on how they've actually played. If we get through tonight I fancy a 2-0 or 3-0 quarter loss to a team in Switzerland who have desire, quality and a clear game plan. We will look as pedestrian as Italy as we limp out


it's actually really similar to our group stage in Euro 2020


If it is like Iceland. I am not sure Southgate would return to England


Southgate is really bringing things full circle.


Fear is the mind killer.


All they’ve got is the big lad up top, Schranz… oh no


As someone who's doesn't watch football why has Kane been tripping and stumbling over nearly every ball passed to him?


At Least Southgate might leave


Why lack of substitutes though?


Wasn't worried at all.


To be fair I didn’t see that o warhead kick coming either


Might as well enjoy it mate. We will probably be fine




It didn’t though


We have to hope Mainoo makes a difference in midfield - I think he will, for what it's worth. If it stays tight for a while, we have subs who can make a difference. Historically, Southgate has a great record when it comes to facing lower ranked sides.  A key difference with the Iceland game... just look at our team. It was horrendous. A midfield three of Alli, Dier, and Rooney ffs. We have more quality almost everywhere now. And for all Southgates flaws, he won't have Kane taking corners.


No it doesn’t. Nobody thought England would lose in 2016 and Hodgson didn’t have the record for England that Southgate does For all that we’ve been poor, Southgate has a better record and we are still talking about how we might lose


We also have no evidence that Slovakia will be able to create anything. In fact, we have a good deal of evidence that England don’t allow chances


Could absolutely see this one ending 1-1 with penalties


You were right but fuck you




Nice call on 1-0 🤣


Not over til it's over 😂


Lol seconds away from looking quite clever . Maybe next time




I think people are being overdramatic, Frane has been ass but you don't see half the limp wrists crying about it.




I think people forget just how bad the 2016 team was. The quality in this squad is just not comparable. That said I dont see us getting past the Swiss.




Why didn't you just ignore the post and be quiet instead of being negative about it?


We were much better against Iceland. Our deliveries have been good tonight but nothing else.