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Drop Foden off at the airport and replace him with Gordon


Lmaoooo 🤣


Drop Foden, walker, and Trippier All have been crap


Walker was absolutely shit, he needs looking at 


Foden to Eze/Gordon Trippier to Gomez Guehi to Konsa


I think Kane is under performing. Put someone else out in front.


Maybe start Watkins. He has only played one came for a few minutes


Yes! Change up the energy a bit.


Foden and Trippier out for 2 players capable of offering pace and width.


We need a functional left side of the pitch


Gordon for foden Konsa for guehi who is suspended Gomez for trippier assuming he’s injured If putting in Gomez I’d be tempted to put Trent in to have one more attacking fullback but understand trying to limit change in the back line


Ideally Southgate and Holland out


Isn’t it weird how whoever plays or comes on we still play the same way. Suggests the tactics aren’t quite right.


https://preview.redd.it/583f4a8x6v9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a524f75585ed7f52e66dfaad6a6a304408a4b53d These were the match stats after England’s game against Slovakia


Safe changes. Gordon on for Foden, Gomez and Konza on for Guehli and Trippier. Riskier changes. Still Gordon for Foden and Gomez/Konza for Guehi, but also play TAA on the right with Walker on the left, or play TAA at left back.


Lock Southgate in his hotel room.


Mourinho ball is more entertaining than this rubbish Southgate is playing.


We need our wingers/fullbacks getting to the byline rather than lofting in crosses from outside the box. Those are the moments when we have looked dangerous this tournament. Key is getting our fullbacks higher up the pitch so we can overload teams on the wing. I would bring in Trent for Walker and then we can have get atleast one left footer- either Gordan or Shaw on the other side.


A lot. Speculation on fitness withstanding, the Denmark game was a great opportunity to rotate to give the front 3 a breather. Gordon, Palmer, Toney/Watkins are all clearly up for it. England are very fortunate to have a lot of talented players all over the pitch, but it means nothing if it's constant side-to-side or backwards passing. Need to be more comfortable with the idea of losing possession trying to make a quality pass but that also relies on the front 3 willing to make runs in behind. Kane looks tired, Saka has been a solid 7/10 and Foden isn't a winger.


So much tactically needs to change... Ignore the whole "drop x, drop y, drop z" nonsense. Switzerland play with a back 3/5 so Harry Kane is going to struggle as hes said himself he struggles with 3. Switzerland are good versus a back 4, they have a lot of pace so we should probably be looking to do a back 5 like scotland did which worked versus them. Guehi is out, and Dunk will definitely get caught out in a back 4. So who will Southgate favour, Konsa or Gomez? We will definitely need pace and width out wide. I'd probably go with like 5-2-2-1 or 5-3-2 but that would require big changes and dropping players, so i expect more of the same and Southgate to have this unquestionable faith in this system thats clearly not working.


Play foden 10 Bellingham 8 Watkins 9 and Gordon on the left drop rice for mainoo


Kane, who is intelligent, should politely be told that he isn't a ball-winming midfielder and at no point unless he's directly knocking a ball into space in front of him, should there be another English player ahead of him. He's crying out for a strike partner like Toney. Foden, Walker and Trippier have got to go. Trippier isn't fit and pulled up a few times. Walker seems fatigued/off the pace and Foden just doesn't fit how Southgate wants to play. Southgate wants to play like Stoke/Burnley, so use the players that can. 4-4-2. Wharton and Rice in the middle, big hunks of meat at the back and up front, Trent+ Saka one the right, Konsa/Gomez on the left with Bellingham/Gordon on the side. Kane+Toney up front.


I really don’t know why we aren’t trying to play players in their natural position Foden has been useless on the left but over the past 2 games whenever he’s popped up in that number 10 role, he’s managed to get a shot off or at least make something happen to a degree. Why he can’t play there, in the role that got him PL player of the season I don’t know. I know Bellingham has been great for Madrid in the 10 but Madrid paid £100m for Jude the 8 so it’s not like he can’t play there. He basically plays that role anyway on the pitch as he’s always dropping deep I’d start Palmer over Saka as he actually wants to take people on and then either Gordon or Eze on the left. The short periods we’ve seen of them both they both looked positive I can’t see Shaw playing now, we can’t try and get a player fresh from injury up to speed in a QF or later but I cannot watch Trippier play LB anymore. I’d either put Walker there or even use Gomez, he played there for Liverpool and did a solid enough job when asked and at least doesn’t pass inside every time


Foden is basically playing in that number 10 role, he just starts matches on the left. In fact, he has even played on the right in moments. His positional awareness is awful, as he's all over the pitch and getting into everyone's spaces


I see your point but if he was given that 10 position from the start I just feel like it plays to his talents whilst freeing up someone to actually make use of our left side which, at the minute, is non existent. Unless he’s being told to come inside then he needs to accept at least some of the blame for not staying left but i just don’t think the system is getting the best out of him It could be a disaster and not work but I’m struggling to see why we aren’t putting players into their best positions instead of insisting on playing our best players out of position just to get them on the pitch. It’s the same as the Gerrard/Lampard/Scholes issue of insisting to have them all play meaning at least 1 was out of position


Southgate did just that in the Iceland friendly a week before the Euros, and Foden was the worst player on the pitch for both sides, including some farmers. The thing that English fans for some reason have a hard time accepting is that Foden isn't the guy, he's just not, regardless of where you play him. Maybe if Pep one day decides to manage England, it'll be a different story. The obvious answer is to keep Bellingham in the 10 and replace Foden with Gordon. If you really want to drop Bellingham a little deeper into the box-to-box role, I would rather have Palmer as the 10 over Foden. Hell, at this point I would take Eze over Foden


I didn’t watch that game so didn’t realise he played in the 10, if that’s the case then I’m not going to argue if he was dropped. I don’t really think I’d have been bothered if he was anyway my point was more that for this tournament he’s only been starting out of position and I’d rather have seen him play his natural position to free up the left. I do agree and I don’t think it’s just Foden really, there’s an attitude that some players are ‘undroppable’ for England because they’re good for their clubs. Not sure if it’s just fan loyalty to their clubs and wanting to see their players or what but England need a manager who is brave enough to pick a team who works to the system they want and not just putting in our best players into any position just so they’re on the pitch


Regarding the undroppable thing, I feel like only England fans have this mentality. Fans of other nations like Spain, France, Germany, etc. have no issues with their club players getting dropped for the betterment of the squad. It's quite bizarre


Completely untrue outside the first game when he and TAA both played very centrally with lots of rotation. https://preview.redd.it/vutl16xj7w9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac41a053bbaebe63fb337308370ce911e50efc2b


Here is where he just had a brilliant season playing: https://preview.redd.it/xw1vbum28w9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed609b67898ffed42001992f4533a00e54a85660 It's honestly just brain-dead from Southgate. 4 games in and we still have 3 players playing not in their best positions for literally no reason.


I’m not saying this because I’m biased as a Gunner but Saka doesn’t deserve to be dropped. It’s Foden and Trippier on the left who’ve been the problem.


Not saying he’s been awful, and it could be a symptom of how the team is being set up but outside of the first 20 mins in the opening game he’s done very little. Palmer has looked much more positive on that right hand side in the short time he’s had on the pitch


Southgate and Steve Holland need to be dropped. England won’t play well until they’ve gone.


Eze left back again 😂 Did more than Trippier


One change for next game, Guehi to Konsa Trust the process, it got us this far.


Is not going to work against a well drilled proper team as Switzerland. Everyone can see that the team is unbalanced. 


Whole country can see that but Gareth and his coaches. They seem like a stubborn lot.


Drop Foden. Arrest Southgate for not bringing lb and pissing of Ben White. 


Mans not even playing TAA over walker, what's white gonna do? Sit on the bench more than Gomez?


U think TAA and Walker played well. Did u see what Walker was doing yesterday. Rewatch Walker and Stones. 


? Yeah he's not playing Trent over walker despite walker shitting the bed. He's never gonna touch Ben white with Trent ahead of him too


Problems are at LB and LW, how does RB White fix that? 


Have u seen Walker overlap? I dont think he did once yesterday. White is a better progressive passer and knows how to support Saka. 


If we want that we have Trent.


* First thing I'd be doing is telling Bellingham to stop roaming and to stick to the left side. He's more effective as a box to box left 8 and really doesn't need to be chasing the ball. Mainoo was great going forward on the right side, yet he got slowly pushed back and back as Bellingham seems to consider himself a number 10. So want to see much more 'vertical' running from bellingham and less horizontal. * Next, the one that everyone's been calling for. Gordon for Foden. We need that outlet. * I'd probably start Watkins and bring Kane on in the second half against tired legs. Again, watkins is another runner, which is much needed. * Lastly, this might be a bit of a drastic change but I think it's clear right now that we simply don't have any attacking full backs in the team. Walker barely overlaps and Trippier obviously struggles, missed that big chance vs slovakia (and is now injured). I'd ask Stones to move into midfield in possession as he has for Man City...both Walker and Rice are already comfortable playing next to an inverted defender and it lets Mainoo play more offensively - he doesn't look comfortable positionally when he's sitting deep. This also means we can bring on Palmer for Mainoo later in the game, which helps out Saka a ton as he's used to having a creative forward at RCM. My completely wild take that i'd like to see as an experiment (but really shouldn't be risked at this point) is Foden at false 9. To me, it seems like this is the only role he can play for England, he's just so used to playing on the defensive line and his greatest attribute is selfishly finding space and shooting. He brings no target man hold up play ofc but Kane's holdup has been mostly bad so far so not much is lost.