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It’s this and why we ignored Mitchell at Palace or Rico Henry at Brentford. Even if you don’t rate them as players if the profile was so important that it’s caused this mess they should have taken the next best English option regardless of the level they were at. They might get pilloried for it, but take second division players if need be: Leif Davis has been a great attacking threat at Ipswich and there are still players at this stage in the tournament who won’t be playing at a level as high as him next season.


Mitchell literally plays next to Guehi every week too. Shocking decision. 


Gareth seems to be fond of his partnerships at the back, with Walker-Stones and Maguire-Shaw being the nailed on combinations for the past few years. So it makes even less sense not taking Mitchell if he was considering Guehi as the replacement for Maguire.


Southgate also has his favorites. Trippier is absolutely one of those. Even after a shitty season he somehow gets picked for a squad place and in a position he doesn’t even play. It’s crazy. Chilwell had a poor season but he was definitely worth a gamble for second choice and first choice should have been Mitchell not Shaw.


It's so odd. 


Mitchell is disliked for other reasons apparently.


What other reasons?


100% agree. To take Shaw who clearly was never going to make it, nevermind the fact that even if he did recover his match fitness would be way off, it makes no sense whatsoever. For what everyone bangs on about Southgate not being like other England managers and shoe horning players into spots because of name only - he sure does a good impersonation of one. Mitchell would have been a solid backup and move for England. But as we know Southgate is a clueless tactician and at best a middle table championship manager.


Is Rico even available yet? He was out with a knee injury all season for Brentford.


ACL apparently, but it’s not stopped Shaw getting picked.


I agree with Davis. I think he’s arguably one of the top three English LBs, he’s just been hidden away in the lower leagues. Top flight doesn’t always mean best and we’ve seen lower league players in other international teams absolutely thriving. 


I was getting laughed at in here when I suggested him just before the squad first got announced. Trippier has been playing left back for a year or so now for England and it's been clear as day All along it hasn't worked once, glad everyone else sees the problem now


I’m very surprised at that - I’ve seen him play in person a number of times and he’s a truly special player.  I said on another post the other day that Trippier just looks tired too, which I’m sure isn’t helping. 


I’m very surprised at that - I’ve seen him play in person a number of times and he’s a truly special player.  I said on another post the other day that Trippier just looks tired too, which I’m sure isn’t helping. 


We will see with Davis how he copes in the PL.


Henry is injuried.


Taking Shaw and Chilwell was probably a bad idea, as they're both unfit, but Chilwell was at least fit enough to play. We should've took Chilwell and Mitchell, so we had two natural left backs to pick from.


Massively lacking fitness. Once Shaw was picked, he was never going. There's no point in having two unfit left backs who might or might not see any minutes.


I mean given that Shaw literally hasn’t played a single minute yet so far it’s not justified that he went ahead of anyone.


Oh, I totally agree. He should never have been in the final squad. There have been some poor, poor decisions and gambles that haven't come off in this tournament. I'm still 100% behind the team, but there are plenty of lessons for the next manager to make note of.


If (big if) he gets some minutes against Switzerland and we get to the semis and he starts then the gamble paid off imo, he’s definitely a huge part of what’s made the team work. I agree with everyone who said we should have taken another LB though, we’ve got several players who have not played a single minute so far so we definitely had room to take one


Southgate's aversion to making subs doesn't help Shaw's chances, but also we've never been in a comfortable situation in a match to easily give him a few minutes. If Trippier is injured it might force his hand though (if Shaw is actually fit enough to play a decent number of minutes).


Yeah I don't get the hate for bringing Shaw. Sure we should have brought another LB but the gamble on Shaw's fitness is one that was always worth taking. Having him available for the later rounds would be huge for the team. I still think Gareth took too many CBs. We have Guehi and Stones starting with Konsa, Walker, and Gomez who can also play there. I don't think bringing Dunk was necessary at all and, like Shaw, he hasn't played a single minute so far


AGREE, I replied to a different comment earlier saying the exact same thing about Dunk, we took Konsa and Gomez who offer a lot of versatility and I think are both better than dunk so didn’t see the point in taking Dunk when we were in much greater need at LB


Shaw surely had less? Shaw hadn't played in even longer than Chilwell, and Chillwell was at least fit enough to make it back to the bench before the end of the season.


I'm totally with you. I'm saying the reason he didn't go was because Shaw went, not that I agree with it. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and all that, but you have to ask yourself the thought process of taking a player so unfit/injured that even if he does play, there is no way he is making the 90, probably not even 60. It doesn't make sense, but the plan seems to have been to put all our eggs in a Shaw shaped basket when it comes to left back.


There’s nothing hindsight about it. A standard squad would be 2 of each position and a couple of flexible backups, and a third goalkeeper. To not take a second LB, even if shaw was 100% fit, is absolutely retarded. But then to add in shaws injury, then we should have been taking 2 LBs in addition to Shaw.


Yes, but with Southgates thinking he has that. In his mind, Trippier, Konsa, and Gomez are all there to potentially play left back if needed, and then you bring Shaw in when he is fit. He thought Shaw would be fit for at least a sub appearance in the last game in the groups, and then could be bought in for longer and longer in the next matches. Obviously, this was way out. Hence, with hindsight, he might make a different decision. I'm not saying he's right or it was a good idea, just what I think his thought process is in not taking Chilwell. He gambled big time on Shaw and has lost.


None of them are left backs, which is the fundamental failing in this line of thinking


There’s no point in having only one unfit left back


Probably not Chilwell but certainly a LB should have been selected. In a 26 man squad taking an injured Shaw was worth the risk but it looked mental at the time to not take another natural LB and it looks even crazier now. Especially when you consider that Shaw isn't someone who historically has had a lot of natural fitness and needed time to get back up to full speed.


He's played 12 minutes since March.


Shaw has played less tbf


True, and it definitely wouldn't have been 'insane' to not take Shaw either. Definitely wouldn't want more than one of the two.


More than Shaw and he made it back to the bench just before the end of the season, again which Shaw didn't.


Should’ve taken mitchell


He doesn’t like his attitude.


When did he say that?


It’s been implied in articles.


So he hasn’t said it. It’s been implied in articles for which you have no source, random person on the internet. Not gonna stake my house on that.


Don’t worry - you’re talking to the person who said with all the certainty in the world, that Southgate wasn’t going to take 26 players, and would not take Ollie Watkins


He keeps repeating this as though its an established fact. When I probed, no reliable source. Very strange behaviour indeed


You keep saying this. Very weird of you because have no evidence of this. Wonder what your motives are tbh….


He was horrific in the friendlies. Only has himself to blame.  I'd have taken Mitchell, he has an existing partnership with Guehi too.


This. He played himself out of contention. Another left-back should have gone however and I also agree it should have been Mitchell.


No he wasn't. He skied a shot and a cross Vs Brazil. Overall he was fine in both games.


I’m glad someone else remembers this, Reddit is an echo chamber of false perceptions these days. I like that he’s not afraid to get forward and send balls into the box, the team is missing someone who plays direct.


Honestly mate, it's been driving me nuts.


I feel like Chelsea fans are the only ones who won’t admit he has not been good for England. I don’t like Trippier on the left, but he’s been a much more reliable option for Southgate


Chelsea fan here, he's had a poor season and been injured loads. In fact I'm pretty sure Southgate played him in those two friendlies where he was poop whilst he was actually injured. Even though he hasn't had a great year and because Southgate won't take a chance on anyone else I think he should have gone. His defence might be crap but he's usually pretty good going forward and at least he would have been going forward and getting crosses in. All Trippier does is run forward and turn back as he's on his weaker foot, and he's not played well since Christmas either.


I mostly agree, Trippier has offered nothing - he's not even really been on set piece duty - and I do think Chilwell should have been in the squad. I just think he played himself into a tough position with Southgate


Doesn't help if you don't perform, however Southgate's decision to bring only one left back even if fit was stupid.


Taking 3 strikers when southgate knew he was goin to start Kane every game and not taking any true lb who are fit is criminal




I didn’t say anything about dunk or cbs at all


Not necessarily Chilwell, but we should have brought a proper LB to cover for Shaw. Shaw should basically have been one of those additional 3 that the 26-man squad announcement gave us. You'd definitely want him in case he could get fit as he's head and shoulders above anybody else in that position, but to take a currently injured, injury-prone player as the only LB was a ridiculous gamble, which is rather ironic given how risk-averse Southgate is with his tactics.


Funny that Trippier is picked for England as a LB when he's NUFCs third choice LB eith the first 2 choices being English.  I know it's tough to give people their debuts in a big tournament so I understand the thinking but still


He left out; a Premier league winner FA cup winner & Champions league finalist. All can play on the LW, but we have Foden there instead. We're in the quarter finals by the skin of our teeth playing boring as fuck but if we win the Euros Southgate can bang my misses... and then sack him.


Might not be injured now but as soon as he kicks a ball with the squad he would have been.


ZERO excuse for a 26 man squad.


Iirc he asked not to be selected because he's been injured


Players who have been at this level for enough time would still be better than an unbalanced system. Honestly Tyrick Mitchell being omitted from the discussion as well is ridiculous. You don't need stars in every position to win in tournament football (look at mittelstadt, hes been great so far). I'd have taken him over Chilwell, but both players would have done more than well enough.


Would you throw Mitchell straight in?


I'd have blooded him before the tournament, but Gareth should've been working with a consistent squad for the last 6 months. Instead he just kept trying to "figure out" what his best team is. I've always got time for good baseline positional players as a personal preference though. Even if I couldn't blood him 6 months ago, I'd have done it against Bosnia and Iceland.


He know his best team. There’s only been two changes from the WC QF - one injury and one because he got hounded out. Chillwell played the spring friendlies and was always ahead of Mitchell. Maybe Mitchell should have played in the pre tournament games but it’s a hard sell on a player who didn’t take his chance for England before and is probably levels below international football. You can’t fairly argue Southgate doesn’t know his best team and then demand a player is thrown in at the last minute.


I agree, if you read what I originally said I stated that I'd pick chilwell before mitchell. I just said mitchell shouldn't have been omitted from the discussion, which is academic, granted. There's nothing to say Mitchell wouldn't have been a perfectly good left back past Shaw and Chilwell, my point ultimately being that to maintain that balance, he'd be next in the pecking order by my personal estimation. With regards to the supposed contradiction in what I've said. In the ideal world you'd spend 6 months worth of international games pre tournament playing your first team to get them acquainted OR reacquainted with playing together and consistently. However the Left back situation needed a quick resolution, so bringing in Chilwell and Mitchell would not be ideal but would still be a better solution than taking 1 injured left back to a major tournament surely?


I would have taken Leif Davis at Ipswich, great attacking LB, you've also got Mitchell and Rico Henry. I hope Ipswich does well in the prem and he gets a chance at the England squad.


I think he's one good spell in the Premier League from making the squad.


And we'll see how he and Ipswich does this season. It's one of our worst positions since Luke Shaw is always injured with Ben Chilwell just as injury prone and Mitchell not yet fully in the team either. I think him and Mitchell would be great choices for the future of the team. Just an actual LB would be an improvement right now.


I was thinking this too but then thought how ridiculous it actually would have been


Taking a player without PL experience would have been very brave.


Better than an unfit Luke Shaw on the bench surely. Most assists in the championship for a reason.


Nobody seriously thinks that Davis, who's only played in the Championship for about 1 and a half seasons, at the age of 24, is the answer to England's left back issues. Batshit.


We just played against a 37 year old RB and you don't think Leif Davis offers more than Trippier. He has pace, can beat a man and has a left foot. He's inexperienced sure but Trippier cost us Guehi in the next game and struggles on the left. We've not played a really good side yet so I definitely think he could have played him in a game and see how he did.


He left Mitchell and Chilwell at home, he's hardly going to include Ipswich's left back to "see how he did" at a major tournament. Get a grip. Frankly, I'm surprised that Doughty isn't the hipster contrarians left back of choice


He should have called him up months ago and given him a friendly, taking an injured Luke Shaw and playing Tripper out of position there could easily cost us the tournament. Davis in a lower league that's played the whole season, while getting the most assists in the championship, is better than a Chilwell who's barely played this season. I don't disagree that we should have took Mitchell. At least one if not both of the 2. It's easy to say that a championship LB is a massive step down in quality compared to the premier league but we've not faced premier league level opposition. If we were playing Spain, France or Germany I'd agree with that statement but surely against the opposition we've faced Davis would have done a better job than Trippier. Just because he's left footed means he'd be able to do more than Trippier. Go watch how many times Trippier gets the ball in that game, is too scared to go forward, because he doesn't have a left foot, and passes the ball back. Maybe if he has a left foot he gets the ball quicker into Foden for the offside goal, Tripper is the reason we lost Guehi for the next match. Every single time he passes back, an actual LB will look to go forward on that side making more room in the middle and give the defence a problem. They barely had to try on that side which meant they could cover Saka more easily because he was our best asset going forward. I'm not saying Davis is the be and and end all but any LB would be better right now than Trippier and with the ones available I would have took Mitchell and Davis.


"We've not faced Premier League level opposition". And yet England just about scraped through the group with 2 draws and Slovenia held both England and Portugal to 0-0s, one AET. Nobody thinks that Trippier at LB is working but in the same breath nobody serious thinks Davis is the answer or was even remotely close to the squad. Players ahead of Davis, who weren't picked: Chilwell, Mitchell, Doughty, Lewis, Hall, Livramento, Colwill, Burn


Just naming Prem players without understanding player profiles shows how little you actually know. Probably listen to TalkSport for your football knowledge. Only people on that list that make sense are Chilwell but he's shite, and Livramento but why did Leif produce more than them? He's in the Prem next season so you might get to watch him play.


This is genuinely hilarious. Try not to contradict yourself within two posts: 1) "I would've taken Mitchell" 2) "Only people on that list that make sense are Chilwell and Livramento" As for "why did Leif produce more than them" then I guess we should've taken Paul Mullin because he scored more than Toney 🤣🤣


Very rusty seeing as he’s just coming off an injury but I would have still preferred him to just hoping Trippier or Konsa can put in a shift at LB. At the very least drop 1 of the 3 strikers we’ve brought with us.


In a 23 man squad I’d have gotten the logic, in a 26 man squad I’m very surprised he was y selected. Granted that even when he had played this season, he’s looked questionable at best, and if Shaw was healthy I’d have gotten it, but with Shaw even less fit than him I did find it weird. I think a similar case can be made for Reece James too, yes he’s a RB but I think he’d have suited LB far more than Trippier has


I don't think a LB would even fix our problems. Trippier has been bad, but he unfortunately has still be one of the most creative players for England so far. In fairness to Trippier he has set up two goals, which were ruled out for Foden being offside. I think he would perform a lot better if he actually had someone that was actually a left winger rather than his only options being inside, and probably wouldn't be getting as much stick had Foden held his run.


He didn't play him last tournament. Sure wouldn't this time.


Southgate knowingly picked a squad with no proper left-back option – Shaw, at best, was going to be available in the third game, and even then, a ridiculous gamble given lack of match fitness. Mitchell should have been selected ahead of Dunk, because there is more than enough cover if Stones/Guehi were injured or suspended (Konsa, Gomez and Walker at a push).


Shaw will play this Saturday. 5-3-2. I just know it.


It’s been a truly frightening oversight in my opinion.


He has an unfortunate compulsion to square up to anyone under the age of 21.


The weird thing is (myself included) I feel like the biggest talking point pre tournament was who was going to be selected in the squad in midfield, Wharton, Mainoo etc. Yet the fact we decided to take only one natural left back, one who hasn’t played in over 4 months didn’t get anywhere near the same amount of commentary. Can’t see us going with a back 3 and WB’s as Guehi is suspended, don’t think he will play Gomez there, so a half fit Trippier on Saturday it is!


Surprised Southgate didn’t play safe & taken Big Dan Burn. Replace Harry Maguire’s set piece threat and cover LB all in one fell swoop lol


Chilwell was basically the most complained about player on the sub after the friendlies. If fit during the second half of the season he definitely should have gone, but as it stands would he be better than Gomez?


Chilwell was absolutely awful in the pre-tournament friendlies. Played his own way out of the squad. Agreed we need a proper left-back, but they are thin on the ground. Maybe Lewis Hall.


Southgate is very insane that explains your answer. The only logical explanation for why he picked Trippier is because they are friends. Because there is no way you can actually watch football and think Trippier (who has no left foot) is better at left back than Chilwell or Mitchel. He has sacrificed the left hand side for the past 4 games to keep his favourite happy. He’s a joke mate




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Chilwell have never been consistent nor has he played much at all this season. He’s a complete unknown. Likely make a mistake due to lack of sharpness or just fall to bits because he’s made of glass. Trippier was the safer more experienced option with Gomez a strong second. This isn’t your FIFA career mode sorry.


Trippier is completely shit at left back because he’s so right footed so he always cuts back in to the field, takes too long on the ball before passing it sideways or backwards. And he doesn’t have the skill or athleticism to dribbling down the line because that’s not his game. That’s why Slovakia’s game plan was to crowd the midfield with 5 players and restrict the effectiveness of Mainoo, Rice and Bellingham and leave Trippier completely free on the left for most of the game because they felt he wasn’t going to be good enough to punish them. And he didn’t punish them. It’s not his fault because that’s not even his position. It’s the fault of his stupid manager for some unknown reason is perfectly fine with torpedoing England’s left hand side for 4 games in a row so that he can keep his friend in the team.


He has been bad for a year. Form has been awful, but knowing shaws injury record. Why didn’t he try some alternatives…. Rico Henry? Mitchell. Play Trent there… see how he gets on. It’s negligent to just resort to trippier and have his fingers crossed for Shaw. Branthwaite as well an actual left footer in the provisional squad.. 🤯


Graeme Le Saux may as well have gone.


Leif Davis was the obvious choice, but apparently being the best fullback in the Championship doesn't mean anything when you can take someone that hasn't played for 5 month.


There is quite a difference between the championship and PL. Look at how many Players who have done well in the championship flop in the PL the east season when promoted up.


Yeah I agree but Leif is someone I watched quite a lot this season and he's a great offensive full back, lead the league for assists and his work rate is elite, plays a similar role for Ipswich as Shawberto Carlos does for country imo. I get there is a definite gulf in quality in the league but honestly the left back is generally a weak position in the league in general, moreso for country so I don't understand why not really. But it's Southgate all over, no risks taken, just questionable decisions.


Davis was the "obvious choice" for contrarians or the ignorant.


Or people that actually watch football.


There were about 8 players ahead of him who didn't get picked 🤣


In you're head sure, using emojis says it all. 14 year old Fifa player talks football.


Oh dear, pretty much your entire post history is about FIFA 🤣 14 is either your age or your IQ. Possibly both. https://preview.redd.it/bujzb2ah4gad1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e085d6af338229c14a1ae02e7adee8b5f0db96


I play it for a living mate, made 4k last week. What do you do with your spare time? I go to football matches.


I play football matches mate, made 20k last week.


Thanks for the laugh, explains why you talk like a fucking child and know fuck all. Keep dreaming lil boy. Maybe you'll afford tickets to a Prem match one day.


It's hard to imagine anything more embarrassing than someone claiming to earn "4k" from FIFA, who is about to "go on holiday to Antigua" while getting all worked up by arguing with "lil boys". Nobody believes you.


Should've take Chilwell and James tbfh.. taking and injured Shaw and dodge Trippier was the mistake


Trippier is arguably Newcastle's 4th best Left Back behind Englishmen Livramento, Burn and Hall. I've always said about taking Burn in an England team because it allows TAA as a free roaming RB and moving to a back 3 while in possession. Also the man's a gazillion foot tall for set plays.


I love Big Dan Burn, but his main weakness was really exposed last season - ie he can't match a speedy winger in a foot race. Lewis Hall, the lad we just acquired from Chelsea, is proving himself to be an outstanding player and the obvious starting LB for Newcastle. He is young, but Southgate should have taken him as Luke Shaws backup instead of Trippier.